Before I really get started, I wanted to address a few issues brought up in comments and email. A few folks asked about the expected coup d'etat - a twist which would enable one houseguest to overthrow the Head of House. Julie Chen mentioned it at the very end of the live show on Thursday night. I don't really know how it will work and I believe the houseguests are unaware it's coming. It was a teaser for us. For the person who asked about George being on BB Slop for sixty days, it was the price he paid for winning the POV which saved his butt in the house.
Another issue which was brought up is that this blog isn't exactly straight reporting or that I have a bias. No, it isn't and yes, I do. I do tell the events of the house and I often insert my own personal feelings in editor's comments. I'm not someone just going by rote here. I have my favorites and houseguests I'd like to see gone. While I do have a bias with the houseguests themselves, I welcome fans or dislikers (haters is such a strong term) of all houseguests. I won't/don't put others down for not thinking along the same lines as me. It wouldn't be as much fun if we all had the same favorites, I don't think. So, don't expect me not to be snarky about houseguests at times. But you can expect me to respect your opinion.
/soapbox and onto what's been happening today in that Big Brother House of Spiders And The Flies Who Get Caught In The Web:
- Marcellas told Danielle she should put up Janelle and Kaysar instead of Janelle and James, then put in Howie if the Veto is used. He said that he can't condone Janelle's behavior in the house.
- Will told Janelle that someone from S6 has to go this week. He said he's working on it being James to go. [Editor's note: Except when he's with James telling him Janelle should go.]
- Danielle asked Kaysar who she thinks she should nominated. He told her that he thinks she's already made up her mind.
- Danielle then asked him if he or Janelle had a deal with Chill Town. He told her they didn't. Danielle told him the events this past week have her confused and she really doesn't know what to do. [Editor's note: I don't think so! Danielle is one of the most clever and sneaky players in the house. I think she knows exactly what she's doing every time she speaks to anyone in there.]
- Chicken George isn't feeling too well today. It may be because of the real food last night after his time on BB Slop.
- Kaysar told Danielle that they didn't put up Chill Town first because there were other targets going around like snakes in the grass. He was "trying to position himself." He assured her that she was never a target of S6.
- Danielle told Kaysar that he's the only one she can trust as he doesn't lie. [Editor's note: I bet she says that to all the houseguests!]
- Janelle told James that Marcellas leaks information. [Editor's note: As if James doesn't...!]
- Janelle thinks she will go no matter who's on the block with her. She told Will he needn't try to push for James to go even though Will told he can't be trusted.
- Danielle told Marcellas she can't nominate Howie because she promised she wouldn't when he was on the web in the HOH Comp.
- Marcellas told Danielle just to let him know who she wants out and he'll vote with her.
- Will insulted Internet BB fans and, more specifically those who own a fat cat. Uh-oh!
- Will told Mike he can go ahead and have a showmance, but don't trust Erika -- she'd throw them both under a bus in a heartbeat. [Editor's note: I think so, too. She's a lot more scheming than given credit for at times. Just thinking of the HOH pass-off to Danielle... it keeps Erika in the shadows and will make Danielle a larger target the next week.]
- Will and Mike met in the toilet stall and maybe are playing the viewers, maybe not - Will said they should flip the vote and then target Danielle next week. I don't know. I'm just reporting that one.
- Danielle, at least now pre-nom, seems pretty set on nominating Janelle and James, with Janelle being the target. The nominations ceremony hasn't been held yet. That could be a red herring or reality. We don't know yet.
- They're in lockdown now. I'll post a quick update if it's the nomination ceremony and the names get mentioned.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
What does the graphic say under James' picture?
Great job Jackie. You are a saint.
Under Danielle it says "Who's the spider?" Under James it says "Who's the fly?" It flips a bit fast on James. Maybe Divine Intervention? ;-)
And thank you!
Jackie I adore your commentary and I like it when yu throw in your two cents worth, it gives other perspective. Danielle and James are both such sneaks I would love it if something comes up that upsets their little plan
thanks to Zoetawny for the great artwork too!
Keep up the good work. I love your inputs. If people think you are bias, then they don't need to read your blog. I love your comments. It makes it great reading.
god, that fucking snake! i hate james AND marci! marcellas is just nothing to me now, poor janelle!!
Your doing a GREAT job Jackie!! I cant wait to see Janelle walk her bleach blonde butt out of the house. I guess its time to pull a Janelle from last season and say
Hey Jacks - you keep doing what you do best which is this! I love your little comments - and just because I agree with you 99% of the time - doesn't matter! The fact that you do this is so great and whoever said those nasty things should just shove it.....
thanks Jackie, you make the show so much better! I don't understand Danielle's strategy... she aligned herself with James and then nominates him... but he has a pass maybe that keeps the the alliance intact?
Jackie, James pass is to take one vote off of himself not a sure thing, Right? Thanks Jackie your the best, I still have a gut feeling Danelle's nominations of Janelle and James will come back to bite her in the Azz.
Tom S
I love the job you do on this blog and the way you do it. It's fun. You have a refreshing, unique style.
I really enjoy reading your comments and even when I don't agree with them, they always make me stop and think a little more. It brings some more intrest to the show. I never expected you to think or feel the same way I do. I guess that's one of the reasons I KNOW you are doing a great job keeping us all posted! Wouldn't it be boring if we all thought the same way. Keep up the great job that you are doing.
Hey Jackie. I love your blog and the comments you add makes me love it more. Keep it up!!!!!!
Hey, Jackie..
IMO, all of your input, bias, perspective, and snide comments (!) are what make your blog TOPS. You are simply THE BEST (sing it, Tina...).
Thanks for all you do - and for keeping us laughing day in and day out!
Danielle must go.....I agree she's the sneakiest, Marcellas is weak without her.
James must go too, I just can't stand him, when he talks he has zero expression on his face, only his little lips move!
I want Janelle to win, then Will then Kaysar.
Bring back Jase somehow....loved watching him and he got screwed by James, was never sadder by any eviction than to see him go.
Go Janelle! Go Will!
Does the egg that James got in the competition mean he can veto his eviction?
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