Oh, things aren't looking too good for the Kaysar man, not at all. Unless the coup d'etat that Julie hinted at happens affecting this eviction, he's most likely out the door once again.
Here are the more important schemings and dealings from last night and overnight from that Big Brother house of Turning Tides:
- Will and Mike Boogie seem to think Kaysar will be going (and they were two votes some think will be for Kaysar).
- They think it will be 5-1 for him to go with Janelle's vote nullified by James. Howie would be the one remaining vote.
- James told Chicken George he wouldn't ask for votes, but he asks to do what's best for him (George) in the house. [Editor's note: Thus implying that he should vote with the house rather than from the heart.]
- Some of the houseguests made a fake rock video with Howie on air drums. It was nice to see some laughs in the house.
- Danielle and Erika decided that if someone were to come back, they'd want it to be Diane.
- James fussed to Danielle that Kaysar went to Erika campaigning for a vote. [Editor's note: And, that's not allowed?]
- BB gave George some Gas-X for his um... condition. The house will love it if it works.
- Danielle and Erika said the show fans will hate them for taking out their favorite - Kaysar. [Editor's note: Maybe. We'll see. I personally think Danielle is playing the game well. Erika? I don't have her quite figured out yet.]
- Kaysar talked to Mike Boogie about how he's ready to play due to recent events (nomination). Mike actually hedged and didn't commit to anything except that Kaysar would be tough to be against at the end. [Editor's note: Oh, Kaysar... Mike does NOT want you in the Final Two! Not that Mike will make it into the Final Two, mind you. He should be gone long before then, I would think.]
- They headed towards bed rather early (not that they necessarily slept) - Danielle made a point to settle in the Bug Room with a group oof the others. She has to keep tabs on folks, y'know!
- Danielle and Marcellas say that Howie needs to grow up and stop becoming threatening each time noms don't go the way he wants.
- Erika told Danielle that she thinks James should go on the block next week (again) and this time, be voted out. [Editor's note: Erika realizes he won't keep his word to anyone and is working all sides of the house. Not that she isn't doing the same, but at least she's not as blatant about it.]
- Danielle is upset that "Kaysar has to leave." Although she put it all in motion, she honestly seems to like him a lot.
And there ya go...
THANK YOU JACKIE! Love your blog! I like Kayser but he has to go this week. Anything else would be a wasted eviction. James is not a S6er anymore and for the numbers, Danielle MUST get one of the S6er's out. Anything less is a failure. GO DANIE!!
Sorry, I still hope Kayser doesn't go! I hope something changes!
- Ursula -
I'm going to hate to see Kaysar go, but if they are smart they will send him packing.
I'm glad people are seeing it that way. that kaysar has to go. thats right, james broke away from that alliance and kaysar is not breakable. therefore they have to evict him if anybody wants to make it into the final 2. i agree that james should go next. i dont care. so long as they are smart enough to get rid of kaysar now, james later.
guess those floaters shoved their "floaters dont do anything, or play the game" comments right down their throats. going after the floaters idea sure bit them in the arse.
I agree they should have went after Chilltown that way they may have kept the floaters trying float. But they made them prove themselves. S6 better hope they win HOH if not Janelle is going home next week.
Hi Jackie, I just want to take a step back from my favorites in the house and talk about the main influence BB brings. Power. The HOH sits in their specialized room and criticizes how all other HOH used their power, right? And, aren't they all using it in a self aware way? So one week we watch Janelle plot against "them" and next we watch Danielle say Janelle is too full of herself and laugh about taking her and her buddies out? I know, nothing new to it, in fact you have even discussed it before. That is just what I am thinking today. The face changes in the HOH, but the talk is the same. I am developing an intense dislike for Danielle and I am her fan...so I can't say why. Do you or anyone else see her acting in any different way this season? Maybe this it what I am noticing....in her season BB only showed her trash talk in the DR and this year we are allowed to see and hear her lay out plans. I don't know. I am really wondering why Danielle is grating on my nerves so much. And it isn't the move to remove Kaysar or Janelle..I see that as smart game play. Pensively yours, Sue
So now they are actually backdooring Kaysar and not getting rid of Janelle as that is all that is shown on TV?
I can't stand Danielle, and I'll hate it if she wins. But then, I won't be watching BB if she's in the house much longer. (I'll probably still be reading this blog, though--thanks, Jackie!)
Thank you Jackie for being my lifeline to BB. My take on the whole game is that any decisions that S6 have made previously regarding nominations and evictions really don't matter. Regardless of who they nominate when they are in power, I knew that the minute they lost HOH one of them was going home. No matter who outside of S6 won HOH they would send an S6 person home. It really is the smart thing to do. I don't like it, but it is the smart move. I just really wish the S6er going home was that rat James. I was all set to let bygones be bygones from last season and give the guy a chance. But, sadly, he's the same two-faced snake he was last season and he has about as much chance of winning this time as he did then. Janelle and Howie are on their own in that house.
