Dan is a plant, so Zoetawny made him one! (She rocks, you know!) Unfortunately, I can't live blog tonight's show because it won't air here until 1:37 AM ET. Of all nights! Argh.
So, here's where you come in -- if you're getting the show at a normal hour, I ask that you please fill everyone in down in the comments section. You will have my eternal gratitude as well as the gratitude of many blog readers in the preempt boat with me. Spelling, grammar and punctuation need not be perfect and don't worry about posting something someone else might have already posted -- it's neat to read the different takes on the events.
I thank everyone in advance!
1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»Julie welcomes everyone to DE.
Thank you CBS New Haven Game on!
Recap of Dan's deal, he's swearing on Saint Mary's and Monics. Dan nominating M and J. POV ceremony: Memphis wins. Dan stirs things up in house at pov ceremony. Veto meeting. Michelle on block. Credits. And we're live
YAY Zoetawny... Dan the plant, LMAO!
Julie wearing scoop-necked black tee tucked into pencil thin black pants. She looks cute.
rehash of POV
The show is live on this link
Jerry predicting Mi will "self destruct".
Plant talk abounds
Feel better!
Another watered down version of it... but its more than we saw Tuesday.
Woo-hoo! We get to see some Ollie meltdown!
Ollie calling Dan out in front of everyone, Keesha yelling at Michelle, Dan's a plant, football pic is fake, GEEZ--get over it!
Now Mi is telling Dan his football picture is fake.
All in the back yard - Ollie getting loud.
Dan says "let the chaos ensue"
Ollie saying "I was the HOH" The meltdown is beginning.
thank you SueGee!
Julie in black scoop neck t-shirt and simple black pants. Very classy. BAck to Pov ceremony again. Ollie is angry in DR, mocked me, biggest snake of the game. Dan's goal cause utter chaos and confusion in game. Jerry big surprise Dan didn't keep his word and I'm going to say nothing Michelle will self destruct. Michelle in dr talking about how she is the wrong perso.
Ollie Dan is plant. Gonna call Dan out. Dan walks away. Keesha you turned on me and I'm not going to be mad at Dan for not putting me up. Fake picture. Rehash of what we all heard before. Dan walks away.
Dan lighted the fuse to the bomb but didn't want to stay around to watch it blow up.
M: Ollie nuts.
Ollie called Memphis a red-headed cabbage patch kid. Nothing about the slur or sucking part.
Ollie in HOH.
Oh no they didn't just do that? Red headed cabbage patch kids??????????????
Ollie & Dan's "it's just a geme" chat in the HOH room.. Think we already saw this.
Get on with the show already!
Crash bang boom! Ollie's back yard freak out - the edited version.
O destroy lollipop and planter.
M: crying in Dr. she doesn't believe anything Dan says.
Mi crying in the DR. Julie about to announce the DE
julie telling house about double eviction
o claps over DE.
Everyone else loooks worried.
they are getting the double eviction news, dan looks worried, noone else looks too shocked
Jerry & Mi pleading their case. Jerry first. Jury house will be a bump in the road. Had a great ride.
j leaing house just bump in road. glad to have been here.
M: grateful to have been here. crying. vote for yourself. love all you guys.
Mi crying while expressing her gratitude. I love you guys. (gag me)
Jerry giving ok speech, bumps in road--potholes, your vote your choice.
Michelle--grateful, thank you, vote for your own self, love you
Keesha rattled by the DE.
K: Vote for Mi
memphis: Mi
Ollie: Jerry
Renny: Mi
k: michelle
M: michelle
o: Jerry
r: michelle
the vote
keesh = michelle
Memphis = michelle
ollie = jerry
rennie = michelle
renny looks upset about evicting Michelle.
Keesha--vote to evict Michelle
Memphis--vote to evict Michelle
Ollie--vote to evict Jerry
Renny--vote to evict Michelle
Buh Bye Michelle
Crying on her way out - that's a shocker!
no good by for memphis
Michelle is crying
Michelle hugs Julie... ick!
Ollie just pulled something out of a drawer and put it in the bedroom - looking oh so serious.
Thank you bloggers. You're doing well! And I appreciate it.
