I'm going to start this with an off-topic comment to a comment from SSW - she asked what I thought of Keith demanding money to do a good job for Virginia on the Hell's Kitchen finale. I think it was low class, but I also think he wouldn't have asked Heather for it. Virginia picked a poor team outside of Keith and then insulted them. So, she kind of "reaps what she sows" (BB Connection!)
And... to Annie in NJ -- I think Mike has the Coup d'Etat question answered right. I think it is (with the clues phonetically) - Ewe reap what you sew.
Here are the events from today so far in that Big Brother House of Psychotic Syncophants:
- Once again, Danielle actually got up around 7 AM their time.
- Erika and Danielle discussed Danielle's vote. Danielle said she has to be honest with Marcellas and let him know that she has to vote for Erika to stay.
- Mike Boogie and Erika are now smooching good morning. Apparently they aren't so worried they'll be found out these days.
- Erika said they should just leave George out in the cold. Both she and Danielle are irked that he didn't tell them his vote. [Editor's note: But, aha! Erika isn't being completely honest with Danielle. George agreed yesterday to vote to keep Erika... to Erika. He was under pressure, but...!]
- Mike thinks Danielle should go tell Marcellas he's gone. [Editor's note: Remember, Mike... Danielle doesn't like to do the dirty work for others!]
- Mike Boogie wants Will to "go puppy dog-eyes" at Janelle to get her to support the Marcellas eviction.
- James and Woogie tried to think of a plot to get Howie into a fight with Marcellas to show that Marcellas causes drama in the house and they're better off without him.
- Danielle talked to George in the Storage Room telling him they need his vote to save Erika. George told her just to let him know what he needed to do. He's still tickled pink to not be nominated.
- Woogie thinks they're working very hard for the show.
- Danielle told Marcellas everyone they told was safe ended up evicted and asked if he was sure Janelle wasn't trying to backdoor him. [Editor's note: Dang, Will's good, Danielle's good. They both know what to say to whom to get something rolling. Will is better than Danielle as she tends to let herself show too much frustration at times. But, she's good.]
- James is worried that if Janelle gets HOH next week, she'll put him up. [Editor's note: He should worry.]
- James told George how much he's going to enjoy Janelle and Howie's downfall. [Editor's note: Notice he didn't mention to George that he wants George's downfall, too.]
- Will's "one more reason the show's producers suck" - they should tell the jury to vote for who played the game the best, not out of friendship. He's right on that one.
- Marcellas went to Janelle and told her about Danielle's backdoor discussion. When Janelle asked him if he thought she was backdooring him, he said no. He thinks he has votes to stay from George (who said he'd think about it, but didn't commit), Danielle (ha!) and James (double ha!). He doesn't know how Chill Town is voting. [Editor's note: Chances are he'll have one vote from the one person he didn't mention -- Howie.]
- Erika and George talked again. She's still pressuring him although he seemed to say okay to voting to keep her from what I saw last night. Maybe I missed something.
- Erika and Danielle are still shocked that Will convinced Janelle to put up Marcellas - it's the perfect person.
- Will (lying) told Howie and Janelle that unless Marcellas slapped Boogie or something, he wouldn't vote him out. [Editor's note: Gullible, gullible, gullible...]
And, now you've been updated. Ready for the show?
Ready for the show? Heck no...I am depressed. Janelle cant see James for what he is...you know that they will get rid of her in a heart beat, then George...This seasonn does suck Will.
I hope the correct Coup answer is
"As ewe reap, so shall ewe sew." It at least goes in order of the clues (not that any order was required). And if Janelle went in and guessed similar to Mike, maybe this is what she came up with. Hmmmmmmm Am I expecting too much??? Going now to watch the show! Talk later all. meb
I am just praying that this is the point in the game where the others start to realize how disliked Janelle is and that it is wise to take her to the finals. I completely think she deserves to win; she plays hard, usually doesn't lie, and is smart (usually). Of course, we all see what is going on....we have an advantage she doesn't. How many times have any of us been "tricked" like she is....if only we knew then. You know, hindsight is 20/20, and Janelle will realize that. Fortunately, she will realize it and move on. Despite what happens on BB7, she has a future somewhere. Love ya Jackie, thanks so much. --amber
I get so sick of hearing Will lie. Then his mother saying how wonderful he is. I would be embarrassed if it were my son. Just as Kaysar how to be trained to be a good person, Will had to be trained to be a liar You just don't lie, that well, without prior experience.
"you sow. so shall you reap"
I think I got that backwards...like Janelle probably did...
"As ewe sew, so shall ewe reap"!
I think Will is AWESOME!
