A house without a Howie just isn't a home. Or something to that effect. The Jedi has left the building and the whole house is more somber. It's really affecting Janelle, but the whole atmosphere seems a bit off.
From what the houseguests have said (it wasn't shown on the feeds), Howie left very badly - upset and shouting. Anyone who is into the show knows that Howie tends to act on the adolescent level at times. Yes, I like him, but he can be a lot more like a 12-year-old boy than a 30-something man. He often reacts with his gut instead of his head. I'm going to stand up and say that I do think it's better right now that it's Janelle left in the house, not Howie. I feel that if Janelle had been evicted, we'd be seeing Howie's "Hurricane Howie" rage. Since the cards were stacked against them for this week, it's best he's out of the situation.
Don't get me wrong. I'm saddened that he's out of the house - I often got a kick out of watching him and think he has a good heart (despite his antics). But, Will has it right. It is a game. Someone has to go every week. I never seriously thought Howie could win the game, so it's good he lasted this long. I wonder how well he's getting along with Marcellas in sequester?
Onto the report... what's happened overnight in that Big Brother House of Tears, Fears and Shattered Dreams?
- Mike Boogie thinks that Janelle is acting like "a spoiled brat" over Howie's eviction. [Editor's note: I think that all of the events may be overwhelming her - Howie gone, the feeling of being alone in the house, the others cheering when she lost HOH... she may be a spoiled brat, but I think her behavior now is, if not justified, understandable.]
- James is talking about Howie with an air of superiority - as he's so much of a better player and Howie shouldn't have been on All Stars. He credits himself with calming Howie down last season. [Editor's note: @@ - Can I have an eyeroll?]
- Chicken George told Janelle that he didn't want to see her go out because she always stepped up her gameplay and deserved to be in the house.
- From what Will said, they did their goodbye messages to Howie AFTER he was already gone unlike the live show where they film for both nominees. Erika told him that she enjoyed being a Jedi with him and will miss him talking about her "boobies."
- When George asked Janelle about Howie outside of the house, she said she does hang out with him some, but with rules for him. "No light sabers." "No inappropriate comments about women."
- Big Brother gave the houseguests bottles of wine.
- Will said the house seems so empty because Howie was loud and large enough for three people.
- While the HG drank wine and talked in the backyard, Janelle looked like she was quietly weeping on and off. She's really not in good shape.
- Danielle and James sat around critiquing the S6 strategy, both last season and more specifically this season.
- James once again reiterated how betrayed he was by S6 both seasons.
- Danielle wished Howie hadn't gone out "like that" and said she really enjoyed him - he always cracked her up.
- Janelle got drunk and James told her that she should be handling the situation better.
- Janelle kept muttering how much she hates Erika and mentioned thoughts of suicide. [Editor's note: I think that alcohol and the events are fueling that talk. I feel BB should not have given her alcohol in light of how upset she is over Howie's eviction and what she perceives as her plight (alone and she thinks everyone hates her in the house).]
- Janelle thinks she has a fever. James told her she should talk to Dr. Zachary (I'm not sure whether that's the show shrink or the medical doctor). She told him she already saw her.
- Janelle talked about going for a DOR - a voluntary exit from the show.
- To give James credit, he tried to peptalk Janelle, telling her what a good player she is and such.
- Even Danielle and Erika tried to console Janelle who was openly sobbing once again.
- Will really tried to help her. He told her that if he gets an America's Choice prize, he wants her to have it. He told her all about how worthy she is. When she said, "Stop trying to make me laugh when I'm suicidal." -- he told her not to even joke about suicide. All of a sudden, he turned into the actual Dr. Will - not an evil Dr. Will. He got her talking about anything and everything that would get her mind off of her funk. I think he does seriously care about her. No, not like a girlfriend care, but he seems genuinely concerned for her welfare. I think his approach goes above the gameplay with his reaction to her depression right now.
- Off in the other room, Mike Boogie and Erika were laughing about Howie's departure. Mike said he should have gotten into a fistfight with Howie on the way out. [Editor's note: Big talk.]
- When Janelle went out for a cigarette, Will told James and Danielle about what she was going through and he seems to think her depression is due to a mix of things including Howie's eviction and the fact she feels so alone.
- Will, James and Danielle discussed nominations. Will said he doesn't know what Mike plans. He'd like Erika and Janelle, if POV is won, George on the block.
- James told Danielle that Janelle is so upset because she "singlehandedly destroyed S6." [Editor's note: @@ A lot destroyed S6 this year - Janelle's actions going with her heart more than her head, Kaysar's indecision, James' betrayal and um... Howie being too Howie-ish at times. It wasn't all Janelle, in my opinion. Will said they didn't have time to regroup coming into All Stars too close to the end of their own season and I think that played into it, too.]
- Will spent more time with Janelle trying to lighten the mood and get her mind off her situation.
- Janelle said, "I just want to go to sequester now and get my $30,000."
- Janelle kept giving Will reasons she should leave. He kept telling her reasons she should stay.
- James told Danielle he plans on winning HOH. Of course.
- When Janelle and Will said they would vote for George in the finals, Danielle said she wouldn't because he never would tell her his strategy.
