Renny and Dan on the patio last night.
My apologies for being a bit late with this report. I was up most of the night, then conked out around dawn without getting it written up. I think someone's feeding me rat poison or something. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of a Leeching Lecherous Old Guy:
- Ollie told April she's mean. She thought he was joking. I think she definitely has a mean streak.
- Memphis didn't have to wear the onion garland for a week like I thought he did. He got to take it off last night.
- Libra told Dan that the only way that Ollie and April might make it to the end of the game is if they stage a fight -- the whole house knows they're a strong duo and need to be split up.
- Libra's worried that the show will edit her in a way that it will affect her children. I don't really think so. I can see where I wouldn't want her as MY mother because she's a very controlling person, but even though I'd just as soon see her leave this week, I don't think she's a horrible person or anything -- just annoying and controlling.
- As Libra talked a lot of small cordial talk with Dan, a bit of game talk now and then but nothing major, Renny and Keesha became suspicious because they were talking. Sheesh! Dan talks to everyone but Jerry!
- The next thing you know, Renny and Keesha get Memphis in on the suspicion. Is Dan in league with Ollie? He used to be an ally of Jerry! Grr ... obviously they should see that alliance came to a screeching halt!
- They still have America's Player suspicions with Dan, too. However, they'd have no idea it would just be a week. Renny said, "Perhaps America wanted Jessie out more than they wanted you out," to Memphis. Spot on, girl!
- Keesha keeps pressing Dan about the vote this week. She thinks he might want her out instead of Libra.
- When Michelle told Jerry she didn't want him brushing his teeth in the shower, he almost cried. Now, that's just weird ... both that he does it and that he teared up when asked not to do it.
- Michelle told Renny that Jessie told her that Dan was looking in the mirror as he cried and they hugged -- something odd about that struck Jessie.
- Renny is really thinking along the lines of Dan being AP.
- Michelle thinks America hates Libra because all of the questions asked of her on the live show have been negative.
- April told Ollie and Jerry that after Libra goes this week, it's Keesha next.
- April thinks that Keesha doesn't like her because she's prettier than Keesha is. @@
- Jerry called Memphis a "Judas goat" and said he leads the other goats to slaughter ... or something to that effect. Bizarre.
- Michelle thinks there might be a Libra/Dan conspiracy. (No, there isn't.)
- April thinks if Libra gets a vote to stay, it will be Dan.
- Libra had a talk with Keesha in which she apologized. When they said that BB said they were the "fruitiest group of houseguests," the feeds got blocked. Yep, yep ... Froot Loops, they are!
- Libra told Keesha she wants to ask BB if they can have her meet Barack Obama. Um, for some reason I think he probably has more important things to do than meeting Libra.
- As I get this posted, Renny and Jerry are sort of up and about.
Does anyone know why Memphis was wearing those onions in the first place? Did I miss something here?
I mentioned in a previous report that he was wearing them as a result of the POV comp -- apparently they had reward and punishment prizes. April got a fashion shopping spree, Memphis got onions.
Ollie's right. April does have a mean streak in her. Guess she's surprised because she sees herself as having a "good heart". She's wrong. Of course, she's not alone in that meanness department. Jerry has a pretty good streak of nastiness himself. Keesha is a pretty close runner-up and Michelle, I think, is just a fruitcake.
I don't get why these people are so suspicious of everyone. Renny and Dan have a conversation so they MUST be in cahoots with each other? Down deep, the others must know that they aren't trustworthy themselves, so how can anyone else be trusted.
April thinks she's prettier than Keesha? That girl even lies to herself! The majority of these people have some serious ego issues.
Wish Jerry would stop with that Judas crap, Doesn't he realize how hypocritical he is? Apparently not.
BB is right. These people are a bunch of FruitLoops. Doesn't say much for the casting staff. They picked 'em!
Aha! And that would be the POV comp coming up. Sorry, Jackie. Senior moment, I guess I did miss that.
Jerry is a sick old man. I am 71 and unfortunally I see his traits in many men his age. I am not sure if it is how they were raised during my era or not, but even my dear hubby has some of his traits. Unable to let things go once his teeth into it. Carrying a grudge (against a neighbor for no real reason). But Jerry carries it a lot further then necessary. I am sure his children and grandchildren are embarressed by his actions. I get so mad at times I want to jump through the screen and pop him.
