Sure, they're all asleep now with their little hamster dreams in their little hamster heads. But here's what happened before they went for the sleep of the innocent. Okay, not so innocent:
- Jerry, April, and Ollie think there will be a war if the One Mind Alliance doesn't vote April's way this week.
- In a moment alone with a camera, Dan looked up and asked if America has ever been the swing vote on the show. He's assuming since he had to target Jessie for nominations, the next move by America would be to vote Jessie out.
- In the camera talk, Dan vowed to Steven that he will get Libra out of the house -- she's running wild.
- Memphis thinks that (if he stays), Dan will team up with him and Keesha. Memphis wants either Ollie or April out, but prefers April out first.
- April told Ollie that if Dan votes Jessie out, she will get in his face and tell him he shouldn't be a teacher since he went back on his word.
- Whoa, son of a preacher man! Ollie, while talking to April, used a derogatory term for homosexuals to describe Dan.
- April is worried about the votes this week. She thinks she's on Jessie's alliance now.
- Dan continued to work with Michelle -- pronouncing her "r's" that is.
- They sang Happy Birthday to Libra. Despite threats to vandalize her cake by Michelle, that didn't happen.
- iLibra got all weepy about her kids and cried.
- Ollie and April had sex again. @@
G'morning! (sorry Rbennie, I know this is your spot)
Thanks for the overnight update, Jax. How're YOU feeling?
So Ollie of all people used a derogatory term? Wow, you'd think he'd be afraid someone might use one on him. Ahem!
Still love Dan, still pulling for lil Jessie to pull a Hail Mary. How ironic, he may need Dan's help with that - hahaha.
Good morning everyone! I've decided that since laughter is like a medicine, I'm going to find humor everyday (all day) but especially as I start the day... so here's one for you...
'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust...' He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'
OK...I think it's what Ollie's gonna be when his papa gets ahold of him!
I'm also hoping the one vote thing stops and Jessie goes home. Think for yourself people. He's certinly got a soft side, but he's so stupid... young or not!
Keesha is as much a screamer or worse than Libra. I don't dislike either of them, I just think they are whack-o, which comes with this job.
Isn't it funny how none of us could stand Renny in the beginning and now she could end up our favorite... well maybe.
I'm still not finished reading... don't know if I'll ever get it done, but I am caught up with watching BB, so at least I can comment making a little sense.
Have a great one! Later!
I am wondering how blind-folded the hamsters are!!! You have a man and a woman co-habiting a bed then the HOH room and NADA is going on...oh please! OR are the hamsters just abiding their time to drop the bomb?
Ollie's family must be pulling out their hair...and if or when O would get HOH, will BB censor the letter for what his family thinks?
Jackie, I am so happy to see that you have been out and about with your friend the camera. As always thanks a bunch for the shots.
Meb, so glad your are out of the hospital and try to come here. Just take it easy and let your body heal. Time is your friend.
Remember check your listing for Thurs, as football may change the time of the show. Now changing to Thurs evening is making no sense to me. Thursday is pre-season games so will happen alot for the rest of BB10. How sad!!!
That's okay Petals. We can't always be first at everything in life - a lesson I learned long ago, LOL.
Good morning all. An extra special shout out to Jackie, MEB and Sharon. I hope today finds you all feeling better.
Just a couple of observations. First off, I'm really starting to think that everyone in that house is certifiable! The stress levels must be off the charts. They are wound so tight that the slightest thing can set off a bonfire. With that said, I enjoyed that fight last night immensely. Hey it beats the usual boredom from this bunch. It, of course, was actually smart of Jessie to run and tell April what he heard. Anything to cause a rift in that group is good for him. But Libra and Keesha going on the attack was brilliant also. Poor April looked so drained and distraught that I actually felt a little sorry for her - just a little though. Then all of a sudden Renny and Jerry are getting into it - I have no clue what that was about. Throw in Memphis and Michelle and then we have Dan on the couch calmly reading - too, too funny.
Now its Libra's birthday? What's with all these birthdays? Did they pick all the HGs with the same zodiac sign? Libra's birthday must have been even more pathetic than Keesha's.
(((MEB))) - your story was too funny - out of the mouths of babes.
Morning all! Glad to see you MEB!! And I loved the church joke about the dust. Kids have a way of saying just what is on their minds and I cracked up.
Thanks delee for the heads-up, thank goodness the Redskins are playing on Saturday and won't be disturbing BB or even Olympics coverage (we are still happy they won their preseason game last weekend!).
