Zoetawny made us a Brian graphic!
The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs I'll be constantly updating this post. To see the latest, refresh your page. Later on tonight my full review/recap of the show will be up over on TV Squad. Please forgive any errors or typos in this entry -- I'm typing as I watch the television.
Julie is wearing a black dress with white wider than spaghetti straps. (I never claimed to be a fashion maven.). There is the promised live audience for the eviction, something new this season. We're in recaps.
Day 9 in the house and Brian, the self-described puppetmaster has had his strings cut, according to Julie. But first, blindsides cannot happen without traitors. Into a B&W recap of Jerry putting Brian on the block.
Dan tells us he's shocked and dumbfounded - My alliance has gone down in flames. Brian talks to Jerry and he tells him who went against him. He told Brian that Ollie was the ringleader. Jerry talks about the no military gear once again and tells Brian he had no choice. Brian thinks he should have just done what he promised. No surprise there. Dan and Brian are both shocked that Ollie flipped.
They confront Ollie. He tells him the whole house did it and he was backed into a corner. He says the numbers were against him and he had to do it. Dan tells us that he wouldn't have broken his word and tells Ollie that, too. Dan thinks April and Ollie orchestrated it all.
Now to showmance -- Ollie and April smooching in bed under the night cams. Ollie is worried about being the guy who falls for the girl and his game suffers. The girls think that Brian and Dan are against them. Brian thinks the girls must be turned against each other.
Brian thinks Steven was loyal and it's a good thing. He thinks he has five votes and Jerry would vote for him in the case of a tie.
Back from commercial, the live audience cheers. Julie says Brian will charm the socks off the others. It's the sock puppet show. Brian's sock made 8000 alliances. Now we're into the bit I recorded and posted. They cut the end out with the Grim Reaper as well as the Libra bit.
Libra and Michelle in the kitchen think Angie is digging a hole for herself hanging out with Brian, Dan, and Steven. Brian is trying to get Memphis on his side. Angier tells us how much fun Brian is. Angie goes to Keesha and tries to convince her. Keesha is already ticked at April. Now last night's cat fight -- MEOW.
Keesha accuses April and the others of talking about her. Michelle calms April and Ollie tries to calm down Keesha. Brian tells Jerry that they were fighting over him staying. Now Renny consoles April. April is still going on about Keesha turning on them.
It's to the room and Julie. She tells them about the live audience, throwback to season one. She asks Jessie he and Renny have buried the hatchet. He fusses "You have to give respect to get respect." Renny is wearing a blue knit outfit which looks like a flapper. Her answer is more mature than Jessie's.
Onto asking Libra about leaving her children to go on the show. She says her family is behind her and it's her choice. Julie leaves them in the living room. Up next is the live vote.
Talking to Jerry in the HOH room ... he's wearing military cap again. Does he regret being put in the position of HOH? Rules say he has to do it, no regrets. Difficult to betray Brian? Again about not wearing military gear. He feels the girls are his angels and they saved him. "I call them Jerry's angels and they seem to like that."
Talking to the nominees -- Renny: On the block now for 7-8 days, initial shock, (this isn't making sense to me), I've monotoned myself a bit. Brian -- First few days some of the best fun I've ever had, also everything here is a game, will just get nastier from here, just a game.
Live voting about to start (votes are to evict):
April votes Brian
Libra votes Brian
Michelle votes Brian
Ollie votes Brian
Into commercial...
Dan votes Renny
Jessie votes Brian
Keesha votes Brian
Memphis votes Brian
Steven votes Brian
Angie votes Brian
9 to 1, Brian is evicted.
He exits well, smiles. Hugs and handshakes all around. His photo goes black and white. Dan looks worried and uncomfortable.
Julie asks Brian what went wrong ... sockpuppet 8000 deals. He says it was too quick and things happened so fast. He tried to play three weeks of game in seven days. Will Dan survive? He said it shows that Dan is someone you can trust.
