Will it work? Right now, it's not looking too good. I'll get more to the point after I get what's happened through the evening hours all written up.
Here are the happenings from the Big Brother House of Inconsistent Inconsistencies:
- Howie confronted James about betraying S6. James said they did it to themselves by going with Chill Town and that Howie hasn't done anything this season but talk.
- James told Janelle and Howie that Woogie are backdooring Marcellas.
- James ran back to Woogie to report his conversation. He told them that they said Chill Town doesn't trust him. "Perfect!," says Mike.
- Then James went to the Floaters and bragged about how he told off Janelle and Howie.
- Chicken George apparently hasn't committed his vote. He told Woogie he's thinking of asking Marcellas for his slop pass in exchange for his vote.
- James told Erika that Danielle cannot drink tonight. [Editor's note: But no one's the boss of Danielle. She shouldn't drink, but she ended up doing so.]
- Marcellas told Mike that if he stays and gets HOH, he'll go after Howie and Janelle.
- Mike told Janelle that he thinks Marcellas is going to target him and S6 - they should all (CT and S6) have a meeting in the HOH Room later.
- Will started working his Will ways to turn Janelle's lead to vote out Marcellas instead of Erika. Oh, he can talk and dance those circles around her, can't he? He turns her right around and it becomes a Marcellas Bashfest.
- Over at the Legend of Doom, Danielle wants Janelle to believe she's been betrayed by Chill Town.
- Will talked to Danielle and told her that it's going to be very bad if James doesn't vote out Marcellas.
- Erika complained more about the re-do of the HOH with the floaters.
- Janelle was sticking to her guns about voting Erika out, but they all kept working on her. [Editor's note: She should have Gullible tattooed across her forehead this season. She's oblivious to the fact that everyone in the house except Howie and Chicken George are working her for their own benefit. Oh, add Marcellas to those two. He sees what's going on, but right now is powerless to stop it. Danielle has been shmoozing him, so he thinks she's the only one on his side.]
- For the longest time, Janelle was telling both CT and S6 that she'd be "pissed" if Marcellas was voted out because that would mean everyone betrayed her. [Editor's note: Precisely why Woogie's tactic is to turn Janelle around. Then they have the best of both worlds. Janelle's not mad at them and Marcellas out/Erika remains.]
- The meeting went on forever, it seemed. Finally she agreed to to talk to Erika.
- Mike went running to get Erika and prep her for what she should say to Janelle - promise to go after Danielle and not S6, etc.
- I found it interesting that when Mike was scheming with
Erika about what she should say to Janelle, this screen cap (right) shows Erika at the Fraudulent wall.
- In the end, after what seemed like forever, Janelle made a deal with Erika - she will be saved this week, but she must target Danielle if she wins HOH.
- So, Will did it again. He is the PupperMaster and proves it at every turn.
- He stayed shmoozing with Janelle for time on end while Danielle works her own magic with Marcellas to make him think she's his only friend. However, she's in the thick of it with Woogie and wants Marcellas to go instead of Erika.
There's where we stand right now. The houseguests have been told that votes will be taped tomorrow. They assume it's because the Coup d'Etat on the live show Thursday will take a lot of time, but really have no clue. They also have no idea that there's a Prom King/Queen vote going on.
Oh I am sooooooooo confused!!!!
@@ gotta roll those eyeballs
Whew! I'M gonna need a therapist when this is all done.
Wait until the season is over and they see the way everyone's screwed everyone over.
I'm not confused, but Ohh ChillTown works it sooo hard. Drill, drill, drill... 'round and 'round and 'round, cycle after cycle Will goes. Even James knows better, but still gullible to the lying onslaught. ChillTown overplayed their hand, but they have more than one angle and did I mention that they don't leave anything alone? They address everything, beat a dead horse, and then drill it again.
No joke, I literally rolled my eyes when I saw that Janelle agreed to talk with Erika! What happened to Janelle? I know every HG says you really don't know who to believe when you're in the house but it seemed like Janelle had FINALLY realized that everyone might be working her with her comment about knowing by the vote if everyone betrayed her but but but then she was being gullible again. Frustrating. Have to say, even had she stuck to her guns I think the knowledge would be too late to help her now. Knowing its only Janelle and Howie, I already figure they're pretty much toast (like last year) but somehow I still wanted her to WAKE UP! LOL.