- Janelle admitted that Howie was one of the "dumbest players" in the game. He didn't strategize and reacted more than thinking ahead.
- Danielle wants George gone NOW.
- Danielle wanted to go smoke where it wouldn't be on the feeds. Aha, a closet smoker!
- Janelle told Will she didn't plan to get rid of James when he mentioned James had to go. [Editor's note: Earth to Janelle! James is NOT on your side! Wake up already!]
- Finally all headed to their restless dreams. No Howie wandering about getting ice cream at 4 in the morning, no Howie looking at the Memory Wall in the wee hours. Sigh. I didn't think he'd make it to the end, but it's still kind of sad.
WOW, I knew Janelle would be upset with Howie gone, but I can't believe she's falling apart like that. I hope she can hang on though and still be standing after some of the others go.
Thanks again, Jackie.
poor janelle, but it IS just a game, i think that people think of will as being evil, but he's not taking the game seriously, he's having fun & that's what makes him seem so bad - the rest seem to take things personally, & that's what hurts them, they think too emotionally - but i would be that way, too i think - stuck in a house with people who want to get rid of me - i think that's why will is the best player in the game, he can separate his heart from his head
I'm still confused as to why george picked howie !! unless he was just thinking how he would be the least affected - if he picked anyone else, he would have one side or another gunning for him - just my thoughts
Here is a thought I had. Someone said that Dr. Will doesn't thake the game too seriously and has fun. It reminded me of Vegas. If you go there expecting to gamble a little, maybe win, maybe lose, in the end you'll have a good vacation either way. It's those that go and try to get rich and get all upset when they lose that Vegas is bad for. It's like the BB game. Those that go in knowing it's just a game, not a ticket to stardom or wealth, and don't take being evicted personally that in the end come out the best mentally, win or lose. I just think BB is a lot harder to remember it's just a game considering they are locked in the house for so long.
Also, I'm a Janelle hater and even I feel bad for her right now. Either way, go Chilltown! I totally want my cool kid club card.
I agree Jackie- I honestly never believed Howie would make it to the end - I am sad to see him go primarly due to Janelle being left alone - otherwise if it were between Janelle and Howie - I wouldn't have wanted Janelle to leave prior - OTOH - Danelle I have a hard time liking, why? I don't know-- I really liked her during her season, To the end I prefer CG or Will or even James for that matter to win as opposed to Mike, Dani or Erica- yep I would Rather see James win,I didn't mention Janelle because well, the odds are stacked highly against in in maybe leaving soon.Time for me to work haha
I just had a thought...
I've been reading the posts and comments for a few weeks now and the common thread is how everyone can't stand how the HGs talk about eachother all the time. So, here's my quesion...How are we any different then they are? I think they are more justified than we are...
1. They are stuck in that house playing a manipulative game for $500,000 - we are at home watching and have nothing at stake.
2. They actually know eachother. They are real to each other. They LIVE together - we have never met any of these people, they're TV people to us.
3. They gave up time with their families and some have lost their jobs - we go to work every day and kiss our loved ones goodnight.
If we badmouth the HGs while watching them on TV/feeds or reading blogs, how are we any better than they are?
Just a few things to think about...
And Jackie, you are doing a wonderful job! You really do deserve a vacation when this whole thing is over :)
OH Boo hoo get over Janelle it's a game. Imagine how she is going to be next week when she goes. It's her fault. If she hadn't went after the floaters to begin with. She screwed the S6 alliance.
neal - yes, my thoughts exactly, the vegas comparison - will is playing for fun, it's just like if people cried & carried on cause their lottery ticket didn't win for them, it's a game for money, just like gambling, or the lottery - and the ones who take it emotionally, well, i feel sorry for them, but what did they expect ??
Janelle is going to get it back together if they give her a chance. As much as I hated S6, I think Janelle is the bomb.
THe reality is cowards like James and Woogie are afraid to go against her head to head. Will has never pretended to be a hard ass and put his strategy out there. SO the point is GO Janelle!!!
its sad tome to get up this am and no Howie antics to goover and start my day....the coffe just wont do it today....its a somber day. Honeslty, I cant wait till its the legionof doom and they kick out James...if they think Howie imploded!!! Jamieboy will go ballistic..."betrayed" GOOD!
I just watched a video of Janelle from last night, and it had ME in tears. My heart goes out to her. I hope she stays and fights them all, but I can understand her wanting to leave.
Danielle, OTOH, can leave right now. She makes me ill. As much as I dislike James (a lot), I'd rather he win than Danielle.
According to the threads, Janelle is just sooo upset, crying, yada yada yada,,,,but you know what? that is not Janelle; that is not OUR Janelle, is it? She is much stronger than that. I think this is an act or at least part of an act. She is playing Will like a fiddle. He is trying to get Mike to put up James this week instead of Janelle. Hey, maybe he will offer to go up with James. However, at this point, whether she realizes it or not, Janelle needs Will a lot more than she needs James. Will, Janelle, and Danielle need to form a secret alliance. They could call it the "Sovereign Legion of Chill".