The reason Danielle didn't put up CT is obvious there are 4 people from S6 that is a strong allinace she had to take one of them out. So I understand her move. But S6 reasoning not so sure I agree they backed away from removing a threat she didn't. So some may not like her but she is by far one of the best if not the best at this game. So I'll be watching....Go Danielle!!!
I think Danieele is playing a smart game and she is the first HOH this season to take out an obvious target. Plus, what did S6 think was going to happen when a "floater" got HOH if they decided to keep on targeting them? They are coming after floaters so it just makes sense for those that are considered floaters to go after them while they have the chance.
I'm sad that Kaysar will be going but happy that Danielle continues to do well.
Jackie, thanks for all of your hard work keeping us informed...I love it! As for the game,For all the talk about "Chill Town must go," it seems that everyone is secretly aligned with them! That makes me laugh (as it is making Will and Mike laugh in the Diary Room)...Wish Kaysar wasn't going, please let it be James next! What a snake. Witt :)
PUH LEEZE people...the things that S6 did may not have been what WE would have done or what WE would have liked for them to do,but THINK about it. What exactly did they do...they got rid of floaters! And does that not make sense?? They went into that house..
4 members of S6,2 for CT and 8(EIGHT!!)in the "Floaters" group. Now,is that NOT a force to be reckoned with? In hindsight,it does make sense to try and whittle down the group that is the biggest threat to them. And,in return,it makes sense for Dani to try and get rid of one of the group that is the biggest threat to her group.Now the "floatees" may not have come together as a cohesive group at first and they all did try and glom onto this or that alliance,but they still had the numbers all along to rule the house,BUT they couldn't win HOH or POV.So don't bash the S6 for the game they have played so far(except for James,go ahead and have at him...LOL).Just my take on things from where I sit and mull over this constantly...yikes!
I agree that everyone complains when the HOH doesn't put up CT, then then when they get HOH they don't either. With one of the S6 leaving (James, please, please)they (S6) should pretend to disband and seem like less of a threat. Or form a secret "chillcity"....that would be an awesome group. Janelle, Howie, Kaysar, Mike and Will. YEAH BABY!!!
Sorry to disappoint Danelle fan's, Will and Mike are making a fool of her in favor of Janelle and Howie, you will see, I can read Will like a book, I know him very well, haha
I really don't want Kaysar to go home! I admit he was more interesting last season but he and Janelle were the biggest targets coming into the house and I guess he was trying to lessen that in the first few weeks. I truly think he has an alliance with Will but now I'm not so sure. What happened to wanting to compete with the top players at the end and not just a HG that did nothing but stay under the radar?? I think Kaysar would have the votes but its too tempting not to vote for him to leave when he can't get veto. I hope the show really is rigged and the producers will find a way for him to stay. James makes me sick and Kaysar is just SO good to look at!
Well,I'm sad that Kaysar is leaving but at least I know he can leave with his head hanging high.
While Danielle is a smart player and a good one I don't care for her personailty at all.
Anyone other the S6 was an obvious target since everyone except the 3 1/2 (with james being half) s6 alliance was ready to get rid of them 5 minutes into the house. Which was actually more then the s6 people.
Why wouldn't it be smart to try and pull two of the strongest palyers in on your alliance if you could.
They got rid Alison, Nakomis, Jase and Diane. All expect maybe Diane are very strong and smart players so I think they did good..IMO.
Anywho...Kaysar is a great person and I will miss watching him play the game without calling people fat or worthless.
as much as i dislike james, i'd rather see kaysar go home. i can not stand him and think he is so fake. hopefully one of chill town will win head of house hold this week. then they can put james on the block. they'd have to put someone else up as a pawn, like erika. i wouldn't want to see george up even as a pawn.
WTF IS WRONG WITH DANIELLE! She put up James, they can STILL keep Kaysar. I really don't want James to stay. =(
I would like to have seen Kaysar win. It would have been nice to see someone who has values win. Why cant the nice guy who doesnt lie win ? It shows the immoralaity of our culture that wins the game.
the jack shack is where Howie takes care of his manly "business".
although I do not know where it is....hmmmm
I guess people are forgetting alot about previous shows and only focusing on the moment. If i remember correctly from the beginning of the show, floaters didn't have alliance even with 8 people in the house. Jase didn't like nakomis, denielle didn't like marcellas, george was on his own, etc. so floaters weren't even a threat. only when S6 put them on the block everytime they won, they formed the alliance. To stay in the house, floaters must have the numbers and win HOH. Once they won the HOH they put S6 on the block. Personally when S6 won HOH, they should slowly get rid of CT and then floaters won't be so upset with to get rid of S6. The game could be much different game. If only Janelle didn't tell Howie not to let Erika and Diane win, she made it big mistake. Mike should have gone home then. Maybe then Danielle would put up Will last week instead of Janelle. Well, that's just my thought. Kaysar got to go, he is way too boring this time around.
response to comment from 12:09pm.
Kaysar may not call others fat and worthless but he thinks he is better than everybody in the house. He comments on having high morals and values but where were they when he lied. We can expect from others to lie and deceit because they are all snakes but for someone who said he has high morals please leave your high morals at home and play the game.
