Monday, August 07, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Late Night/Overnight Into Monday 8/07

It's not a happy house.

It just isn't.

But, it is what it is.

Here are the events from the overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Harried and Hapless Hamsters:
  • Janelle and Kaysar continued their exercise program, walking the yard at a quick pace. James joined them, then claimed it was boring and annoyed him. [Editor's note: Does anything NOT annoy James?]
  • Janelle said she never used flirting as a strategy. Kaysar wasn't as sure about that as she was. He thinks she really likes Will.
  • James told Danielle that Mike/Will think she has something going on with Marcellas because she won't put him on the block.
  • James also told Danielle that part of the reason he put James on the block was to protect her. [Editor's note: @@ Deserves the eyeroll!]
  • Danielle said that if Kaysar had worked with her the past few weeks, he wouldn't be going home. "He didn't give me any other option."
  • James told Danielle that Chill Town and S6 have joined forces and are going to go after the floaters.
  • The camera-person had fun zooming in on keywords on the wall as James talked to Kaysar - "Fraud" and "failure" as well as "leads astray" were zoomed on.
  • Kaysar says he'll be evicted on his birthday.
  • Will got yelled at by BB for shaking the railing on the balcony by the HOH room.
  • Mike Boogie used Howie's Jack Shack. [Editor's note: Eww.]
  • Kaysar and Janelle think people are mistreating them and wonder why because "we were nice to people when we had power."
  • Kaysar and Janelle think Erika is playing up to Mike Boogie to get what she wants. [Editor's note: They're probably right. Erika knows what she's doing.]
  • Kaysar said he won't campaign to stay. He's very sad and feels he's being backdoored.
  • Erika told Marcellas that she really likes Kaysar and it's breaking her heart that he's going. [Editor's note: Well, vote James out instead!]
  • Marcellas told her to love him (Kaysar) from afar.
  • Marcellas told Danielle and Erika that he thinks Janelle is the worst player in Big Brother history. [Editor's note: @@ He didn't say that when he was infatuated with her!]

A few are still rustling as I post this, but they're in for some sleep.


Anonymous said...

I hope they are just humoring James so that he thinks he will stay, but when Thursday nite comes it will James leaving instead of Kaysar. Thanks Jackie for keeping us up to date.

Anonymous said...

hey jackie,
first of all, thanks so much for your updates but do you think personally that if kaysar was put up, that he would be evicted? because somehow i see will/boogie/erica voting to keep him. oh and is it positive that hes going? and one another thing.. danielle told S6 she owes them one from first week. i guess this is her thank you.

Anonymous said...

Really...I agree RJ...why aren't more people talking about ditching James rather than Kaysar? Jackie, isn't there some inkling (sp) out there that James IS going home. Even with one eviction vote nullification, Kaysar should have enough votes to stay. Howie, Janelle, George (since James put him on the block). And Erika... wouldn't she (in seclusion) vote to get rid of James since she likes Kaysar. And Marcellas... he'll get in the diary room and vote James out... just like he folded and voted out Diane. And then Will...he always votes differently than what he says he's going to do!

If we can't stand James' ranting and must the house feel being right there with him!

Please people! GET RID OF JAMES!

Thanks Jackie! I wait for your posts...morning, noon and night (and all those in betweens). meb

Anonymous said...

of course theres also that coup de tat thing that will happen. i really wonder about that.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone dissing James. Janelle is the one who screwed everything up. I am a S6 fan, but my opinion of Janelle/Kaysar has changed. It's ok to take the moral high ground, but stay there. He told Danielle he couldn't make a deal, but on the show he lied to her about having an agreement with chilltown are they both not morally wrong a lie is a lie. I still like Kaysar, but I'm actually starting to like James more. He shakes things up more than Kaysar so maybe I'm the only one but I hope James stays!! I so wish it could have been Janelle, but hey her time is winding down...