I understand, petals, why you are pulling for JessMe; his soft side DOES exist (i.e. Michelle, Dan), but the nasty, arrogant side (i.e. Libra, Jerry) just outweighs it a little too much. He wouldn't be such a target if he had just laid low, gotten the lay of the land and shown a little RESPECT like he so wants.
I did vote for Dan to evict JessMe, but don't know if it will really happen. I also am wondering if they will offer the AP slot to someone else next week -- that would be interesting!!
Happy Wednesday!
Witt :)
i repeat from last post --
MEB!!! So good to see you home and on the mend....
I want Jessme gone...I want April gone.....I want Libra gone....heck come to think of it, I dont care of they all go home. (As my daughter and grandkids just left Ontario airport....they are all that matters)
I'm just now watching last night's show. It's a fun one to watch. The POV was hilarious to me. I do feel a bit sorry for Michele, she had that trip in her hands but she should have known she couldn't keep it being that far down the line. Has she never played a prize game like that? That's why you play to win, silly girl, so you can make the final choice!
What really made me laugh was the way she and JessMe both smirked at Libra winning the leotard. They clearly had forgotten that she could (and would) trade it. Their looks of surprise when she made her trade were great.
Nice to see JessMe's softer side as he tried to comfort Michele. I bet his mom gave him a lot of that same comfort growing up, and it was heartwarming to see him give that to someone else.
MEB, loved the butt dust joke. I think you are right, that's what he's gonna be when he gets home. He's kind of that already, as much as he follows April around like a pup who doesn't even need a leash.
Good morning everyone! It's another hot and humid day in southern Cal. Look for more temper tantrums around the LA area!
Is butt dust like belly button lint? It's great to have you back, MEB!
First of all...WELCOME BACK MEB!! So glad to see you're on the mend and feeling well enough to join us!
Ok, now on to Michelle. In the show last night she was whining about the unitard and how she came on the show to play a game and not be made a fool of. I have two things for her...
1) You signed up to be made a fool of as soon as you joined the cast and stepped foot in the house!
2) You made a fool of yourself with your whining and complaining about the unitard and your rant at Libra in the DR. What's with calling her such foul names? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Ok, I'm done. On to Jessie...
Has anyone noticed how he checks himself out in any and all available windows/mirrors? That drives me nuts. Not only is he arrogant but he's extremely narcissistic. Please send him home this week!
I absolutely LOVE Renny. I admit that in the first week I thought she was another Sheila, but she's really turned my opinion of her around. I think she's such a beautiful woman and I only hope I can look half as good as her when I'm in my 50's! Renny for the win!
After Ollie's remark about Dan--his stock just hit rock-bottom.
Wonder if his father taught him to talk like that.
orkmommy, did you ever see the movie Private Benjamin? Goldie Hawn has a famous line "This isn't the army I signed up for!"
Michele reminds me of that line. I don't know what she thought she signed up for, but she's in the BB house and should expect what she is getting. Has she put any effort into anything yet?
jb -- now you have me wondering how bad was the word he used? Was it the three letter f word or???
ok I am confused..Dan is pleading with america to choose Jesse to vote out so it doesnt mess his game up . But he gave his word to both alliances right??..so no matter who goes it will mess his game up. I am confused. I wonder if Dan is going to get all twitchy and stressed from being americas player like Eric did..HAHAH!!
-Jamie Mae-
Sydney - That's the word except he said the full six letter version. It's just not something I wanted to type on the blog.
OK --for your morning laugh -- a sex in the city spoof with Bea Arthur and the ladies from Golden Girls. We have spoken about an edition of BB with seniors ---
funny Jackie -- I was thinking if he did the whole 6 letters it would be even worse and you confirmed it....
Sydney - It's definitely a word I don't want to come up with for an entry and have search engines catch it! But I consider the thought behind it along with Michelle's slurs of Libra being a "skank whore slut" for taking the Hawaii trip. I just can't get the thought process to cast such horrible and unrelated to reality slurs when you're mad at someone. Heck, call them jerks or selfish or say you don't like them ... but the slurs are out of line.
Does anyone else see Ollie as a floater? What has he done in the house that you could call "game play"?
Maybe I'm slow to get it, but watching him on last night's show wearing that stupid hat and follow April around just made me think again that he isn't doing anything in the game. Am I missing something?
You are absolutely right Laurie. Ollie has been a complete non-factor in the game so far. Not good in the comps and no particular strategizing. The only spark he has shown is trying to form this new alliance with Jessie and Michelle - which will probably bite him and April in the butt.