I meant put it in his pocket....
Ollie getting gloves for comp. Memphis and K nervously laughing.
Julie interviewing M. M thinks she was the target the whole time. dan a plant. something not right about him. trying to make a fool out of everyone in the house.
Julie tells him dan is not a plant.
Mi then dan is crazy. thinks dan is out right behind her. I'm not that scary. claims she is very calm.
Julie reveals that Dan is NOT a plant. Michelle's face.. LMAO
Mi calling Dan crazy to Julie after she learns he's not a plant. Talk about the pot calling the kettle.
Mi insisting she's been very calm! WTF??
Ollie grabbed his gloves. It will not be a physical HoH so the gloves are useless.
CBS just did that whole first 20 minutes w/o a commercial!!! Thank-you CBS
Did Michelle ask Julie if she had any alcohol for her?
LOL Sally
Zoetawny, priceless! I am nervous about this HOH. Boy, I hope Keesha wins it.
Ha Ha Michelle looked like she needed a stiff drink
OMG what creative editing, in the sanitized Ollie tirade, the only thing he called Memphis was a red headed cabbage patch kid or some such. Too much.
Double OMG...that the CALM Michelle??? Delusions R Us!
Thanks everyone for keeping us updated. You all are doing a great job !!!
Debi From Columbus, Ohio
LAURIE Commercial break shout out!!!!!!
HOH about to begin in the back yard. "Big Brother head lines"
OH CRAP Kansas City just dropped back to the game ARG!!!!!!!
Storm here delayed programming
1) Renny wrong answer, everyone else right.
2) memphis only onewrong.
3) Jerry only one right.
4) Memphis only wrong.
5) Renny only one right.
5) Memphis Ollie wrong
6) Jerry Ollie wrong.
A TIE between Jerry & keesha
Angie in Kansas City can no longer update either
KC went to football.
plz blog more for me!
goin crazy!
--susan in KC
HOH Comp:
q and a up and down step up for a step down for b. veiwer poll. most points after 7 questions.
who is more likely to have:
gets lost on way home from work.donw for keesha everyone gets point but renny.
national comedy tour everyone gets point but memphis
burning building jerry gets point
jerry in lead.
national secret all but m get point
feature film renny jerry still in lead with one point.
fashion police arrest jerry has five k four
final question arm wrestling question k and J tie.
guessing tie breaker question number
closest without going over
how many lollipops on table after food comp?
both same answer
giant leap
add winners time between winners time from all 4 heats total time in seconds.
j: 320
k: 500
My heart was in my throat. YES YES YES.... team DAN goes on
keesha won hoh
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keesha is HOH!!
Dan gives the first hug.
Commercial break
Keesha HOH!!! Yahoooooo! :)
I don't think I have ever clicked on my "refresh" key EVER. I am staying glued to see what happens next...Thanks again !!
Keesha Rules!!!!!
Buh Bye Ollie???
haha, i just jumped up and screamed! almost woke up the baby! go keesha!
Wow! I was afraid there! Who will Keesha put up? Jerry and Ollie.
Who will go home. Everyone join me.... Ollie, Ollie, Ollie!
Can you hear me cheering over here in Wisconsin?
broadcasting at the bottom of the page at the website suegee gave us...
Keesh wonnnnnnnnnnnnn
Hi Sasha - you've been MIA! Good to see you here!
You guys are doing great!
omg omg omg! That was too close! HOH comp completely freaked me out! HOORAY FOR KEESHA!!!
For a sec there I was afraid I was going to turn into another Michelle if Jerry had won----
K Nominates Ollie & Jerry!!
hey pms! hello from grand rapids!
K noms surprise Ollie and Jerry
oh man!
thank you guys for blogging.
Go Home Ollie !!
k really so fast
mons ollie and jerry
pov next
Veto comp up next - commercial break
POV up next. Jerry and Ollie not looking too happy right now!
I would get rid of j he's much better at comps.
I think they will all be playing in POV. Let's keep our thoughts on the force being with the Dan/Keesha/Renny/Memphis group.
Nothing compared to you Jackie!
