Not only is Dan playing roulette (thanks, Zoetawny!), but CBS is, too. I will be putting up a live-blogging post for Big Brother at 8 PM ET. Alas, I won't be blogging it. It won't air here until 1:37 AM ET. So I'm putting out the plea -- anyone with it airing at a normal human time, please feel free to use the comments section to keep us up it it. Not of this post, of course. It will be a new one. Merci!
My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad if you want to check it out. At least tonight will bring excitement back in the house.
If you haven't checked the prev. post Terry in Ca. informed us that our friend Laurie had an accident today and is in the ER being assessed....some tooth damage, swelling and bruising!!! We all need to pray for a minor diagnosis for her and quick healing.
Those kinds of things put life in perspective,huh?!
As for BB: I'm counting on the EC feeds to be on. I will be able to see it @ 5:00p.m. Jackie, can't you watch justtvnuts with the rest of us?
BTW--Another great graphic Zoe!! You always amaze me with your designs.
AWESOME Zoetawny! I love your graphics.
I'm so stoked for 8:00 to get here. I'll be posting with 'bells on'. :)
Zoe - Here's hoping you pop in: I 100% agree that Dan is the best player.
Thanks Nana, no further word on Laurie, Im hoping to hear something soon. Im just hoping it was being a klutz and nothing else.
How much fun if you could have met with PDX Granny, she just has had the best time...until now.
On Justtvnuts..does that start at 8 and here at 5?
BB was originally moved to 9pm here in Western Mass, but I just checked directv again and it's back to 8pm. I haven't watched the show in weeks, but I am watching this one for the Double Eviction!!
Nana in nw, thanks for the info, I had not seen the message on the other post. And, Zoetawny, great graphic as always. Didn't you have company or someone keeping you away for a while? Good to see you here.
I will have the regularly scheduled BB, but I don't think I will be home to watch. : ( If I can I'll give a comment or two. Unless that would be a spoiler since many of you can't see it until later? I'm going to step back and read about Laurie now.
I will be glued to this blog to find out everything that happens tonight. BB is delayed here in Columbus, OH until 2:05 am. I will tape it to watch Friday night (I have to be at work at 6:30 am, so I don't think that staying up is an option) but I can't imagine waiting to find out who the second evictee will be.
Since I can't watch here on the east coast either b/c of football. I'll be watching by using this website...
Which I got like 2 weeks ago from Monty924...Thanks!
I don't think I can wait until 2:37am my time in PA to watch the show on TV.
I'm really hoping that anyone who gets BB at the regular time will make a lot of comments about the show! Please? I don't want to wait until early Saturday morning to find out what goes on!
So sorry to hear about Laurie--lots of good thoughts heading her way.
Just came back to see if BB is preempted on the east coast...
I'm soooooo sorry to hear about your accident. :( I hope your injuries are mostly minor, although tooth damage isn't minor, imo, but hopefully can be restored. Praying that the diagnostics in the ER come back without any major injuries.
Terry in CA...
Thanks for keeping us posted about our good friend.
Thanks for taking the time to check your emails for the graphics. Wish I could send them special delivery to your door so it's not a hassle for you.
Have you read Dan's HOH blog? He is quite a mature young man for his age. Monica is a lucky girl, even if she's a plant.
I'm wondering if the EC feeds will have BB on at 5:00 P.M. because that's the area which will have preempting. How dare they make football more important than the BB live eviction show. LOL
Praying for those in hurricane Gustaf's (sp?) path.
Oh Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. Let us know as soon as you can (or terryinca, you let us know) how you're doing. You've been having such a great time, I hate that you had to end your trip like this.
My prayers are with you. I'm thinking of you because you're so special and pray you feel much better by tonight!
Hi everyone...just talked with Laurie...she sounded alert and fine. she said the dentist was able to move her teeth back to where they are supposed to go...dont even ask, it sounds painful. She says she doesnt look so much like a hockey player finally...and the chipped one will have to be repaired when she gets home. She tripped on a sliding glass door ledge that led out to a patio..they were carrying their food outside. shes thankful for all the good wishes and prayers...
Zoetawny--great graphic and it made me think...what if Monica is a plant..I mean like a real plant..petunia or something? he just calls her Monica?
Laurie! My banana-loving friend...did you slip on a banana peel (har har)? Babe - feel better.