Jackie does a fantastic job here!!! I have never folowed a blog before (tells you I am over 30, huh??) I don't know Jackie but I certainly intend to make a donation for her efforts -- I have really been enjoying this blog (I think I am addicted to it since I log in first thing in the morning and last thing at night!!)
he comes across as an arrogant, smug, mean-spirited egomaniac
8/19/2006 10:00 AM
If it walks like a duck....
. Will has never pretended to be a hard ass and put his strategy out there. SO the point is GO Janelle!!!
8/19/2006 9:50 AM
Exactly - Will is a doctor he does have some compassion, I seriously doubt its an act on Janelles part at least not for now - in her mind as Will stated, she feels alone game or not-- alcohol and thoughts of being alone are NEVER a good combo - Will being a doctor realizes this, even the best player if indeed in the medical profeesion would not ignore that!
Tom S
well, i just watched the video of janelle crying & will consoling her, in the middle of it, she looked in the mirror & fixed her hair !! i guess to her, how she looks is more important than anything - ok
As a psychologist,I will just say... suicidal talk should never be taken lightly. That is why I am so pleased Dr. Will told Janie not to even joke about it. ( Will did great for not being a psychiatrist,I was impressed.( sorry, a joke between colleagues of differing specialities..) LOL Other factors can play into her depression that have nothing to do with the game like lack of sleep, missing her beloved dogs and boyfriend, feeling lonely and vulnerable, being stuck in that house unable to go anywhere, unable to watch TV or read a newspaper, or take a walk.
Also, we have no idea if Janie or any of the HGs have at one time or another in their lives struggled with depression or other issues.
But ALWAYS, mental distress should never be taken lightly.
I am always amazed how many people think that most anxiety, crying spells, depression is fake. When in actuality, a person can become depressed temporarily, often due to a combination of stressors.
I never could stand Chilltown but I have a new found respect for Will as first and foremost, He went into Doctor mode to help Janie and intervene.
OK off my soapbox, I apologize.
It is just so ingrained in me to be empathetic and reach out to anyone in emotional distress..it is the blasted oath we take...LOL......Caroline
My hope is that Janie cheers up and that the House becomes fun again. As with my son in Iraq and still grieving the death of my mother, these programs distract me and make me laugh...
Thanks for this blog. It keeps me from going to other websites where the real news in the world ..is well ..not so cheery...
I still feel really bad for Janelle. I think she is one of the best competitors in BB history. At least the ones I have watched. I think she just doesn't have the best strategy once she wins those competitions. I can't stand James or Danielle but I am glad to see some people do. I just really like to see people with more integrity and heart. I really don't like the backstabbing and trash talking at all. I don't like it in the real world so of course I don't like seeing it on tv either. I wouldn't blame Janelle for walking out at all, but I do hope she can at least hang in there until sequester so she can get some money out of all this if nothing else.
I am seriously addicted too but I don't care who wins once janelle leaves so I'll stop watching after that. At least I'll have more time on my hands then.
To anon 10:38am .. just wanted to acknowledge your son in Iraq. We all owe all of our soldiers our thanks and our prayers for their safe return. Next time you're in touch with him tell him a BB fan (and I probably speak for more than just myself) says "hello" and "hurry home".
Now... I love Janie...but since I doubt she's going to win... I want her to get to sequester with Howie ASAP! meb
Oh whoa poor pitiful Janelle! She sure wasn't soooo depressed when she was winning or on the "power team". Let her take the leave and collect her 30g, obviously she's not used to losing and is displaying very bad sportsmanship. Can you say loser, I can...Janelle is a loser, get over it!
I know I sound harsh, but for crying out loud she so reminds me of a team bully. As long as she had her minions with her she was the all powerful Janelle. OMG now she’s just another player. She’s so not gellin!
and what's up with Danielle wanting out CG so much? Just because she doesn't know what he is thinking? wow; egotistical much? If you think about it, the only people Danielle wants out are the ones that she is not controlling. someone needs to get her out, now. I will relish the look on her face--defeat. Don't count out Janelle until she is talking to Julie Chen.
I get so disgusted when James talks about Janelle ruining it for S6. James came into the house in an alliance with Danielle and planned to turn on S6 to begin with. I hope he gets backdoored and I hope Danielle is the one to do it.
Renee... what's with the name calling??? Retarded??? Idiot??? Tone it down some, OK... We're just having some fun here. Listen to Jackie when she asks us to be respectful of the commenters. Thanks.
Jackie -
Thanks so much for all you do...hey what happened to the links on the right side of your blog...they've gone missing!
Sad to see Howie go, even tho his childish ways sometimes irked me, his childlikeness was endearing.
I, like many others hope that Janelle can pull it together and hang on as long as possible.
But I really think if Janey can't last, that Will should win. He is seriously a force to reckon with as he manipulates every single person (including production staff) in that house.
Who said All Stars was boring??!!
Thanks anon 11:10 AM, no worries.
This is for you ♥ and these are for Jackie rocking the BB world!
Wow...I have been watching the overnight feeds. I too feel bad for Janelle. She seems to be geniunely sad.(I have never been a Janelle fan) I will tell you that Will is a mastermind! I have never liked the guy, but watch him talk to people and pretend to console, manipulate...HE IS GOOD! This is getting great! Can't wait to see what happens next! Thank Jackie for this Blog, your great!!!
