Wednesday, August 09, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Hours Into Wednesday 8/09

I have to start off with a small alert -- as I go to post this Blogger has a notice of a planned outage (for maintenance, I presume) at 4 PM PT (7 PM for me). The notice doesn't give any time estimate, but please be aware that you might have some difficulty accessing the blog around that time. Or, perhaps you can access it, but I won't be able to post a new entry. Or... maybe comments won't work! I don't really know, but thought I'd give a heads up for the readers. They usually don't keep it down too long. I'm still very pleased with the Blogger product. There are very few glitches or bugs in the long run, so I can certainly forgive them for a planned maintenance period.

Oh? You want to know more about the Haunting and the events from the wee hours into the dawn in that Big Brother House of Screaming Mimis? Here's the scoop:
  • The Haunting started with Erika seeing Alison's image and screaming. Now, keep in mind, she's not feeling too well to begin with due to her Slop Week and not even eating much of that.
  • Howie tried to be the Hero Jedi, searching out the demon to protect the Fair Maiden. Or something like that. A few houseguests think she hallucinated it and it didn't happen, until...
  • Will said it wouldn't be an isolated incident. If it was BB doing it, they would have more sightings. Sure enough.
  • Erika, saying she doesn't even like scary movies, packed up for the night and moved to another room. She refuses to be alone.
  • Meanwhile, Chicken George and Kaysar had an extended friendly talk in the backyard, oblivious to any ghosts haunting the BB House. It had started out with Kaysar campaigning, but turned into a chat covering just about anything and everything. Will George vote to keep Kaysar? He didn't commit.
  • Then Mike Boogie saw the Ghost of Jase-Face and freaked out even more than Erika - screaming like a small child scared by the Boogeyman. Oh, that's an appropriate expression to a point, isn't it? Mike Boogie, Boogeyman. Um... hmmm, not quite. I'll move along here.
  • James tried (again and still) to turn Howie (of all people) against Janelle.
  • As this was happening, ghostly faces (images) were popping up here and there throughout the house -- most went unnoticed by the houseguests.
  • Howie told Marcellas that in the scary movies, the gay guy always gets killed first.
  • So far, only Erika, Mike and Janelle have seen the image(s). The rest are hovering between believing them and thinking they made it all up.
  • For a while, no one could find Will. They went looking everywhere and he wasn't in the Diary Room. That mystery is still unsolved.
  • Marcellas thinks they've gone bonkers.
  • Howie said Jase is after Mike and Alison is after Erika and Janelle. He's just waiting for Diane and Nakomis faces to show up.
  • James and Will complained that the Haunting is boring and so set-up by Big Brother. Sheesh, guys...!
  • Will again (or still) is upset that the Diary Room "yelled at" him for calling Julie Chen "sweetheart" on the live show.
  • Mike went to the HOH to be with Erika, Marcellas and Danielle. He doesn't want his screaming hysterical reaction to the Jase Face shown on television.
  • A group gathered in the kitchen to cook slop and food and George spoofed on them. He came running into the room screaming, "You'll never guess who I saw in the mirror!" And, they fell for it, getting all excited until he said, "Chicken George!"
  • Janelle told Danielle that she's pregnant. I don't think Danielle believes her, nor do I. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind that strategy at all.
  • Danielle, but of course, had to leave the HOH to see what's going on in the kitchen. If she's this into things all the time at home... her poor kids can't get away with anything!
  • Erika told Kaysar that Danielle hasn't told her what result she wants this week in the eviction. [Editor's note: She knows darn well that Danielle wants them to vote Kaysar out! However, I personally think that Danielle wouldn't be crushed if it were James... her goal of one S6 out would be achieved either way. I think that James spending points in the POV, especially for the phone call, made her realize that he'll do what he wants to do, not what she wants him to do and that perhaps he feels too secure for his own good.]
  • Kaysar told Eirka that he feels bad about what happened to James last year and he's not going to judge him. He also told her that he thinks Danielle wants to keep James, break up S6, then James will float. He thinks James and Danielle are probably working together, but isn't sure.
  • Kaysar also thinks that Danielle has little use for him (Kaysar) as she really can't use him... she knows he figures things out for himself.
  • Erika again got all emotional about the stress, Alison face, lack of food and so on and so forth. She wants a DOR - Demand of Release - a voluntary exit from the show. She said she must have food.
  • Janelle and Kaysar know that Danielle is campaigning to keep James and that James has turned on the S6 Players. Alas, what they don't know is that their alliances with Mike/Will aren't the only alliances with Mike/Will and that no one knows what Mike/Will will really do until it's done.
  • Janelle is deliberately trying to get under Danielle's skin and make her angry.
  • Kaysar thinks George may be voting for him to stay after their bonding session, but he's totally unaware that George has a deal with Danielle. George didn't commit to Kaysar.
  • It's finally dawning on Kaysar and Janelle that they are being used by James, he's been acting since the nominations and is in the thick with Danielle. [Editor's note: DUH, guys! You should have known from the get go not to trust him! A snake never changes its rattles. Or something like that!]

