The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. And, remember -- the Wednesday live show will be seen at its new time of Thursday at 8 PM starting this week. America's Greatest Dog will be in the Wednesday slot.
Recap City. Steven is fighting to stay. Keesha wins HOH. Steven speech in B&W is cut to "suck it, bitches." Jerry and Michelle are upset with it. Angie now feels like an outsider. Keesha felt her own vote for Steven was forced. Libra said they had to stick together.
Keesha thinks Angie is the one who let Steven take the fall. Back to B&W, we're re-doing the HOH comp again. Hey, Keesha wins this time! She's happy and tells us she will turn the house upside-down. Renny is happy and says she's a friend and has a lot of depth. Libra is thrilled. Michelle thinks Keesha should do another dirty deed for her alliance. Dan tells us that he threw the comp. April would like to see Keesha put up Dan, Jerry, or Renny.
Keesha tells Michelle, Libra, and Renny that she misses Steven and has no idea who she'll put up. Memphis and Jerry think they're good -- they're the only ones Keesha trusts. Keesha and Libra agree to have each other's back. Keesha says the big group wants Dan, Jenny or Renny on the block, but she has the power and will be changing the game.
Renny advises Keesha that she can't trust Libra. April joins them. Renny tells us that she doesn't hink much of April. Keesha tells her she won't do what the house wanted her to do. April tells us it might be a good idea.
The HOH room -- a pic of Gizmo, her dog, her father, snacks, a letter from home. Libra is ticked that Renny stayed around while she read her letter, but Keesha wanted her there -- she's the only one she trusts.
Keesha tells the goup (Ollie, Renny, April, Libra) that she wants to put Angie on the block with the reasoning that she is somehow responsible for Steven's eviction.
Keesha tells Memphis she wants to put Angie up. Memphis claims that Angie isn't after her -- Angie would have put up Dan and Jerry as the plan was originally. Angie tells Jerry and Michelle that Keesha's not strong enough to do what she wants. Keesha asks Memphis to keep the conversation quiet, so he tells Jessie and Michelle. @@
Dan talks to Keesha, said he has no alliance. She asks him to "cover her ass" if she does the same for him this week. She told him that the original plan was to get him out. A new ally has arrived. She talks to Libra. They have a heart-to-heart. Libra says she was targeting her friendship with Steven, not her. Libra seems to be regretful in a DR segment.
Now they're containing about the slop. Michelle tells them she would rather pigs feet or tripe. She tells some whacked story of a Portuguese celelbration with dead bride and groom pigs. Food comp time. Get in your threads and meet in the back yard.
BB Valley HIgh Sock Hop. Two giant records and a laundry basket of socks. Girls on one side, guys on the other. They spin around on the record and have to shout sock descriptions then shout where they're hanging it. Heh, Jerry and Libra won pigs' feet for the house.
Ollie and April talk books. They both seem into self-help books. He tells her that he's paranoid girls are after him. He gives an analogy with road construction signs. She tells him that he'll keep detouring his whole life.
April and Keesha in the HOH room. Keesha asks April what she should do. She's still intent on putting Angie up. April mentions Memphis, bringing up the car. Keesha doesn't want him coming after her and she likes him.
Keesha talks to Jessie knowing she's going to put Angie up. She tells him that. Jessie wants her to put up Libra, not Angie. Jessie suggests Dan and Libra and Dan will go home. "Libra will show her true colors if you put her up." Keesha tells us she has an idea of what she'll do and the other side will be completely shocked.
Nominations today -- Memphis hopes Angie doesn't go on the block. Angie feels she's a target but there are better ones out there. Jessie feels pretty safe -- he actually thinks she will put up Libra and Dan. Keesha is going with her gut. She's going to put up two who should be out of the house.
The ceremony --
Hard for her, teary, not an easy decision, no two enemies, sorry, but have to do this. Key order: Dan, Renny, April, Memphis, Ollie, Libra, Jerry, Michelle. Jessie looked mad from the start. Keesha nominated Angie because she felt there was a huge target on her back with the Dan Steven thing. She nominated Jessie because he's a true threat and sent a friend of hers home last week.
Heh, Keesha tells us that Jessie's arrogance got him there.
Michelle says it's "on like Donkey Kong." Jessie is sure that Keesha will lose the POV
They remind us that the eviction shows are back on Thursdays starting this week. And ... OOPs, it just dawned on me that I forgot to turn off the word verification for comments on the show. I'm sorry.
Happy BB Sunday Jackie & All! As usual, Jax, you have kept us all so informed that the show is just an excuse for me to visit with you guys!
And I don't get Libra's hair "style"? It looks like the got the back caught in a blender or something. It's not bi-leveled properly or something... Or maybe her hair is fine, and I just don't like Libra. Yes, that's it. I just don't like Libra.
Renny is growing on me. She's playing it smart being a good listener.
Renny's right about April being a PITA! LOL
Ditto Zoe
Hugssssss Petals!