At this point, I don't even have a real favorite anymore, just who I would prefer to not see win, and that's really just James and Mike at this point. I admit, it's purely based on personal preference and not so much on game playing. I just don't care much for James. He's definitely playing the game and this whole thing about him jumping ship strikes me as kind of silly since it sure seems like Janelle was looking at Woogie as possible allies very early in the game (silly girl; don't know what happened to you this season). And I flat out just don't care for Mike. 'Nuff said on him.
Otherwise, whoever wins, wins and it does look like it might be Will again. I'm not a Will fan and I still have to admit he's really good. I like Danielle, always did, still do. I liked Marcellas in his season and on Housecalls but in BB7 not so much. Oh well, I'm the one who should have her head examined posting at such a ridiculous hour. Ok, back to work and looking forward to Thursday.
Thanks, Jackie, has anyone mentioned "you rock" lately? :)
Zoetawny fan
Could be Janelle going this week. If booger uses the coup, he could switchout the noms with Howie and Janelle. One goes, the other is on his/her own and more than likey gone next week... or in a surprise double eviction.. both gone this week. Can you imagine the celebration in the house... yiks! It will be a sad day for Janie and Howie fans like me but.... as the saying goes, "ewe reap what you sew". this is definatly not our same Janie from last year.
Sue in Charleston
I really liked Janelle's game play in her season, she came across as a dumb blonde, but played a smart game, & i was rooting for her - but... this season, she is really playing the dumb blonde, with no smarts !! after she saw James "throw" the pov comp, she should have put him up after Danielle saved herself, instead she let everyone talk her into putting up Marc, which by the way, I wanted her to do also - but her game play stinks, when she is finally voted out & watches the tapes of all the manipulating, she is gonna scream "let's start the all stars season over again"!!
Jackie, I don't know how you keep up with all the comments you are getting lately, even I have a hard time keeping up, & i'm not writing the blog, too !! are you super woman ??!! either way, keep up the good work !!
I don't understand the Janelle-bashing. For one thing, she's been up against almost everyone and stayed her ground. It's easy for us to say she's being manipulated--we're out HERE, KNOWING what they're up to. We probably would we swayed as well, if we were constantly bombarded (Will) with propaganda. I think she's played a terrific game considering everyone is very jealous/afraid of her. I do, tho, wish she'd trust her own instincts. You can see it in her face when she knows she's being played. Then, she buys into Will, James (uh) or whoever.
omg...i'm so so sick. I can't take it. I'm really having a hard time with Will, he truly is the all star and should win the big bucks. I just don't like him, but I give him credit for being a smart cookie. I just wish they would allow America to vote so that one house guest could see the diary disscusion for one of the other house guest... then we could vote for Janelle. She really is not playing well. I hate to admit it, and it makes me sick to do so, but Will deserves to win..... uhhh gag..gag..gag.
Alana (New York)
I think the main problem with Janelle and Howie (and moreso Janelle than Howie) is that they are refusing to believe what they are SEEING with their own eyes, but rather they are choosing to believe words. Perfect example...the veto competition...clearly, Danielle did not win that competition...it was HANDED to her by those who played. It was so evident that the competition was thrown to her. Janelle and Howie sat on the sidelines and watched this fiasco and initially were outraged then let Will and Co. talk them out of seeing what they saw and explained it all away with lame theories. This scene keeps replaying over and over...especially with Janelle and I am confused as to why she is choosing not to trust her instincts and her eyes. None of us know what it's like to be living there, however, I think if I were Janelle, I would be using that spy camera a bit more to get a feel for what is going on when they are not up in her room filling her head with nonsense. It's frustrating to watch because Janelle seems to figure things out then allows herself to get talked out of things.
I don't really understand the point of the DR if they can go in there and lie. It never used to be like that with the audience sooo in the dark as to who is loyal to who, etc. It is kind of annoying!
Go Janelle & Howie! James is soo meand spirited and I can not wait until he gets his! No one is being as hateful and personal as he is. It is a game, but name calling in the DR is MEAN!
LOL about needing a therapist when this is over... I totally agree. I also don't know how Jackie keeps up wtih this... Janie isn't being smart, whatver it's like in the house. All these players have been in the house before, and she was smart last year and should know not to be talked out of that EACH time. I understand tha Will has excellent spin, and he does it with great common sense, so that a "samrt" player does buy it... but how he convinces her EACh time is why I think people don't think Janie is being smart this time. The competition being thrown to Danielle so obviously is one sure fire thing J should not have let Will explain away, though he is persistant and wears you down... like a good lawyer.