Goodbye messages -- Keesha - arrogance brought you down. Jerry - odd message. Ollie - apologizes, you were big threat. Steven - will miss you and the laughs. Dan -- like a big brother. Brian thinks Memphis is the most dangerous and underrated player in the house.
Live HOH comp, Be with the In Crowd. Series of questions about housemates, answer how you think the majority will respond.
Who does the majority of the house believe ...
will commisson a life size portrait - Jessie/Brian. It was Jessie, Memphis is out
fashion consultant - April or Renny. April answer. Keesha and Renny out.
Wear nothing but a bikini -- Angie or Keesha. Keesha. Michelle, Dan, and April out
Life story in 50 years more interesting -- Memphis or Dan. Memphis, all right
Sweet dreams honey comp, wore honey best -- Jerry or Jessie. Jessie. Angie out.
Vain enough to think this question is all about them -- Steven or libra. Steven all right
Oops, didn't get 7th question.
Least likely to get divorced -- tiebreaker.
How many total pillows on giant bed.
Ollie -- 550
Jessie -- 200
Libra - 175.
JESSIE has won HOH.
Awesome graphic Zoetawny! Fisrt live eviction and HOH comp. Woohoo!
Brian is still snaking his way around. It was more Brian's cockiness and huge ego and his wheelin' dealin' thru-out the house that is doing him in, than Ollie or April. Whoa, now April says she's, of course, going to use Ollie to her advantage. As I said earlier, Ollie better start using his "other" brain.
Whoa! I'm actually first to post. Watching the east coast feeds now. The cool thing is I get to watch it twice. LOL
I hope the "cool" kid, Brian is gone tonight. His arrogance is more annoying than Renny.
Good post over at TVS, Jackie. I knew you'd feel guilty for posting that Jerry won POV. Not to worry, nobody is perfect and you come very close, even in your not 100% up to par state.
Have you noticed that there's no text caption when they're whispering? I had to crank up the volume last night to hear the whispering.
Brian says, "Jerry WOULD overturn?????? ACK! He's till so arrogant.
The catfight makes sense now. Brian put it into action to separate the girls. SMART! Still don't like him but he's smart.
Well, I was first until I submitted it. LOL
Thanks! I would have made a better one had I actually knew what was going on...no live feeds here. But, his arrogance struck me immediately.
Thanks, Jackie, for getting it up so fast.
Yes, Zoetawny, another cool graphic to admire tonight.
I'm beginning to see Jerry and Ollie as innocents in this game. They think they have some kind of control, but they don't really.
The Renny sock is hysterical! :D
I love they are showing the puppet show! They'll edit the crap out of it. LOL
Thanks, Joy. Brians smirk during the nom ceremony really irked me to no end.
Angie says, "Can I trust you?" DUH! The answer is NOOOOOOO!
The sockpuppet show was funny, even with th editing.
Here it comes! Meow
Keesha and April are just looking for an excuse to attack each other. Does Keesha have a complex about being thought of as "stupid"?
We've got our "crier". UGH!
I simply hate Jessie! Barf!
Libra is very self-assured.
Jessie is a blockhead punk...all brawn and no brains. I don't like Renny but she did apologize.
Not sure I like the live audience. My brain keeps telling me it's finally night when I see the crowd in front of the house.
Zoe, LOL! Blockhead! I think he's a pinhead. All body no head! Barf again...
I still don't get the cat fight...
Other than Brian said the only way he could stay would be for the girls to turn on each other.
April wanted Brian gone...
Keesha was all for that until the talk with Angie... (note the braids between Keesha, April, and Michelle)
I don't know the "fight" seemed staged.....
Doesn't Jessie's face and body remind you of a cartoon cariacture? The massive body, the squared, but jutted jawline, (the little brain)?Sort of a Super MuscleheadMan! "Here he comes to brag away! A musclehead to ruin our day!"
Monty-- You should see the picture chops of Brian-- It's like Beatle Juice-- big body little head. I didn't get it until I saw him tonight....
