<---- Erika listening to Danielle drone on and on (and on) about her trials, tribulations, achievements and so-cool moves in her Big Brother gameplaying. Is she interested or just faking it? I think the latter. Now, I admire Danielle's game skillz (as the kids say), but sometimes she should just be quiet and stop tooting her own horn! Poor Erika has been her captive for more than an hour now as Marcellas escaped sometime ago.
Blog reader Taytaa17 pointed me to an article which has plenty of news regarding both the returning ghostly houseguests and even a bit on the Coup d'etat. An excerpt from the article:
The first group of former HouseGuests will return for a surprise cameo appearance to air Thursday, Aug. 10 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) during the live eviction show. The former HouseGuests will be incorporated into the HOH competition, which will require this season's All Stars to recall specific clues they have received from the former Houseguests throughout the week in order to be crowned this week's HOH.
Another group of former Houseguests will return to serve as judges during this week's Food Competition to air on Sunday, Aug. 13 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Former Houseguests are also playing a role in the Veto Competition to air on Tuesday, Aug. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).
Head on over to the CANOE-JAM! site linked above to read the whole article. Thanks, Taytaa17! While I'm giving a shoutout, I may as well give one to Sandy at AOL TV, too. Woohoo! Thanks so much for everything!
Okay, to the evening's happenings in that Big Brother House of Frat Boys and the Women Who Mock Them:
- After last night's ghost-spotting, tonight's very tame in the house.
- The houseguests talked about their favorite BB moments from their own season or others that didn't involve themselves.
- Will said the show didn't need 50 year-old fat women in the house and they can't bring their cats. [Editor's note: My cats don't want to be in the house any more than I do.]
- They kept singing or talking about things which irked the production staff; we kept getting flames. I think Will has issues with his avid interest in The Facts of Life.
- Danielle callled all the guys (except perhaps Kaysar) "frat boys." It fits.
- Erika is pretty sure that no houseguests are returning for the season.
- Will whined once again that BB has forbidden him to speak on the live show because he called Julie Chen "sweetheart." [Editor's note: I'll guess we'll see how true this is or whether it's something he's concocted for entertainment or amusement. I'll watch to see if his lips are sealed to Julie on the live show!]
- James and Boogie lifted weights. Yawn. I don't like the grunting. Make them stop.
- George and Howie think it would be way cool if the Jedi Alliance made it to the Final Two. [Editor's note: Now, THAT would freak Marcellas and Danielle out!]
- Erika and Danielle both say they feel bad about Kaysar's nom. But both agree that a S6 must go.
- Marcellas had a hissy fit because in the Past Houseguests Spirits bit earlier, Josh was wearing his robe.
- Mike Boogie insulted the state of North Carolina, calling it "Patheticville." [Editor's note: Uh-oh!]
- Danielle seems to be getting increasingly frustrated with her choice of Kaysar to go. Whether she'll go with her newly-grown heart or her plan, I don't know. Knowing Danielle and how she goes with her first instinct, I still think she'll probably vote for Kaysar to leave. Then she'll cry about it to us and the houseguests.
- Danielle and Erika plan to backdoor Janelle when they nominate James and Howie next time they get HOH. [Editor's note: I love these, "when I get HOH" things - it almost always changes.]
That's the latest.
I especially love when Erika says "when I get HOH" considering her whole MO is to NOT get HOH and NOT make bold moves. I'm with you Jackie, James could leave (and make us happy) and probably won't. Oh well.
I'm not a Will or Boogie fan (blech to both) and still I have to say...if these HG's keep going as they are, one of the two will win. Much as it dismays me...Will is running the House. Grrrrr
And...thank you so much...you must get tire of hearing how great you are. I'm a writer of sorts and tend to be critical and I just love and enjoy your spin on things and your humor and creativity. I couldn't do what you do for us for anything. Big HUGS!
And to Zoetawny...ADORE your James/Snake graphic...you sure have come a loooong way with your animations :)
Ah, Will.... I am 50 years old, wear a size 4-6 and still have the (men) judges take a look at my nice tush as I pick up my Scottish Fold cat from the show ring. Just one of 15 in my house. My hubby is also a Chiropractor and knew exactly where/how you needed to be adjusted when you hurt your poor back. BTW... Kaysar was pretty close to the right move. I think Will is on his way to insulting just about everyone in America.
I am SO THANKFUL, to your blog. I love reading everyone's remarks. I'm also hoping James leaves. I really like Kaysar. James needs an attitude adjustment; and with all the fuss about the S6, I really do hope one of them win!
And, Will, you little whipper snapper you! I'll be 50 soon. I was laughing at you there for awhile until your remark. I don't have a cat, but I wish I did just to rub into your face. And, I LOVE Scottish Folds!
See? Will even ticks all of US off and we still laugh at him / love him! That's how he's getting through the landmines at the BB house - There is just something about him that makes us want to hug and strangle him at the same time!
I hope that Danielle will have a change of heart and decide to get rid of James, but I don't think it is going to happen.
I'm going to miss our Kaysar. Maybe when his hair grows back he'll also grow a (better) spine....It certainly seems to have left him this season.
Great, great posts, Jackie...and Zoetawny...you are funny! You two should take your act on the road!
Ahh! I don't know about any of you, but I hope that Marcellas goes soon! he's getting so annoying. More annoying then he was on his actual season.
Tammy I think George was overcome by the heat and/or pressure during the game. When he fell I think it was a combination of relief and exhaustion. I am sure it took him a few minutes to feel normal after his fall but the editing of shows always make it look like things are happening a lot faster.
George is doing well for himself and even though I don't believe he can win it all because of the type of game BB is, I hope he continues showing the young people he has what it takes.
BTW I also think Erica is a bit creepy and wonder how she managed to make it into the house. Even she knew she only had her bikini wearing skills to fall back on as a reason to vote for her to be in the house - now how sad is that?
Jackie - Great job as usual.
I didn't get to see who got voted out tonight! Could someone help me out! And who got HOH?
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