I wanted Danielle to win, though I was rooting for Janelle in the beginning, since she was so good last year, but when I read the comment about Janie fighting for her wins and Danielle letting everyone else do her work was interesting. Danielle does a real amount of her won work to win those people who do the work, and that is actually really a trick, so she's still as strong and smart in those tactics and Will is in his. Just a different form.
What has really been discouraging as a viewer about BB is that you go thru all this and it ends up in the end with none of the big players in the final 2. Last year to have Jun win sucked.
I agree with so many of the comments here today. And the talk in the house is making me dizzy (that and my eyes have rolled back in my head and seem stuck at a crazy angle now). I don't see how Janelle would be any better off keeping Marci then Erica, after Danielle was off the block then the nom lost its importance. Back door or don't nom.a player who wnat out but instead Janelle showed that she jumped right in to make sure Danielle knew she was angry and either didn't think it through (Veto possibility) or was more concerned with getting in Danielle's face than being subversive. That is Janelle's type of play and I have to say I like that better than James play where he tells everyone what they want to hear. Danielle knows exactly where she stands with Janelle. Even the celebrations at the end of comp wins go along with that type of being up front. I'm not saying it is smart game plan, but it is in your face and not secretive. I also am perplexed by Janelle and Howie having the info needed and still not understanding it. Janelle even said at one point that if Danielle were gone James would have no one to run to and then would vote with S6. So many things wrong with that thinking. It is as if she accepts him as a snake, but he is their snake. Unconditional acceptance. Well, I can't find anything wrong with that, but snakes often bite the hand that feeds them. (which btw might be the term I would have used if I had been choosing the coup clues) I kind of like her attitude in that light of it. I still go back to Kaysar telling her to get Marci out next and now she is. Is that just Will's pushing or had she already wanted it to go that way and was easy to turn? (okay no blonde bombshell comments here) She seems to be an 'enjoy the journey' type person over 'get results' kind that Danielle is.
Here is what I would like to hear thoughts on: Is the Legion of Doom for real? Is it just a made up place where four power players are hanging out and practicing lying to each other or is there any real conviction to it? Just by being in LOD will Woogie really protect James over someone else? Does it just exist until they get rid of Janelle and Howie? And even though people say Janelle and Howie are not playing smart (and there obviously is a lot of evidence of that) everyone in the house (inc the master Will)have to spend hours trying to sway J & H to do things.
Jackie you are the best. Thank you. Sue
One more thing. I don't pretend to know all about the Coup or even who wins it. But, if Boogie won it then Erica staying is the best thing that could happen for Janelle and Howie. Boogie wouldn't have to over throw the votes if they are the votes he wants..it would be a waste of use of power. If Erica were going then he might (and who knows with the Boogie man) have to use it this nomination. Also, while J and/or H might not be in the house long enough to use their new found info, the way Danielle won the Veto was done so clumisly that it became a very expensive lesson to H & J. So they lost, but gained knowledge. In such a heavy handed way that even those two couldn't ignore it. It might turn into their favor, if they survive it, of course. Sue
I just don't understand why there are so many Janelle fans out there. I didn't watch last season, so I guess that I didn't get to see her at her best, but her and Howie are just boring for me to watch. Will and Boogie atleast keep things exciting and amusing and Will is so incredibly smart. I definitely am voting for him to win it again.
I actually lost sleep last night thinking about the situation Janelle and Howie are now in. They keep seeing betrayals in words and deeds but get talked into acting against their instincts. I wonder
if they are just so happy to think they are "liked" by this season's players (as opposed to last year's nerd herd) that they want to, as one anonymous poster already said, believe the best. Janelle, who was targeted from day 1 by Danielle, then Chill Town, is shell-shocked I think, and although she is still my choice to win--she does not let herself get beaten down--she has let herself be terribly vulnerable and created a much rockier road for herself.-abigal
Ohhhh, I just want to scream. Come on Janelle wake up! She had the perfect chance to see once and for all whose on her side and whose against her. If she would have stuck to her guns about Erika leaving and then that house full of liars voted out Marcellas instead, finally she would see that all she has is Howie.
Another thing that made me want to scream was how lame Dani's POV win was. She got to sit back and do absolutely nothing to earn the win. When I think about how hard CG fought to win his pov - slop for the rest of the show -, Janie had to put everybody on cots and cold water and miss out on playing for pov - she could have totally won that one by the way. Then miss Dani just gets it handed to her by Will and the worst actor in the entire world - James. I don't mind someone winning the POV and saving themself, but damn it at least earn it. JMO. What do the rest of you think.