What's up with the CBS site? No HOH blog or pics. They were usually up by the live show in the past! Hmmm
I can not believe that Twitch got Comfort for a partner on SYTYCD.
Brian is sure working it, and causing a ruckus thru-out the house.
Hi Zoetawney-the catfight really was not what it showed.
Not to be graphic, but Keesha was having some plumbing problems. Keesha knew Jerry was also. They were talking about going into the DR to seek help, when April came in and she automatically assumed they were plotting, when they were not.
Sorry for the gross explanation, but hopefully this explains the catfight.
Hi Plaidchick, I haven't seen any of the chops this season. Are they on Jokers?
okay, so ~ Keesha reminds me so much of Danielle! That being said...
Keesha & April is a Battle of the Boobies. Or blondes. Or bimbos. Take your pick. Battle of the Bs (just not "B" cups, haha)
What's that bump on the top Michelle's hair? LOL
Monty they're on Survivor Sucks....
Zoetawny said...
What's that bump on the top Michelle's hair? LOL
ROFLMAO Seriously!!
Did we have our first confirmed "It is what it is" from Sock Head of BBX
Thanks Plaidchick! I have to check them out after the show. I always crack up at all the clever chops every season.
Renny likes bright colors! She needs to tone down a bit. She does have an attractive face if she keeps quiet.
Where are you? We need your stylist's opinion. :)
Monty-- today's are good, especially since Jerry has expressed he was contispated... today's chops start on page 17...
MRS CHEN??? DAN that's her maiden NAME ya Dumb A$$
Brian's gone. Woohoo!
That hair style is rather hip right now but it has to be done right. Michelle looks odd wearing it.
No surprise who Dan votes for.
Jessie's vote is a huge shock.
Buh-bye Brian! I think he'll handle it with some class.
Angie is saving herself voting to evict Brian.
It looks like the only friend Brian really had was Dan.
The puppetmaster is gone,YES!
Brian is so gone! Have no idea who I want to be HOH, wish it could be Rennie, but that is not going to happen!
OK so Dan is the lone vote-- is he going to turn on Steven and say it was Steven who was the symathy vote or will he say it was indeed him?
WOW! Nine to one and Brian's kaput! Only Dan voted for Renny.
I'm sure Brian thinks Jessie voted for him against Renny.
Brian's happy. He has an audience.
Zoetawny said...
That hair style is rather hip right now but it has to be done right. Michelle looks odd wearing it.
I have curly hair, but I have bangs, so I get it. Everyone says I look completely different when I put a flat iron to it, which happens like once every 5 years
I'm hoping Renny gets HOH, LOL! No, actually I would like to see Libra get it but I don't think she wants it yet. Next week will be interesting.
Too bad Brian outsmarted himself with his big ego. He would have been interesting to watch.
I don't believe Dan will deny the vote. Hope he wins HOH, he seems like a good guy...
monty924 said...
Zoe, LOL! Blockhead! I think he's a pinhead. All body no head! Barf again...
LMAO! Pinhead is even better. I don't like those physiques with a thick neck and little "Brutus" (Popeye) head.
Curly here too, but I can't wear it straight well since I have so many layers. I also look totally different when I straighten it.
Jackie, who's Rick? Have I missed something?
I don't look good with that style but Heidi Klum (sp?) does.
Does Heidi ever look bad?!
YEA!!!!! i am FINALLY watching a bb show that goes the way i want to see it go!!! BYE BYE BRIAN!!!!!
terryinca..i am in ocean city about 20 minutes north of stone harbor. my daughters in-laws have a house in stone harbor..they were there last week :)
funny..i am having a great vacation....and i have checked in once each day....but i still miss you guys!!
it was pretty smart of jerry to keep reminding the hamsters that THEY are the ones who decides who go home....takes the target off of him for any retaliation.
nana in nw....just say'n hi....
jackie and zoetawny....rock'n as usual! thanks!!
Tiebreakers are always a crap shoot!
