Sunday, August 06, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Overnight Into Sunday 8/06

I think my own personal keyword for this season will be "odd." It's an odd season indeed. We started with houseguests who already knew each other or, at the very least, knew the strategy styles of others. That's odd in and of itself as the show's premise is along the lines of "12 strangers locked in a house." And it's grown even more odd since the season got underway.

The houseguests, for the most part (you can exclude George here), are demanding. Being labeled "all stars" seems to make them feel that they're special and deserve more than houseguests in previous seasons. Then there's the talk that the producers are rigging the show. There's always that talk every season, but it does seem that this season's houseguests are complaining more about the production staff than in any season I've watched before. I've always had the live feeds and this season is unbelievable. The houseguests make a mere mention of "producer" and we're blocked in a jiffy. Odd, ain't it?

I think I'll be happy when, if the series is renewed, we're back to strangers in the house. I was never too keen on All Stars seasons for reality shows and, while I am watching and admit that I'm intrigued and want to see what happens, this season is just coming up... odd.

Oh, well... here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Oddness and Cots:

  • Danielle has a port-a-potty in her Solitary Confinement. She spent quite a bit of time reading the instructions on how to use it. I can't see the concept being that complicated!
  • Will turned the showmance charm on Janelle and drew her further into his web. He and Mike Boogie had said earlier it was time to turn up their showmances with Janelle and Erika (repectively) and, so Will did. Will Janelle fall for the charm that is the Ultimate PuppetMaster? I don't know.
  • Marcellas sulked, then he moped. Then he sulked some more. He should be happy -- this season is perfect for a Drama Queen!
  • Mike accidentally buzzed in to receive the not participating in POV next week (POV Comp yesterday). Apparently he thought he was buzzing in for $10,000, not ten points. He did win the $5,000 and in the HOH Comp on Thursday, $10,000. So, it's not like he hasn't won cash!
  • Will talked to Danielle through her slot. He seemed to be trying to make her feel better, but he's Will. He had a reason. He tried to convince her to make a truce with Janelle and oust Marcellas.
  • Shades of Shannon cleaning the toilet with Hardy's toothbrush, Mike Boogie wiped the floor with Marcellas' washcloth. He then turned to a camera and mentioned it was Marcellas' washcloth. BB yelled at him to stop.
  • Will and Mike are actively campaigning just about anyone who will listen to get rid of Marcellas. Um... well, they haven't discussed it with Marcellas, mind you.
  • James and Howie don't want to be stuck in sequester with Marcellas.
  • Erika and Kaysar had another long heart-to-heart talk. "What am I doing here?" Kaysar seems genuinely troubled by this season and his choices. With Erika, I don't know. She puts on a good interested-in-listening face, she always did. But I get the feeling that she's always playing the game.
  • No one seems to be happy. Aww. Poor babies. My heart bleeds for them. I don't know what they expected, caviar and fine champagne every evening?
  • Erika told Kaysar that she was very upset that one houseguest seemed to rejoice about Danielle going into Solitary. She didn't mention which one, but my own personal guess would be Janelle (although I saw nothing of the kind). I don't know if this was an Erika strategy move or reality. Kaysar told Erika he wants to leave - he'd rather go clerk in a coffee shop.
  • Will and Janelle had a hot water spray fight in the kitchen (the only hot water in the house) until BB yelled at them.
  • At 1:00 AM their time, BB announced it would be lights out in one hour. About time this was enforced this season!
  • Despite their (Janelle and Kaysar) vow to wake up at 7 AM for exercise, Danielle is the only one awake as I post this entry at about 9:30 their time. She's moping and pacing.

Graphic by Zoetawny.


Anonymous said...

Jackie it is an odd season. I love Janelle, but I think she is being "had" by Will...pardon the pun...and I realy thought she was smarter than that...dumb blond she isn't altho I think a lot of people believe she is. Anyway, I hope she is just playing along with Will to try to stay safe in the house...Oh how I'd love it if she's just playing with Will... again no pun..oh never mind.

When does Danielle get out of jail?
Are we to assume this was the coup d'etat of which Julie spoke?
What actually gets shown on TV tonight. You've kept us so up-to-date I've lost track of everything.

Thanks again Jackie for all your recaps. You are the best!!!


Jackie S. said...

Thanks, meb! Danielle should get out about 5 PM today their time (which is showtime here on the East Coast). I don't think this has anything to do with Julie's mention of a coup d'etat -- I think that's something they'll spring on us Thursday in the live show.