I can't decide if I like Keesha or not.
Thanks, Jackie, now I know why Keesha is against Angie. She thinks Angie let Steven take the fall.
I like Renny on the feeds -- she often doesn't say much, just nods when others talk to her, yet observes everything. Of the other women, Keesha and Angie are the ones I like best.
What's with all the "personal" reasons for noms instead of strategy ? Play the game, people! And what's different about what Angie did from what Keesha did?
Is Angie actually going after Keesha or is that how K justified her noms to Memphis?
Ok, I don't see the stragtegy in telling Memphis???
Dan...pretty straight forward???
Yay...I remembered my password!!!
Oh how I want Angie to stay and Jessme to go.
Does anyone like Libra in the house? I wanted to like her but that was short lived.
Libra's trying some damage control but it's not working.
While we're on commercial break...
Are you feeling better today, Jackie?
Good Evening Everyone!
Just who is Dan trying to convince his "I'm weak" plan is working. His DR sessions sound as if he's trying to convince himself he doesn't suck at the comps... So sad.
Welcome other newbies!
I think Libra, April, Ollie, and Keesha could go all the way if they don't let the others break em up. But they GOTTA get rid of April and That other girl....can't think of her name....
TMI Michelle!!!!!!!!!
Keesha thinks it is Angie's fault for Steven leaving? Why did she not give Steven the lone vote?
Keesha just wrote her ticket out of the house.
April loves it because she's still in high school in her head. LOL
ABH - Hey baby! Who do you hate this season?
I like Angie, too. I hope Jessie keeps up the meathead routine and gets the boot.
April "the 60's ...poodle
I'm getting the impression that Keesha's not as bright as I thought she was. She'll get Angie pushed out and then Jessie will knock her out of there for disrespecting him by deigning to put his name up this week.
Zoe-I do not care for Libra.
She is just as bad as Jesse.
I want Libra and April up next week.
I think Ollie and April need to be split up.
So... what was the final verdict on what exactly the banner said??
I don't like Libra either.
Hey, petals....I don't like Angie and Jessie. Thats about it so far...I like nearly everyone else. I wouldn't be upset to see any of the others win HOH. I'm ok with most of them. I just don't like Angie. She's a snake...
joy n said...
I'm getting the impression that Keesha's not as bright as I thought she was. She'll get Angie pushed out and then Jessie will knock her out of there for disrespecting him by deigning to put his name up this week.
7/27/2008 8:30 PM
ITA! God forbid Jessme wins HOH or POV next week.
Renny's accent is so NOT New Orleans. She sounds like Edith Bunker on crack!
ABH - I don't see the snake in Angie. I don't see what anyone has against her...?
anybodybuthillary said...
I just don't like Angie. She's a snake...
7/27/2008 8:34 PM
Why do you think Angie's a snake?
ROFL...this comp is cracking me up! I think Renny is the Mole!
Oops, wrong show :)
Renny needs the wine to keep her calm. LOL
Pigs Feet? Sounds gross, but I must say I have never had it. I don't care to eat skin and fat. Barf!
Libra is now "Me-bra". She does love herself as much as Jessie does himself.
Petals said...
Renny's accent is so NOT New Orleans. She sounds like Edith Bunker on crack!
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! So true!!!!
Zoetawny - A bit better. Still exhausted -- I slept away a good part of the day.
You're in top form tonight.
Me-bra! Love it!
She DOES, man.
Ollie is so full of it.
Well, when the group decided to vote out Dan, she went against the group and tried to get Dan saved (not religiously...)
But besides that...I just get a vibe from her. Its hard to explain...sometimes I just get that vibe from people. I got it about Janelle. I'd have to play with my gut if I was in the game and that's how I'd see it.
If it makes everyone feel better, I also don't think Libra can be trusted either. After all she supports Obama....j/ flames please....
But seriously...I don't trust Libra either. I just think Libra is far...but that may change...
I think Libra is the snake here. I don't like her, April or Michelle.
I'm glad you slept. Your poor assaulted body needs it. Don't try any pig's feet for dinner. ;)
Jax - is it really hot up there? If so then you're better just resting.
April's road construction sign(s) say "Men At Work" and "Open Trench"
""Ollie is not seeing the signs. He NEEDS to detour..from April!!!
You ARE on form!!!
Open Trench....LOL....
This is the busiest HOH room so far this season.
Keesha is a flapjack.
April!!!!!!!!! Blech!
ABH - do you like Magenta?
Keeshia is not stupid enought to listen to Jessie...surely...
ABH - I do love your politics. It's nice here on the right wing, isn't it?
Um... TRUE COLORS? Is Jessie talking about Libra or his pinhead self?
Menudo cures hangovers.
I don't think Libra can listen to herself.
Petals said...
April's road construction sign(s) say "Men At Work" and "Open Trench"
7/27/2008 8:41 PM
You're killing me with laughter!
Two more..."Danger Ahead" and "Man Hole". My BAD! I can't believe I said that.