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I have missed so much on BB from the last few days (couldn't help it!) and without your posts I would be completely lost. I am still in the process of reading former posts to try to catch up. Will's antics are funny to watch. The producers have to keep a 24/7 eye on him to keep him from breaking something (the railing or a leg) or a number of any other things. Did they have to hire a couple of extra people just to babysit him? I wonder what is going on other places in the house while he is creating his diversions. 'cause Will doesn't do anything without a reason. I think Janelle and Will have similar personalities in some ways and can play the game on one level while having fun on another. I saw Dianne on the TV Guide channel and she was mincing no words about Janelle. Mean interview and unlike the past where hgs interviews tended toward pretending it was all a game. Jace did some similar ones, too, but I haven't seen his. As I remember, one reason Janelle wanted Dianne out in the first place was that Dianne had trashed J before All Stars. Thank you for keeping me up on that very busy BB house. Sue

Anonymous said...

I think all those lame "floaters" who everyone in the house thinks are stupid and arnt playing the game, arn't as stupid as other people. they will take an opportunity when they see one. everyone in the house wants to break up S6. knows its important to do so. i think all of them know that james is already gone from that alliance. so kaysar leaving would be breaking it up further. they have no choice but to vote him out if they want to win the game.
anybody who is a good player, will see it this way. unless they arnt playing to win. (except for howie and janelle of course)

Anonymous said...

i get so tired of people saying that janelle betrayed the alliance and everyone else. blah blah blah. first of all, diane was a threat to her AND her alliance. and the only reason the floaters are so mad was because they needed her. i mean james felt safe with diane, thats the ONLY reason he didnt want janelle to nominate her. i agree with the fact that his evicting jase was a huge sacrifice in done favor to his group but james should not have left S6 in the manner that he did. now i hope he goes home on thursday to learn a lesson bc he obviously didnt learn from last year. i personally think janelle made a smart move. everyone was coming after them anyway. i really hope kaysar doesnt get nominated. but james is just playing way too dirty.

Anonymous said...

Its really difficult to understand why James is playing dirty but it's ok for Janelle to plot with CT and not fill her alliance in. She is playing both sides to try and take herself further the same was James is so who's the snake. They know how James is Janelle though they trust her so to me that's worse. She may have made what she thought was the best decision to vote out Diane but it was petty and she lost alot of respect from other players thus she will definitely be gunned down....Hope James stays!!!

Anonymous said...

All the talk is of Danielle putting up Marcellas when Janelle takes herself off - but the POV ceremony hasn't happened yet ?? I wonder if the coup de tat (sp) is that Janelle gets to put up the hg to take her place ?? so far this whole season has been "i wonder if" or "i wonder why" etc !!
Great Job, Jackie !!

Anonymous said...

I'm all for James going. He's completely dislikable this year and may soon replace Danielle as my least-favorite BB player ever.

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard/seen, Kaysar will be replacing Janelle. I hope James goes, he is just not fun to watch. And BTW, does anyone else find it odd that people (James and Diane) are calling/called Janelle "fat"....HELLO???? Is she fat? Am I missing something? She is definitely NOT fat. Its like they must find something negative to say about her physically. At least comment on the fake hair...she is not fat.

Anonymous said...

I also want to thank you for the updates. They/you are the very best.

I too, believe that James is the more interesting between him and Kaysar this year and quite frankly am rooting for him to win it all. Not that he hasn't done dispicable things......I hope he feels REALLY bad when he gets out and finds that the sov4 and especially Kaysar have been very loyal to him all along. They learned last year that a strong alliance will win it all and I believe thay could have done it but James immediately started making his side deals and they became more important than his original group. He is a snake.

Marcellus keeps wondering about how much America hates season 6 this year but I believe that America probably hates HIM. He has proven himself to be the most vile, hateful, mean little man who Danielle will go onto destroy yet again. He was right about 1 thing tho.... they ALL should have gotten out CT first thing.

Frankly, I think CT is just an embarrassment. C'mon, it's even embarrassing to say the name Chilltown. These are grown men, professional men. Good tv? Probably, but they make my skin crawl especially since they DON'T "need" the $$ and they are willing to debase themselves at every turn to "make good tv". Frankly, I feel that, as a viewer, the audience has been played big time this season. No more All-Stars. Familiarity DOES breed contempt.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't understand why people dislike James and Danielle and not Will. They are all deceptive if you have a love for this game you respect players!!Not just people you like personally. Keep James get rid of Kaysar!! James is playing!!

Anonymous said...