If for some reason Kaysar get to stay...I am definitely know the show is scripted. First, George wins the POV and save himself and Jase got back doored. Second,Mike wins the POV and Diane got back doored. Third, Jenelle wins the POV and save herself and Kaysar got put on the block. How can obvious people who should be leaving all of the sudden they win the POV 3 times in a roll and save themselves? Is Big Brother not having the ratings that they need? The producers seemed to want to keep everybody who have many fans. If Kaysar stays b/c of whatever Julie says then I know it is scripted and not reality TV.
Just a note....remember Julie mentioned the coup thing before the HOH competition began to the audience...my understaning was that it was to happen this week...and my guess is...the houseguests will find out today or tomorrow if it is to affect the voting this week...if not..then it is too late for kaysar...
i agree that there is some manipulative play on the part of producers and stuff to "make a good show"...but in this case...it was mentioned before HOH comp...therefore...nobody can cry foul...that it was a move to save kaysar or anyone else...
It's soo true James complains all the time and was mad when Janelle didn't put Chilltown up for eviction, but ummm...if I recall correctly he had the same opportunity to get rid of Chilltown when he was HOH but his dumbass went and put George up...of course HOH is going to put up whoever they feel is a threat to them personally, James is an ass and I CAN'T WAIT till they send him home!!
i hate to see kaysar go...but "now he's ready to play"?!?!?!? if he would have started playing sooner, he might not be in this situation. i'd still rather see james go...i don't like the way cbs edited him as the victim when he'd really had already turned on his team and the nomination of diane just gave him the excuse he was waiting for....
Believe me people, if there is any way those producers can keep Kaysar around, they'll do it. Let's not forget America voted him back into the house by something like 85% of the vote. They don't want to lose a player with that kind of popularity. Okay so it might not be fair to the other players, LOL, but I really don't care I just want to keep him. Even though he's not saying much yet, he's the only thing worth looking at in that house!
Jackie, do you keep track of who casts what vote for eviction? If not you, does someone else here do so? I've been pondering what I considered Will's odd vote to evict Diane. It's made me wonder if he and Mike deliberately split their votes each time for some weird strategical reason.
In other words, I'm wondering if Will and Mike have voted for different people at each eviction, thereby nullifying each others' vote.
Otherwise I'm puzzled to see that they seem to think Kaysar will go because I thought at least Will would vote to evict James rather than Kaysar.
You can see the voting history right from the BB& web site
Just because you have morals doesn't make you perfect. There are players who have a stuggle with morals on all the games and they end up having to play it for what it is and do some lieing or deceit which I understand. I don't sit there and think that they somehow lose them for playing but you can tell when a person is just plain mean and rude in the game or in life.
James had no reason to call George Worthless and some of the other names he has called him. I don't fault James for his game playing because it's a game but I can dislike him as a person.
I want George to win. Maybe it is because he is old like me or maybe it is because he seems so sincere when he speaks. Truthfully he just comes across as a good soul and not a cheating, dishonost person.
I think if Kaysar is evicted then CBS will bring him back as a "America's Choice" thingy
I also believe the show is rigged but hey what ever it takes to get the ratings.
If you think about it if the corp eta or whatever it is called is used to save Kaysar and the person puts up Danelle than the show will have better ratings. YOU KNOW!
I'm still pulling for Kaysar to stay! I didn't like James last year and he's even worse this year. Thanks for the updates, Jackie!
Nikki from last night----
Just saw your question, sorry!
Will & Mike Boogie (mostly Mike) were talking to George REALLY inappropriately about what he and his wife like to do in private (if you get my drift) Everying they said was VERY sleazy, nothing can be repeated here. George pretended to chuckle but got up and left the conversation as soon as his wife got mentioned. Mike asked, "Did I really upset him? Good....why?" Howie said, "Cuz he has three teenage daughters..." Mike said, "Well, if they're really into the internet or something.... and they probably are, oh well." Howie obviously felt really bad about what was said to George. There's your answer! Robin in Manchester
Anything happening today Jackie??
Do you know of any good sites that give good updates?
Be patient. I'm in the middle of writing an update right now. I generally post around 7:30 PM ET most evenings.
You can go to SirLinksAlot link in the right sidebar to find other BB sites.
Robin, thanks for answering my question!
Will/Mike are horrible! I feel so sorry for George. That was very very inconsiderate and rude. I can see that W/M make great tv, but if I was a hg, I would have wanted to get rid of them a long time ago. Is there a hg that will have the guts to nominate both of them and kick their butts out of there? So far I don't think anyone will do it. CT has blinded all of the hg to their real motives and the other hg will do all of their dirty work until just Will and Mike are left as the Final Two.
Best episode yet! ...except that Kaysar got put up.
I loved seeing Danielle get screwed up in the 24 hr. solitaire HAHAHA and her plan didn't work.
Go Janelle, she's a great player and so adorable
Will cracks me up, he could be a prof. comedian after B.B.
My favorite show ever!!
coup de whatever it was...a comment mentioned it is an overthrowing...
could this weeks vote be a choice, James, Kaysar or the head of household?
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