BBLover in Cali
How are we any different then they are? I think they are more justified than we are...
8/19/2006 9:43 AM
Depends how one define's
" JUSTIFIED " - Is it used as an excuse to a hidden personal name insulting bad behavior mode? Used most while under the influence of alcohol-Hahaha --Some of us work 48/7 online - take time off, to read Jackies blog - may not have time to watch any of the episodes - I still haven't reviewed last Tuesday's, Although- I try to view each live Thursday- generally stop working to view live eviction-
( Love you Jackie, I need you for scoops on another show ) Hahaha- true, previous HG did not know each other - this year they are fully aware of each others tactic's, some met previously before entering BB house, how many times?? -- I understand - some have been friends for awhile now therefore, this isn't exactly the unexpected - reality vs daytime scripted fictional character soap shows - many viewers believe it, or not, dislike a fictional character's behavior, find it difficult to separate the two, however reality if not
" hidden scripted with slight editing " generally one's true colors are shown - game or not in RL people while under the influence of alcohol, tend to reveal their hatred obnoxious uninhibited side, in return, their uttermost inner true self in effect draws criticism upon themselves, and among viewers.If this post shows up many times - I have a hard time reading those letters - lately I have to apply them 2-3 times.
I just hate the Danielle has joined forces with Mike...those are the two I cannot stand. (James too of course.) Really, if Janelle goes home, I don't know who to root for. Dr.Will, I guess. geez
I hope Janelle can pull herself together. That's why I think she lost HOH.
This is the reason I do not like Danielle, Mike, and James - they try to console Janelle and then talk really bad about her. Some of the stuff they were saying was really mean. I think I would like Janelle and Will in real life. But I know I would not like Mike, Danielle or James. Yes, this is a game, but part of your real self will come through after 45 days in a show like this. There's no way it can't. These three people are wicked and mean.
Is the winner's episode live? If it is, I am hoping there is an audience; and when they announce each player, I hope they boo Danielle, James, and Mike. Really loud. And, I hope they stand and cheer for CG, Janelle and Howie.
It's a game - but enough is enough.
I think we have now seen the evidence for why we love and hate Will at the same time: He has shown his heart (to Janelle), and I do believe that his is genuine concern for her. He has masterminded an entire house of players - but he also has been able to step away from that and become a friend (and physician).
I have always thought Janelle was a fierce competitor, and I don't think she should be judged for her behavior after Howie's eviction. As has been stated here several times, it is obvious that there is much more going on for Janey than merely Howie leaving (although I think that was a severe blow to her).
Howie was a light in a house of darkness. His gameplaying may not have been superb, but at least he was loyal. I believe that George should have honored him for that..even if it is 'just a game.'
I can only imagine Marcella's face when he sees Howie show up for sequester! Now THAT will be funny!
Hi Jackie, I just stopped by for a minute and haven't read the comments yet. That always gets me in trouble. I end up saying things that have already been said.
One thing that can't be said enough, though, is thank you. Good sum up of the miserable night. And, I agree with every word.
One thing that came to mind as I read about Boogie and his girl making light of Howie and such. I remembered when Danielle was in solitary and the taco party was going on. Erica, very self rightously imo, commented about how 'some people' could have a party and have fun when someone was in prison. Seems she only meant when one of her friends was in prison...not just anyone. And James and Danielle are having way too much fun patting themselves on the back. Also done a little too early. Play the game, then patty cake when everyone is at the wrap party. They obviously don't think they will ever need Janelle's help in the game or they would have been in at least pretending to care. After all, that is how the game, they said they are expert at, is played. I guess they missed that point of it.
Thank you Jackie, Sue
Janie is so out of it right now. I would be inspired to stand up and fight back if this had happened to me. I would cry first and then get over it and start to cut them all down. She is not my favorite, but I hate to see her so down. It is only a game and she should play it on out now. To avenge her buddy, if nothing else. Don't give up.
Linda in NOLA
To Tom S -- I don't think anyone can justify the behavior of the HGs (alcohol involved or not) or anyone making negative remarks about them in these comments. My point was only that WE don't know these people outside of what we see through the game. They are living and dealing with each other 24/7.
I'm a single mom who works full-time and still find the time to watch the show and review Jackie's site. I just don't agree with anyone badmouthing a HG who badmouthed a fellow HG. Two wrongs don't make a right. The word "hate" is very strong and I can't understand how someone can "hate" someone they only see on TV.
Hi Jackie, thanks so much for all you do...I just made a donation and I hope all others do too...what you have done is exhausting detailed,and may I say insightful hard work!!
Good job!!
Hey , it sounds like Mike got his power CDT taken away because he slipped up mentioning it. He just told Danielle this.
It seems there are four main kinds of fans here 1)Janelle fans, 2)Danielle fans, 3)Chicken George fans & 4)Chill Town fans. Have not read a single post that I can recall that says "damn I hope Erica wins" or "boy I was sure rooting for Diane". It's probably very telling about each of us as to who we relate to, who we're pulling for. Just an observation, I'm not a psychoanalyst so I got no clue as to what it says about each of our characters I'm just saying that a Danielle fan is probably a very different kind of person than say a George or Janelle fan. No better, no worse, just different.