I think Dan is a sweet and caring person who truly takes an interest in other people. I hope he goes far into the game. However, I don't hold much hope because not one person I have rooted for has won yet. I must be the kiss of death. lol
poor Dan, the other houseguests won't let go of the AP thing; he needs to go to michelle and keesha and fully commit to keeping her in the game and voting out libra with e/o else so they know when he follows through it can't be america's directive
of course he's clueless about the others' talking about him apparently
I like him but he needs to stop bragging about his gameplay in the DR
I know this is a stupid question but is April that conceited...personally I don't find her that pretty. I think keesha has her moments but isn't drop dead beautiful either.
Last night April was complaining about having to work 90 hours a week to pay her bills. Why is this anyones problem. She should Bugdet a little better. We have all heard all about her house
Application for Big Brother 10:
Do you take psychotic drugs? Yes.
Do you take drugs for bi-polar disorder? Yes.
Welcome Michelle.
Welcome April.
Welcome Libra.
Welcome Jerry.
Welcome Ollie.
You have been accepted to be on Big Brother!!
Congraduations!! You can only take a two week supply of your medications into the house.
Good Luck!
April said last night when the vote comes down 5-1 they'll know Dan is AP..
Uhh huh.. sounds like April is going to cast a sympathy vote for Libra and as a result will keep Dan in the frying pan...
I keep forgetting to mention this, and need to get it off my chest.
Don't you find it odd that (even though it is a lie) the houseguests (mostly Keesha I've heard say this) actually think that Steven sent the banner himself? They were talking the other night about how Steven and JJ must have worked together to find how to do it. Its like the lightbulb doesn't go on that ANYONE can send a banner - just because it said Steven, doesn't mean Steven sent it.
Michelle mentioned she knew her brother couldn't afford to do it, but houseguest Steven could. And Keesha said he probably had JJ help him figure out how to do it since he lives locally.
I know its all a hoax anyway - but its odd how they don't think any random person can send a banner.
I think its pretty pathetic that they are still harping on this banner thing! Who cares? The paranoia and desperation are so thick in that house you can cut it with a knife.
I am still just so dumbfounded at how everyone acted the other night. All saying such horrible things about dan. I mean these people are crazy! They look so dumb ( dan being the AP) and all. I thought it was cool that memphis actually said something about them all settling down and about them taking it too far.
joy n said... Ollie's right. April does have a mean streak in her.... She's wrong. Of course, she's not alone in that meanness department. Jerry has a pretty good streak of nastiness himself. Keesha is a pretty close runner-up and Michelle, I think, is just a fruitcake.......I don't get why these people are so suspicious of everyone. Renny and Dan have a conversation so they MUST be in cahoots with each other? Down deep, the others must know that they aren't trustworthy themselves, so how can anyone else be trusted..... April thinks she's prettier than Keesha? That girl even lies to herself! The majority of these people have some serious ego issues....Wish Jerry would stop with that Judas crap, Doesn't he realize how hypocritical he is? Apparently not.... BB is right. These people are a bunch of FruitLoops. Doesn't say much for the casting staff. They picked 'em!
8/11/2008 12:54 PM
I agree that Ollie was right. April is a mean little twit. Keesha is a very pretty girl. April looks like she has been around the block more than once. She acts like it too. I think that Jerry is not only mean, he is a hypocrite. I am another who wishes he would just shut up and go away.... far away!
I think you hit the nail on the head about why they are so suspicious of each other. They would throw their alliance under the bus given half a chance.
I don't think Michelle is very well liked in the outside world and knows it. This girl has a lot of issues.
As for the cast.... think about what kind of people must answer the auditions. They have to think they are all good liars and manipulators or they wouldn't go. At least this bunch, unlike last year, seems to keep their panties on... well, except for Ollie and April.
I first thought the BB producers must have put out a nice bundle of money to bring in the former houseguests from each season, airfare, hotels, etc. Then I realized they all probably now live in LA trying to prolong their 15 minutes, work in showbiz.... So all AG had to shell out was the money the former HGs won in the food competition bit (@ $7K). It was nice to see Chicken George though, if only for less than a minute.
Tom in CA
Oh, here's another Michelle observation I just remembered. It's like she gets close to having a revelation, but then veers off track and winds up at a dead end but still thinks she has arrived.
In discussing the Dan/AP thing, she believes that American voted for Dan to vote Jesse out because America wanted to force Dan's hand and reveal him to be AP to the rest of the houseguests.