Ok. I'm not a Janie fan, so I need to point out that she LIED to Marcellas. How does that make her any better than any of the other liars in the house? Anyone???
The editors didn't let us see that she told Marci that she was putting him up before the actual ceremony... he was not in the dark.
Great work, Jackie!!
I don't think she lied to Marcellus. I think the conversation they showed us was before the conversations she had afterward. Jackie reported (I think, correct me if I'm wrong someone) that she did let Marci know later that she was going to put him up. The only one who didn't have an idea that it was Marci and not George going up was George (who she told afterward that she hadn't had a chance to talk to him alone).
I missed most of the show b/c of a phone call. Argh. Thank goodness they are putting the shows online now!
Anon 8:12
Will lies to play the game. It doesn't necessarily make him a liar in life. I just think that he gets how to play the game. Spin, spin, spin, and do more spinning.
I am not a Janelle fan. I think she plays the game as the "blond bombshell" and I don't like how she portrays herself. I would rather see a woman play the game as a strong woman (such as Dani). HOWEVER, Janelle IS playing the game how it works best for her and I have to respect that.
I do however have a problem with James. He is taking the excuse of "playing the game" a little too far. It's one thing to manipulate and spin. In my opinion, it's a completely different thing to be insulting. I think the coup d'etat answer is very appropriate for James lately.
One quick note: Good for the BB producers for allowing George to participate in the party!!! I think that was a good call. I like George. He's a good ole boy. You've got to love 'em.
-Vegas Ali
Does anyone else think that no matter what the saying is - BB can manipulate it so they can decide who gets the power? Just to make it interesting? I think so.....
After tonights show I am soooo confused. Is Marci and Janelle together? Are Mike and Erika dating? (No...it seems). Who is CT really wanting to be aligned with (janey or dani??). sheeesh!!, but I love it.
and how is CT going to save Erika?
Is it a SHOWmance or ROMance? If mike and erika are dating then CT will vote out Marcellas, as will Dani and James probably. OOHHHHH, janelle will be PISSED!! WATCH OUT! I think what we need is for Janelle to get mad, then we see the real Janelle.....BYE BYE BITCHES!!!!!!
Reap what you sow. How does this apply to BB? These people don't get what these deserve. If that was true, Kaysar would win. I'd love to see Janie win, but she's not playing a good game. I don't think reap/sow is the phrase.
Why did tonight's show waste so much time on the shower scene. I'd rather see the third clue.
I think Reap what Ewe Sew does apply. Sometimes it takes a few weeks for it to come around, but in the end most of the people who lie and betray do end up getting stabbed in the back by the very people who they were messing with. James will get his, he did last year :)
After watching tonight's episode, I'm more convinced Will is indeed the producers plant, beats rigging it downright -- I'm sorry,it's more than obvious - Janelle isn't that dumb - nor is Will that great of a liar, I've watched all previous BB's, never has the POV been won so many times by the same individual in which the HOH targets, therefore after winning POV, the HOH has to nominate another person, it's actually becoming predictable, in all honesty Janelle would have nominated James - she and Howie gave that impression after he handed Dani the POV, Dani did nothing to win it, I have always defended BB and its producers, however after viewing tonight's episode, its become more than obvious Will is the producers helper. One Question is this the Will and Boogie BB Show?? Apparently no sign of George tonight.
Good show tonight. Will is the smartest player in BB history and deserves to win hands down. Janelle is my second favorite but I really wish she had put up James tonight! She is in trouble next week, seems like everyone except Howie wants her out.......
I'm reposting this because I don't know how far back you read added comments. How far back do you?
Do the HG know they're not supposed to sing?
Why/how do they get away with talking about their DR? Woogie keeps sharing.
I want to win, in order:
Will, Mike, Danielle, Erika, James
I dislike, in order:
Marcellas, Howie, James
My concerns as I'm rooting for Woogie:
Mike was too open in sharing with James today/yesterday. Subsequently, James is blossoming into the beautiful flower that he is -- (complete sarcasm). Thankfully, James was (too) open with Mike today. Mike realized that Will needs to "tone down". Hopefully, Mike will "tone down"!! by 80% with James. Mike just hasn't been smart recently by sharing with James so much. James probably woke up Janelle too much to ChillTown's schemes.
I think Will is playing for Mike to win. (Tell me if this is already known.)
Ideally HG should be evicted in the following order (for the sake of ChillTown):
Marcellas, Janelle, Danielle, James, Howie, Erika
Unfortunately since James was allowed to mess things up, Danielle will have to go before James.