I love Danielle!!She should have one her season and I hope she does get her redemption. I love S6 also, but this is allstars so I think James should stay he is playing Kaysar is going playing to safe.

Anonymous said...

oops she should have won her season!!!(LOL)Guess I need to slow down.

Anonymous said...

I really hope a miracle happens and James goes home instead of Kaysar. The only way I see that happening is if Chilltown turns on James. Not that farfetched of an idea! Who knows where their loyalties lie anyway. One thing I do believe though, if Kaysar does go home there will definitely be an America's Choice vote to bring someone back in. Guess who. Kaysar is the most popular HG ever and I don't think the show wants to lose him this early. Any other viewpoints on this?

Anonymous said...

I agree although I love Kaysar also I hope James stays. But I think they will do something so he can stay. It maybe that he is evicted and then the coup de taut or whatever saves him. I think Will/Boogie will vote for Kaysar to go since they want Janelle on there team Kaysar is her voice of reason and without him they know they can use her.

Anonymous said...

Is this show scripted, or is it not? Jackie, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

I agree with all you guys it makes no sense to get rid of Kaysar, I still hold out hope Mike, Boogie, and others will fool him and Danelle, she needs to go next week.

Anonymous said...

I said it once before and I say didn't matter who janelle put up as soon as S6 didn't win HOH she was going up. Why anyone thinks Janelle is the worst player is beyond me. Not only has she won a # of HOH & PVO let alone the ones she threw but she also made it to the final 3 last year and would have won hands down had she made it to the final 2.
She is the first to win HOH twice and PVO twice this year. So tell me how she is the worst BB player in
Janelle put of both Alison and Danielle the first week when she found out that they were going after their alliance and both of which is consider two of the strongest players in BB history and getting out Alison the first week.
Kayers could have taken out a C/T but didn't and so could have James but James was to worried about getting rid of Chicken George aka "Floater" because he was a treat to James..which is ok for him but not Janelle..give me a break. It backed fired on him!

Diane & James both seem like bitter people in and out of the house. Diane knows she would have went after Janelle had she won an HOH comp but she didn't.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Janelle is the strongest player in BB history. She WINS competitions!!! The thing I really admire her for is that she brings it to the people she thinks are threateneing her. No sneaking around for Janie. It just makes her and her alliance such a target. I cannot understand why she won't see that CT is playing her and everyone else. Scripted? Maybe.

Also, can she NOT play for veto next time or is she just letting everyone think she can't? Anyone know for sure?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just have to jump on the Get rid of James bandwagon. I watched exactly ONE video of him complaining about the veto competition and I swear my ears were bleeding at the end. If I have to hear his voice spewing hatred and negativity much longer, I may have to mute the TV whenever he talks. If I were in the house, I'd vote for him to leave even if I was related to him! He's just to good at it for it to be an act.

Anonymous said...

Janelle is not the best to play the game!!She is playing a bad game. Will/Danielle are the best. Sure she wins challeges but I think most people don't want to win. They are being strategic and if she was smart she would use some also. She will be gone soon and I wonder what people will say then. Danielle/James snakes sure but almost everyone in there is that's the game!!!!Let's not forget that. Some people are taking this way to serious.

Anonymous said...

Janelle is the worst player? When the HGs can't think of anything bad enough to say about her, they always come back to their two favorites - she's the worst player and she's fat! I think she has proven time and time again that she is the best player in BB history, capable of winning both HOH comps and POV comps. Although I didn't agree with her noms for last week, I really don't think it would have mattered who she put up, as soon as S6 lost HOH she was going up. As for the fat comments, if Janelle is fat, I wanna be fat like her. LOL

Anonymous said...

I like Janelle it's just after last week my opinion changed. I think she plays the game well but she is not the best to me. We all have our opinion of what makes a player good. I find it hard to believe that so many people still think she is sweet. Sure S6 was and is a target, but she didn't play smart. She weakened her alliance and pissed everybody else off in the house. Is America seeing the same thing I'm seeing? Her own alliance seem confused with how she is playing....

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the coup de tat thing was used by Janelle and she gets to pick who replaces her on the block, wouldnt that be a good one if she put up Danielle? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I never said that Janelle was the BEST player in BB history but the she certainly is the STRONGEST. I do totally agree that her nominations were a stumble and the way she handed the veto comp to Mike was pathetically obvious....not really sure that Diane should have been her target....but hey, just one more person out of the house AND one more person not in everyone else's way.