(((MEB))) Had to share your little story with our minister. Sounds like something my 4-yr-old would say! Glad to see you up & posting this a.m. Take it easy!
Nice to hear from you, Meb. Loved your joke about butt dust. Out of the mouth of babes, eh? Very glad you're you're back with us.
I have to say Michelle has been a surprise to me. I really thought she was going to be a tough player. I believed for awhile that she was going to walk away with the whole thing because of the way she seemed to control Jessie's realm as HOH. Now she's shown herself to be a whiner and a very poor sport who seems to have no concept of what BB is about. And as much as I don't like Libra, I would have done what she did with those prizes, too. For Michelle to sink to the level of calling Libra the names that she did, says a lot about herself. Very classless. No wonder she likes Jessie so much. They both live in a very me, me, me world.
For Ollie to use such a word in referring to Dan, and also having sex with with April on an apparently daily basis, shows him to be a huge hypocrite. He stressed at the beginning of the season that he wouldn't do anything to embarrass his family, but now obviously feels that playing now and paying later is something he'll deal with when it's over. His family has to be mortified.
Keesha is turning into a real shrew. isn't she? What a dirty mouth. Angie is better off gone from this house. She was the most sane in a house full of loonies.
I'm still hoping that Jessie will go this week, followed by (in any order) April, Ollie, Libra, Keesha, Michelle, Jerry and even Memphis. I don't like Dan's politics or his stance on women, and Rennie's voice still drives me up a wall when she gets all excited, but they're what's left to choose from after the rest of the loonie tunes are gone.
Jacie, just read your recap of last night's show over on TVS. It's hilarious. One of your best. These dolts gave you plenty of ammunition last night!
Please, Please send Jessie home. I don't think I can stand to watch him much longer.
Sorry, but his "softer side" really does nothing for me.
I could tolerate him more if he had shown some respect to people like Renny and Jerry early on. Did anyone ever teach him that when you are 22 years old that a 75 year old man and a 53 year old woman do not have to earn your respect, you just give it?
Besides, really when he is not starting house arguements, he is quite boring. All he does is lay in a room with Michelle. I guess because misery loves company.
On to Ollie and April, they are talking about how they will go off on people if they vote to evict Jessie. REALLY??? How smart is that? Their new 4 person alliance, will be down to 3, and Michelle could be a basket case. Jerry will flip to whoever has the power and they really wont have the numbers to do jack.
Oh well, could not happen to better people.
Happy Wednesday kids! Have you had your waffles today?
Are we going to see the HG's on Craig tonight.. if so can't wait!
OK... IF Pinhead goes this week, that will break up he and the Rotweiler's alliance, so she's done unless she wins HOH. Libra doesn't bother me as much as April/Ollie does... there is talk on the other boards for those who follow the girls that she's "late." Then again we don't know if she's on any kind of BC...
Just for fun/war it should play out that Michelle gets HOH and puts up April and Libra. I really would love to see April and her Botox/Alien doesn't wear the right makeup for her complextion face gone. HISS MEOW
MEB and OrkMommy so glad to see you guys posting... Petals get back over here and BE DONE WITH JESSME, his sympathy is F-A-K-E
I don't know Plaid - I think if Michelle won HOH she would go after the people who wanted Jessie out - which would not include April. I think she would be more likely to put up Keesha/Libra - with Libra being the ultimate target.
RBennie said...
I don't know Plaid - I think if Michelle won HOH she would go after the people who wanted Jessie out - which would not include April. I think she would be more likely to put up Keesha/Libra -
Derrr.... yes you're right, I wasn't thinking straight
I hope they get Jessie out his week. The house needs a little shake up. Also got a kick out of Keesha and Libra last night. Everytime they get called out on the carpet they just yell & scream over everyone so no one can here what the deal is.. I'm rooting for Dan or Renny.
Oh my goodness! April's late!!!!
Uh..oh.....poor Ollie! BB ain't gonna like that!
So, if nobody is supposed to know that A/O are "doing the deed" then why would she advertise that she's late? Didn't BB give the HG's condoms in past seasons?
Can someone help me understand why April ended up splitting the $$ with Jerry and Libra? I'm confused as to why she did that, or even needed to.
I really don't know how that came about. It looked like she and Jerry decided it and Jerry told Libra the deal when she came over to get her prize. My guess would be that Jerry was torn between taking the money from April and taking the POV, so April offered to split the money - that's just a guess though.