Did I miss something? They never said what Janeele guessed yet, right? Is there any reason to believe she MAY have guess correctly? They only showed her telling Howie what to guess and I don't remember reading anything differently here.
I have watched BB since first season and cannot begin to think it is rigged in any way--it would take all the fun out of it! Will is just a good player with a good strategy. Janelle is very athletic and she IS smart(just a little common sense challenged). She won just as many challenges last season!
So right about George's lame guess.... I was laughing so hard.
Where is your head George????
Poor Howie is just about as dim but I still love him. He is so childlike and sad.
First of all, thank you for responding to my query about Keith and Virginia; I agree with your synopsis. Okay, I'm just curious, from my initials SSW, how did you know I am a female? Lucky guess?
when does cbs.com have tonights episode available? I missed it and was really looking forward to it.
Thanks Jackie--you rock!
jamie in ohio
I assumed from the post that Mike had won, because they did not show him go in either. Did anyone notice that Will said the clue in passing.
I assumed from the post that Mike had won, because they did not show him go in either. Did anyone notice that Will said the clue in passing.
I for one have never believed BB was rigged- I work in editing/assist with scoops- spoilers for daytime soaps, lately there are certain editing spoilers that have raised an eyebrow for me only, because,I'm familiar with that type of hidden tactics - the fact that it's a CBS Show is one of the reasons -- I have faith and have defended BB for years to many whom have stated it was rigged, unlike other networks CBS is much stricter and abides accordingly.
okay I GOt IT U reap what you sew I think thats it
I agree Will is a great player - True Janelle did win many HOH last season - My gut feeling is still with the editing true, its for ratings however its gotten way to obvious -- Something isn't quite right -- as I've stated its getting almost to predictable -- and that's actually a dead giveaway-- there's a hidden aspect within the HG -- I know its not the same as when we edit for daytime scoops however after while it takes one to know one -- I can almost go as far as to say if Janelle or Howie aren't HOH next week for some apparent reason it would be Janelle who will have gotten the correct answer for the coup, that's why the viewers will not know what she nor Will had given, the assumption is on Mike.
call me realitytvaddict--i love your blog and just wondered on the subject of hell's kitchen do you know where virginia is now? does she have a job left somewhere? the show said she was from california and the fox web page says new york for both heather and virginia so I'm confused. Maybe she moved to new york? can't get anything out of a google search unless i missed it. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK. When I miss the show or can't stand the suspense I always check out your blog.
Thanks, realitytvaddict
wow, I am finally able to see the word verification and post, not sure why but anyway, the expisode tonight made it seem Janelle is on to James but something seems strange, like they are leaving things out. If I didn't read this blog, I would be so lost unlike past BB's.
I think Howie is not as stupid as some people say. It's an act. Also, he is on to James and has been for a long time.
Not that we didn't know how things would go tonight...thanks to the most awesome Jackie here...but i was surprised to see some of the conversations...
IMO..i think that Erica and Mike are only an item/couple in Erica's eyes..why? because of the comment mike said about her having to give extra loving to stay safe this week. It is possible that they dated 6 months before the show, BUT....only for the good of Mike..he doesn't care about her..and to me that speaks loud and clear in the Diary Room. Will kinda of confirmed it with his comment that he made to both Jani and Erica about something about their hearts being torn and a blouse...basically that they are going to be crushed because, unfortunately, Jani and Erica fell for their evil ways.
It is so hard to comment on all of the things that are going on in the house and the mini alliances...if ppl were ever friends going in, I can't see how it will stay that way on the way out...too much drama. (Except for the BOOGER factor)
Thank you tom s for your posts. I am one of those people who feel that they are rigging things this year. You have made me feel so much better about BB and other CBS reality shows in general. Because I read the live feeds I can actually see how they are editing the show and they are doing a fine job. You also gave a very small glimmer of hope that Mike may not have the coup. I think he does but I can HOPE not.
Thanks again
I was shocked that the throwing of the POV contest was sooo obvious.
And Janie and Howie were on to it in a heartbeat. James...what a lousy actor you are!! And Danielle just stands there smirking and lets them all throw the contest in her favor. Even Will wasn't the least bit convincing. AND YET,does Janie put James up.....NO!!!!!!!!
Now what is she going to do when they vote Marci off tomorrow? I hope she gets mad like last season and goes after them all. Not that she can win,mind you,they will never vote for her,but this is why I pick Janie over Dani any day. Janie fights for hers,others GIVE Dani's to her. I also hate that Dani takes the "poor Mom,doin it for my kids" route and is a bible toting,hating...wine swilling,nasty mouthed hypocrite. She does NOT deserve to win.
