Look! Zoetawny made us a Michelle Dog! How fitting is that?
I realize I've been absent from the blog today, but there are reasons. Reason one being that they were downright BORING today. I'm talking Snore City. What little news there was is in my latest post over on TV Squad.
Reason two is that I'm still running on empty here. I think I could have slept around the clock had I allowed myself to do so. I watched the feeds and went off to physical therapy. I had a small setback there and I'm not sure why. I felt fine going in and even got my exercise bike going at home. Oh, well. One interesting thing to note is that in the small town of Scotch Plains, NJ, I saw a whole bunch of police cars on the main drag. What were the NYPD, Fort Lee (NJ), Hillsborough (NJ), and various other cops doing in town? How odd. I'm innocent, I tell ya.
HEYYA Jackie!!!
Glad to hear you're still with us, and got a new TVSquad article up. Hang in there!
Hey Jackie,
I'm clearly a big fan of yours. I've been checking in all day, lol.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear you are getting exercise!
Hey Jackie, I was hoping you were sleeping today. You can never get too much sleep when recovering. You know, even with nothing wrong with a person, you can have days that are not as progressive as others, so hang in there.
We have just carried on today waiting for you whenever you feel like posting again and a little worried too. Going to read TVSquad now.
Anonymous said...
Hey Jackie,
I'm clearly a big fan of yours. I've been checking in all day, lol.
I think we all have. Hey, Jackie-gal, the body is telling you something important. LISTEN to it!
Just come on long enough to say They are still boring and then get off.
Now I am off to read the TVSquad article. Take care of yourself.
Did anyone read about the house that Extreme Makeover built in Georgia being in foreclosure now? The people put up the house for a $450,000 mortgage to open a construction business which failed. This is after they had collect $250,000 from donations. I just hope they could not get to the money set up for their children's college education.
I was the one who asked if that was Libra's real hair and I don't feel like I'm a racist because of it. I asked because it keeps doing all this weird stuff that normal hair doesn't do. It looks to me like she has a couple of extensions that have gone awry. I also don't like her. Mainly i don't like her because she doesn't discuss things with people, ala the arguements with Renny and Jerry, she yells at them at the top of her lungs and then walks away. She lies, seems to want to boss everyone in the house around and is a general control freak. I can't stand control freaks. I like to mess with them. Oh yeah and she's rude and acts like she's the only one who deserves to win because she has money problems. They all have money problems. The person who plays the game the best is the one who deserves to win not the person who needs it the most. I will admit to being catty about her hair but have you looked at it?
I was also a little catty about K needing botox but I wrote that while she was making a face at Jesse of course and her forehead had like a dozen frown lines in it. If I'm not mistaken she wants to be an actress and from what I read about actresses producers like for them to look as young as possible. I just think she needs botox or she'll never get a part. I like K. I would like her even more if she got rid of Jesse but still at least she had the guts to put him up and shake up the 8 person alliance. I think she's a beautiful girl and I want her to be successful.
I don't like April either and said she was unatttractive but that's more so for her actions, i.e. letting people feel her boobs and jumping into the sack with someone on national tv, than for her actual looks although she does remind me of Sandra Locke.
I'm not sure if Jesse is gay even though his photographs are somewhat homoerotic. I saw a program on MTV one night about a male porn star who only did male porn even though he was straight because homosexual porn paid like three times the money. Maybe Jesse made those photographs because he needed the money. Face it he is a good looking kid and if only he wasn't an arrogant pinhead, he would be a real good looking kid.
Just read Jackies post over at tv squad, I also hope the vote to get jessie out this week. Can't stand him. sick of hearing how no one givves him the respect he deserves!!
Jackie, nice to hear you're okay. Guess we're just a bunch of worriers.
Sydney, I left a comment on the last post in re Meb. In that same comment, I replied to those who asked about my smoking.
Now I'm going over to TVSquad to read J's latest post.
See you all manana.
Jackie, You're habit-forming! I too checked in several times today to see if there was any word from you. I'm glad you're getting the extra sleep your body currently needs.
I'm off to TV Squad. Thanks, Jackie, and good night.
Came back for a sec just to comment on Jackie's TVS post.
I would consider maybe Angie is an underdog, but Memphis and Michelle think they are? LOL at that one!