Odd and confusing. I should have mentioned confusing. ;-)

I too hope Janelle is playing Will, but I really can't tell. Will is good at what he does. He always was.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Janelle won POV. I just hope Danielle puts up Marcellas, Mike or Will.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie. The oddest and most confusing show ever! Although I am intrigued, I am not sure I am being entertained. This may be the end of BB. On a high note, I am thrilled that Janelle won POV. I turned on my live feed last evening and saw her with that beautiful necklace and I made me giggle.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answers to my questions Jackie. Although some of your commenters are saying this will be the end of BB...I don't think so... as much as "we" complain about what's going on, (we're just about as bad as the hg's when it comes to complaining) your word "confusing" describes our frustrations. We think we're so smart we should know what's happening at all times. I'm totally CONFUSED and because of that, I think it's a great game. I love it that they're keeping us (or at least me) in a constant state of wondering "what's happening in the house". LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!

Again, thanks Jackie...I love your posts! meb

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I don't understand what Danielle gets for being in solitary confinement. Was that part of a failed attempt to win POV? Thanks.

Jackie S. said...

Anon - Danielle being in solitary is something she chose for points in the POV Comp.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your posts, Jackie! Thank you so much! I always look forward to them.

I'm wondering if, perhaps, Janelle is using Will as much as he is her? I like Janelle and was thrilled to hear she won the POV, but she can't be that clueless, can she?

How did Danielle end up in Solitary? Are you saying this is something she wanted? Wow.

I'm also happy that Mike picked up a no POV particiaption for next week. Hopefully by then, the group will be convinced he should go.

This BB may be confusing, but I am enjoying it. By mixing things up, it keeps us "on our toes." I don't think it will end BB, but it sure makes our heads spin a bit. I still like it though. Will is hilarious. But, Mike needs to go. I can handle Will, but Mike does nothing for me.

Thank you, again, Jackie. You are greatly appreciated. I can't wait for you to blog Survivor again. It's great!

And, Zoetawny - love your graphics!!


Anonymous said...

I know this is bb all-stars but I like the other seasons better when everyone was strangers to each other.

Lisa said...

I agree with you Susan. I think that they should go back to unknown strangers as well. I also think they should do away with SLOP. PB&J is certainly better. The Slop seems just mean!

Anonymous said...

on one of your other links jackie they were saying that will mike howie kaysar and james want to offer danielle a deal she will be safe if she nominates marci and votes him off but they dont know if janelle will go for this what do you think

Anonymous said...

I like All Stars, but it isn't the same show as regualar BB. To me, and when I realized this angle I began to enjoy the show more, the focus is the producers (BB) have brought back the Divas from past shows and are whittling them down to size. None of the players can use their study plans (because they are are students of the game) to win, they have to come up with new ways to win with each comp. so, to me, it isn't all star yet...but whoever can survive this season will be an all star at this very odd game. And I like watching them either step up to the plate or wither away. (or James who may be stepping up to the plate by pretending to wither away) Jackie, you mentioned that before a live show hgs always primp and yet we see them all the time. BB took that privilege away from them by making them show up for a comp straight from bed with no sleep. And they all looked it. Paring down everything to see who is left. Ironically George is the one who showed them they have to play to be there. Good job, Jackie Sue

Jackie S. said...

Sue - Yes! Thank you. :-)

Anon - Almost everyone in the house except Marcellas, George and Janelle (perhaps Kaysar in there, too) are campaigning for Marcellas to get put up and voted out.

Will it happen? I don't know, but I know that Danielle's original decision was to put Kaysar on the block. She tends to stick with her plans, so if it's Kaysar and James, I won't be surprised. She may go with the Marcellas Motion, but...

Anonymous said...

Oh, man... hilarious! At 5PM Eastern time James is telling Boogie that he refuses to do public events with Howie when Howie always wants to wave his light-saber around, like on-stage during personal appearances. (James says Howie makes $2 grand per public light-saber waving from the company that markets the toys.) James said, "I refuse to make a total a** out of myself in front of millions of people..." Yeah, uhmmmm.... TOO LATE, James! Just like another fan said, I feel really sorry for Sarah. (Run Sarah, run fast and run far!!) Yikes.
Go, Jackie, Go! Your Big Fan, Robin in Manchester

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Howie would let James swing a light-saber if he asked and promised to play nicely.

In order to get the full Jedi effect, Howie would need someone from the dark side ...

Anonymous said...

I know you are going to post an update soon....
I just can't wait to hear what has been going on since Danielle got out of three hours ago,and darn, I have to go to bed!
Thank you so much....

Anonymous said...

I love the All Stars show. I have enjoyed it more than any other season. I absolutely love Janelle. She is my favorite and although at first I hated Will, he has grown on me. He definitely makes the show more interesting. I love BB!!