Here are the afternoon and early evening happenings from that House of Bruised Egos and Freed Danielles:
- Danielle got released a few hours early from her confinement as the houseguests staged a Free Danielle chanting rally. Before leaving, she told BB she didn't use the port-a-potty so they didn't have to worry about cleaning it.
- Howie wants Danielle's port-a-potty as his new Jack Shack.
- After she ran to the HOH bathroom and returned, the first thing she wanted to know was what she missed.
- Mike Boogie told her that Janelle and S6 were conspiring against Marcellas. [Editor's note: Huh? But... but... Chill Town is the alliance pushing the Marcellas Out Agenda more than S6!]
- James told Danielle that if she can get Kaysar out this week, he will get Janelle out next week. [Editor's note: Snake!]
- James told Danielle he'd rather see Marcellas win than Chicken George. [Editor's note: Snake! Snake!]
- Danielle is firm that S6 Players must be cut down to three for strategical reasons. She also doesn't think it's her duty to "do their dirty work" and remove one of Chill Town.
- Will and Mike Boogie are still exaggerating what Marcellas won in the POV Comp. It seems that the houseguests really aren't sure about what others won and some don't seem too sure of their own winnings.
- Will told James that Howie said he was okay with him (James) going home. [Editor's note: Liar, liar! If James had a mind, he wouldn't believe a word Will says and only part of what Danielle says. Although, I feel Danielle is more of an information-gatherer while Will is a lying instigator.]
- James told Janelle that if he goes up against Kaysar, he'll go home. He claimed it sucked to go home before George and Marcellas. [Editor's note: He's laying it on thick.]
- Will said this season is boring. I say it's odd. He says po-tah-to, I say po-tay-to... let's... um... never mind. (Ahem)
- Everyone thinks they have Chill Town in an alliance. In actuality, no one does.
- Marcellas and Erika talked about how Danielle promised safety to everyone left on the web at one point - Erika, Howie, George, Marcellas and Mike.
- Kaysar told Janelle that Erika knows he's going on the block and keeps preparing him for it, but it doesn't come across as honest. He feels Danielle is more honest with him than Erika.
- The floaters talked about actually backdooring Janelle next week - not nominating her, but working her in with the Veto.
- Kaysar went to the HOH room to have a heart to heart talk with Danielle (my intro to this entry and screen cap). It didn't really seem to have much effect. Danielle told him she feels he's her best choice to put on the block. [Editor's note: I don't mind Kaysar on the block with James if James leaves. That's okay with me.]
- Kaysar told her he can't make a deal because it would go against his morals. Danielle said, "It is what it is." And, then, it shall be...
- Danielle then met up with all of the S6 Players, yet didn't change her stance. It still is what it was.
- Will and Boogie are still downtalking Marcellas and Erika to Janelle and James.
And, that's what it is so far today in the House.
Thanks, Jackie! Danielle really came out of solitary confinement and pretty much stuck to what she wanted to do. So much for CT saying they'd talk her into putting up Marcellas. I hope she sticks with putting up Kaysar just to break that group up BB6 and let the games really begin as new alliances form. Wonder if Marcellas has any idea that CT and BB6 are bad mouthing him so much?
Thanks, again!! Chris
Oh and one last comment, what the heck does James have against Chicken George? You'd think with all of the other people in there gunning for him or backstabbing each other I would think that Chicken George would be the last person I'd be worried about. Does anyone else feel confused about this? Chris
if Danelle puts Kaysar on the block, which I sensed she may do just that, I'm betting James will be voted out for sure, James himself should realize this, Danelle is being made a fool of by Will and Boogie, she doesn't even see it!
Kaysar is my favorite, but I fear he is going home this week. James has the power to nullify one vote.
The floaters seem to think they can use James later on and so does Chilltown. I think the guests will turn on Kaysar. Season 6 should have nominated both Will and Mike to break up Chilltown instead of gunning for floaters all the time.
I think the Houseguests are jealous of Kaysar because he is almost always the favorite in polling of viewers and so popular with BB fans. Therefore, I think they will keep James to help them get rid of Janelle before discarding him.
I wish someone would nominate both Chilltown guys and get rid of them.
They may seem entertaining, I just find both of them arrogant and irritating.
If Kaysar is nominated, and Janelle, Howie, Mike, and Will all vote together, they'd only need one 'floater' (my bet would be Erika as she likes Kaysar, but George is a possibility) to nullify James' own null power.
However, remember the coup d'etat. If it happens pre-veto ceremony, who knows who's going up.
"It is what it is." And, then, it shall be...
It still is what it was.
Jackie you are so funny
The quote "..do your own dirty work..." blah, blah, blah...well, the floaters should do THEIR own dirty work! Honestly! Why were they relying on S6 to get rid of CT. Well, the float heard certainly lived up to their name, FLOAT-let S6 do the Floater's dirty work. Come on, step up and perhaps win an HOH, POV on your own! Why did THEY wait until week 5?!?!?!
P.S. Besides my ranting above, I do want to say that I think Janelle's nominations were off kilter. Janelle should have nominated Danielle and one of CT, but oh well...I will give kudos where kudos is due for Danielle and Will. They certainly are playing the game...I refuse to recognize James (he is playing it pretty well too) because he is BITTER and now I think his 'acting' is going to blow it for him and perhaps on Thursday Night..."don't let the door hit 'cha where the Mother Nature split ya!" I am with you Jackie...get him out of here!!!! (Same with Marcellas...either or would be fine)
Jackie...you ROCK!!!!!
I still think James and Danelle will get bite in the azz, later today they will realize, the fools Will and Boogie have made of them
will and mike are not making fools of danni and james they are doing a fine job of there own doing that,also as far as janell putting up ct why did*t james do it when he was hoh.these folks need to stop and think that they could have done it there selfs.its not to late for danni to still do it,thinks jackie for all the 411 keep up the good work
kayser and janelle should be on the block then Chilltown should be next this whole all-stars version is getting boring .
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