Janie's biggest mistake so far is that she called Danielle a weak player to her face. Danielle is definately NOT a weak player, in fact she is probably the best ever all-round. And if THAT doesn't put a target on Danielle's back I don't know what will.

I fear that Kaysar is going home unless they have an America's choice and then again I think Nakomis could give him a run for it.

Anonymous said...

Howie's not going on the block this week because during the HOH competition Danielle promised him that he was safe if he fell. Plus, I don't think people see him as big of a threat as Kaysar or Janelle.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think Kaysar will be evicted. I do not think he has the votes. Chilltown probably feels they can win over James and Janelle but Kaysar is the most loyal to Season 6. They know Kaysar is smart and not easily manipulated. For that reason, I think Chilltown and the floaters will vote to evict Kaysar and not James. The floaters and Chilltown are acting like James can be won over and they can use him to get rid of Janelle. Kaysar poses a threat to the floaters and Chilltown.

Love Kaysar..but I fear he is gone.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that Janelle gets to choose who replaces her for that whole HOH coup de tat. I don't think the HGs know about that. I really like season 6 but James was shady last season and even shadier now. I liked him last year and rooted for him every veto comp but this season his mouth is so nasty! I can understand him being mad at Janelle but neither he nor Kaysar put up CT so he can't really be mad at her. He was going after George for Christ's sake and only put up Jase b/c George won veto! Even though they wanted Jase, I think they would've been okay with Mike going up. Dani is just using him for now (as she should) and will evict him when he's no longer useful. She's going to turn on him b/c of Jase.

I liked Will during his season b/c he openly lies and even though everyone knows this, they keep him around. It's funny watching him manipulate others and they fall for it. You would think as All Stars they would know this. He already won BB; he doesn't care what happens this season.

I'm hoping Marcellas goes up to teach him a lesson but I really want James to go home. Diane was a threat to them. The way the floaters are acting now (except for George) I can see why they wanted them out (even though I wanted CT out).

Sorry this is so long. I love this blog and have been meaning to comment but usually someone says what I've been thinking, lol. I couldn't resist b/c this week has actually been interesting. Keep up the good work Jackie! I loved your site last season and was thrilled when I found your new one. I tell all of my friends about this site.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Kaysar has lied... Danielle asked him if he had an alliance with Chilltown... he said "no" ... and he doesn't... only speculation that he has an alliance with Will. In a CT alliance, you would think of both Mike and Will, otherwise you look at them individually. So...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Janie wins when she has to... you gotta admire her for that... Fat??? I should be so fat.

Kaysar is being so quiet this year that he isn't very interesting ... yet... but if he gets thru this, I believe you'll see him starting his move. Will and he (if they do have an alliance) have probably decided he should stay low. I hope he didn't wait too long to step up!
I'd miss him!

And before I forget to say it again... Zoetawny you are awesome!!! meb

Anonymous said...

How would you act they have been the targets. They are trying to protect themselves. I think James was right when he told Janelle that she made things worse for them. They were happy with floating until they realized they were the target! They are trying to do what they can.

Anonymous said...

the veto ceremony hasn't happened yet has it? right now, they're just assuming Kayser's up because danielle said she was going to put him up, right? i hope the twist is that janelle gets to replace herself on the block....i want james or marcellus out this week.

Anonymous said...

I just assumed that the POV ceremony had already happened and Kaysar was on the block. If it hasn't happened yet, maybe he has a chance. Nice thought that Janie might be able to choose her replacement, but sadly I think that's just a nice dream. I mean how lucky could she possibly get. But if that dream were to come true, I would want her to put Mike or Will up. Then who cares who goes home between them and James.

Anonymous said...

I was so annoyed when James told Danielle that after she put up Kaysar, he wanted Erica to listen to him to make sure he wasn't campaigning against James. It's ok for James to stab his entire alliance in the back but not ok for Kaysar to want to save himself? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i cant stand james, and dani is bitin the hand that fed her as far as goin against poor kaysar. marjealous needs to go home soon, and i hope howie and janey will act a fool this week and call the biothces biotches. will and mike just slidin, lol, and puppetin to the end, now thats what i call smart, 2 people outsmartin 18 hg. but i know dani or the s6 will win in the end. go daniiiiiii.
thanks jackieeeeeeeeeeee:>

Anonymous said...

