Saturday, August 05, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Saturday - 8/05

Whoa! Stop the spinning house and let me off! Well, no... if anything, I'm more interested in what's going to happen this week. I've been tracking these folks and I'm still at a loss over who's with whom, who's lying when and what's going on in the other room! But, I'll tell you what I think about it all!

Here are the late night and overnight events and/or important or confusing happenings from that Big Brother House of Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Confusion:

  • When Janelle told Will that Kaysar said he wouldn't use the Veto if he played and won, Will told her he was wussing out on some sort of high moral ground or didn't want to choose. Will told her that if he (Will) won it he wouldn't use it because Mike may be put up on the block.
  • Will's working Janelle against Kaysar for some reason of his own. He told her if Kaysar didn't back her up now, he never would. He also said that if Kaysar is in the end, no one would win against him.
  • Meanwhile, Erika and Kaysar seem to be bonding more. She doesn't want him to be mad at her; he claims he isn't mad. She told him she didn't want HOH. She wasn't targeting Howie, but wanted to make sure she was safe before she went down.
  • James told Howie that Janelle is campaigning against him (which she doesn't seem to be doing at all).
  • Danielle was called to the Diary Room and was expected to have some sort of announcement from Big Brother -- so we got flame/clouds.
  • When the feeds returned, the houseguests were sitting with Janelle and James in the nominations chairs. Will was telling the others that he actually does like everyone in the house, but something must be wrong with them if they're in the house. [Editor's note: He's right. I certainly wouldn't be in that house!]
  • Okay, they picked POV partners... some rather odd choices. Janelle chose Marcellas (with whom she's feuding and he told her he wouldn't vote to save her). Danielle doesn't understand the choice and neither do I. Mike is playing for James and Will is playing for Danielle. Eep. Don't ask why, I have no clue. All I know is there must be a plan going on!
  • Danielle told Marcellas that if Boogie wins and takes Janelle off, she'll put Will on the block. She told him she won't warn Mike, she'll just do it.
  • Danielle also told Marcellas that right now she's not sure she'd pick James over Janelle. [Editor's note: I'm sure Danielle knows exactly what she's doing. I think she's just not saying.] She seems to be planting the seeds to rally against James with him, but not outright committing herself to anything.
  • Will dropped by the room where all of S6 (including James) were talking. Dead silence for a bit, but they told him to stay. I noticed James quietly got up and left as the plain ol' not game talk went on.
  • Danielle told Mike Boogie that if Janelle wins Veto and saves herself, Kaysar would go up. [Editor's note: Seeds. Planting. All over the place!]
  • Kaysar told Janelle she would (long pause) probably have his vote to stay. He seems to have fallen for James' tales of woe and betrayal by Danielle.
  • Janelle said if she goes, S6 MUST work with Chill Town to stay in the game.
  • Danielle and Kaysar talked. He told her that he wasn't surprised by her nominations and he thinks she plans ahead. She didn't confirm the planning ahead at all.
  • Danielle told him that she thought he was honorable, but something was wrong within his group. She seems to be working on him to desert S6.
  • Janelle really thinks she's going to be the one going this week. Me? I'd prefer James gone and Janelle to remain. But I don't get a vote.

Graphic by Zoetawny.


Anonymous said...

Everyone lies to everyone else and it's beyond me Jackie, how you figure out as much as you do. Just keep the information coming and I will just scream silently because the lies drive me nuts. Do you think there is anyone in that house that tells the truth??

Jackie S. said...

George seems very honest - he doesn't commit often, but when he gives his word he keeps it.

Anonymous said...

Danielle is not so smart, they will catch on to her playing so many sides!

Anonymous said...

Danielle and Marcellas are actually the two sneakiest in the house and THEY must go SOON. I really thought I would enjoy watching Marci this season....have not so far. Too whiney and sullen. I actually hope Janey gets POV and Mike gets put up and goes. Then I bet Season 6 would magically realign. BTW....when is the POV ceremony? Today?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Jackie...if either James or Janelle has to go I'd rather it be James. I know the game is to stay in the house, but James should take a page from Danielle and be clever about it. She may be telling different stories to various houseguests, but at least you don't really know where she stands. James is so obvious..he lies and everybody in the house knows it. It's not that you don't like him...he's just so devious you don't want him around anymore.

Janelle's choice of Marcellas as her POV may make a lot of less to have to beat... Marcellas isn't a very good example of a POV winner. Now the rest of the players... that's another story...she truly has her work cut out for her againts Will, Mike, James, and Danielle. I'm campaigning for Jani...she makes the house interesting... hope she wins it!

Thanks Jackie..meb

Anonymous said...

Actually, yeah, the POV choices seem right. Marcellas is weak, Mike and Will, although could win, will probably not even try. They don't want any more targets on them. Unless Mike has heard that he is the next choice...but I doubt he knows that. Good choices, I think.

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering if the Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance might be Danielle and Marcellus...Mr. and Mrs. (Will) Smith!

Anonymous said...