Quistian - I get an e-mail each time a comment is made, so it's not a matter of how far back I read. I read ALL the comments as they get posted even if you were to comment on an entry from February.
Yes, the houseguests are very aware that they're not supposed to sing. As for talking about their DR sessions, sometimes BB yells at them, sometimes not. It may depend who's working the shift there. They're not supposed to discuss them.
Will wants Mike to win. Mike is there due to Will. The producers wanted Will, but it's Mike who really wanted to be in the show. According to rumors, Will told them he wouldn't go on the show without him.
SSW - I don't know, maybe I'm psychic? Maybe you type like a woman? ;-) I honestly don't know. Perhaps you wrote something which made me think it.
Jamie - I think that the shows are available online after the show airs in the last time zone. Or, it may not be until morning. They're always there by the next day.
realitytvaddict - I know Heather (Hell's Kitchen) is from NY, but have no idea about Virginia. For some reason, I though she was MidWest, but I don't know.
I thought the piece with Howie and his guess of "spool of lies" was classic. Danielle was giving him the third degree and he rambled on about sheep and wool, and sheep lie on rugs, I was laughing so hard at that one.
Okay, I have said it before, but I want either Janelle or George to win.
Also, I wonder if Sara's opinion of James has changed while watching this season unfold. If I were her, I would run for the hills. He is cold and calculating and appears to be very controlling and whiney when he doesn't get his way. Vivian
Jackie UR so cool to keep us posted when we can't watch BB7. Keep it up and pull for George his family needs the money and the rest of them are able to get a real job.
I really think Janelle is screwed. Once the CTD power is known and he can over throw Janelles nomantions and put her up..she's out. I really hope he is only able to overthrow and change it and not be able to put her on the block though.
Why is Ericka flirting with Will? I know he knows about her and Boggie.
I'm really disappointed in how bad they trash Janelle. It's all Jealousy. I can't really see anything she has done in this house that warrents the verbal abuse she has taking from people in the house.
I know it's not because of her having to put up others on the block when she is HOH because they haven't trashed talked any of the others the way they have her.
I would think it would be smart to take Janelle if I were Woogie because she hasn't lied to them and she has done what she said she would do for them. Yet, they question Danielle and James and seem to want to stay with the LOD.
Not only that but as someone else mention..they dislike her so much they wouldn't vote her to win.
The more I watch, the more I think Will should take this game. He is such a classic liar!
I have no idea whose alliance the boy really belongs to anymore?!? Boy, is he good!
Also, I have no idea if Mike and Erika are dating or pretending? I don't think I buy the "6 months" thing because her and Josh recently broke up, so I think that is Will just messing with internet people" type comment.
He sure does like to entertain the crowd.
Though, he acted like a little 16 year old boy with the shower scene. He was very funny and kept getting embarassed (esp if you saw the live feed). I give him credit, he really did try to resist it for the sake of Erin
Janelle called them all up to the HOH and she was torked off. She asked who was voting for Erika and only Howie and Jani raised their hands- OMG hilarious she was so mad she stomped her foot.
Called up Erika and she said she would vote Danielle out.
OMG its still going on AWESOME!
says he is loyal to boogie and everyone else can kiss his a@@..boogie laughs and says yeah but you said 5 min ago you hated everyone..janie says they will let her know shortly what they will do...E leaves HOH..debate btwn Janie, Howie, Will, Boogie, James....will says well duh now GENIUS ROOM, she (erika) knows we are together.
Right now
The big meeting in HOH -
The boys come back up. w starts his "I don't want to be here and I hate you all" stuff.
Jan tells them that the deal would be that if E stays, she promises she'll put Dani up.
E tells them that Dani said she was voting for her. Jan and How want to know how she found out otherwise. This throws E for a short loop, but recovers by saying someone told her, but she doesn't want to blow their whatever.
E saying thatshe's not coing after them, etc....the same stuff she was saying before.
W pipes up and says he has nothing against E, but if they are voting her out, just tell her. He says he'd rather see Marci go because he's a c&*ks%&ker. W says he can go next week, so he can go to sequester and read comic books and jerk off.
They ask E again...
W says to put him up if E gets HOH...Janie says to put up Dani and W, w/ W as the pawn. E agrees to that.
James says that How thinks that Dani has mind control over E, Marci and him.
E back to how she didn't want Kay gone...that she never told an HOH who to put up.
W says he wants to play the show as funny as he can, but not malicious...then goes on a bitch about being sick of being there, of everyone there...he wants to get out and get on with his life....he's "over it."
How starts giving him a hard time. jan calls him "dr delicious"
Jan tells E they'll talk about it.