Jackie.. first, thanks for all the posts... could not get through the days without you!!! But I just have to say that this All-Star business is so annoying... Although I will not stop watching, I wish they would have done a more interesting and intriguing big brother.. with all strangers and some good twists like season 4 (the X factor) season 5 (project dna, do not assume) and 6 (summer of secrets)... this is just boring... but thanks for all your posts.. keep em comin!!!

Anonymous said...

veto ceremony happened...kaysar was nominated in place of janelle. but i think he will stay this week bc the votes will be 5-2 in favor of kaysar if will swings the votes to keep him which he will i think. even if james nullifies one vote. itll still be set 4-2 and MAYBE james will learn his lesson this time around.

Anonymous said...

veto ceremony happened...kaysar was nominated in place of janelle. but i think he will stay this week bc the votes will be 5-2 in favor of kaysar if will swings the votes to keep him which he will i think. even if james nullifies one vote. itll still be set 4-2 and MAYBE james will learn his lesson this time around.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say that Janielle was the best player in BB history I said she wasn't weak.
As far as thowing PVO to Mike, has that any different then Erkica throwing HOH to Danielle because she is to scared to take the role of HOH.
I still don't see what the difference is in Kaysar and James not going after C/T as any different then Janielle going after a direct treat she knows for sure would have been Diane. I mean, James was going after Chicken
Not only that but Kaysar made a deal with them to save his butt not for the better of the whole s6 alliance.

Anonymous said...

If HG are thinking ahead of the game, it's best to evict Kaysar. He is well liked by all the HG and if he is the last two standing, they will vote him to win $500,000 well besides George. I think wicked and evil as Will is, i think he is playing brilliant game. As much as i dislike Will and Mike, I just can't get enough of Will's jokes an humor and evil manipulations. Will is playing with all the HG like puppets. James is a snake and even he is the last two standing noone will vote him to win the i think he should give it up early. I thought Erica was a quiet and not really care if she's staying or not, but last HOH game, i was shocked, she is playing this game very well...she gave up her HOH to Danielle so she could play low while Danielle will be a target next week when S6 wins the HOH. I guess i like her game strategy, play low profile and bite them in the ass at the end where it counts. Mike boogie i don't know what it is but i really really dislike him. There are 4 people in the house i don't like and i hate to see them win are James, Janelle, Kaysar, and Mike. They are so boring they put me to sleep. Well i guess Marcellas and Erica are right up there with those 4 when it comes to boring. They should have kept Alison in the house to make the BB spicy and intruiging. Bring her back to spice things up. Only people entertaining enough to watch is Will and Danielle. They are the ultimate game players. They are true all star players. Please Janelle, wake up and smell the coffee, Will is using you. If Janelle is truly playing Will not vise versa then Janelle is smarter than we give her credit for but i doubt it. She has a big crush on Will, she is always giggling in front of Will like a high school girl who has a crush on a boy. Kaysar, what a fool, he doesn't have any clue. i really liked Kaysar in his season but this season he is so boring and so unlikable i guess when you put him to other power players he seemed just another boring player. George seemed like a very nice guy and kind hearted but we all know what happens to the nice people they get their ass kicked and he doesn't deserve to be with all the devils and snakes in the house. Who knows he maybe the king of all snakes after all, he maybe playing his game to be a nice guy. Although I hate to admit, but I really think Will may win and he deserve to win if he can manipulate all the star players like he is doing. Master Manipulator he is and people are actually falling for his lies and deceate.

Well Jackie, I am hooked on your updates and columns. I find myself waiting for your next updates and it's killing my social life. It's all your fault Jackie. Keep up the good work and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just another wish that James will be gone...he si so sneaky and I would hate to think Danielle doesnt see this...keep someone honest around Danielle!!!

Anonymous said...

Did James really say that S6 and Chilltown have an alliance?? ... as in *definitely*? Certainly, I heard James say "maybe", and even that in a string of guesses. Unless he also said it definitely later when I missed it, then he only thinks maybe.