How DO you do this?? LOL Woman you are my hero
Hey Sarah from GR
Patti frm kzoo
hopefully Ollie is pissed enough that it will make him not play well.
gotta jump back to Justtvnuts--their reception is horrible tonight. But anything is better than nothing!!
Laurie hope your back in your hotel watching this!!
When someone gets a minute, maybe after the show, it would be fun to hear which houseguest got the most votes for each headline in the HOH.
we're back
POV Time
Veto in a haystack - digging for medalions and returning them to a stand - only one at a time
Pov comp
all have on goggles and gloves
two vetos buried in haystack. 1 at a time.
everyone plays searching through haystacks
dan has one
POV, look for vote symbole in hay stack bring back, only one at a time
Dan has one, Me one, K one, Dan 2nd, Mem, one DAN WON
dan wins veto
do you guys hear julie laughing the background?
dan won, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Laurie, I forgot to write -- get better. I bet you are sore.
Dan's the Man!!!
bye ollie, april is waiting
Another NUT bites the dust
Buh Bye Ollie (I hope)
renny hugs dan wraps legs around his waist.
ollie looks worried.
Meeting next.
Commercial break
Awww gee,Ollie's not looking to happy. Too bad, so sad.
Ollie will be convinced that his & Jerery's hay didn't have 2 vetos....more conspiracy!!!!
Wanna bet??
Nana nana, nana nana... hey hey..GOODBYE OLLIE!!!!
Are the two vetos Dan found both golden? Or did he bring in the platinum power of veto that he made? Gee...maybe he knew they'd be looking for vetos. Hmm...he must be a plant.
This is like my DREAM SHOW!!! I could not have scripted this one any better so far...
LOVED when Julie basically told Michelle that her conspiracy theories re: Dan being a plant were just that... nothing more than crazy theories!!
Classic BB moment! lol
Dan wouldn't use the veto, would he? nah...
Still commercial
Laurie...so sorry to hear about your accident...hope you are back to your chipper self soon and prayers heading your way...
Anon - SH
Cracking me up! I didn't have two, LOL
Will they have a second HOH tonight? After the vote to send Ollie (I hope) home.
Happy happy Keesha.
Ollie looks like he's gonna cry
ollie pouting in his room
thats what ollie gets with his fat mouth. i cannot wait to see michelles face when AH-LEE walks through the door. haha
I'm sure Ollie is convinced there was no veto in his haystack.
Time for veto meeting!
dan not using veto
ollie's not bitter, really
Jerry pleading - yuck just listening to that raspy voice gives me the creeps.
Do you kiss your grandbabies with that filthy mouth Grandpa???
Not using veto that's our boy
Ollie is rude to Dan, once again.
Bad move.
commercial again! AAARGH!
Another commercial break
im glad dan was honest this time. im happy ollie will be out. sorry to all, my mean streak comes out at these moments.
Ali, your table is ready! BITTER, party of ONE!! lol
Dan hadn't even caught his breath when they came back from the last commercial.
Bye bye Ollie.
I hope O goes home and J wins the new HOH.
Why? Because he would put up both Dan and Memphis and hopefully Memphis would go home keeping R and K and D for the final 3. I get the feeling R is going out right after J otherwise.
Oh, a commercial for Swingtown. My secret summer addiction. LOL
I kind of feel sorry for Libra having to put up with those two on top of April.
Wait, that didn't come out right.
Enjoy the excitement now guys, I have a feeling next week is going to be back to snooze time. No one left for any controversy,
This DE speed thing is exciting but I'm seeing rbennie's point from a couple of posts ago...if Ollie's evicted, not too much exciting looking to happen in the coming week. I'll go with ya never know and hope someone shakes something up. :)
rofl, anne
LOL rbennie, we must've been posting same thoughts, same time!
oh, i agree with you...anonymous 8:49!
i think memphis and renny are oil and water.
I love Swingtown too!!
Back on - Ollie is O-U-T
Dan: Ollie
renny: Ollie
Memphis: Ollie
Ollie's out. I want another eruption on his way out!!
Oh flipflops...I LOVE Swingtown. So much fun to see the real 70's stuff.