Jackie what are your thoughts on the coup d'etat. The description for a coup d'etat is:

"seizure of a 'government' by a small group".

Now this government would be HOH... so who do you think the small group might be?

This is getting "velly interresstink!" meb

Anonymous said...

OH,my aching head!! I am still in favor of James leaving the house,but if BOOGER can possibly end up in one of those chairs,then I will flip flop faster than a hamster in my vote.....LOL.

I think Janie IS thinking ahead to the POV and MarJEALOUS was a very good pick. What does he win...nothing!And CT are just going to cover their butts and I am not so sure how able they are to win anyway. And Dani win...PUH LEEZE..she had to have the HOH handed to her on a silver platter.

And so it goes,they ALL are lying with maybe the exception of George and Kaysar. I think it wise of K not to commit to any promise so early and George is smart,he keeps things to himself and will say he's not sure instead of lying to everyone.But will it get them to the end???

And IF Erika is truly in a "thing" with BOOGER,she has my sympathy. If he's all she can get...poor thing. Maybe it's his money cause it sure ain't his looks or personality!!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, Thanks for your updates, I agree George seems very honest, I hope coup d'etat will mean in the end after someone is voted off or after pov the hoh can be thrown out of power and a anonymous vote would replace them, but thats to much to ask for, I think Janelle picked Marcelles because he's the weaker player.


Anonymous said...

I may be the only one who has been for George from the beginning because of his honesty and for being a man of his word.

Anonymous said...

When is the POV ceremony? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I agree that George seems to be the only decent person in the house. He deserves something good from this.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see the Diary room sessions with Danielle

Lucy said...

I would love to see more diary sessions - especially Danielle's and Will's - as they are the most interesting part of the show.

Danielle is playing gardener now and planting seeds of destruction all through the house. Can her garden thrive and produce the end result she hopes for or are there too many wild weeds or should I say Will wilds scattered among here crop?

Anonymous said...

As much as I would love for Janie to stay I think she will be the one voted out this week. The S6 is falling apart. I think it will come down to Dani and will in the end. Thanks Jackie for your updates.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are talking like the nominees actually got to pick their POV players. Do we know for sure that's true and that it wasn't some random pulling the balls out of the bag thing?

Anonymous said...

Geez, I just want Jannelle to stay! If James stays, there will always be confusion. I really wish this would happen:

Voted for Janelle to stay! =(

Anonymous said...

I think George is the best too but I'm afraid that the rest of them will get rid of him because he is so honest and that just doesn't jive with all the liars in the house.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what is wrong with me then, George is my least fav, along with Marcellas and Danielle. They are no fun to watch and make no decisions for themselves. They just do what they are told. No fun.

Anonymous said...

First I love S6 (except for James he annoys me). But I think Jani made a HUGE mistake last week getting rid of Diane and I think it's going to come back and bite her in the butt this week. Why is she listening to Will? Last season I thought she was a strong player with a good head on her shoulders. Now? Not playing smart going against her S6 alliance. Her alliance is mad at her, James is spreading lies, and since she's such a strong player they will get rid of her which is sad.

Marcellas has been annoying me this season too. He is such a two-faced queen that needs to go. He's so sweet to Jani's face and then rats her ass out in the diary room. Not impressed with him this year.

Chicken George...soooo cute!! I love him. He seems like a nice guy in a bunch of snakes. He was the cutest little blueberry during his veto competition.

Just some random thoughts. Looking forward to Sunday night's show.
Thanks for the updates....keep up the great reporting!!!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I am so sad and disappointed in the way this season is being played. I commented on it last night also. I am tired of constant manipulation and lying by the majority of the players. This isn't fun in the real world, so I am not finding it fun as a source of entertainment. I am a huge BB fan and fan of your blog, but I am growing weary quickly this season. Even your pal over at HamsterWatch is feeling this too. What can the producers do to lighten things up and get rid of all the negativity? I am hoping for America's vote in an elimination or HoH to show the houseguests we are watching and on to their evil ways. I don't enjoy watching Danielle eat people alive and James self importance while he lies through his teeth. Thanks Jackie!

Anonymous said...

Here's my hit list:

Anonymous said...

"Great balls of confusion" for SURE! LOL! ITA with one of the posters comments as to how you figure out as much as you do. ;) There are so many lies floating around in that house I wonder if the house guests even remember who and what they lied about. At this point, I think only Danielle and Will know their own true motivations. It is going to be an exciting week.
Thanks once again for your late nights and lack of sleep just to keep us informed of the latest.

Anonymous said...

Janie wins pov!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Janelle won POV-

Anonymous said...

I predicted Janelle would win POV -

Becky Lyn said...

Boogie just said something to Will about winning a trip to Aruba and winning a plasma TV! It sounds like maybe this is a 2 part comp.?.? Alison might have been there and the comp had something to do with a graveyard...??? This is just what I have heard listening to boogie, Will, Dani and now James...And James is assuring himself that he has Boogies and Wills vote and Boogie and will want Dani to put up Marce