I was just thinking about last night and all these ppl in the house. Ya know for all the backstabbing and game playing I do not understand why some of them do not respect George? Maybe its game play but the man has done nothing but try and lift their spirits, cook and clean for them and be a nice guy. And when he needed to he stepped up. I find it interesting that Danielle has not said anything bad about George- must be an age thing, or a parent thing. Anyway for all those who are talking crap on Danielle at least she isnt attacking George - like James, HOWIE, Janelle...hum
Janie doesn't do a D@mn thing she doesn't want to do. OHHHH I forgot She does was Will wants her to do ha ha ha ha-"Janie had to put everybody on cots and cold water and miss out on playing for pov - she could have totally won that one by the way" The only way she won was by doing what all of them agreed NOT to do. Janie is just as shady as the rest of them
I really hope Janelle wins; but if not, I pray that James and Danielle go first. PLEASE!
IrishWench662 said...
The show is to much like a soap opera now and I hate that.
Hahahaaaaaaa - I agree on the soap opera - That's basically what I've been trying to compare the editing to, The problem is who ever is providing the latest editing isn't doing a smart cover move, provided with suspense not confusion throughout, otherwise viewers could become annoyed - as with any soap you test the audience with certain editing views - if its over-kill - you risk losing viewers, although the POV comps were " picked from a bag " I had hoped George would have been " picked " to play..hmmmmmm
Then miss Dani just gets it handed to her by Will and the worst actor in the entire world - James. I don't mind someone winning the POV and saving themself, but damn it at least earn it. JMO. What do the rest of you think.
I actually became concerned for CBS after viewing that episode - not just Dani being handed the POV the entire episode was more than obvious for us who work with scoops-spoilers for daytime soaps.
Tom S
would't it be something if Jani has the coup, it would be a whole new game.I don't remember seeing her give her answer. By the way Jackie keep up the good job, you ROCK
To the post at 9:21 you might have missed the little heart to heart George had with Dani in the HOH room. He told her they were a lot alike i.e. parents and that they were there for their families. That's when George pledged his allegiance to her and said he would do what she wanted bc he wanted her to win. He was just hoping to stay long enough to help her.
Just a simple question...
Why is it that the houseguests are not allowed to sing?
They have not shown - at least not on tv - Janie, Will or Boogie's answer to coup question. I do think "you reap what you sow" is the correct answer, I just hope Janie somehow got it in before Boogie did. I can dream can't I! Also, it was so so funny last night when Howie told them "Spool of Lies". His reasons for saying it were hilarious.
I am ready to see Janelle go. I was a fan last year but I think that was b/c she was the better choice when you took into account the Fiendship. This year, she is winning all these comps and should be running this house and instead she is letting Will run her.
I am still rooting for Danielle. I cheered her on in her season when she was robbed and I'd love to see her in the Final 2. A showdown with Will. The 2 baddest players ever.
A question that has nothing to do with the gameplay: When watching the show - what in the world is that thing that Will is always wearing on his head during the DR sessions?
Keep up the great work Jackie! I love coming here to read it every day.
I really wouldn't mind seeing Marcellas go on Thursday, especially after seeing his DR last night. Wow how vicious and mean he was about Janie, when he was just up in her room kissing and hugging her. He is almost worse than James - almost.
I agree Kris. I couldn't stand Will at first but have come to admire his game play. I like Dani too and would like it to come down to them with Dani being the winner. I was a Jani fan previous season but now she's just on my nerves.
Rock on Jackie!
Marcelles is so cold hearted. I probably dislike him the most, followed quickly by James. But...for some reason he still seems like less of a threat than if they vote off Erika. I hope Erika goes... she is such a bore, she does not look good this season, looks kind of skanky and tough--not aging well. Can you tell that she is not one of my favorites as well??
I do agree about Erica What happened???
Marcelles is killing me with the robe and eye shade...give me a break, he thinks he is Hugh Hefner or something. Bye Bye Marcelles!
I respect Jani if for more than her ability to win comps. Just like James in his season that comes to an end and you have to have used some smarts. The dumb blonde thing works on dorks like Howie, not Will and Boogie. I feel sorry for Erika when she sees the tapes. Grap a bucket for all the tears.
I too am suprised at Jani being so gullible. I think Jani should have put James up as soon as she could tell he threw the comp. However, putting Marc up is just a matter of timing. He is not going to win HOH unless they give him a pass.
Sooo Long S6, "ewe reap what you sew". They were given the power coming in with 4 strong an arrogance and self-righteousness blinded them.