Dan - Ollie
Renny - Ollie
Memphis - Ollie
talk about conspiracy theories!
i cannot wait to see his face when he, too, finds out dan isnt a plant.
thank you julie!
The robots outside are applauding - wish we were there!!
Anyone psychic here? How do you want to bet Julie had to tell Ollie that Dan was NOT A PLANT! ;)
o pouting again.
o goes directly to the door. doesn't say goodbye. says see you later and good luck and out the door.
OOOOOOH, i bet next week we get to see the jury house!!!!!!
maybe april will be pregnant!
--susan in KC
Oh my god that was the funniest exit ever!!!!!!
Jerry please just talk to me this week. How sad. It's his own fault tho.
this may be the first time in bb history that all my fave's are in the finals. yaya
That side-ways hat - what a punk.
He's upset. We're not!!
Quoting the bible - an eye for an eye - a TOOTH FOR A TOOTH?? Eeeks - what version is that???
is ther another hoh tonight?
Thank you everyone for keeping my up to date.
no HOH tonight usually they do it tomorrow and will be on sunday
That is from the Bible
when does HOH get played?
Folks I hope this helped - putting my Amy's Organic Soy pizza in the oven now.
Evesdropping in the house now - they all look a little shell-shocked.
In Kansas city BB will be on at 11:37 pm tonight if you would like to stay up
COMCAST channel 3
The tooth for a tooth part? I must've cut class that day
And the show ends with Jerry kissing Keesha's you know what. I wish she could hear the things he's said about her! :(
This was the best show this season! And it came out the way I was hoping it would.
Go Renny and Dan.
Thank you so much everyone!
Thank you all! This was more fun than actually watching the show--reading all your observations and reactions.
Thank you everyone you did a great job. Just walked in from work here on the west coast. Can't wait to see the show tonight.
This is the first time for me that all my favorites are in the final.
By the way I became a US Citizen today. What a great day!
Did any of you notice that in the POV comp, Dan didn't actually put his
2nd veto symbol on the stand? He threw it down on the ground....and the rules said PUT IT ON THE STAND.
I know it's just a technicality but, the reality is that he didn't follow the rules.
I got so excited when Dan won the POV that I started cheering and my SwirlPoppers freeze pop went everywhere! My white comforter and my white shirt are now stained ):
The show was great though! I'm glad I caught this one
That was such a good episode. Ollie is gone!!! The only sad thing is Ollie and April can resume their "relationship" after only a week break.
When's HOH comp going to be held?
Way to go Eileen, I hope you take the oppotunity and vote in November
Eileen, huge congrats on your citizenship!! That is just terrific!!
Well, this week may be filled with less fireworks, but then they start to pick each other off, and that is never pretty....
Can you even imagine the sequester house??? Talk about a bad room mate situation. lol
Well this was the best part of my day- got a speeding ticket and a pink slip- no job after October.
Thanks Pres Bush!
Because it was OLLIE
oh my gosh my gollie
I haven't been this happy since I said goodbye to Hollie!
I hope you are getting some rest. Nothing is worse than being away from home and not feeling well.
Hugs to you...
Here is the scripture....
Exodus 21:23 & 24
Matthew 5:38
Debi From Columbus, Ohio
Eileen, Congrats on becoming a US citizen! It was nice of BB to have a double eviction party to mark the occasion. What's your native country?
Whew this was a fast hour!
Wow Dan worked fast winning POV, best of all Ollie getting evicted!
He didn't say goodbye zoomed out as if he'd seen a bird behind him.
Congratulations EileenM!!
thanks to the ones that keep us updated. I too can not get the show. Right now I can't stop giggling.
"He didn't say goodbye zoomed out as if he'd seen a bird behind him."
tom's--That's funny!
Laurie is safe in her hotel room, PDX Granny brought her meds and some nutrition..what a gall!! Lets hear it for PDX GRANNY!!
Laurie was booting up her laptop so she could get on...I hope she rests well tonight.
Thank you Debi - Mom would not be proud!
Thank you all! Sally I'm originally from Scotland.
{{{APPLAUSE}}} for PDX Granny - so glad you were there!
