There's Big Brother 8 news to be had today! According to CANOE -- JAM!, the starting date for the show is Thursday, July 5th.
According to RealityBBQ, Sarah and James from Big Brother 7 are now a couple of the past. All that's said is "she is dating someone new." Um, okay.
In previously released Big Brother 8 news, Arnold Shapiro is stepping away this season and Alison Grodner will be taking the producer reins of the show. They had worked together as executive producers on the show in past seasons.
On the official CBS website, they still have the application link live on the main page, but the deadline was in April. I'm anticipating this season to be at this link once it goes live (if they follow the format from past seasons). Usually the houseguests go into sequester for a period in the latter part of June. Once the show is sure they'll make it (see Brandon Showalter), the cast announcements and website go live. The feeds usually follow the show's premiere although the houseguests are in the house for approximately 4 days before the first show airs.
I'll be doing Live Feed Reports once again this year, most likely on the three times a day format (morning, early evening, late night ET) with the exception of some days which will have additional posts. I'm also thinking of live-blogging the shows as they air here in the NYC area. I previously didn't do show blog entries as most had already been discussed in live feed reports, but live-blogging might fit that in just fine. And, as always, I'll be posting East Coast Updates on eviction nights.
On July 5th, it'll be AWN. (Credit to Monica Bailey)
I cannot wait to get going!! I hope we get an interesting cast of characters this season...
And, as far as Sarah and James, it is ABOUT TIME!!! lol
I never understood that pairing in the first place! ;)
Ditto everything dla said!
and add a Yippee!!!!
Only 38 days to go!
Anon -- you COUNTED! Woo hoo -- at last a start date. Thank you Jackie. And I'm looking forward to your blogging LIVE. Ditto what dla said about hoping for an interesting cast... my hopes exactly.
woo hoo cant wait!!!
debbie in calif
Im so jazzed now! I can hardly wait for BB... I started reading and posting on this Blog mid season of BB7 and I can't wait to do it again... :)
The clock is up and running!I can only "ditto" all the others have said.
I,too,am glad that Sarah saw the light and got rid of James. He loves himself way too much as it is!I can still see him in the weight room,just looking at his own reflection....lol!
Let's hope we get a good mix and the makings of an "us vs. them" kind of a season. It always makes for better viewing. Gotta have somebody we love to hate!
I am so excited too! I love my BB in the summer. Does anyone know the theme this year (Summer of Secrets, etc.)? Can't wait!
ditto everything everybody else said!
Im counting the days and hoping for some good interesting people,why else would we watch? Evil curiosity I guess. Im so hooked on BB since I discovered Jackies blog....thanks Jackie!!
For old times sake I went to Kaysur's my space page last night, which led to James's... he had a very model-y looking pic of him as his my-space friends pic so I clicked on it.... Low and behold he is now modeling for some name agency but based in Chicago. Said he'd moved back from Miami and sinlge. Sarah was on there as a friend, so I clicked on hers to get to her myspace page and as of last night she says she's in a relationship. She is in Chicago, so how knows. Maybe James moved from Miami to be with Sarah and they broke up and she's already moved on to someone new. Saw Howie on Jame's friends, but was just too tired to click on his to see.
Thank you so much Jackie. I'm so looking forward to not only the show to start but your wonderful blogging as well.
I can't wait you saw how nice this weekend was, it just reminded me that bb would start soon
Ditto ditto ditto to all.
Forgot to check the blog tis AM, dense. How did I do that?
BB can not start fast enough for me. On TMZ site they have a picture of Tessa and Andy frolicing on a Hawaiian beach.
I wonder who we will really dislike and who we will root for this season? Also who will "Anybody But _____" will choose for their name? Will Julie C. drive us crazy? What will be the twist? ?'s ?'s ?'s IMAO
2 hours of Deadliest Catch tonight, the 2nd hour is part of a 5 part special, what they do when off the boat!!! As if we can not guess that!
I can not wait till BB8 night..
I heard on the radio this morning that in the aussie Big Brother there's a girl in there that her dad died, they have buried him and his last wish was for her not to know, cuz she'd been wanting to do this show forever(he had cancer so she knew he was dying)..so the producers haven't told her that her dad died..and they're are a bunch of people over there..(or under there) making a big stink about it..i think that it would hurt more knowing that i was in the house drinkin and having a good time and my dad had died and no one told me..
That is soooo sad Lyss. I think I would like to know and make the decision to stay or go out. Can not imagine how she will feel when she does get out. Wonder how close to the end they are. If was the start tell her, but near the end (I do not know) guess not. Tough call.
PS Least they could do was let her go for the funeral. Some rules are made to be broken.
Ditto for me, too. I've watched BB since the first season but my stepson in N Dakota clued me into Jackie's blog at the beginning of BB7 and I've been a fan e&ver since. Now I can't imagine watching the show without reading everyone's comments and reading Jackie's "inside" info. It makes the the whole season a hundred times better. ......I am also happy to hear that Sarah has moved on. I never could figure out what she saw in him.
Ony 37 days to go!
Where did you get the BB8 logo?
Ive been looking all over for it.
Anon 10:10 - It's not anything official. I pieced together from an old one, changed it to 8 and put text in.
Only 36 days to go!
I had just read on another website that the theme for this years big brother 8 will be past high school bullies against the people they've picked on..... no conformation on that either. Has anyone found anything on the cast yet?
***HEY CHECK this site out i just saw the teaser commercial for BIG BROTHER 8, tones of other stuff too, even mug shots of Janelle...hahaha its true check it out!!
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