Thank you JACKIE ... love this blog... Amazed that the people that cheered Howie out the front door and cheered Janelle's POV loss are the same people that said that behaivor in the S6 was poor sportmanship... at first you may think hypocrit! or perhaps, to imitate is the most sincere form of flattery? any way, sooner or later, they all show their true colors.
Hey Jackie you are stil doing a great job!! Thanks for all the info!! I have one question when we tune in on Sunday will they play the Howie evication? or will be just be told he was voted out. Did he get to talk with Julie when he left?
Sorry, I think I missed something from yesterday until this morning.
Trying my hardest, but I can't dredge up any sympathy for poor, sad Janelle. It's lonely at the bottom, and the bigger they are, the harder they fall. The S6 players learned nothing from last season - last year they underestimated the "nerd herd" because they felt themselves so far above Maggie et al. This year they came back into the house with the same holier-than-thou attitude, and once again they were too arrogant to realize that they needed "the floaters" to survive. Despite a show of (semi-humorous) arrogance when they're alone or in the Diary Room, Chilltown has managed to maintain the illusion with the other players that it's not just Will and Mike against the rest of the house. It seems obvious to those of us on the outside looking in that Will and Boogie plan to be the final two - but I'm sure Danielle, James, and Erika are equally sure that they have a shot at being up against Will or Boogie in the end, that Will will likely push for Mike to be there but doesn't care about a spot for himself. While Will and Boogie make the other players feel as if they're an important part of their alliance (to the point where they basically told Danielle that she could guide them), the folks from S6 made it clear from day one that they didn't want or need anybody else to join their exclusive little group. If S6 hadn't walked around with the attitude that "we run this house, we're the stars of this show and the rest of you people were put in here to be our supporting cast" I might feel a tad sorry for Janelle now that she's the last S6 standing (James doesn't count - and again, it bespeaks to the arrogance of the S6 players that they continued to trust James despite everything that happened in their own season and then continued to transpire this year).
I can't think of a time when Will or Mike has been vindictive, mean-spirited, or outright nasty to a fellow player. Sure, Will has plotted and manipulated and pretty much gotten his way through both seasons he's been in the BB House. But he's never resorted to temper tantrums, name calling or yelling at another player (which can't be said for Janelle or Howie). Will doesn't need to, apparently his mommy taught him you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If Janelle and the other S6 players had learned from their behavior last year and adopted an attitude of a bit more humility and a lot less arrogance (whether it was genuine or not), they might still be ruling the roost.
Janelle needs to pull herself together, realize it's just a game and it's only money, and stop acting like a spoiled baby whose lollipop was just stolen by someone bigger, stronger, and a heckuva lot smarter than she is.
OK, we've had regular Big Brother & All-Stars Big Brother, now we need Celebrity Big Brother! Who's with me?
My picks:
Both Corbin Bernsen & that Baldwin brother that were completely psychotic on Celebrity Mole.
Rosie O'Donelle cuz some people love her and some people hate her (kinda like Danielle)
Heidi Klum because many of us who are Project Runway fans are pissed at her this week and would like to see her suffer.
Any three of the "Queer Eye" guys so we could watch them do "Extreme Makeovers" on the house guests.
Star Jones. Need I even explain why?
Dan Rather because I think he is currently unemployed.
Kathy Griffin because she's funny and after the show she would spill all the HG's dirt in her stand-up act.
And finally Kaysar, Janelle & Howie because they are celebrities and we can't seem to get enough of them!
Sounds like Dr. Will Frankenstien has created a monster and his bride. (Boogie and Dani)
Wow, if Janelle is truly suicidal, they need to get her evaluated. the game isn't worth it.
If she is using it as gameplay, that is VERY wrong
To anon 9:21,
The fact that Will can separate his heart and head probably makes him a great doctor. It means he makes the best decision for his patients.
check out YouTube - Mike Boogie Intro
(From Alana new york)
Lili, omg... I think you just picked an awesome celebrity cast....
As far as the show, I have to say while reading Jackie's blog, I was in tears and had to catch myself. It's only a game, and I'm note even a player, so after saying a couple of "WUSA'S" I calmed down...and sent some positive thoughts of wisdom and strength to Janelle.
I'm not a Janelle fan this season, mostly because she has allowed herself to be manipulated by Will. However, if I were in the house my head would have been spinning and I would have probably been trying to be a part of CT.
In all fairness, I think Will deserves to win. Mind you, of all the players he's the one I like the least. However, he has played the game the best. He as studied the characters of the other players and studied their strenghs and weaknesses and used them to his advantage. I'm most loyal to Danielle, but I don't think she'll make it that much more. I think the next step is to get rid of George and Janelle... Then the heat will be on. James, Danielle, Boogie, Erika and Will. I truly will hate to see Woogie in the final two because then what's the point of watching the final show..