ABH - I know you hated Janey, but wasn't your gut wrong? She never snaked anyone. She stayed true to her alliances.
I still love you anyway.
Yeah, that is a pretty color? Why?
Hahaha...yeah, I don't mind her. She's ok. I don't have a bad feeling about her as I do April or Libra. Actually, it is weird because usually I have a 'SIDE" of the house I like better. This year...there are people on both sides I like...for now...
The way Jessie just said "Do you understand?" twice to Keesha almost sounded like a threat, didn't it?
Where is Syd?
I tried to make a graphic with "Magenta" but the image I found wasn't good enough.
coming in to comment late here -- had to make dinner and did a bad job as I was trying to watch at the same time.... OMG my EARS with that competition.
Also, chuckling at Jessie saying if Keesha noms Libra Libra will bury herself, coming at everyone... um, just like you end up doing Jessie???
And what is with Keesha telling Memphis her plans-- does she not know he will go back and tell everyone? What do we miss by not seeing this 24/7 that people can't keep track of this stuff? This makes you really appreciate the few who could really plot and plan -- Nakomis, Will, James, etc....
Zoetawny - My father's favorite snack was pickled pigs' feet when I was a child. None of the rest of us ever tried them, but we teased him.
Petals - Not horribly hot -- rain and thunderstorms most of the day.
Maybe the road signs should fall off the wall and hit a few.
Zoe - LOL! I'm corrupting you!
hahaha...I'm not gonna Janelle bash tonight. But no, I still wouldn't trust her. She's the one, who screwed up her alliance and got S6 voted off of the all stars. BUT ANYWAY...back to this season....LOL
Jackie said...
Zoetawny - My father's favorite snack was pickled pigs' feet when I was a child. None of the rest of us ever tried them, but we teased him.
With the dietary issues with Coumadin better not try any pigs' feet. ;)
ABH - Magenta is Michelle. From Rocky Horror Picture SHow?
Wait - Mebra is a Leo? Now it all makes sense.
Petals said...
Zoe - LOL! I'm corrupting you!
7/27/2008 8:50 PM
Yes you are! Don't stop. LOL
Off topic - anyone else watch Mad Men? Season 2 premiere is tonight.
Week justification for noms. She's known all along she wanted Angie out. THATS a nomination!!! HAHAH
J - all that humidity is hard on your joints. Inside & resting is better. Hope you mend soon.
Jessie's face...priceless!
If looks could kill on Jessme's face.
Oh. yeah, Keesha has signed her own exit visa. If Jessie doesn't go on Thursday, she's dead meat.
OH, crap....sorry...I got my names all screwed up!!! I thought Magenta was Michelle...sorry.....I got so confused....Still...I like everyone but April and Jessie and they are Nominated!!!!
On like Donky Kong? That doesn't rhyme.
Has anyone thought that she might expect Jessie to win so she could backdoor Libra????
Jessme will definitely go after Keesha asap.
Meathead does hold a grudge, yes. That whole "you disrespected me" mantra.
It was fun guys!
Have to go eat dinner pigs' feet, skin or fat. The dogs are staring at me now. Why aren't you in the kitchen? LOL
Thanks, Jackie!
ABH - you crazy wabbit.
Does anyone else watch Mad Men?
I do I do Ido LOVE Mad Men Petals
Brave move, Keesha, but not a smart one. Too bad.
Do we have enough people who watch Mad Men to start a sidebar chat??? HOPE SO!!
Second season starts tonight on A&E at 10 PM EST, 9 Central for anyone wanting to watch a FANTASTIC show...
Jackie, with all you have going on right now, the word verification lapse is NOT a big deal. Just glad you were here!
I gotta watch Design Star and Next Food Network Star
Syd - OMG, I caught the whole first season during a marathon, and got hooked! So excited about tonight!
Petals I thought the same thing when I heard Libra say she was a Leo. No insult to any Leo's here (sheepish smile), many good qualities for you there, but that explains it all to me. So so so man of my old clients were Leos.
I watched Mad Men all last season and it totally reminds me of my dad--- He was an Ad man, though in Chicago in the same years but he was a little older. He wore the same gray suit with skinny lapels, black wingtips and skinny black tie with white shirt every day. He smoked like a fiend though he was not a drinker or golfer. This is how the Martini lunch was born. And I learned a lot about myself when I see how women were treated and all... I was raised with that 50's mentaliy though I was born too late for that... it's just my parents kind of stayed stuck in that time and had me late in life.
LOVE the redhead! And when you see the guy who plays Dick draper in real life, he looks a lot more scruffy and a lot less smooth. Surprising! But I guess that means he's actually ACTING!
Too bad the viewers can't vote to evict! It would be Bye-Bye Jessie.
Oh Laura, don't make me fantasize. I WISH they would let us... but Allison Grodner would probably change it anyway.
Michelle and Angie conversing over on justtvnuts'com. Michelle mentioned that this was her second try for BB. She said she only got to the semi-finals last season. Would love to have seen her and Gnat fight it out.