And the saga will continue... once they're up and about for the day.


Anonymous said...

I just don't know what to think about Janelle telling Danielle that she is pregnant.... I don't think BB would let a pregnant player into the house... very confusing.
I hope Kaysar stays, and that Will/Boogey will throw him their votes....but these 2 are so unpredictable. Who knows what will happen. I hope chicken george wins it all... Go georgie!

Anonymous said...

Just like someone else had mentioned, I wonder if it's going to be a previous H/G that either was booted out or didn't make the cut is going to over throw HOH. That would be very interesting!

Anonymous said...

I agree that would make things very interesting. and we would probably see some very irate houseguests.. once they were through catching up on things happening in the outside world.

Anonymous said...

I am dying to know what this coup thing is going to be. I have a feeling it will have something to do with previous houseguests. I just can't figure what it will be.

Anonymous said...

I have a quick question... Didn't James win an "overturn an eviction vote' egg in the HOH competition? Maybe that's why he is so confident? He knows he isn't going anywhere this week, regardless of the vote... no?

Love these updates Jackie! Satellite at home is out and being Canadian, I cannot watch Innertube (pout)

Thanks for keeping me in the loop!

Anonymous said...

Didn't a "pregnant" Janelle have margaritas at the party last night?

Jackie S. said...

Stacey - Thanks! :-)

As for James - he can only overturn one vote, not the whole eviction. I'm not sure if he can use it before or after the vote is revealed. Now, he plans to use it on Janelle's vote from what I see. What if she votes for Kaysar to go figuring he'll overturn it and it will then count against James? I don't know - I'm just doing a "what if." It will make a big difference whether it's in play before or after the votes are known. But, it will only really do him any good if the vote is close.

Lucy said...

Stacey being a Canadian should not prevent you from watching Innertube as I do it all the time and I live in New Brunswick, Canada. All you need is a high-speed internet connection (or dial-up connection and a LOT of patience), Real Player or Windows Media Player on your computer and you should be good to go. Currently I am using a six year old computer with ME operating system and I am having no problems whatsoever.

If you have any questions about seeing Innertube please feel free to click on my name and get my contact information and I will happily help you out. I can't have a fellow Canadian missing any of the fascinating hamster adventures now can I?

Take care Stacey.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think the screengrab in the previous post looks like the older man from Erika's season (season 3??). The bald guy with the wierd 70's combover mullet who took Erika under his wing?

Anonymous said...

Hi bloogers! Dani might have been fooled and played with prior to the veto comp, but she isnt going to be played any longer. After she got out at least 3 different people came to her with the STORY that Marc. got all the luxury items and wanting her to put him up....My girl didnt even give that a second thought and put up Mr K...The way Marc. was looking at the veto ceremony (like death warmed over)he had to know the things that were being said bout him. I betcha Dani and him had a little conversation...DID ANY with the live feeds see anything like this?? Go Dani Go!!!

Anonymous said...

why doesn't anyone break up Boogie/Will?? seems these two guys are totally running the show.
With all the hoop-de-la (b.s.) going on about Marci winning the TV & $$ why wouldn't Danielle just ASK him instead of believing notorious liars??? Apparently she knows it's all b.s. Danielle is extremely intelligent. She'll come up with something. I still don't see how the #'s added up for Janelle to win POV

Anonymous said...

There is so many twists going on that it is really hard to speculate who has an alliance with who and how long the alliances last. I really think with what BB is doing, you have to question thee and trust in yourself. Everyone sooner or later is going to get caught in a lie. It is just the nature of the game. Thursdays show should really change things up and that is when it will really get interesting!