Alana (New YorK)
It is amazing how everyone can go from hating Janelle in the house one minute to trying to cheer her up the next. I think this situation speaks to the ease with which players can get caught up in the moment in BB (James, I'm talking to you...although I like you in the house!) and then realize that, despite it being a game, they are playing with real people.
It's too bead that Janelle is feeling so bad and isn't peppy like usual, but really, she had to have known people were gunning for her and Howie and this was coming. Janelle went from arrogant celebrations and snide DR comments about how she "dominates" the game to an alliance of one. I think she spoke a little bit too soon and she, Howie, and Kaysar were way too over-confident about their abilites to rule the BB house, forgetting that part of strategy in BB involves evicting power players, not people like Nakomis and Diane (although I think they are great in their own ways!). I think Danielle and George should form an alliance...no one would ever think suspect it!
America loves Janelle because she has a heart...same with Howie. They got outsmarted and outplayed by the Friendship last season and they are swimming with the sharks this season and are getting eaten alive. But that is why we love Janelle and Howie and Kaysar. When they show emotion, you know that it is mostly sincere, unlike some others in that house. I hope Janelle pulls herself together and decides she wants to win, and starts really playing this game. Maybe she can use her depression as a "strategy."
I feel for Janelle right now..I can't imagine being "stuck" in a house, no tv to chill with, no outside contact, cut off from people you love and placed with people who you never know which direction they are coming from...all the mind games and backstabbing...Janelle probably knew that Howie wouldn't make it to the end...but, he was the only won true to her.
It was refreshing to see that side of Will..and who knows..maybe Janey is saving herself from being put up on the block without knowing it? Maybe Erica and CG will be put up, or James for that matter...Or if Janelle doesn't get it together, it could send her home..the HG's will see her so miserable that they will think it best for her to go and be with Howie?
I just read that BB took the coup thing away from Mike. He told this to Will, so I would think it to be true. However, it really doesn't affect this week that much since he is HOH and will work it to his advantage anyway. But I am glad he got it taken away. booyah
boogie tells will he lost his CDT power
So glad that I wrote a short note to CBS! Even though it doesn't mean much, I'm still delighted that Boogie lost his Coup power.
And to "Trying my hardest...", that's difficult for me to believe.
I'm glad Janelle is falling apart. She is a weak and insincere player. She may be faking this whole depression thing and probably is. I hope they don't feel too sorry for her. She only thinks of herself.
CG and Jani may be joining up. CG wants to shake the house up
yeah, looks like CG and Janey will team up (atleast for now); Jedi Janey is back!!! However, I would not want to be to the final two with CG and Janey. She may lose, just depends on how people vote. If they vote on who played their hardest and was a strong player, then Janelle should win. If you go by likeability, then George will get it. Better for Janey to be there with James or Will.
James asked Mike if he wanted him (james) to tell Janelle she was going to be nominated. What is up with that? James is just CT's litte bitch. He has been since the beginning. I would love to see the old James, remember the end of last season? He was sneaky, but smart and not so evil. He needs to grow a backbone and start playing to win.
Apparently no fuzz on James' peaches. @@
I think Lili is right on with a celebrity BB that would be so funny, especially with those celebs in the house.
I also think it is time for an America's choice for something that would help out the most popular player in the house. Janelle sure didn't get what she was supposed to for being America's choice for prom queen. What good is a bouquet of flowers in that game? Whether you like Janelle or not (which I do) she should have got more than that for being America's choice. That is just wrong. Could someone send the CBS e-mail address again. I would like to write in just to make myself feel better whether it does any good or not.
someone posted mike got his cdt power taken away, does this mean howies can come back? i use to be a cg fan, but not anymore. what was he thinking puting up howie?
Jackie you Rock! I'm all for Celebrity BB, which would be hilarious and ---- Will For President! This season finally got interesting. Sorry to see Janelle so upset, but it won't last long and she will declare war on everyone soon, except Will..ha ha.
KC loves BB
I love Howie and Janey, but see absolutely no way to bring back Howie because Mike ran his mouth. However, if they did bring someone back, at this point, it would be Howie. Don't cha think?
If Mike has really lost his CDT and he used it to scare George into putting up Howie, why wouldn't they let Howie back in and have another double eviction week. Now that would be good TV! At least for us Howie and Jani lovers... meb
Mike didn't put up Howie, so Mike losing his CDT (which I hope is just a rumor) won't affect Howie
I just don't get why Janelle garners so much support from America. On top of being very superficial and extremely selfish, I think her feelings of suicide are A HUGE ACT!!! She only has ever cared about herself and will use Howie's ouster to her own benefit. DON'T FALL FOR IT, AMERICA!
I heard Noms are today. Does anyone know if POV is today also?
Hey 3:26, read 3:25... that's what affected Howie... and hey 3:28... spit, spit, spit.. that's me giving you a strawberry!
Sorry Jackie... Just kidding around ..
Can't wait for the facts...did Mike really lose the CDT or is he just planning his next move?
I just hope CBS doesn't do a long recap at the beginning of the show like they have done this whole season..i for one think it is too much. I can only imagine that Sunday's show is going to be packed with info with evictions, POV competition and regular house drama.
