I have a live feeds post yet to appear over on TVS and I'll be writing the full review/recap of tonight's show there, too. But in the meantime, the show has started here - finally after a golf delay. This post will be updates as it airs here on the East Coast -- please forgive any typos! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments, that's the best part of the live blog!
Recap City ... we have to see Jessie voted out again, of course. Wake up calls. Eww ... in the promo bit for the return of previous HG, Boogie needs anti-perspirant BAD.
Now Jessie is evicted once again. Michelle is angry in the DR and cries once again. We're in B&W. Keesha is proud of herself for pulling off the Jessie eviction. April is in shock. Dan thinks he's in an awkward position. Finally, Day 31 in color.
Libra is laughing, she's glad Jessie is gone. Jerry is looking angry. Dan is just looking uncomfortable. Jerry tells us Dan has disrespected him and nothing he can do will regain the respect. April's body language says it all -- arms crossed and pacing.
Now Michelle won HOH and they even captioned Jerry's "Screw you people." Michelle is triumphant and so is April. Dan tells us he never swore on his cross and took the cross off before the eviction. First time he's ever taken the chain off.
Keesha and Libra know they need to win POV. Jerry is following Michelle. Dan thinks he might be able to buy a week by acting like he's in shame. Now Renny and Michelle are yelling at each other over something entirely stupid. Michelle yells at Libra and Keesha that they're hiding. April and Libra are screaming. Jerry just keeps piping up with stupidity and namecalling like he's 12 years old.
Now they bring up Dan who's hiding with a pillow over his head. They knock his religion and Michelle even doubts he's a teacher. Dan overhears it from the bedroom. Memphis pretty much tells us they've gone too far.
Focus on DOOM on the wall as Dan hides with Memphis approaching. Memphis wants Dan to be safe this week. Dan promises he won't blow up. Memphis thinks Dan has earned his trust by voting for him to stay last week. So Memphis talks to Michelle. Memphis wants to play his old alliance and save Dan, too.
Michelle is still wearing her unitard. She goes to Dan and asks him if he's a schoolteacher. Dan gives her weak excuses for his vote. Michelle told him that you have to lie, cheat, and steal in the game but not for people like that. He told her he was told he'd be on the block. I love his smiles to the camera after people leave.
Libra and Michelle are talking about how it's just a game. Libra says Michelle's family is probably proud of her. HOH room -- all come up. Memphis thinks April is being fake with praise. Letter from home -- her brother is proud of her. Everyone looks touched. Renny congratulates her, then leaves in tears. Libra and Keesha hug her, then leave. Renny cries and honks. She was thinking of her own family. Dan came in to console her.
Dan leaves and Keesha comes in. But back in the HOH room, Jerry says he'll never talk to Dan again. Jerry vows to make the sign of the cross at him. Ollie just looks dazed as Michelle, April, and Jerry trashtalk Dan, then Libra.
Time for the food comp! Game show setting. "In the News -- Big Brother Houseguests return" Brian is the host. They have to decide if outside news is right or not, then since his first alliances didn't work out a new one -- George, Bunky, Amy, Jun, Jase, Janelle (Ollie stood), Boogie, Jen, Mattie. PlaYING FOR FOOD, RETURNING hg PLAY FOR CASH.
mONDAY - Dan -- Chooses Boogie - Brett Farve story about being a Jet -- Dan doesn't think so. No food for Monday. HG shocked. Boogie got $1,000
Tuesday - Renny - Picks Jen - Economy - National average gas over $6.00, Jen says no. Renny trusts her. They get food for Tuesday.
Wednesday - Jerry picks Janelle - Health - Jessie offered the cover of Muscle and Fitness -- Hehe - Janelle says false no offer and he's not that cute. Jerry disagrees with her, no food. Janelle gets $1,000
Playing for a grill - Memphis picks Amy - World News - Chinese officals banned bald and smelly cab drivers, Amy makes up an obviously fake story It's in the news, no grill.
