A damselfly rests on a poison ivy leaf in New Jersey. Yeah, I know it's not television, but I took the photo yesterday and thought it cried SUMMER. You can click on the photo for the full-sized image if you wish. I promise you won't have a reaction to the poison ivy and damselflies (related to dragonflies) are good bugs. They eat mosquitos!
Although TV seems to be slim pickings, there are some new shows on this week.
Monday, May 28: At 8 PM ET/PT, NBC has a new The Real Wedding Crashers (blech, in my opinion). FOX has a new two-hour episode of On the Lot, a show I found more interesting than I thought it would be. ABC has a new Wife Swap followed by a new Ex-Wives Club and a new Supernanny. I'll be watching the last of The Corner on BET for the evening. I might record On the Lot as I might be following the show in the future.
Tuesday, May 29: FOX has new episodes of On the Lot and House. ABC has a new episode of Boston Legal on at 10 PM ET/PT. A&E has a new Dog Bounty Hunter at 9 PM ET/PT. Also at 9 PM ET/PT, Discovery has a new Deadliest Catch followed by a new After the Catch at 10 PM. I think my primetime will be FOX, then Discovery for the remainder of the block.
Wednesday, May 30: FOX has a two-hour So You Think You Can Dance. ABC has a new Next Best Thing in the 8 PM ET/PT hour, followed by a repeat Traveler, then a new Traveler. Like last season, I'm a bit addicted to the So You Think You Can Dance auditions. I'll probably watch that, then Traveler. I haven't caught the latter yet.
Thursday, May 31: At 8 PM ET/PT, it's the season premiere of Pirate Master on CBS. FOX has a new Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader followed by a new So You Think You Can Dance. ABC has the 2007 Scripps National Spelling Bee running from 8 PM to 10 PM ET/PT. Well, let's see... I know I'm smarter than a 5th grader and I had the trauma decades back of being in the national spelling bee. Too many memories! I'll watch Pirate Master, but I'm not sure if the show will grab my interest or not. I'm not so into pirates, matey. Arrr-arrr.
Friday, June 1: Well, this is pretty pitiful. At 9 PM ET/PT, ABC has a new National Bingo Night. (There's a show I just can't watch!) At 10 PM ET/PT, A&E has a new Intervention. I may be checking out the Discovery Channel, Court TV, or Sci-Fi channel offerings for the night... or watching shows I've previously recorded.
Watched Nat'l Bingo the first night, will not watch again. If you do win get a $5.00 gift card from K-Mart and if you are chosen a $10,000 gift card (odds against that). Not my cup of tea and closest KM is 40 miles away. Use that much in gas for a $5 card. Not counting the ink to print it out.
Glad you pointed out a few shows I missed checking to tape while I am gone.
Forgot to mention Zoetawny's graphic....marvelous!!!!
Natl Bingo Night is pretty tedious but we watch it in a group and the home audience "comments" make it worthwhile. I think you can use the $5 gift card online.
We watched On the Lot only because no one reached for the remote. It was surprisingly good. I'm looking forward to tonight.
Deadliest Catch and After the Catch will be my Tuesday night schedule, and I will check out Pirate Masters. Not into that either, but do want to see if this is a good show or not a good one. Burnett is usually a good bet. I don't want to blame him so much for the last few seasons of Apprentice... I think it's down turn had more to do with letting the Donald executive produce, a role I'm sure he took more liscnese with as each year progressed.
It will be nice if it fills a Survivor-esque fix for the summer, but I'm not counting on it. Any news on the start date for BB? Sorry if this is a question you already answered and I somehow missed it.
Jackie,I love that picture.You should show us more of that talent of yours,although,I know Zoetawny does some great graphics.
I am going to check out Pirate Masters,looks like some of the same premise as others we have seen.Tried Bingo,not very impressed!I'm already watching So You Think...and will probably look in on Jo on Supernanny. That's the only one of the line up on ABC I would even consider.
I'm a big Scrabble and Qwerty fan,so may try and catch as much of the spelling bee as I can. I watched it last year and the finish was very exciting.I was pulling for the girl that won against all the boys that were left.GIRL POWER!
Sydney - There hasn't been any official start date announced for Big Brother as of yet. Historically, casting wraps up mid-June, the new HG are sequestered for about a week before going into the house, then they're in the house for a few days before the feeds go live. The official website and promos with the new HG usually go up around ten days before the show and the show usually starts around the July 4th holiday week.
Sharon - Thanks! I picked up a new digital camera the other day as my old one was starting to go a bit wonky. So, once I load the software I'll probably be uploading more actual non-TV photos on my Flickr page and every now and then here.
Plus on Thursday on the USA channel a new series called The First Wife or The Practice Wife or ? with Debra Messing of Will and Grace fame starts. That's what I will be watching along with So You Think You Can Dance.
I don't like the initial episodes where they harass all the no talent people a la American Idol but once the show gets going with the final 20 or whatever the dancing, the choreography, the music: fabulous!
Hmmmm Lili...
I glanced for 1/2 second at the mag ads for Practice Wife and thought it was an ad for a movie... I figured Debra Messing would go to the big screen but it makes sense someone would offer her her own show. In case I miss it. would love to hear back what you end up thinking of it.
Watched Traveler tonight. Both the 1st and 2nd episodes. surprisingly good! Recommend it!
I love Nat'l Bingo Night, I got my daughter and her family hooked on it after one episode so now every Friday I am going over to her place and we are going to do a Bingo Night and she will cook dinner.
I don't have a Kmart near me either, but if I win anything I will use the gift card online, plus there are other prizes I think you can win.
Having a family game night will be fun.
Jackie, did Pirate Master pique your interest? I noted that you have not posted anything about it. I watched - need something to fill in till the next Survivor. The show had some interesting twist and I was glad of that as I was not looking forward to a redressing of Survivor. The host though, seemed be missing something. There was a lack of chemistry or enthusiasm or insight... I can’t quite put my finger on it. Finally, I realize that it is probably more pirate-like to set someone adrift, but I really wanted to see them WALK THE PLANK!
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