Anyone with a heart, whether you like Janelle or not, it is sad to see her in this state. And if she is acting, then maybe she should win a grammy or something. I too think it was unfair that all she got was a boquet of flowers...and for the record I am not an avid supporter of Jani..but i don't like seeing people get screwed either. Jani seems to be left in a pool of sharks and now she is just the bait....While I figured the players that are left would be the ones left at the end, they sure do have an ugly side to them that I did not know about.
Bring back Howie! CG clearly put Howie up because Boogie bullied him with the CDT! Janelle should have had a "step up" in this weeks HOH to make it fair since WE voted for Janelle to have an advantage!
Anyone know what time them will do nominations today? eastcoast time?
Someone please help me here...where was it said or stated that the winner of Prom King/Queen would have an advantage? I honestly missed this and am curious...or was this rumor?
Can anyone confirm that Boogie lost CDT? Has Janelle been called in to the DR?
Jackie, help us!!!!!!!!!!!!
fg Penn
Julie Chen said the prom queen/king would get an advantage in the HOH comp on Thursday night, but since Janelle was already HOH and couldn't compete all they gave her was a bouquet of flowers. What they probably should have done was either let her compete again for HOH or give her an advatage in last nights HOH comp to make up for it if that were truly the case. I believe Jackie touched on that as well as far as the advantage she was supposed to get but didn't because of already being HOH.
There is so much lying and scheming going on right now in the house. How these people keep up with it I will never know. I really hope either Erika or Danielle leaves this week; they are both useless, esp. Erika. She does nothing, but look scarey. And medicated. She seems like she is always buzzed....
The more I read this blog, the more confused I get. If Janelle goes, I'm outa here. Bring back Kaysar and Howie, please.
and to my knowledge, Janelle has not complained that she got "shorted" and only received flowers and a crown. At least she knows we love her.
ANon 3:58
I thought that too when I see Erika...she looks out of it..maybe it is due to all the brainwashing from Mike..hehe...I say she needs to go as well..what use is she, other than to Mike, talk about a floater
To anon @3:58
I agree with you about Erica. Besides what you already said. She plays with her orange hair constantly. She desperate for a man (Boogie - uch) And she's getting too old for those stupid clothes she wears. What, is she about 40?
Erika is 36..would not have guessed it..other than I just looked at her profile on CBS...her picture does not look like her on TV..she needs to take a break from the sun, or get some sun..something..she looks leathery...just awful.
Anon 3:58
Erica needs to eat a sandwich or two. What a skank. She does have orange hair and she does flip it around all the time.
when julie announced the prom queen americas vote it was very apparent that the advantage was in the hoh competition for the winner. king OR queen. i beleive she even said you should be careful making your decision. it should have been apparent to all that the hoh cannot compete in the competion therefor evreyone basically wated their vote. if you listened carefully. if all of you peopel that voted were soo into howie he would have had an automatic advantage. but the hoh certainly had none since she was hoh. very simple very logical. she should not be given another advantage because you wasted your votes.
the cdt that mike has if negated has no bearing on bringing howie back. that seems illogical too. if ct felt pressured because of mike saying he had this power there is still no reason to bring howie back. all of the hoh have voted for people because of pressure from some ne or another (usually chill town) should they bring everyone back no!!!!! thats all part of the game.
Mike told Danelle early this morning he might as well tell her about the special power because he wouldn't be able to use it anyway, I took it as it being to late to use since he is hoh, but he did tell her about it and what it was for.
Good Afternoon Jackie...My main comment for everyone today is NO WAY SHOULD ERIKA & CG REMAIN IN THE HOUSE & HOWIE EVICTED. I didn't see Howie's tirade, but I'm glad he let people have it. I hope my boy James voted for him to stay and now realizes that CT, Dani & cry-baby Erika are a strong four. I can't help but feel James got played and will soon get his comeuppence. I really believe he thought Dani was going to put up CG instead of Kaysar and CG was going to put up Will, so Erika would be voted out. It seems the Floaters & CT worked a good strategy by letting James think is was with them as I never believed the LOD alliance. He needs to repair his relationship with Janelle fast, but I think its too little to late. As for Janelle's "breakdown", I think its a bit much and I agree with other posts - ITS A GAME JANIE. Keep your head up Janie, you're not out of the game yet. WAKE UP JAMES, DANI NEEDS TO GO!
when are the nominations ?
Jackie, could you please tell me how to cancel my trial live feed, I have looked everywhere and can't find how to do it. Thanks
This is a great blog thanks. I hope Danielle can face her children when she gets home and explain how to lie and out your friends, it it helps you. Her vote wouldn't have saved Marcellas anyway but it would have saved her dignity.
something is going on in the house...there has been flames for like 30 minutes...hmmm...nominations?
are the feeds still down?
I am so glad I didn't pay to get the feeds this year..i really got sick and tired of the "blackouts" and sounds like they have a lot of them again this year.
Thanks Jackie for the awesome job you do...
POV comp is tonite
Any word yet on whats going on the in bb house?
who was nominated?
Who is up for eviction then if POV is tonight? does anyone know?
