<-- Mike still isn't allowed to get his foot wet due to the stitched cut.
Ah, but it gives me a reason to mention things I wish the houseguests didn't have! The hot tub. Exercise equipment. If you don't have the live feeds, it's almost impossible to imagine the noise they make drowning out some really neat backstabbing... er... conversations. Yeah, no knives involved. Well, not since Season 2, anyway.
I guess you want to know what's happened since the nomination ceremony in the Big Brother House of Acrimony:
- If he has any confidence in Danielle's objective to remove Janelle and not him, James didn't show it... fussing, immediately heading to the S6 group to complain, yelling at the cameramen behind the walls and so on. He is NOT a happy camper even if his safety was guaranteed. He did NOT want to be nominated for any reason. If he's acting , it's good. I think most of it is an act, but I think he's a bit worried, too. He had pleaded with Danielle not to do it.
- In her nomination speech, Danielle said something to the effect of "I'm not here to do your dirty work and I'm not going to stand around to be picked off while you decide what you want to do."
- Danielle told Erika she moved Marcellas' key more towards the end just to make him worry.
- Danielle is still going on and on about Janelle referring to her as a "weak player."
- Marcellas has now latched onto Danielle. That's odd. She's not blonde.
- Marcellas is worried that Janelle will want him to play for POV for her. [Editor's note: @@ Needs an eyeroll. He's not the strongest player she could choose and she doesn't really trust him as of late.] The houseguests seem to think they'll get to choose POV players this week, but I don't know if they have concrete news or if it's in their minds like someone returning.]
- Kaysar told Janelle that if he wins HOH next week, he plans to nominate Danielle and Marcellas, with Marcellas the target.
- Mike told Janelle and Howie that they've been good to them the last few weeks and if they want them to play for the Veto, just let them know. They'll do anything they want.
- James asked Erika if his acting was good. She thinks it is.
- Janelle fussed that no one wants to hang out with her now. She believes that James thinks it's all her fault for not putting up Will.
- Marcellas told her nuh-uh when she asked if she had his vote.
- Janelle told Will that even if she goes, Howie and Kaysar will work with them.
- Kaysar told Janelle he doesn't know what he'd do or who he'd save if he won the Veto. [Editor's note: I think he might save Janelle or leave the noms as they stand. I doubt he'd save James.]
- Kaysar also told her Howie wouldn't use it if he won it. They don't want to play favorites. [Editor's note: Hmmm... I have no clue what's going on there. I would think Howie would indeed use it to save Janelle.]
- The S6 Players are all acting like James is still a member of their alliance, even moreso than a week ago. I don't know if it's strategy or what since they've often said how much they distrust him.
- Will talked to Danielle for a long time. At one point he said, "I told them I was just trying to make a show here..." - FLAME/CLOUDS! They're talking like an alliance and best of friends, but I don't think either applies. She mainly talked about Janelle has to go.
- Will told Danielle that Marcellas should assume he wanted to save Janelle and he was setting the stage so if she stays, she goes after him (Marcellas). Danielle told him that Marcellas only wanted to go against Janelle because he thought she was in with Chill Town. [Editor's note: Dang, have they thought this all three moves ahead while I'm thinking one? It sounds a bit like Danielle and Will actually want James out, Janelle to stay and Marcellas to go. Oh, no. My head hurts now.]
- Danielle thinks Kaysar threw the HOH Comp. I barely caught him falling and it went to flame/clouds, so I can't say.
- Will told Mike, in front of Danielle, he's committed to folks in this order: Mike, Danielle, James. He said no one would ever think James because they act like they don't like each other. [Editor's note: I said my head hurts. It hurts more now.]
The more I listen, the more confused I get. I honestly think that Danielle and Will are playing out their own personal schemes in the house. At this point I could see them being the final two.
Now that's a scary thought. Love your reports Jackie.
Danielle's strength is that she plays smart and knows the game, her weakness is that sometimes she just has to tell somebody (anybody) how clever she is. I keep thinking that no matter what they say that Will and Boogie want Janelle in the Sequester House, so they might do what they can to keep her around that long. And what might BB have in store for them that will throw them all for a loop? And Jackie, who do you think if "running the house"...does any one player seem to have the power? I can't get a read on that this season. Sue
Whoa! I have been watching too and my head is spinning. The constant lying is making actually bothering me this year. I know it is part of the game, but I am starting to get physically ill when I watch how perfectly they all lie to each other. It makes you wonder what they are like out in the real world. I enjoyed seasons past much more when there were clearer lines in the sand and you could choose a side. These people are really starting to bug the **** out of me.
I still believe Will is fooling Danelle and James BIG-TIME - their target is James - even MARCELLes will have no choice but to end up voting out James - I'm normally 95 % correct in my remote viewing, Janelle will win PVO, Danelle should realize she and Marcelles are next on the list, if she's as smart as she thinks she is she would backdoor Marci
Sue - I don't think anyone in particular is "running" the house. I think the players in trouble or with dubious immediate futures are Marcellas, James, Janelle, Mike and to a lesser extent, Howie. Danielle and Will seem to have some sort of individual plans. Erika and George are in the woodwork. Kaysar would be woodwork if not for being a part of Season Six.
I think that the coup d'etat will blow everything up. They don't know it's coming and I wish I knew more about it!
why on earth did Janelle pick Marcelles as her POV buddy? Danelle picked Will?? This is crazy James - Mike??
Does anyone know what exactly is in the "slop?"
Cream of wheat I think....plain
if marcellas wins pov on janie's behalf and doesn't use it, he'll have basically become the danielle of this season, since he pretty much talked her into letting him play for it. i agree with the other commentor, the lying is even a bit much for me, and i normally like my reality shows on the deceptive side...
and shame on howie and kaysar for not helping janelle out with pov!
I have a feeling that Kaysar and Howie have back away from Janey a bit after her moves from last week. By her saying that she was going to do what was 'best for her,' that signaled to her alliance that it could be the beginning of 'every man/woman for him/herself.' I think that Howie and Kaysar are still loyal to her, but maybe they also realize that she made some strategic errors that have affected their ability to play the game well. However, I really hope she doesn't leave this week! She adds to the fun...as opposed to the misery James brings to all of us!
Marcellus wants to play for POV to protect himself. That's why he wants to team with Janelle. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't use it if he won.
I'm starting to become very disappointed with S6. I'm still rooting for them, just not as much.
I still can't shake the feeling that the S6 alliance was not the real alliance. Will called out Kayser in the beginning as an "enemy" yet has not made any moves to have him removed and vice-versa. I believe the real alliance is Will, Kayser, Janelle and Boogie. This week I see Janelle as the pawn and the real target is James. In her season, when she needed to - Janelle won POV. I think she will do it again unless she is being set up for an America's vote on who returns to the house?? James was left vunerable with his rants last week after Janelle's selections - it showed the weakest link to the alliance of S6 if indeed this is a true alliance. I just find it odd that Will has given up his rants of wanting to go home and has never even mentioned or treated Kayser as an enemy...
This is odd stuff going on..
Wow - I am so confused. I thought janele picking marcellas as her POV partner was speculation. Is this now fact?
My mind is spinning. Of course Howie and Kaysar would save Janelle. Wouldn't they??
Getting dizzy....
Are Mike and Erica also an alliance? Heard they are dating outside of house.
Hi Jackie! Thanks for the updates.
Wouldn't it be great for it would make MY day, if the audience gets to vote a HG out..
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