The Pinhead is HOH! Argh
ooops....spoke too soon......jessie as HOH.......not my choice for all its worth.
ooops....spoke too soon......jessie as HOH.......not my choice for all its worth.
So what now nominate the oldest people in the house? He can't stand Renny, and Jerry put him up
Is Renny upset that pinhead won HOH? I feel a pinhead graphic coming on...thanks to monty. :)
Oh No! Another ego on the wing. He'll drive all of them crazy this week, guaranteed!
I guess we can see Renny on the block again next week! @@ Jessie isn't that smart and he will probably nominate from the heart and not the head.
PlaidChick said...
Does Heidi ever look bad?!
7/16/2008 8:52 PM
We've never seen her when she first wakes up in the morning without hours of professional hair and make-up. ;)
Well, it looks like Renny and Jerry will be "on the block". I wonder if Jerry can turn Jessie in his favor?
OMG, Zoetawny. A Jessie graphic would be priceless. I can't wait. :)
I guess they are going to end the show a few minutes early this season too! I don't agree with Renny being loud and waking him up but he needs to accept her apology and move on. That is why she says he is immature. He will probably hold a grudge and put her up.
Well, time for dinner now. I'll be working on that "pinhead" HOH graphic asap.
Thanks, Jackie! I hope you're getting some nap time in and continue to heal and progress more each day.
Have a good night all!
where's Sydney? Haven't seen her post much lately.
I feel really bad for Renny. I watch Sho 2 and she acted like she had sense, so I'm liking her a little better now. So what happens, Jessie gets HOH, and you know she and Jerry will go up.
Too bad. Neither will probably win POV, thus one of them will go home. I know, all speculation, but it's possible.
Well, as it should be. BRIAN goes home! Yahoo!
I certainly don't love the idea of Jessie as HOH, and I hate the possibility that Jerry could be leaving next week.
I will watch on my coast, and add more later.
Any favorites yet??
Donna in Al
I love the blue stripe your son has now!
Maybe I'm getting synical, or the show is just getting predictable, but I think this week is going to be boring. Of course we have a Q&A, of course it ends in a tie breaker, that can be manipulated. Of course Jessie is going to nominate Renny and Jerry. It would be interesting to see Renny fight to stay, but all I have seen her do is sit around.
The only other theory I can see is April telling Jessie he needs to get rid of Dan.
I still don't have a favorite, or an Anybody but...
Ok I have changed my picture to honor Jessie's HOH
I fell over laughing when I found this...
Spoiler alert!
Don't read if you don't want to know or you want to wait for Jackie's post...
As it stands right now the Noms will be...
Dan and Angie
Steven as the replacement if the POV is used.
Apparently they want to backdoor Steven..
welly well well, it *might* be interesting after all.
Can you believe I was out of power for 8 HOURS and missed BB.....GRRRRRRRRR
My power just came on.......OMG I'm so pissed! thank you JACKIE and all of you bloggers, so I could catch up! We had a major storm here in WI and I even had to close up my buisness for the night.
OH MAN This SUCKED! But I'm glad I can read everyone's comments,
Hopefully I can see the full show on cbs.com
Since my recorder couldn't do it... :(
plaidchick... too funny. I had to go into your site to realize that the head on the picture is Jessie.
Good one!
I think Brian brought the Dr Will
sort of element to the show and
would have made it interesting.
Too bad he over played his hand too
I am glad Brian went bye-bye that is what'cha get for trying to copy someone else's game {wink}
Just watched the entire show online and I have to say that Brian left with dignity.
Why did April run over and jump on Jesse when he won HOH?? Since when are they tight? Did I miss something along the way?
Julie's outfit and last time, looking more consistant in style and better overall. It still amazed me how concerned she always is about where she puts her hands and that card she holds, and how she sits, walks, etc... Chen-ROBOT is well deserved. I'm sure she's a great gal at a party. I'd just like to see her do the show after a few margaritas, wouldn't y'all?
Yoda says: Too cocky, Brian is, Willie are not you.
Yoda is very wise, Sydney.
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