Reminder -- The houseguests and Julie Chen are once again on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight!
My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'm kind of irked at my feeds tonight. I'm not sure what's happening, but they keep freezing and "communicating." Grr.
And, then there's tomorrow's "live" show. Unfortunately, it won't start here until past two in the morning due to football. Kristin over at TVS and I swapped -- she'll post tomorrow's TVS show review and I'll do her Sunday review. (I usually do Tuesday and Thursday.) Now, I won't be live-blogging the show at past 2 AM although I'll probably stay up to watch it. If it's on at a normal ET anywhere where you are, I can set up a post so you can talk about it. So, please check the schedules in your area and let me know.
Those are some mighty happy faces, Jackie! Yikes!
It looks like BB is on at 8pm here on the west coast but that's not going to help you any, is it?
I love football but I'm not happy with pre-season interfering with BB. That's just not right!
From Jackie's TVS post:
But that doesn't mean that absolutely nothing's been going on. If all else fails, Ollie and April will have sex again. And again and again. Oh, but ... shh. Their fellow hamsters don't know about it. Just the rest of the world (and their parents) know.
I love you girl! :) I have to stay up to watch Craig tonight. They were mighty ticked off at something that was said during feeds block/CF show. Can't wait to see what that was all about.
OMG, April is a cruel cruel person! Says she doesn't want her Downs Syndrome nephew to be a wuss, my word...hers was much worse, so she throws balls at him and pushes him down! I don't know to whom she was talking, but I don't think she caught any grief over it.
I posted this on the other thread but I'm in shock!
mrs.whiggins said...
I posted this on the other thread but I'm in shock!
I posted a response to your comment on that thread. April was just relaying how she has fun with her nephew who has Down's. I don't think Renny or Libra took offense. On the contrary, I think Renny commented that he probably loved it. I can compare it to games we play with Down's children in my profession to work on their motor skills and balance. Harmless... and I'm sure April adores her nephew Boston. Hugs.
Jackie-- I **should** be around for the show tomorrow night... on at 7 here CDT in D/FW... open up the blog and we'll give a recap..
Waiting for CF to come on!
On the April/Ollie porn show: They really haven't shown anything on the show about their "showmance"-- I mean how could they with it being XXX
Ollie thinks his Dad is **only** watching the show and not watching feeds or at least hear what is going on... YEAH RIGHT
And just a P.S.
I think it was crappy for Michelle to ask April to swear on Boston during the HoH comp. April did so that's tacky as well. When will these people stop swearing on their family members lives? That's what I can't stomach.
I also have one local CBS that is not playing football. I'll be blogging with ya Plaidchick. :)
Jackie said on Tv Squad...
Ollie comes across as an angel or a nonentity. Go figure.
OMG Jackie-- he's like a spirit on Paranormal State on A&E... we don't know if he really exists...
Call in Ryan from PRS & Chip Coffey!
Here's a thought. I think Keesha should pull Jerry into the spa room about 5 minutes before they go the LR for the live show and give him a heads up about the vote. He likes Keesha even if she does trash him daily with Libra. You can't have enough people in your corner in this game. Jerry is just likely to flip his vote and make it 5-2.
I still have a soft spot for Jerry and I don't think he's the pervert that comes across.
CF is hilarious. He answered an email from a fan that asked about April and Ollie's porn show! ROFLMAO
Julie Chen up next.
Well we know why they were peeved... someone e-mailed CF and said why don't you ask Ollie and April about the free porn shows they're giving... HMMMM!!
Yay someone is up watching with me... waving at Monty
He's a nut... "are they gettin it on?"
To quote my husband he just said "Can anyone say porn queen?"
Please God let Craig ask about A/O porn show.
Yes. Please Stop!
STFU Julie-- OUT THEM!!!!
Who gives a crap if they stop having relations if they ask??? They're not going to stop!!!
Why did Ollie's mouth just drop?
Dammit all to hell.
Thanks Monty924, I was really thrown with that comment. I have a nephew with cerebal palsy and could never imagine throwing balls at him or pushing him down. Doesn't make me like April any better, fun for Boston or not...lol
April baked Libra a cake...if I was Libra I'd be afraid to eat it. Thankfully Manchelle didn't frost it!
Laurie-- you chopped JessME on the cow-- LOVE IT
I have to get off of here... o'dark thirty comes early in the morning.
Trust me, I don't like April at all, just thought her comments on Boston wasn't a big deal. I can see her being a very loving aunt to him. It's obvious she adores her sister and her son.
Plaidchick, you must be watching a different feed. I have the BY and its funny. The new alliance of 5 are talking about tomorrows vote. I can't wait to see JessMe go BYE BYE!
Smiles! :)
So Jessie will be gone tom'ro. What will Michelle do without her boytoy? Like Rennie said "this makes for good tv." I don't know who I dislike more - April or Michelle.
I'm so bad... one more post then off the bed.
Michelle is quite the potty mouth. Jessie is wearing the Green Uni (perhaps in a show of support and solidarity) and yes, I still want him gone tomorrow. Sorry Petals! :(
Hugs and have a goodnight all.
'nite, monty.
BB is playing songs, shout-outs keeping hamsters up and complaining. Random pattern of time between...going away why up so early...
Jackie - it sux about your pre-emption, but consider this: Brett is a Jet!! That's one good ting.
Petals - I have no clue what you mean. If it's about football, I don't watch the game at all.
morning all. i just checked the tv schedule and bb will air here at 8 (EST) so i will try to get on and report what i can also.
did anyone hear april talking about her sexual escapades on bbad....about the wedding she went to..the whole bathroom scene...etc... i didn't hear it but my sister gets bbad and was telling me about it.
i hope tonights vote sends shockwaves and turns the house as well as alliances upside down. i need something more than the a&o sexcapades going on SECRETLY in front of the 24/7 cameras. (duh a&o...HELLO?????) can they really be that dumb??
Petals..I think its going to be odd seeing Brett as a jET..BUT whatever helps the team..maybe they can at least give the Pats a loss..that would help my Colts out. LoL
-Jamie Mae-
I am just glad the Brett is not going to play with the bucs...Go Jets Beat the Patriots..I can't stand N.E. football team that is
Upstate NY's cable guide says we're getting BB at 8pm too.
it should really be a big shake up, I can't wait. Muscle boy hasn't a clue what's going to happen. I can't wait to see his and Michelle's faces! WHAT will she do without Jessie? She has NO other friends in the house. They figure they'll all be so shaken up they'll screw up in the HOH comp.
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