Thursday - Ollie picks up Matt - Science - Prevent rainfall. Matt tells of a laser made in China -- Ollie disagrees. It's in the news, no food.
Friday -- Libra chooses Bunky -- Cheech and Chong tour -- they are and she's wrong. No food.
Feast - Michelle picks Jase - Fake earthquake - It's not in the news, they get feast.
April goes for George -- Spears a country album -- Not in news. (Saturday)
Keesha chooses Jun - Paris urges people not to vote for Bush -- Keesha got it right for Sunday.
Slop five out of seven days.
Memphis talks to Michelle. He's concerned about the alliance she has with Ollie, April, and Jerry. He tells her that he has no alliance. He's not with Keesha, Libra, or Rennie. Memphis tells her he doesn't think Dan has an alliance. She's still mad at Dan. Memphis tells her he's sure she'll do the right thing.
Memphis talks to Keesha and Libra. He's anti-April and they think he should try to put it in Michelle's head that April put Jessie on the block. Meanwhile, Rennie goes to the HOH room. She tries to bring up April putting Jessie up on the block. Renny says that April shouldn't have put Jessie up, then didn't protect him.
Nominations today - Memphis is trying to be there for Michelle and isn't worried. Rennie wants April up. Dan is pretty sure he'll go on the block. Libra knows she's the biggest target. Michelle tells us the people she's nominating need to be out of the house, been there too long and showed their cards. She's going to blow up their game plan.
Ceremony - Key order - April, Memphis, Ollie, Jerry, Renny, Dan. So it's Keesha and Libra. Michelle says she nominated them and they're not surprised -- not personal, just strategy, they're threats.
Dan is thrilled. Jerry is mad at Dan -- he will always be known as Judas in his house. @@
Libra was expecting a much better speech.
Can't wait to see Jun's new short hairdo.
Recap, recap, recap
I can't believe.....Janelle is going to be on this show!!!!
What are they THINKING!!!
April says she was shocked to see Jessie go and it was a low blow to her.... but she put him up and put him in that position.
The pawn always goes...it always happens....
ugg...Michelle is an idiot.
I can't stand to see anymore of Michelle in that uni and high heels. My eyes! My eyes!
They are gonna feel like IDIOTS when they find out he was america's choice!
Speaking of my eyes, have you all seen the nude "modeling" pics of Jessie? No full frontal, don't worry, just JessMe and his ego.
More fights, LOL!
They are idiots. I can't believe they are such idiots....
This is the biggest bunch of losers I have ever seen.
Loved the capture of April's sh!tty little glare at everyone. :)
Can't wait for Janelle! (sorry ABH)
People! It's a game! Sheesh!
Jerry's a very mean-spirited old man.
Michelle is mad at everyone but the one who put her precious Jessie up.
I know most of these jerks said they've seen BB before but they sure don't act like they have.
Good for Memphis! i hope he goes with Dan. I know he is with Michelle but he should feel something for Dan. he saved him and people are pi$$in all over the poor guy. Am I crazy for loven Dan?
Memphis is right. Where I'm from you'd be PUNCHED in the face!
April is all up in Michelle now she's HOH. They are so crazy...and Jerry should just save his voice...geesh...I can't take that half-yell-thing he goes...he just feels like it hurts!
Same here Clementine. I'm just sorry that it looks like Mike Boogie won some more money out of this. The question to Dan about Brett Favre came from Boogie, I think. YUCK!
These people have some serious issues and I'm afraid it's not all BB related.
Jackie, your new post is up over on TV Squad.
I think Dan may be the only sane person on this show.
Jerry is crappy -- a poor loser. He just lost any sympathy or liking from me. I am so ready for him to go home. I am beginning to think Michelle is a fruitcake! I bet there are some proud parents, wives and husbands out there.
I hope April goes next week and then Jerry.
I really feel for Dan. I can understand him taking the AP. That $20,000 will help his low salary a lot. I don't think he had a snowball chance of winning the game. So it was a wise move for him.