Now everyone is grumping at each other...Jan tells them to all stop yelling.
W: Just for clarification, I'm loyal to B and eveyrone else can kiss my ass.
How: I hate Will.
Jan: You better shut up Will! (ed this is all joking around)
E leaves.
Jan says she doesn't believe E...thinks E is saying whatever she can to stay. W thinks E will throw HOH, B agrees. Jan says what about the next week?
Now W's saying that now E knows they are all together. More joking around.
Jan says she thinks E was lying about not coming after her. She also feels that they all are to blame for putting Marci up. W and James own up to it.
Jan is still worried about the next week. W says they can only play week to week. CT says that she out to go to her w/ a "girl" alliance. Janie says she won't do that.
They ask James. He's still being bratty about not wanting to talk, finally says it's better to keep E because he thinks E will throw HOH
And it goes on and on
hey jackie, quick question....they don't know anything about the prom king or prom queen america's choice yet, do they?
because you'd said james was worried janelle would put him up next week if she gets HOH...but usually hoh can't compete two weeks in a row, so what's he thinking?
also, since you can vote for anybody and it gives them "an advantage for this week's HOH" does that mean janie gets to play for it?
Anon @ 2:07 - When James said Janelle he actually meant Janelle/Howie. He acts as if they're a unit. Janelle will not be able to be HOH again next week unless they change things. But Howie can and Janelle controls him.
The houseguests don't know about the Prom King/Queen and no one (HG or fans) know what the advantage will be.
I like Will and Boogie because they are funny. That's it. Anyone can lie if they convince themselves (or are convinced by the producers?) that it is OK. But show or not, real life or reality tv, lieing is the cheap way to win at anything. - abigal
Jackie said...
Quistian - I get an e-mail each time a comment is made As for talking about their DR sessions, sometimes BB yells at them, sometimes not. It may depend who's working the shift there. They're not supposed to discuss them.
Jackie, Thanks for all the hard work you do - Believe me I know its a hard task, why are Mike/Will allowed in the DR Sessions at the same time - ( it appears as though Mike/Will are directing comments together many times )I realize its for entertainment purposes, however why are they the ones who have done this? I don't recall anyone else doing so this many times - I wanted Will to win his season of course he did - Mike and Erica, I highly doubt will marry, Danelle will be the one getting crushed by Will, not even Mike will see it coming - Danelle is a great player and if she failed to see how the POV was given to Janelle the previous week, then handed to her - she's not any smarter than Janelle.
Ok, Janelle originally told Marcellas that she would NOT put him up on the block because he said if she did, he would go...and he's right. So whether or not she told him LATER that she changed her mind, she still lied because she assured him beforehand that she wouldn't. She promised she wouldn't do it, just because she may have told him she was going to go ahead and go back on her word doesn't make it any less of a lies. She allowed Will to sway her decision again, as she always does and chose to change her nom to Marcellas. I really don't see where this "great player" is that everyone keeps claiming Janelle is. Sure, she's won a few HOH comps, but namely out of sheer luck, not out of any actualy physical strength or mental capability. She was just able to buzz in a little quicker or accidentally answer correctly (we don't know if she guessed or actually knew her answers). She talks a big talk, but in the end, she basically does whatever the rest of the house tells her to do. What's so stong and powerful about that?? A true good player would stick by what they decide, not let other sway them with their charm and wit and go for it every time. Unfortunately, Janelle just doesn't do that. and Howie isn't exactly a big power player either....he sits around and does nothing. Sure, he votes how he wants to, but he's never really DONE anything. He's never won a comp and he whines alot without actually DOING anything. He sits back and lets Janelle do everything...which she does what Woogie tells her. I don't understand why everyone thinks S6 is such a threat..obviously they broke apart a long time ago. They had strength mearly in their numbers and that's gone.
I just got the live feeds and last night and this morning the house guest guest keep talking about voting on Wednesday morning and the Coup would be revealed on wednesday also. Am I missing something or is the show going to be on wednesday?
Anon @ 12:39 - They are filming the votes today, so they won't be live tomorrow. But the Coup d'Etat won't be revealed until tomorrow, as far as I know. The votes are being pre-cast so that the Coup d'Etat can come into play and all will fit into a one-hour live show.
"James is worried that if Janelle gets HOH next week, she'll put him up."
If she's HOH this week then how can she be next week?
I don't like Janelle, she's beautiful and smart, oh boo hoo boo hoo(JEALOUSY MUCH?)
Get over it, it's a game! Everyone lies, it's what makes them all-stars!
And Marcellout & James sold her out long ago...BYE BYE BITCHES!
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