Remember the year that CBS had a viewers choice for a member of Survivors to win a million? Why not do that now with BB? Who would you vote to win a half million?
That would be something if Jani won. That is the only way she makes it. Hmm!!!!!
Great job Jackie, you are amazing!!!!
I would vote for Will to play.
Even if you do not like him as a person (which I do), his game play is the best in hx of BB, can anyone argue with that?
The question about the house guests not singing......it wouldn't surprise me if it's a legal issue. You have to get a release for every piece of music that's broadcast. Does anyone think/know if this could be why?
OMG last nights show was awesome. Woogie did it again - they are making great tv. I laughed like never before and yes Janelle looked stupid, WAKE up Janelle! Howie keeps getting overlooked when he is telling her to do the right thing.. for once Janie listen to Howie!
I just can't get the picture out of my head of how happy Janelle was to see April during the POV competition. Makes absolutely no sense. Samantha
As to singing -- that us why -- its considered "broadcast" of copyrighted music since its on a live internet feed.
As for the thing on Will's head -- I think it looks like a pair of underwear - but my husband tells me its some cool urban thing the kids are wearing (clearly a fashion I am too old for since I'm not even familair wiht it).
Will really is the puppetmaster, the way he turned Janelle.
Marcalles is truly too annoying for words this season. He must go --
Thanks Jackie -- you rule
Too little too late. Marci is a gonner and George is loyal to Dani.
Thanks for the good reporting, Jackie. This is my first time to post a comment on the BB7 show. IMO,it is DEFINITELY SCRIPTED, not reality at all. Too much is clearly evident in the way the comps are won, etc. IMO the players already know who, how, and when they will be evicted. For me,the show is not as fun to watch as in the past.
I believe Will's head gear is a skull cap. He has to keep that brain warm you know to hatch his evil plots...lol!!!
I am with susan B..I will definitely need professional help. Will and Mike are a force and Daniele is reaping the benefit for now.....when they turn on her, oops! did I say that?
I give up on Janey....she got dumb over the last year....
Sis -
If "the players already know who, how, and when they will be evicted" why would they spend 3/4 months of their lives doing this for nothing?
Sorry but I disagree.
i agree in s6 janelle played a good game this year she just seems to see and hear what she wants to when james did not choose danielle in the pov janelle then should have put him up on the blog why does she believe james so much when last year she did not and howie looks like he is lost this year i enjoyed s6 with them but this year they are acting kinda of dumb i would like to see will win but not danielle or mike Jackie i noticed what time you updated the blog i really want to thank you for spending so much time giving us a great blog i love this site and all the comments and your insights thank you again and please keep up the good work
To Anon 10:57 -- I'm not saying ti is scripted but to answer your question as to why -- they get paid a stipend for every week they are in the house ($2K a week I think). If they are out but sequestered they get paid for that time too. Many are wanna bes and are hoping the exposure opens doors for them.-
Terry California said...
Will and Mike are a force and Daniele is reaping the benefit for now
I agree, I tend to believe- Will leans toward Janelle/Howie as opposed to Danelle/James- Will's mission is to cause down-falls among those he fears most - Danelle / James isn't a great duo- the good Doc know's it - Jackie you can delete this if you like ( I won't give away the name of this reality show ) yes most reality shows are scripted to a certain degree - rigging vs scripted-suggested?? is " avoided " - A network suffered one of the worst back-lash in reality show history as one of their "Amazing show's " provided an outcome in which the viewers clearly saw who would have won - had the plane not been stopped - however if that plane wasn't stopped and those two weren't allowed on board, it was no brainer/suspense as to who the winner would have been - This show has lost not only loyal viewers but the audience confidence in how reality can actually become a plot driven storyline - that's why if your editing is improper - questions could arise - even if a show has never been scripted or rigged previously - yet this one time it could be, the audience will forever have doubt - people tend to recall a ending situation- as opposed to the over-all big picture, just like with a good football game if a certain team played awesome throughtout the game only to fumble the ball and lose the game in the end-- what is most remembered is that end result.