It doesn't look like the nominations are done yet, but the POV is tonight...so the noms must be soon.
still flames
I really wish CBS was throwing in some special bb viewing for tv..like an extra night...since they are doing all these evictions and POV things....
HUSH HOLLY!! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE FROM YOUR TEAM LEFT, AND BEING BETRAYED BY EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE, THAT YOU THOUGHT CARED ABOUT HER!!ARE YOU THE HOLLY that liked JASE on BIG BROTHER, because you seem really dingy!!!l.o.l...Remember, it is just a game!! Dont be a bad sport, Holly!! You are LIKE so not jellin either...GO JANELLE, GO!!!Your a beautiful lady, and the ladies in the house are sooooo jealous!!!!
seems like James and Janelle are on the block...
any confirmation on james and janelle?
According to joker it is Janie and James on the block!!!!
why is CG packing his bags?
Hi can anyone on the west coast tell me what time bb 7 is on tomorrow we have a football game at 4 or 5 thanks karen
I heard CG was reprimanded for something and told he could get a penalty nomination.
supposedly it was a sticker he was wearing....someone else said that he was folding clothes and not packing...
Oh man anon 5:55 PM I really thought if I threw in some really big words you wouldn't figure me out! You are just toooo smart for me! ;o>
If Janelle is still at the next HOH comp, then BB should give her the prom queen prize.
George told Jani and howie that they were safe after James won the POV, that they could go to bed, they did. Then James told George off, and that he better put up jani. Then george talked to erika and she told him to put up jani, she told him this for about 30 min until boogie came in. Then boogie told him everyone wants jani to go, he needs to put her up. george told him just like he told the other ones he was not going to put either of them up. Boogie told him that he could change the noms (he was not allowed to do this). Dani also told him to put up jani. Will then stopped by and told him he could put him up, he was ok with it.
The next morning george called jani and howie into his room He told them what had happened. He told jani that they all hated her and wanted her gone, she could not stop crying. She knows it's a game but she didn't realize that they just don't like her. She couldn't stop crying.
It was howie, jani and cg's plan to put up howie thinking he might have a chance. Will said he would vote erika off and james said he would vote erika off because he would not vote off howie. If both will and james voted as they said erika would be gone, but will changed his vote. Of course howie was mad, but the three of them knew that howie never won a HOH or POV comp, so the two remaining wouldn't have a chance.
Then when the other HGs cheered jani coming in 2nd to boogie that just reinforced what george had told her earlier.
I don't know if she will recover, but they had better get erika off. You can't play against a couple and a sidekick.
Boo-hoo - - - - Janelle is all alone? Too bad! So is everyone else in the game, basically. Time to grow up. I voted for her to be an all-star, and now regret it . . . she has been so stupid about everything. She survived in the house last year with her buddies gone; has she gotten younger since then???
Hey it should be "an Alliance" wouldn't want to wear that on National TV. Interesting Mike got HOH right? but Will got the bed!!! HMMMMMMMMMM
Jackie,u should give us a way to send u donations.
everyone, u know how much cheaper and more interesting than the live feeds. let's give her something forher time
kim said..."george told him just like he told the other ones he was not going to put either of them up. Boogie told him that he could change the noms (he was not allowed to do this). "
Obviously boogie isn't the smart one! Oh wait, he isn't the pretty one either, I guess he's just a coat-tail-gater.
Jackie let us know how to make a donaion besides paypal.
Love what you do with the blog, I can't keep from checking it all the time. I have really became addicted.
Anon @7:11
Jackie does have a "Make a donation" button in the right hand column of the updates page. Toward the top.
Keep up the good work Jackie!!!
If George put Howie up because Boogie told him he could change the nominations, REWIND and the game should go back to there! Bring back Howie because Booogie cheated!
I think Mike should be the one gone instead of Howie. He was told not to tell he had the power, but he threaten CG with it so he should be the one to leave not Howie. I also think that if Mike doesn't have to leave then he shouldn't have been allowed to play for hoh. Thanks Jackie for keeping us updated.
I bet James was the kind of kid we've all seen having a temper tantrum on the floor of Toys R Us until his mom bought him what he wanted. He is a tyrant and a bully. He is a sore winner AND a sore loser. Seriously, he needs to lighten up before he strokes out. These self righteous rages he goes into are getting old.
Hi Jackie,
I was just wondering if my BB updates are working properly. The last update I can pull up is from early this morning between 7 & 8 a.m..
Sometimes I don't get the updates until hours later even if I click the August '06 link and reload.
THanks so much for all you do.
if it is true that janelle is pregnant as anon just said then shame on her for drinking so much!!! wouldntcha think!
Anon!!!12:41 Which show have you been watching & which blogs have you been reading?
I'm laughing as all refer to Will as the physician coming out -- he's not exactly a heart surgeon, a psychiatrist or a primary care doctor who would more have those qualities-- he is a derm which, only rarely requires great compassion and healing arts... gives botox andprescription strength facial cleanser.
If he's being compassionate, maybe he can be credited with dropping the game for a few minutes, and kudos to him. It would be QUITE juicy if indeed, as someone suggested, Janelle was playing him by crying. But comitting suicide over this crew? Janelle can't be serious!
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