I loved it when Libra commented on that April and Michelle are new best friends. Yeah, until the other group gets HOH! April's gushing is over the top in the HOH room.
I love Dan and Renny. That would be my dream F2 this season.
one mans trash is another woans treasure...anybodybut!!! I cant wait to see my blondie bombshell!
Aw...yeah, April just said that Libra will turn??? LOL
Pot and the kettle!!!
Another good capture, this time LIBRA.
Dan is a good guy.
Michelle and Jerry both threw Dan's religion in his face when they both screamed about him "hiding" behind his cross. What hypocrites they are.
Jerry says Dan should "burn in hell" - that is NOT game - that is Jerry's true self. What a nasty mean-spirited old man.
I'm really tired of hearing how Dan is gonna burn in hell for playing the game.
People! Glass houses?... Stones?... Sound familiar?
Yeah, I even find myself pulling for Dan!
i can't wait to see janelle!!!!! my FAVE bb player of all time!!!
April did too. They just bleeped it out when she was sitting at the counter. She made cracks about his Catholic faith and BB is protecting her. @@
Here we go food comp.
Janelle....my eyes are burning....OWWW...my eyes.....
Fake tan...fake hair...fake words....
Boogie looks bad
Nice pit stains, Boogie!
ROFLMAO at April's reaction to Ollie standing for Janelle.
Yeah, I saw April cut over to Ollie!!
Janelle looks stunning. Did you see Ollie stand up and clap for her? April looked peeved.
Yeah, I'm stunned by looking at Janelle....
I think I might have gone blind for a few minutes even....or maybe even passed out...
Jerry picked Janelle??? They look so similar!
Jerry needs to get over himself
Game -- Jerry is being his horney old man again. Huey! Janelle shot him down!
Janelle speaks the truth. "Jessie's not even that cute."
you look FAB janie!!!! LOVE YOU!!
They are not doing well at this game
I think that might have been the first time Janelle ever told the truth...
No wonder they were not in a good mood after this comp
Whoa! Matt just called Ollie out on his sexcapades! And none of these people picked up on it?? Sheesh!
Where are they getting the news? The Enquirer?
China can stop rain from falling????
Yeah, I would not have gotten a lot of these right. And I watch the news!
So michelle and Renny and Keesha were the only ones to get anything.
Col Kiss Ass is such a hypocrite. The first week when he backstabbed Brian, he didn't wear his Marine stuff, but then he scoffs at Dan because he didn't wear his cross to the eviction.
CKA must be kicked out soon, he is a loud-mouth ****jerk. He is the ultimate flip-flopper and does not add anything to the house.
The only two people that I like in the house are Memphis and Dan. The rest are idiots.
That was fun. I loved how defensive Col. Kiss Ass got over Janelle's JessMe comment. Love it, love it, love it.
You are right tami!!
I am so ready for Jerry to be gone.
Jerry totally disgusts me.
Smart Reene
Nice try anyway, Rennie, but you were talking to an idiot.
Anne - Earlier this week I saw a news story about China blasting clouds with lasers to keep it from raining in Beijing for opening day. It's true.
I must've been watching that other Olympics this morning where it was raining LOL.
I'd heard Cheech and Chong were going on tour again. Guess Cheech doesn't have anything else to do since he's getting a divorce. I'd pay to see them1
Anne said... Where are they getting the news? The Enquirer?
China can stop rain from falling????
8/10/2008 9:24 PM
ROFLOLOLOL!!!!!! Anne, I love it!
I also love Renny. Her facial expressions were not becoming, but very funny.
Did I mention I dislike Jerry? Glad someone else picked up on the old goat calling out Dan for not wearing his cross when he didn't wear the Marine Corps shirt or hat when he went back on his word.
I think that Michelle didn't put up April because April didn't put up her last week -- even though by putting up Jessie and Memphis she still wrecked havoc on Michelle's alliance.
Michelle wouldn't know strategy if it kicked her in the butt. It WAS personal.
