My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be returning here to live blog the live eviction show as it airs on the East Coast. Later, I'll have a recap/review of the show up over on TVS. See you in a bit!
Please make sure your neck is shaved for the live show, thank you.
Hope they show something about the catfight. Looking forward to tonight.
Jackie-I think you are the greatest in reporting the happenings. You are #1 in my opinion.
I hope you know that many other sites were reporting the same.
Thank you for all you do for the rest of us.
We ALL believed it, Jackie. Shame on them for being sneaky!
Keesha went into the Diary Room with Angie... that's what set April off, so Keesha did "cause" the argument. I just think that April over-reacted without finding out the facts.
I'm guessing that spot along side of Jerry's picture is where the POV medal will be placed when not in use. We all made the same mistake. Like you said Jackie, we won't do that again!
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