April didn't offer the $$, Jerry asked if she would split it 3 ways & then he'd take the POV away from Jessie & she agreed!!
Ork - re: the condoms. I dunno, except on one of the YouTube vids I watched, April always mentions "getting a towel". Gross, but it suggests to me that A/O aren't using any condoms. Yuck, and ewww.
Plaid - it's lonely & cold over here on my Jessie side. I don't love the kid or anything, I just think we and the HGs have been really hard on him, when there are much more deviant and mean-spirited peeps in the house. He's a kid, but the others are older and should know better than to speak & behave like brats.
April late? HA! A true sleaze line to keep your guy on the hook. Textbook. Keeps him close, in high-drama mode for a coupla more weeks. She must've sensed his getting tired of her. Good. As long as she stays away from Dan.
I wish Dan would let it get out that Ollie told him that he normally dates girls with more class.
OMG, April would freak and I would laugh.
She really needs to be the next to go. So tired of hearing her say that she saved the rest of them.
Oh yeah April, and why did you do that? So that there was more of them you could stab in the back?
Wouldn't it be funny if she really is late, got booted and Ollie had to be stuck in the BB house wondering.
WOuld BB really boot her for getting KnockeD UP?
Talk about reality!!!
If Jessie was on the block with any of the following people, I would vote to keep him in.
After watching the screaming match and the other crap, I'd happily see them go!
Anon 5:04 That was a great scenario. I'd love to have her hear what he said about class! I'd just love to see Ollie on his own for a few days. He will be one lost puppy dog, won't he?
I thought the hamsters had been in the house less than 3 weeks.
I am not good at math and I'm certainly no doctor but it is possible that the Baby Daddy is not Ollie!
Wouldn't that be a fine kettle of fish! LOL
July 13 was the premiere and they were in the house for about a week before that (I think anyway). So that would make them in the house for 4 weeks now. The started having sex a few weeks ago, so who knows...
Why do I even care enough to do the math?
Jeemany Christmas! April is NOT pregnant. She prolly isn't even late. She's the kind of chick that was BORN on birth control. The whole "I'm late" is strictly for mind control over inexperienced Ollie. Drama, drama & more drama. She knows enough about men to know that those words will keep a guy totally tuned-in to your every body function. Geesh.. I dislike April. Too bad Brian isn't around - he'd have warned Ollie about that kind of girl.
Petal said: She's the kind of chick that was BORN on birth control
and now I'm laughing so hard at my desk that people are looking at me!
LOL. Easy Senora Laurie. Don't want to bust your pinata. HAHA
Working late?
That just struck my funny bone to the core.
No, I'm in California so it's only 3:30ish here. *sigh* And it's only Wednesday *double sigh*
MEB-It is so nice to see you posting again. I hope all is going well for you.
Thanks for all the updates Jackie.
Orkmommy-I'm with you, in not wanting to crunch the numbers to see what the outcome could be for A&O. Big Brother just may have a first for something no other season has had. Its called a Big Brother Baby. I wonder if they are hoping for a girl? LOL!
I'm glad I only get to watch the sanitized primetime episodes and not the gory feeds... if it weren't for Jackie and all y'all, I would think that Ollie was just communing with God all night long, instead of making whoopie with April.
Hi MEB, and I hope you have a great recovery!
Why does Libra get a cake and Renny and Keesha only got a nasty cookie? April's icing and decorating it, and not doing a great job. You would think with her OCD it would look like a Martha Stewart cake, LOL.
Has anybody else read that this is the last Big Brother season!!..all I can say is it better not be because I will be VERY angry and then I will have to get a life!!! I guess it has to do with low ratings. Again I dont know if this is true but I really hope its not. If anyone else knows anything about this I would LOVE to hear it.
-Jamie Mae-
I doubt that Jamie Mae. If nothing else, it's Julie Chen's regular gig in the summers and she's sleeping with the Big Boy!
OMG, April is a cruel cruel person! Says she doesn't want her Downs Syndrome nephew to be a wuss, my word...hers was much worse, so she throws balls at him and pushes him down! I don't know to whom she was talking, but I don't think she caught any grief over it.
mrs.whiggins said...
OMG, April is a cruel cruel person!
Libra and Renny were out there with her. I don't think she was being cruel though. Down's Syndrome children need a lot of, and gain a lot from, sensory stimulation and she even said that he loved it and laughed. I'm sure she wasn't talking about throwing hard rubber balls at him. Hugs.
So April is shallow? What's next - are you gonna tell me the Earth is round????
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