Ok seriously, what is wrong with the housequests. Obviously, michelle (and memphis?) have reason to be partial towards keeping Jessie. But common, can't Angie create some sort of understanding with Keesha and explain her side of the whole Steven issue. Those two could work together as opposed to keeping Jessie which can only come back and bite Keesha in the ass!!!! Jessie is playing the game hard and he's going to want revenge if he stays.
Renny says her birthday is Tues. and Keesha will be 30 on Friday. justtvnuts, still.
Last week there was a traffic disruption here because of "a large tool in the roadway." I had a mental picture of Jessie standing in the road -- just for a split second. LOL
I turned on Mad Men to watch and wanted to ask if anyone remembers when offices began having flourescent lighting??? I was thinking in the 70's was when they started using them. They may have used them earlier in larger cities.
Anon 9:58 Excellent points!
Steven has to be confused as to why Keesha is targeting Angie. It definitely doesn't make sense for her at this point. @@ Thanks for teaching me that one, I like it. Lol, I am very ignorant about internet language!! (What does ROFTLMAO stand for? I know that LMAO is laughing my ass off but I can't figure out the first bit.)
petals, Sydney Donna in Al.-I had to tape Mad Men tonight. I cannot wait to watch it. I wanted to watch Army Wives also. Too much to watch all in one night. I rarely watch 60 minutes, however I wanted to see what was shaking with "The Boss" Bruce Springsteen. Right after that BB came on.
I have an interest in it, as January Jones who plays Betty is from Sioux Falls South Dakota. I live in Sioux Falls.
Just thought I would pass this exciting news along.
Anon 11:21 -- Roll on the Floor Laughing my ass off. When I first saw it it took me quite a while to figure that one out.
LMAO ... apparently Ollie just found out they film the houseguest at night. Oh this ought to be good!
Ollie HAD to know they film. The whole premise is 24-7 coverage. He probably told April they don't film so she would hanky panky. And now has to put on like he didn't know.
i am on a mission to find out if BB gives Ollie some condoms. I mean...i think he is new at this...he was a virgin, or so they wanted us to believe.
omg if April got knocked
-Suze in Kansas
OMG, Jessie just said something... true, something astute, something... WOW, I couldn't believe my ears!
He's in the backyard, talking with Angie and Michelle, and he said that if the house does not vote him out this week, it's the stupidest thing they can do.
Angie is thinking out loud, questioning why she's going home (supposedly) because of her friendship with Steven. She says she's going to talk with Keesha about it tomorrow. We'll see.
Angie is obsessing about her and Steven and why Keesha is punishing her for it.
A little while ago, the conversation moved to the issue of Keesha being the one who brought up the idea of putting Libra up if Michelle would use the POV and take someone down -- it was proposed that they bring this up to Libra, probably in the presence of Keesha (and why haven't they done that yet anyway?)
These 3 seem to get clarity very late at night. They're even talking about why is Angie demonized for the Steven thing when keesha did the exact same thing.
I don't want to sound mean, but I know they give them all psychological tests, but I think they do so to choose those who really have problems, cuz these 3 (Jessie, Michelle and Angie) all really seem to have real ... uh... clinical-level issues. imho.
Jessie - narcissistic
Angie - bipolar
Michelle - borderline
i'm cuious? is that mebra's real hair? I think part of it's fake.
watching k reading her letter...her dad is proud of her. for once I wish someone's parents would write a what in the hell do you think you're doing letter. Why are you having sex on tv? What is wrong with you? Keep your clothes on. etc. my mom would write one for sure
april reminds me of that chick who used to be in all of Clint eastwoods films...Sandra Locke maybe or sondra Locke the pale chick with the blonde hair the unattractive one
k needs botox i like her standing up for the dancing dead pigs
do you understand? do you understand? i understand your butt is going on the block pinhead i kind of hope pinhead stays, mainly because the people i want to stay usually go home and lets not forget he has great entertainment value. It's like watching the 3 stooges with only one stooge. Maybe I should say boob. He's definately a boob.
LOL, you got it: do you understand? do you understand? do you understand? point being... GAWD kill me already!
Jessie Angie and Michelle are sitting around like a bunch of compulsive obsessives (which they are) just dogging, dogging and dogging the others -- and in their paranoia, they imagine that "the others" do the same about them - which is funny, because they DON'T (do they? I don't think they do) - especially Jessie and Michelle, they have a totally distorted view of reality, it's a bit disturbing. Angie actually seems ok, it's too bad that she got aligned with these nutcases. She and Keesha really should team up, because they are both smart - and they should get Dan too. Those 3 are the only ones I really like at all. UGH!
