<--- The cots do something to the decor, I don't know what. I'm surprised the floor isn't more littered with this crew.
Since I last posted, I've gleaned a bit more on the competition. Apparently, the POV competitors earned points for taking punishments. Before the comp, they agreed to go for the individual punishments rather than the whole or half house ones. The goal for the win was 50 points. Janelle did what she had to do to win - 55 points and whole house punishments. It was the only way the points would add up to enough to win the veto. The smaller personal punishments wouldn't add up to what was needed. Danielle took the solitary confinement, Mike Boogie gave up his right to compete in POV next week. It also seems that Mike won the Aruba vacation, not Will. I'm still piecing things together from what's been said.
Here are the events in the Big Brother House of Cold Water Only and a Prisoner:
- Danielle is really having a rough time with the solitary confinement even though others are shouting through the door and IT'S JUST 24 HOURS! Sheesh. I would take the time to get some actual sleep and think about my next moves. Instead, she's crying... and crying some more. She says she wants to go home.
- Will went to the Diary Room and came out looking like he had been crying. Or, at the very least, he looked very upset. Odd.
- Erika says she can't eat slop anymore and she wants to go home.
- Will talked Kaysar into thinking they (the two) are in a secret alliance. [Editor's note: Kaysar, don't let yourself get Jenned again. Will = Liar. I love to watch the guy, but he lies.]
- James groused about production and we got flame/clouds.
- Will took a spray bath in the kitchen sink, the only sink with hot water.
- Now James has turned the tide again against George. He says if he (James) gets HOH, he'll put up George.
- When Howie said that Marcellas was the most annoying person in the house besides
himself, James told him Marcellas had him beat.
- Only four can attend the margarita party tonight. They got dressed up with sombreros and everything. Will refused to wear a sombrero. Janelle, Boogie, Will and James are the partygoers from the comp while George and Marcellas can participate as they both have Slop passes.
- Danielle is freaking out in solitary mumbling there must be a loophole and she needs to go to the Diary Room. [Editor's note: I simply cannot believe her reaction.]
- Will keeps complaining about the party - no ice, margarita machine doesn't work, etc. Whenever they bring up mention of the producers, we get flame/clouds.
Like a prison it is, just eyes peeking though a slot--->
Will is still working on everyone, it seems. Perhaps that's why Danielle is so upset about a mere 24 hours alone - maybe she has a schedule!
Folks might be interested in looking in the comments of my previous entry. Reader Robin has some detailed information in there! Thanks, Robin!
Jackie Love the Blog--
With that out of the way, um has anyone visited Janelle's web sight? My 13 yr old watches BB and we talk about the game and things and wanted to go visit her web.. well anyways-- for all you parents out there-- She has some very um.... non child friendly pictures of herself so beware- my Son opened to a pic of Janelle and OH WOW I saw her nips right there. No warning of explicit pics or anything. Well anywho.. Careful what you find on her site.
Glad she won the veto- should keep the game interesting at least.
Thanks for all the time you put in Jackie~
HAI JACKIE! everyone seems like they want to go home wtf. i want janey and will to hook up tonight! LETS HOP FOR THE BEST
Jackie as you posted previously "Karma" - everyone forgets about it. We always say: "what goes around comes around and it doesn't take as long as it used to."
thank you
hey can anyone clarify in a post on who won what?
if anything, who won the 5000 dollars? marcellas?
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeeeee
i miss you and the bloggin
well, i think if i had to be in solitare for 24 hrs and im a people person, it might upset me too. but im not, i would loveeeeeeee to be by myself away from the other evil ones, lol..
shame on james for bein a sissy, cryin all the time, and good for janelle for fightinnnnnnnnnn, not like the sissies who whines when things dont go their way. she fought, she won. way to go janey. kaysar, please come back from the dark side, will is evillllll:>
I just got back from the Maine wilderness, no phone, tv or computer, Your updates are awesome thanks so much!
When will the hg wake up to realize BB is listening (point of the game, right?) and using what they say to make life difficult. So funny that they tell BB all, thinking the other hgs are the enemy. Thank you Jackie, Sue
I don't understand why all the house mates wine and cry so much. They knew what they were getting into and agreed to it. They also knew that they weren't doing it for free!!
Oh my gosh, Jackie, I had respect for your before with the fantastic job you do, but I just watched a video on Hamsterwatch of James complaining about the cots. Holy cow! If this is what goes on with him all the time, I have no idea how you bear with it. I have never seen anyone so thoroughly hateful about everyone and everything. How does poor Sarah put up with him? Please let this be the week he goes because I just don't wish him on the live feed watcher one more minute.
Lynda - You've hit upon one of the main reasons you see bias against James in my entries. He's NO FUN at all. He's almost always complaining and whining. When he isn't doing that, he's overbearing to all of the other houseguests. He takes everything too seriously.
Jackie -
Because of his constant negativity and a temper he cannot seem to control (he makes Jase look bush league), I honestly fear for the man's health. He looks like he is so tightly controlling the venom until it spews out that I wouldn't be surprised if he had a heart attack or stroke. The stress level he imposes upon himself by not being able to accept anything must be unbearable.
I do share your bias... I disliked him in S6 and was oh so sorry to see him return.
Hey, Jackie! Thanks for the mention in the last entry... I got goose bumps. (I'm not into chatting or blogging anywhere, but I had a lot of fun telling you what I saw on the feeds!) Guess you & I will have to quit our jobs and get agents now... HA!
Looking forward to tonight's show, Your Big Fan, Robin in Manchester
Jackie...keep up the good work.
I just now found your blog..Love it.
I am a BB fanatic.
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