Big congrats, EileenM!
dla: thanks for the link to justintv on the other post
tom's said...
He didn't say goodbye zoomed out as if he'd seen a bird behind him. Too funny!!!
On the feeds, talking about the HOH headlines comp...
Renny: "America must think I'm funny!"
Memphis: "America must think I dress like sh**"
PDXGranny to the rescue!!
I just saw on joker's that Jerry want's to come back for All-stars and hs said so does Michelle. I they crazy. There heads have to be up there ass
Can somebody explain that "red-haired cabbage patch kid" comment to me? Did Ollie actually say that during his rant, or did BB superimpose it over the homosexual slur?
Oh, BB!
Anon 9:00 You are right - he didn't put it on the stand - he held it in his hand and then dropped it on the ground. Julie did say return it to the stand.
I don't know what to think -but I will admit that if Ollie or J. won and they had done the same thing I'd be might p'od right now....
Eileen, do you watch Craig Ferguson's show when the BB houseguests are on? He's from Scotland too, and became a US citizen earlier this year.
tom's, that was too funny!!!
Hi Sally, I watch him occasionally. Unfortunately he is on too late for me.
I will be voting in November by the way.
Thanks Debi from Columbus OH... I've never heard that before, but there it is. "...Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,... and it continues.
Laurie, I hope you're resting comfortably.
I kept yelling at Dan to put the red veto medallion on the post, cause he kept hitting the button and it didn't light up, but Julie gave it to him anyway. I'm sure everyone will have something to say about that when they all realize it (O/M/A and anyone else who has sour grapes).
It would have been alright anyway, because Menphis was right behind him with his second one as far as Dan's team getting POV.
Can you believe that neither Ollie nor Jerry found one of theirs. Your "life" is at stake, and you can't find even one of them. Unreal!
EileenM... Congratulations! How exciting.
BB ended a little early, Julie said we would listen in on the hgs and which took about 45 seconds and then they were off to commercials. A few things I noticed:
1. During Veto, neither Ollie or Jerry found even one veto in their pile of hay. Ollie was sitting there, very glub, after it was over and then looked up. He stepped out of camera range, but I had the feeling he was planning to see if there really was a Veto in his pile.
2. When Dan won Veto...and there was no question of anyone trying not to be the one to win...Renny ran up to hug him Koala Bear style. She was happy.
3. Does BB think they are accumlating new viewers at every show? That is the only reason to go through that indepth review. What a waste of air space and it isn't like they don't have a amount of video available.
4. Julie begins one of the recaps with "Dan is calling all the plays".
5. Ollie doesn't think it is right that Dan is playing the game by playing the game. Dan should play the game the way Ollie plays the game, which is by not playing the game. I hope BB puts a Monopoly game in the jury house.
6. Julie should host the Michelle pity party. She broke the news to her that Dan isn't a plant, that all the hgs were strangers with each other and that she was out played by them. Michelle said Dan had to get her out of the house because he is afraid of her.
7. when Jerry heard he was on the block with Michelle, he said he would sit back and see what happens. He said he thought she would self destruct and then they go to a video of her ranting and bleeped in the DR.
8. At 12 minutes into the show, Julie told them it was Double Eviction night. Ollie applauded. No one else made a sound that I heard.
9. When Michelle stood up to leave, she stopped to hug Jerry and he told her to "stay in touch".
10. Two tie breakers in the HOH game, is that a record?
11. Ollie stands at the word 3 when Julie is about to announce that he is evicted 3 - 1 and marches out. He stops near the door, while the others are still at the chairs and says a goodbye. Then he continues to march (stomp) into the live audience area and sits down (petulantly) while Julie still stands.
12. As the episode ends, Jerry is trying to make nice. Dan says we'll talk later, I know you had to behave a certain way while they were in the house. Jerry does say that he almost won HOH and if he had the outcome would have been different.
AAAAAAWWWWWW, we don't get to hear what Julie had to say to Al-LEE? Bummer, that would have been good. Do you think we will get to see it on the next show?
Clementine -- I watched the entire rant on the feeds. I never heard Ollie say that before tonight. They staged it. I've never heard him say it on the feeds at all, not in the rant or anytime.
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