LOL anon, about the letters from home - you're totally right. I keep expecting to hear "Please stop mentioning our home town, and please put some clothes on, and could you change your name, too? We try to not watch the show and don't look on the internet, but the kid down the street keeps telling us what he sees on Showtime. And if you don't win, please don't visit us for a few months, until all the neighbors forget about it. Love Mom and Dad"
Hi all, after awhile of lurking in the comments and in the blog I just want to say happy summer to everyone, especially to Jackie who even in her condition is keeping our BB curiosity satisfied! Rest that knee!
I wonder what would actually happen if the HOH wouldn't take all these silly meetings in the HOH room, just sunbathed or slept for the next day, and BOOM just had the ceremony without all this talking? What was Keesha thinking, telling Memphis this is what I want to do? And Jessie sounded like he was talking to a child, with that whole "Do you understand?" twice, like Keesha didn't get it the first time. I wish they would vote him out, he's got to be more irritating 24-7 than just the three hours a week we spend with him!!
Thank you again, rock!
Witt :)
So,it's on like Donky,Manchelle? It should be,if Keesha would just get her head out of her butt and know that she has to go after PH or he will be after her like a demon if he or any of his minions get the power next! Why is it that we women think with our hearts or hormones,instead of our brains sometimes??? She has such a hard on for Angie,but as somebody mentioned,she(Keesha) did the very same thing!And Jessme and Manchelle were the architects of Steven's demise,right from the get-go.
Here's how it SHOULD work,in a perfect world.Angie goes in and gets Keesha to tell her why it is she hates her so much.Then she lets K know that PH has said he's coming after her if he's not gone.Get Libra up there and tell her PH wanted her to go up,and said she'd self destruct.Remind Jerry of PH's disrespect,Renny...ditto and tell Dan he'd better get on the winning side if he wants to stay. April and Ollie won't rock the boat,so they have what...Memphis & Manchelle for PH and the rest against him?? That also breaks the back of that alliance,Angie owes Keesha a favor and Manchelle and Memphis can go up next week.
I like what somebody else called the April/Ollie "thing"...ShoSex,there isn't any romance or real feelings that I can see. And Ollie wasn't a virgin,but they said he had "recently" had sex for the first time,so he's still trying out those training wheels!
Good morning all. Just checking in for the first time since Friday. I see not too much has happened.
I thought Keesha's explanations for her noms were pretty lame. Angie is clearly no threat to her, or at least she wasn't until now. I think Keesha's dislike of Angie is purely of the catty nature. With that being said though, Angie has zero game. Sitting back and letting whatever happen is not going to keep her around. She should be working the "Jessie is a ticking timebomb" thing for all its worth.
rbennie, I agree. Angie should be playing some game and pointing out to Keesha that Jesse is going to be her worst enemy if he stays.
I know several people have mentioned that Keesha and Angie could pair up and be a force to be reckoned with but it doesn't seem that Keesha sees that.
Frankly, it sounds like Angie just wants to go home. She's not having fun anymore. Wah wah wah
Well. if anyone' is interested in some nude pix of our Pinhead, head on over to TMZ. Two nudies and onw with his undies.
Thank you Joyn.
I just right on over to TMZ to take a peek at the pinhead in the buff. He looks like a "man's man", a real boytoy! JMO
I'll throw pretty much all of these HGS in the same bag. One is no better than the one standing next to them.
Looks like they are all capable of sticking it to one another. It is almost child's play out on the playground or more less a popularity contest in my opinion.
Would it actually have some worth while competition against each other, it might be worth the time.
May the biggest bully win.
You know, even Jessie and Memphis both looked genuinely surprised that Keesha thought Angie was comimg after her. Keesha is totally making this personal and I don't get why. She voted for Steven to go, too. Seems like personal jealousy to me.
Donna, pix are something, aren't they?
Good morning all!!
I just got caught up by watching my recorded BBAD from last night! I thought the Renny impersonating everyone was hysterical! I am really starting to like Renny!!
I am getting really tired of Keesha's jealousy of Angie!! She's even getting blamed for Jessie mouthing "bye bye" to Libra through the window! I just don't get it!!
If Keesha were to align with Angie she could really be in a good position! She could have a sub alliance with Angie maybe even Memphis and Angie(secretly) and then boot out Jessie she would only have Michelle gunning for her!! But I know that won't happen because she's just too jealous!
Just for her stupidity I hope one of the meatheads gets HOH and puts her on the block next week! She will then tell Julie Chen my regret is voting out Angie!
OK I am done!! Hee!! I hope everyone's having a great Monday!!
The construction comments made me laugh out loud and also loved the comments on the letters from home, especially: LOL anon, about the letters from home - you're totally right. I keep expecting to hear "Please stop mentioning our home town, and please put some clothes on, and could you change your name, too? We try to not watch the show and don't look on the internet, but the kid down the street keeps telling us what he sees on Showtime. And if you don't win, please don't visit us for a few months, until all the neighbors forget about it. Love Mom and Dad"
7/28/2008 6:30 AM
It would serve her right if that did happen, Jen. She has a chance to get her biggest threat, Jessie out of there NOW. Just by nommimg the pinhead, she put a HUGE target on her own back. He, Memphis and Michelle now realize that they can't manipulate her, so she absolutely has to go. Michelle and Jessie were determined to get Steven out, you can bet he will quadruple that determination to get Keesha GONE! She disrespected Jessie's true love!