It is raining cats & dogs here, delaying the game that is delaying MY SHOW! Grrr.
Love you guys.
Hi all! I didn't think I could get on this from work! Gotta type fast!!
I just got a call from Laurie and just found out she's been in the ER all afternoon. I wanted to let you all know, but it looks like Terry in CA and Nana already did! Good!! I'm going to head over to her hotel as soon as she gets back so she's not alone. I'm glad she thought to call me, instead of just sticking it out on her own!!
I'll keep you posted on her condition!
ARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH There is football on the CBS affiliate in Cincinnati. What the heck??????
I left this in the previous post, but since we are here now:
Oh poor Laurie, I hope she is okay. She was having such a good time too! I hope she feels well enough later to talk to us.
Nana I totally agree with your answers to If _____ won HOH. Looking at it that way it looks like Keesha is the safest person in the house right now. How'd that happen, LOL.
Thanks for the update on Laura, Terry. Phew ... I'm sure it's painful, but it could have been worse. Send her our hugs!
Hi PDX Granny, Please tell Laurie that we all here are thinking good thoughts and are happy that she is relatively all right. I don't know about the rest of you but I would rather go anywhere than to the dentist. Hope she feels better soon.
according to the schedule on justtvnuts BB will air at 8:00(that means 5 for us on the WC) The schedule was updated on Sun. so it should be accurate!
Terry I'll be watching for a Laurie update. It always takes so long in the ER. I hope the fall was just clumsy and not a re-occurence from her concussion a few months ago.
PDX Oh so glad she called...I posted to you earlier cause the other gal had Lauries phone...Im so glad you can be there with her...shes such a gem. Maybe you can watch BB on her laptop on justtvnuts?
Give her a hug from me too!!
BETHANY....thank you so much! I can watch it now! It works great!
Thanks guys I found the justtvnuts site and its working great. You saved me from getting up at 1:30 a.m.
I hope Laurie is alright.
I also agree that Dan is still the #1 player in there, you can tell he is trying to play the game from his HOH blog. Even Rennie's doesn't make complete sense.
I also think that Memphis has been a floater for most of this game (kind of like Ollie, though not as bad). His only alliance was ground to dust and the only reason he doesn't share Michelle's fate is b/c he's a likable fellow and he succeeded in ingratiating himself with the women, particularly Keesha. So I am still on the bandwagon of Dan, then Rennie, then Keesha, then Memphis.
I still think the only thing likeable about Jerry is his age.
I'm so excited for the show tonight. I'm also in NYC so I'm gonna watch Justtvnuts and if that doesn't work I'll come back here for the comments.
Hi all,
I'm so excited I could just pee my pants... I so want it to be a Michelle/Ollie eviction tonight. I never get my BB wishes in full though. I'll settle for a Michelle/Jerry eviction. ;)
Laurie, sad to hear about your accident. I hope your injuries aren't serious. Get better soon as this blog wouldn't be the same without you. I would send you a bouquet of Dannanas if I could. Hugs girl!
Glad you got hooked up Bethany. Dingo suggests that site so I thought I'd share it over here. I've never seen anything but the justtvnuts at Jackie's.
In honor of Dan's fried potatoes last night, I made soup beans with ham, fried pot's and cornbread for my BB dinner tonight. Mom loves her soup beans.
8 minutes and counting.
What is it with our room? Everyone is sick or injured. Does BB muddy our brains that much? haha
Two more places for East Coast feeds for all of us West Coasters and those pre-empted:
Here's to a BIG NITE!!
Woohoo... it is starting They are doing a recap- amf
laurie, i dont know you but im accident i feel for ya, and i hope you are ok.
i am SUPER excited for tonites episode. ollie and michelle? lets hope!
as far as the religion topic in the previous post, its all personal and should stay that way. even people in the same church will have different opinions. i lived out east for a long time and found that there are all kinds of people everywhere and its so easy to accept everyone instead of pushing 'your' feelings on everyone. sorry, thats my one cent (id give two but with the economy here in michigan, i dont have much to spare)
YES! the good stuff!!
This is great, why did I never try this justtv site before? Poor mICHELLE still delusional.
So we still didn't get much of the meltdown. welcome.
Just watched it all on a cable channel (NJ cabel channel 256)Michelle was first - Ollie soon foll;owed. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
8/29/2008 2:16 AM
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