Wouldn't it be GREAT if Keesha could be talked into getting jerky Jessie out of there instead of Angie? There IS a ray of hope! Sounds like someone is trying to help Angie even if she doesn't help herself.
K- it's A-okay! Opinions are good. :-)
Take it easy, Jackie! Glad to hear all is okay. Yes, we worry about you!
Just read your TVSquad article and I'm wondering who the 11 people are that DON'T want to see Jessme gone! Is there anyone out there that really likes him? Or do you just want to see the others annoyed by him awhile longer?
In response to Kay's post about Libra's hair, thanks for bringing this up. I agree with you, there certainly IS something wrong with her hair and my friend and I were trying to figure out if it's a wig, or did she have her hair straightened or what ever. The one thing we did agree on is that she has the most inappropriate hair style for her type of hair if it's all hers.
The other thing I'm trying to figure out is if anyone has seen Libra WASH her hair since the first episode. I know from Jackie's post that this week's POV comp involved laying your head down in a tank of water that had worms and other crap in it. Everyone who was in that comp ran to the shower bathed and washed their hair. Libra's hair was the only dry hair when everyone else's hair was soaked from the shower. In the 16 days BB10 has aired, I have never once seen Libra with wet hair.
On to Kay's comments about Libra's personality and her lying to everyone, I heard with my own ears Libra tell another housemate that "Keesha won POV because of me". It got back to Keesha that she had said it and when K confronted L about the remark, L wholeheartedly denied saying it. She said that this is not what she said. I yelled at her through the TV and called her a bleeping liar, that those are the exact words she used and that she just blatenly lied to Keesha to save her own butt. Sad thing is, I think K believed her. K trusts too many people, tells them things that she shouldn't tell them and that will be her downfall. 'Nuf said about K and L for tonite.
This is for Jackie, I missed reading your overnite feeds review this morning while having my first cup of coffee and I do hope you will be feeling much better sooner than later.
Thanks Jackie for all the updates. I have been a fan since this began and follow daily. Take care of you first and remember we can always fill in if you are not feeling well!
I hope you are feeling better, I know first hand how up and down Knee recovering is!
Go home Jessme!
Sad about the Extreme Makeover house
Jackie - you worry me. Please take care of yourself. I wish I knew what you looked like...I'm gonna ask Syd for a pic.
Regarding being racist for disliking Libra: Uhm, NOPE! I've commented on her, and I'm an equal-opportunity griper. Black, white, young, old, gay or straight, I have always just written my opinions here and never been accused of being racist. Furthermore, I'm not going to start to buffer my opinions or comments just to appease certain "anon" posters that may or may not become offended. (unless Jackie asks me otherwise, natch).
Syd - I am so jealous you get to work at the zoo!
Off Topic alert:
A)I'm watching my local morning news, and a guy is being charged with "forcible rape". Hmm..I thought just "rape" meant it was forced? Right? Like, how do you rape without force? Wouldn't NON-forcible rape be NOT rape at all? I'm confused.
B) A baby was "mauled & killed" by a puppy - a PUPPY. With mom & gramma in the next room. What? When the footage showed the puppy, it was little, like 3mths, all fuzzy & cute. And how did mom & gramma not hear it?
That's it - back to Fox & Friends. Local news is too strange & depressing.
Dear Petals, Non-forcible rape would be consentual sex by an 18 year old boy with his 17 year old girl friend.
Jackie, the adrenaline your body has been pumping out continuously since your operation probably finally stopped coming through and now your body needs a rest.
Wikipedia shows that as the definition for statutory rape.
Thank you for the rape explanations. Unusual but possibly useful information.
Hiya Jackie, Petals and Ed ~ Hey, does anyone else think this year is boring so far? Do ya suppose it's because there's no serious showmances? Sure wish they'd pick up the pace a little.
I was also a little catty about K needing botox but I wrote that while she was making a face at Jesse of course and her forehead had like a dozen frown lines in it. If I'm not mistaken she wants to be an actress and from what I read about actresses producers like for them to look as young as possible. I just think she needs botox or she'll never get a part. I like K. I would like her even more if she got rid of Jesse but still at least she had the guts to put him up and shake up the 8 person alliance.
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