OMG Joy, thanks for the pic alert. Why do these pix make me feel like it's unlikely he has a girlfriend waiting for him at home?
Dang, I wish I could check out those pix, but I'm at work and with my luck as soon as it popped up on my screen, I would turn around to find my boss standing behind me! Wouldn't be the firs time, LOL. I'll just have to contain my curiousity until I get home.
Joy, that underwear shot looks like he is just adoring his bad self.
Just wondering if there has been any news on MEB's recovery. I haven't seen anything about her in a while. Does anyone know?
Do younger ladies think that look in Jessme's pinups is hot? Maybe his size isn't the only reason he was picked on at school. (And I do not agree on anyone being picked on just because they are different!)
Could someone please hand Jerry a sleeve? Geez, enough with the Richard Simmons wardrobe. He bugs.
A neighbor of mine, sweet girl, models and she has shots of herself for her work. She wore lingerie, but they wanted her to bare skin. She would not. Apparently, PH isn't opposed.
i have never laughed so much as i have reading these posts!! the construction signs, letters from home, jessme adoring himself....funny funny stuff!....and i'm thinkin no one had started drinking yet, eh?
keesha needs to step back a minute and THINK somethings thru. jessme is going to come after her like a bat outa hell....she really should align herself up wuth angie, dan, and renny. priceless renny. has always been one of my favorites. she makes me laugh. that whole sock on the record disk had me peeing my pants. was she "out there" or what!!! whoever said it, i think they hit the nail on the head..the DO in fact screen these houseguests ....and choose those certifiable. ratings my friends...ratings.
I'm 34 and I find nothing physically appealing about him..
I think he has done himself in with us feedsters... He has outdone anything Amber ever said last summer.
Can we hope and pray that diary can do their magic work and get rid of this joke...
Everybody that lives in Texas either has money, is making money, or is all old money
A hot girl can come here (LA), get in with the wrong crowd, and it's over because first off now they're going to parties where all the celebrities are.. now they're all on drugs and that's it, and it's over for them.. and it's so easy for a girl to slip into that, because they're girls
And then if guys want to do that same kind of thing, they need to start cuddling up with who? Other guys.. oh they'll care of them because yea, they run the city, them and Jews
No, it's the truth, they do.. 'cuz they're the ones with all the money, they're the ones that own the banks, that they get the loans from them
Plaid!!! That picture! That is great, I love it. The TMZ pics were typical self-love portraits of himself, for himself. Blech. Your's is so much better, thanks for the good laugh! Can you do one with Michelle's head on Jesse's naked body?
Looks like Jesse is making up from some short commings. Thats my take after looking at the pictures on TMZ.....
cha cha
Glad to know I wasn't the only one interested in looking at those pix. I don't feel quite so pervy now. Loved the shortcomings remark. The boy has many. LOL!
What is the brown thing that Jerry always carries around? Any ideas?
awesome coverage for keeping us informed! This was awesome to read! Renny is playing it slick this time... good call.
Talk Show Spoof Video?
In the past day or 2 someone mentioned that Michelle was doing her best to let Jessie know she was interested in giving him relief from his Horney problem.
I immediately thought no way Jessie would take Michelle up on it. She definitely is not his type. I am sure his girlfriend is inflatable.
After seeing his nude photos on TMZ I am thinking his "girlfriend" may be named Rocky or Vito!! LOL
(I don't have a problem with that)
You guys...Jessie ghey? Full on attack - You are making me feel sorry for him. His pics are not as bad as the Penthouse flash from BB9. He is just a kid.
Ok so I am assuming nothing has happened in the house since the show? I hope Jax is feeling ok.... she seems to be a little undert he BBweather this year. I hope all is well. Oh and for LIBRA'S Hair.... she is a HOT MESS! The woman needs to come her hair maybe just a few times this season. ;) But she is playing the game you gotta give her that.
I also dont understand why everyone has it out for angie.... Is it just b/c she is a good player. I guess I dont know what all she has done to be so horrible.
Anon 7/28/2008 5:30 PM,
I am not attacking Jessie's sexuality. I certainly didn't think his photos were obscene or porn. A few of my gay male friends have very similar art photos through out their homes.
I am poking fun at his self righteous arrogance and his lack of reaction to an attractive young woman wanting to jump his bones.
I don't care if Jessie is gay, straight or celebate he is still a self centered obnoxious jerk!
His attitude sets him up to be dissed by fans of BB.
Lynn, I agree with you. Jessie's pictures and ambiguous sexual orientation have nothing to do with why I dislike him. It's his crush on himself that turns me off. But he is young, like we all keep reminding ourselves.
Bodybuilders love to look at themselves. It's their mentality. Again, try to remember his age is all I am saying.