Good Morning Jackie...I have a couple of thoughts for everyone this morning. I disagree with the common belief(S) that Janie is gullible this year. Her mistake wasn't not putting James (again I apologize for being a James fan) in Dani's place, is WAS not BACKDOORING DANI. At times I think she's just not looked at the big picture. I think the one thing we ALL have learned in regards to BB is when you want someone out of the house so BADLY, you don't give them the chance to save themself. Her & Howie's strategy of making the Floaters choose a side would've still worked if her noms would've been Erika & CG, Marci $ Erika or Marci & CG. I know she couldn't count on who would be playing the POV competition, but I think the better move was to NOT put Dani up for eviction initially. I give her credit for being somewhat honest in her noms speech, but honesty (I don't mean loyalty) DOESN'T GET YOU ANYWHERE IN THIS GAME. Even if Dani went on the block via the backdoor and still wasn't evicted, the target on Janie & Howie wouldn't have been that big. I think it could've saved them some more time. Howie needs to step up BIGTIME in the next HOH comp or Janie may be shown the backdoor. After watching last night's show I can't see ANYONE beating CT (and I don't mean Erika), THEY ARE REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The demonstrated last night that the name of the game is MANIPULATE & DEFLECT. I can't believe the remaining HG's regardless of alliances/sub-alliances believe they can trust CT, but I've said that from day 1. Regardless of personal pre-show likes & dislikes, WILL should've been the first to go and then Boogie. Will, more than Boogie, is at the end of EVERY move whether it be eviction(s) or comps. Even my boy duplicitous James is starting to show signs of falling under Dr. Evil's spell. Whoever gave Will the nickname the puppetmaster was DEAD-ON. As always Jackie I REALLY appreciate your recaps & updates - YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think another very important thing to remember is that when BB first started, we saw Will in the Diary Room stating that Danielle was ROBBED of winning the season she was on the show. He truly believes this and it looks as though he will watch out for her.
I believe that if Janelle gets evicted next week, we will see another taped message from Will stating to Janelle that "he told her that James was not to be trusted" just as we saw him do with Kaysar. Will thinks ahead and plots his game meticulously. And even though Will is not to be trusted and is backstabbing her, we don't see anyone up in the HOH telling Janelle to get rid of HIM. He's quite masterful in his game play. James will not know what hit him because they will get rid of him in a heartbeat once Janelle is out of the house and they don't need him anymore.
I think what will be most interesting is watching how they pick the rest of the people off in this game. They might keep Howie around for a while (probably longer than James because Howie isn't perceived as a threat even though I believe HIS mind is working better than Janelle's this season).
Ok so yes they are compensated and yes they get exposure and yes editing plays a big part of how the audience perceives players. However if it was totally scripted/rigged how could the live feed be carried out without the jig being up as they say? When ousted players go on HC and the other interview shows how could they pull that off? I don't think everyday people (and thier families) could totally fake this 24/7. Even the Truman Show couldn't pull that off - lol!!!
However if it was totally scripted/rigged how could the live feed be carried out without the jig being up as they say? When ousted players go on HC and the other interview shows how could they pull that off?
Hahahaaa- You see flames.. the type of scripting for reality show's isn't the same as for other shows - I personally know someone, who was on a reality show, sure they don't tell all - again editing is the key hidden tool factor the bottom line is not to over do it - otherwise one can be seen as being bias - I'm the first to admit - I am bias towards certain spoilers-scoops when it comes to a few characters, I prefer.
I am getting so aggravated at how stupid Janelle is. I can't believe she is this gullible. I wanted to see her stay in the house a lot longer than I believe she is going to. I love Howie and Janelle. They are my favorites. I really can't stand Danielle. Will grows on you. I have a question and I would like to see what everyone else thinks. Will and Mike are in alliances with everyone, so if it comes down to them having to make a choice to save either Danielle or Janelle, who do you think they would save?
Tom S - You're entitled to your opinions, but at the end of the day... that's what they are - opinions. Unless you're involved with production of the show and breaking the NDA... they can't be stated as facts.
You bring up many interesting points, but it's all open to interpretation. But, keep doing it! I find the discussion interesting, though I don't necessarily agree with you.
I would like to add - I love BB - As I've stated previously I have defended BB to so many viewers that its NOT RIGGED - I merely found some serious hidden editing tactics in last night's episode - which I seriously briefly questioned -- In this event - I'm going to have to predict the next HOH comp-- will be a highly/Powerful struggle- endurance comp in which ONLY Howie can pull it off - James and Howie will remain - James will plead, plead, beg, plead, < g > Jackie will @@ Hahaha as he's losing his strength, Howie, is more determined - because he and Jani have finally awaken !
I think that they should have let Will bring his botox kit into the house. As Will has shown us, paralyze enough of your face and no one can "read" you as you no longer have facial expressions. Can you imagine the confusion in the house if they all wore masks like his?
I always thought Will getting botox was a smart move, too! He can lie and nobody will even see the smirk
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