Anonymous said...

I think the reason nobody is worried about Will and Boogie is that people naively believe they don't care about it. Though, I DO believe keeping them isn't a bad idea as most people won't award either of them the money because a) Will already won AND b)the house knows they are both financially sound because of their restaurant businesses.

Of course, that COULD backfire and they could take it all..but heck if THAT happens, they deserve it, IMO

Oh and as for Will gone missing....Someone mentioned the Jack Shack. Wouldn't big brother have caught that on tape like they did with Boogie?!? So the guests might think Will went missing, but wouldn't bloggers know where he was due to the feeds?! Though, I can't imagine Will going in there without Boogie trying to humiliate him and telling the guests

Anonymous said...

I agree Karen, Dani didn't even second guess she knew what she had to do. I'm sure she didn't buy the "pregnant routine" either. She is way to smart!!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO at the ghost images.

At this point, I want Jase back just so he can destroy James.

Did anyone see anymore ghosts besides Jase and Allison?

I still want to see America overthrow one of them.

Although I see Kaysar leaving this week, it irritates me to no end James got what he wanted. Afterall it is all about revenge for him: Kaysar going before he does.

Thanks Jackie!!

Carrie in TX

Anonymous said...

I just read on another website that CBS released a statement saying that the Houseguest will be visited by former Houseguests from previous seasons. The Houseguests will help with HOH/Veto/Food competitions this is for one week and the first round of houseguest will be seen on Thursday's live show. Also it mentioned that Julie will discuss the new twist the Coup d'etat. So it sounds like this won't effect this weeks vote.

Anonymous said...

Check out Hamster Watch for the REAL story on the ghosts... he says/shows it's all staged... and retakes were made for 'show tv.'

BB continues to disappoint....

Anonymous said...

I also forgot to mention that Bunky said on Housecalls that he will play a big role in this weeks HOH so I'm assuming that the guest this week will be Alison, Jase, and Bunky since those are the ghosts that were seen.

Anonymous said...

i'm also demanding a dor of erika! I LOVE WILLL!@!@!@!323dssf@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$K:LKLFSAKFSAFAFASS M B#$SF SEXY HTO WILL KIRBY
sorry about the spam :)

Jackie S. said...

Anon - I think that Dingo may be a "she." And, obviously it's staged... did you think real ghosts are there? ;-)

They often do retakes and have over the years. It's not any real big secret. They also tell HG to act excited and stuff. As long as I enjoy watching the feeds and the show... I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bunky said it is going to be real fun....and said that its great how BB is going all out this year in competitions. I can't wait!!! Karen

Anonymous said...

I have a question about the veto comp: After the set-up of the game is revealed and the players are clear about the rules, are they allowed to mingle with the others or do Diary Room sessions before they start playing for the veto? I ask this because when James was griping to Danielle about Marcellas winning all the prizes, Danielle said that she told Marcellas to win as many prizes as he could to create animosity between Janelle and Marcellas or everyone else and Marcellas, I'm not really sure. Does anybody know? Also, does anyone know if they've started playing for the coup d'etat or if they'll wait until after evictions this week?

Anonymous said...

First of all Jackie...thank goodness it is Wednesday and not Thursday when the site is down for maint. Show awful that would be. You know Boogie and Will thought to plant an idea with Erica to see if she could be trusted or ran to Danielle, could that pregnancy talk by Janelle to Danielle be something like that? Except Janelle would have no reason to trust Danielle anyway, so wouldn't need to trick her. How do their minds work? Thanks, Sue

Anonymous said...

I think it is hilariuos that Howie told Marci that the "gay guy" always gets killed first! ;-0 Maybe Boogie really is Freddie Kruger and it will all tie in to a mass murder at BB7....okay a little twisted, but I'd still like to see Zoetawney make a graphic depicting that scenerio!
Is it a total coincidence that CBS now has a new drama series called "Smith"? Could it be that there was some cross promoting going on with the seed planted of a Smith alliance?

Anonymous said...

The screen grab looks like Jack from Season 4. he was Ericka's 'father figure' that year. Really, really bad hair. Is Jack coming back? I cannot imagine him being popular with the audience. Or does Allison just resemble Jack now that she is hitting 30?