I didn't think I could dislike Jessie any more than I already did. But....I went to TMZ and discovered a whole new level of dislike. Ewwww
Hi everyone, haven't posted this season yet. Jackie thank you again for all your hard work, it is much appreciated. I am with the majority I cannot stand Jessme! Keesha needs to wake up and smell the roses and work to get rid of him this week.
The postings so far have been very funny and I can't wait for the banter every day.
i too kinda wondered myself is jessme was gay. don't know why...just had a feeling..just wondered. and as far as him being "young".....i'm sorry, i think he is plenty old enough to know better. young just isn't a good excuse for me to accept. he's not FIVE.
i checked out his TMX pics. ugh! looks like he was relishing a view in the mirror.
i wonder if ollie knows april's last name.......i wonder if april knows ollies last name.....
Hey Joy and All -- I was signed into another account so that comment from
was from me!
Everybody that lives in Texas either has money, is making money, or is all old money
WHAT? Darn! Someone forgot to tell my parents, my husband, his family. I am a 7th generation Texan. Hubby has a job. We do NOT have a lot of money -- new, old or otherwise! Just thankful we can pay our bills, owe no one and can look forward to retirement.
Is Jackie ill? I know she is having some health issues because of the medication, but it has never been this long between her updates other than when she had her surgery.
Hello everyone never have blogged here before but love reading jackies re-caps of the show and all the info. I agree Jessie needs to go!!!! I like Angie. I think these players are playing more personal htan thinking about strength down the road. Jessies pictures were hilarious on TMZ
I'm concerned too.. she hasn't posted all day-- Sydney are you with us? Have you talked to Jackie?
Petals: Got the pic over on survivor sucks photo chops. I can't take the credit.
For those who feel sorry for Jessme:
He said something last week along the lines of he could of gone the route (as if every teen does) of drugs and drinking, instead he took the **right** route and made his body a temple. You know at 22, he's a baby. He doesn't know diddly squat IMO. Not every teen in America drinks and does drugs, and I'm almost willing to bet he has meddeled in "roids" he's just too full of himself.. thinking he's the "IT" when he's anything but that... add a SH to that.
Renny is starting to be my favorite.. imagine that!
Everybody that lives in Texas either has money, is making money, or is all old money
Becky, we were both left out! Still looking for my oil well and my ranch!
I, too, was just worried about not hearing from Jackie yet today. Hope all is okay.
Isn't plaid cute? LOL
Yeah, no Jackie, no Sydney, no news of Meb all day. Sure hope they are all okay. Geez, no Zoetawny, either. I'll check in again later. Hope one of them give us a holler.
I have checked in several times today to see if Jackie has posted anything. I hope all is well!
-Jamie Mae-
Good Grief -
I wrote a comment when I was signed in under another account and it came in as ANONFORNOW.
Then I wrote to tell you it was me many coments later and I was STILL on the other account by accident.
So you think I wasn't here all day looking in and I was!!!
I don't feel comfortable calling MEB just yet. I wrote her daughter waaaay back on Thursday night asking for an update but got no news.
When I called MEB, I think she just needed to rest. She;s had a ton of her insides taken out. She didn't say she'd be getting out of the hospital today, but just that she suspected she'd be in thru the weekend at least as her doc wasn't working til today. I might check in in the next few days but I just want to give her time to heal.
I just really don't want to invade.
PS: Plaid and Becky and Jennasmom... I'm waiting for my oil well too!!
Anonymous said...
Isn't plaid cute? LOL
Yeah, I'm just flippin adorable! :P
I too was wondering why Jackie hasn't posted a new "Happenings in the House over night". Maybe she slept in and then had appointments. Is Sydney still doing the zoo thing? Maybe this is just busy Monday and the rest of us got off easy, we (some) just had to go to work! MEB probably won't be released to come home for a couple more days. I pray she is not in much pain and doing well. Same goes for Jackie too.
Oh hey Sydney, guess I was typing when you posted.
Who was trying to quit smoking awhile back? Was that you joyn? Just was wondering how that was going, since I too am a smoker. I tried the Chantix but quit it after 3 weeks of no change.
Hope all is well with Jackie!! go renny!!
hi Syndey, I think you are right to just leave MEB and family alone for awhile. Hospital stuff just kind of takes over your lives when that kind of thing going on. When you have a time to rest, you take it!
Prayers for both Jackie and MEB. I think that's the best we can do right now. Well, that and entertain ourselves as only we can do.
Jessme's generalizations are really cracking me up. I wonder what he will think of himself when he is older, like 30! Still hoping he goes home this week. Has any whole group voted opposite of how the HOH wants them to vote?
Note to NON-Texas peepers
Someone from another part of the country asked me some 15 some-odd years ago when I said I was from Texas, if we had oil wells in my back yard with cows....
Sorry to dissapoint!!
Donna in AL said...
Who was trying to quit smoking awhile back? Was that you joyn? Just was wondering how that was going, since I too am a smoker. I tried the Chantix but quit it after 3 weeks of no change.