She's saying that:
1) she thinks America does not like Dan (@@)
2) America wanted to use Dan to help the rest of the houseguests (@@)
3) America certainly did not want Jesse out @@ but only voted to have Dan vote that way to reveal his role as AP (@@)
Welcome to the world of Michelle's Delusions
OH April is so mistaken if she thinks she is more pretty than Keesha. I think Keesha is so better looking. April looks like she has a generic face, no pretty eyes or smile, just very plain imo.
Jerry is a weak little old man that seems desperate to me. I don't like him at all, he gives me the creeps.
Hello ALL!!
I realized last night Michelle is in a pretty good spot right now. She is just floating to each side right now. Come next week she can go with the side that is in power! I sure hope Keesha, Renny, Dan, or Memphis wins HOH because I honestly don't think I could handle seeing April and Jerry up on their high horses another week!
I think it's pretty funny how they have convinced themselves Dan is AP. They are just sure that he is making TONS of money with everything he does. Even if Dan wasn't AP last week, I am sure they would still be thinking the same thing!!
OH and the banner thing is also getting on my nerves!! Michelle has convinced herself she really did see it. She was telling Keesah last night that it said:
Keesha (comma) Libra's a liar love Steven. I had to go and check out that episode with the banner, just to see if that was even possible for it to say that and there's no way. Michelle is so full of it!
I hope somehow this week either on Craig F. or on the live eviction show BB can call her out on it because it's just getting stupid!
This cast is the most paranoid cast than any other season!!
Hi all,
The whole banner thing is a farce. Memphis is the only other one in there that saw it and he knows it didn't say that. He may use that to his advantage one of these days.
A screen cap of the banner revealed it said Happy Birthday Matthew, We (heart) You. It had nothing to do with BB.
For all those with the DVR problem from last night, I always set mine to tape BB and the next/following CBS show when football starts delaying the show. I don't think any of us were thinking about golf. Duh! The DVR starts taping at 8:00 ET regardless of whether the show is starting on time or not. So its an easy fix. Just tape the next show too. :)
Who is ready for The Mole finale tonight?
I can't wait to get off work and come home to watch it. :)
Oh, thanks for reminding me about the Mole finale....yes, I am looking forward to it. lol
I hope Sen. Obama stays clear of Libra. LOL!
Thanks for the mole reminder. I forgot the finale was tonight.
Jackie I have a question How on earth do you remember everything that is said on that show ...man u r good ...nuff smoozing :O)
A few observations from last night and the food comp. Did anybody catch the look on April's face when Ollie went gaga over Janie? Priceless!
And,of course,sleaze Booger and his nasty sweaty arm pits....UGH!
And I thought it was really nice of Jen to make sure that Renny won,after telling her she was her favorite.
Col.KA has GOT to go next week,he can keep Libra company in sequester........I hope she refuses to talk to the old crow!
Donna in AL said...
Application for Big Brother 10:
Do you take psychotic drugs? Yes.
Do you take drugs for bi-polar disorder? Yes.
Welcome Michelle.
Welcome April.
Welcome Libra.
Welcome Jerry.
Welcome Ollie.
You have been accepted to be on Big Brother!!
Congraduations!! You can only take a two week supply of your medications into the house.
Good Luck!
rofl good one
For those who do not know you can go to cbs.com and watch any bb show u missed
I was reading back posts and rofl @ the witness protection comment
some of the stuff like imo I dunno what that is can someone enlighten me
some of your comments r 2 funny for words
Oh damn, I was called in for jury duty tomorrow! UGH
imo = in my opinion
imho = in my humble/honest opinion
It is very apparent to me from watching several seasons of BB that mental illness is contagious.
Michell must believe that if you repeat a lie often enough. it then becomes the truth. Her mind is a little scary.
Donna in AL -- that comment about the application process is too funny. And formerly anon, your take on how Michelle works is priceless.
To Sharon: yes, April's face when Ollie ogled Janelle was too funny!! Ditto also to boo on Mike Booger. It was fun to see them all again. I wish they would do a where-are-they-now show and catch us up with more of the former HGs.
Jackie, I don't know how you stand watching all this stuff just to cull out the good parts for us devoted followers?! You are a saint, rat poisoned or not. I too, enjoyed the "witless protection plan" comment. Thanks again.
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