Anonymous said...

although i'm liking that george has a deal with danielle and will more then likely vote out kaysar. i dont see why. james wanted him out. but george plays with his heart and now has a soft spot for danielle because they had the whole discussion about their kids.

I hate not knowing what mike and will are going to do. i love them. but i hate how unpredictable they are lol.

Anonymous said...

I think that Erica, Marcelles and George will definitely vote to keep James. So not sure CT votes will matter. (but we never know things always change)

Anonymous said...

oh, and why would james want to change janelle's vote? oh thats right. because he's not the brightest crayon in the box. of course janelle and everyone is expecting him to nullify janelle's vote. therefore, she will vote to evict kaysar. james should nullify howie's vote instead.

Anonymous said...

I would not trust Danielle as far as I could throw her! I bet she votes to evict James and if BB has anything to do with it, Kaysar will stay and James is history.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I'm so glad you write this blog. You have your opinions, but they're written so well, whether they mesh with our own is not material. We don't all have to agree. I do frown on the negative comments tho. I went to some of the links you have listed, including Dingo and they ALL seem negative. Naturally the show is monitored by BB...they are trying to entertain us..and it works. Who cares if they help it along a little.

I love your site. Went in and read your personal blog too... It's great. No BB??? Hmmmmm.

Keep up the great work! meb

Jackie S. said...

Thanks meb! I always have my likes and dislikes on reality shows and know that not everyone has quite the twisted mind I might have. So, I won't get down on those who have different tastes.

And the show? It's entertainment. In the long run in my personal life, I don't know any of the HG. They aren't going to split winnings with ME. It's great when a favorite of mine wins, but if not? No big deal - I'll keep watching as long as I'm entertained, interested or amused. And, of course, I'll keep blogging it, too!

I've woefully been neglecting my personal blog lately. Oops. BB Season is a bit time-consuming! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I agree with a post earlier that the face of the man definitely looks like Jack from Erika's season.
Also since the coup thing is suppose to have more power than the HOH, what if these previous 'all-star' members get to decide who gets voted out or who the next HOH is???
Just a thought that they would be the ones with the power, not a specific person!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I don't know how you don't get dizzy with all the goings on in this house of ???? It's amazing how they all put their own spin on situations and conversations. Janelle telling Danielle that she's pregnant is shocking. When did she know? Did BB give her one of those tests to use in the house? If it is a lie, what is her intention? I just keep shaking my head at these people since there are no words or enough @@ to express my thoughts. The "haunting" is really funny in the respect that the house guests are getting all freaked out about it. The only one who would scare me would be Alison. ;) I was so disappointed that George gave it all up to Danielle. The poor sweet guy doesn't see how she will only use and abuse him in this game. I suppose she sold him the I'm just a "Mom act" and he related to them both putting their families as their first priorities.
I was sad to see him grovel, especially to Danielle. I think we need some banner fly overs to clue George in on what's really going on. I sure hope Kaysar is doing a good job campaigning but seems as though we won't really know until Thursday's show.
I'd better stop before this post ends up being a blog on it's own. ;)
Thanks again for all the details.

Anonymous said...

I think Janelle is no more trustworthy than James. When he was HOH he did exactly what Janelle and the S6 asked him to do, nominate Jase, against his own personal wishes. That should count for something. When it was Jani's turn, she gave James' wishes no such consideration in return, proving that he can't really trust her. Seems like Janelle has become more of a snake in this game than he was. She listened more to Will than she did her own alliance, which ALL should know better than to listen to Will. Janelle was my favorite last year, but not anymore. I can't blame James for turning away from S6, this year. Should he really be loyal to the ones that worked with the Friendship to give him the boot last year anyway?! So besides the slant against James (who actually isn't my fav) I really enjoy your blog and the great updates! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

anonymous 7:38 PM

I'm sorry, James has been deceitful (a blatant liar & whiner) for a very long time. As I see it he came into the house with his secret alliance to Danielle and played or pretended to be with BB6 for the sole purpose of spying and reporting on them until the game played out to where he could comfortably mutiny and blame it on Janelle's bad eviction choices. James is a bonafide, certified "SNAKE"! I believe that he has Snake credentials! LOL

Anonymous said...

um what do they do in the jack shack and what is it i tried you tube but i'm on dial up an it didnt work and i'm just paid for college so i cant afford the live feeds