Donna, You might try again..they say most people take more than one try to quit. I quit January 2007 after 41 years by using Commit (I cut them into 1/4 with pill splitter)the only problem was that it took me about 14 months to get off of the commit (used tictacs). Good Luck!
Judy in East Texas
(now where did I put that oil well, heh)
Plaid, be glad that is the question you get...seems like everyone I know that moved here from another state only knows one thing about the history of Alabama!
I lived here and didn't even know what was going on, of course I was very little then.
Judy, I have not smoked continually since 15 years old. I have quit and stayed quit for 5 years three times. It was so easy the other times but this time, boy, it is hard!!
So what is going on on the live feeds? I have not read anything new.
Donna - I was raised in AL, and when people ask me about it, I have to admit the truth: everything they think is true. At least it was for me & my family. I can't remember a time when we didn't have a "housekeeper", and I know we didn't pay her; she was inherited. I remember the signs on the beach that read, "No coloreds allowed on the beach after sundown". As kids, we played "house" in the old slave quarters. I swear. And when I went to HS, we had a majority/minority student council, homecoming king, etc. All still very segregated, even in the mid-80s. To this day, there is still the "black only" Mardis Gras parade.
Sad, but all true. BUT...we didn't marry our cousins or anything. haha
Sounds like no one really has a good reason to dislike Libra seems a bit racist to me. The comments about her hair. Obviously, if you are making the comments them you are not black. Libra is playing the game. And may I add she is playing it the best right now.
Hey Sandaroo -- Welcome!
Witt and Formerly Anon good to see you back!
Anon 10:11 -- about the tool JessME in the road -- I now picture him after TMZ with just a hard hat on and a smile.
Anon 2:39 -- Died over describing Jerry's attire as the Richard Simmons look. ANd did anyone answer a commenter who asked what the bornw thing was that Jerry is carrying?
FormerlyAnon, your letter from the parents was priceless.
Anon 10:16 -- I didn't think comments about Libra's hair that I read meant that person was racist, anymore than someone said 29 year old Keesha needed botox was... When we talk about What julie is wearing or her style it's not racist. I agree that she is trying to play the game. She has also had a style that not everyone likes in the house, apparently.
I agree with the commenter who said Angie has zero game. Seems so, though I haven't kept up on if she's woken up and done anything definitive in the last 12 hours.
Petals, were you raised in LA? You know, Lower Alabama? I don't remember any of that but I was sheltered and we shopped in downtown Birmingham in the 60's but moved to the country in the early 70's.
Hi Donna- I definitely still am volunteering at the zoo. It gives me much to write about on my adventures in nature blog, lol. I interviewed Saturday to be a keepers aid in Carnivores, which means I will be helping with the BIG CATS -- lions, tigers, clouded leopard, jaguars, cheetas, cougars, to name a few, as well as 2 kinds of bears and wild dogs and wolves I think...
Now if you don't see me comment here for a few days, you can REALLY worry! I am a little afraid I'll be the headlines in the paper "Freak accident at Zoo for selfless volunteer" when they accidentally let the lions back into their habitat as I am still cleaning up...
I need to give someone MY phone number, lol.
But really, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with such creatures... how could I not. :-D
Has Angie done anything but agree with Memphis? I thought she was just sitting back and observing. Then she would know how to play her game but with her on the block she hasn't showed us anything. Does she have a game plan? I don't have the live feeds and cannot stay up to watch BBAD, has she started campaigning any?
Donna -- Jackie just made a new post!
Sydney, I had just jumped over to your blog a little while ago and read up on your latest. That is great that you can do that at the zoo. I would be so scared to get in one of those cages even if they say the animals are put up. I don't think I have been to the zoo since my boys were little (in the 80s).
Sorry Sydney, guess we got a little antsy here not hearing from any of you all day. I understand totally about not disturbing Meb so soon again, but I guess because we didn't hear anything at all, we worried that something bad had possibly happened. Have to try to remember, "no news is good news".
I saw both comments under ANONFORNOW and thought, "Well, duh ,who the heck is me?" LOL!
For those who asked about my smoking. I'm still on Chantix. I talked to my Dr. today. I'm being told I'm doing fine, but, I have to stay on them for another couple of months. (I want to.) I'm on another plateau, which the doc says happens for some patients. Now I smoke about 10 a day and I'm very comfortable with that for the moment. What I mean by that, is that I don't crave more than that, and a month ago, I'd have sworn you would never hear me say that. Two weeks ago I was at about 15-16 a day, but 5 1/2 wks. ago, I was smoking about 50 a day. So I'm proud of my progress and have realized this is the way that will work for me. I don't mention it too much because I guess I'm hoping to just announce one of these days that cigs are out of my life. I even have my hubby smoking less and talking about maybe trying Chantix, too. Progress all around! Thanks for asking. It's nice knowing you guys care.
What IS that brown thing that Jerry's carrying around?
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