Shut up, Jerry, you old a**hole!
Matts news story was factual. The only thing he fibbed on was America buying the technology.
Jerry's just bitter because he gave Jessie his word that he was safe, and he thinks Dan made him look bad. He doesn't realize he did that all on his own.
Dan still not wearing his cross? I have to say the on/off cross or military apparrel based on your behavior that day really irks me. Your character and morals are not accessories that you can wear only when you choose.
It's official; I now dislike Jerry more than any other houseguest in BB history.
Comparing Dan to Judas - he has got to go....
Who would bother to put up Jerry if they got HOH next week. I would like to root for them to win HOH.
I'm glad BB didn't give Jerry a good edit this week. Those who don't have the feeds just saw what we have been seeing since the HoH comp this past Thursday. As I said early this morning/last night... Jerry aka CKA is a jerk and a pr*ick!
Well I think that Michelle could have made better choices for nominees (Jerry, April, Ollie) but I am not upset that she is targeting Libra. What I think is funny is that she said that the noms were strategy and not personal...of course it was personal.
I wonder if she is smart enough to figure out how much she is insulting Memphis as she goes on and on about Jessie being voted out, Memphis is supposedly her ally too, but she keeps on complaining to Memphis because Jessie was evicted. What a dingbat
Hey Tessa, that would be RENNIE! :)
Yay... another one rooting for Rennie.
There you have it then. I am rooting for Rennie for the next HOH.
Monty, wouldn't Renny want April gone before Jerry?
What I don't understand is when someone votes outside of what is expected and everyone knows, why they don't blame it on someone else. Case in point tonight with Dan. He should have said he voted for Jessie to stay and someone else voted for Jessie to go, or said that they promised him that they wouldn't put him on the block if they were to win HOH instead of taking the heat. Reflect the heat to someone else. You are your only alliance. Keep your friends close and your enemys closer.
If Memphis was smart, he would have told Michele that he knew she voted for him to go, but yet, here they are in a "aliance" because Jessie said for them to stick together. That might have gotten Michelle to thinking about not putting Dan on the block if POV is used. as she voted to evict her "alliance".
I cannot believe that fight, then they go up to the HOH all fake..
I was LMAO when Ollie stood up when they saw Janelle, and April was GLARING..
I have lost all respect for Jerry, and I was rooting early on for Peepaw. He IS NOT the best BB player of all, and does not get this game. He hides behind being in the military. What they said about Dan was over the top. SO now they can all eat crow being in sequester with him since that was the last thing they needed.
Michelle is yet another HOH playing it too personally..
Jerry I guess all of America is Judas huh!! Idiots...
WELL if the BB gods play it out Dan or Rennie will be the next HOH
I don't mind Rennie, but if she wants to make it far in this game, I think that she needs to develop a thicker skin. She tends to react too easily to 'slights'. She has every right to be upset with these people (I would be), but she needs to temper her reaction and not let them know she's upset.
I really admire Dan and Memphis because they do keep their reactions under control (well except for when Jerry called Memphis a womanizer)
Here's where I'm at....
Michelle - annoying. tries to act harder than she really is.
April - fake. tries to act more virginal than she really is.
Keesha - whirlwind. tries to act less fortunate than she really is.
Memphis - observer. tries to act more blind and deaf than he really is.
Libra- shouter. tries to act as a better communicator than she is.
Ollie - floater. tries to act more important than he really is.
Jerry - contradictor. tries to act less judgemental than he really is.
And my personal favorites...
Dan - thinker. tries to act less fun than he really is.
Rennie - giver. tries to act less passionate than she really is.
April and Jerry have got to go soon. Or I'm going to have to start punching the TV!
Tessa, Rennie would probably put Jerry and April up and either one going would be A-okay in my book! ;)
I'm with flipflops! :)
Hey Big Brother gods do the fans a favor and have a double eviction next week. We want to see April and Jerry leave.
After tonight's show I would just as soon have dumb Jessie back and Col. kiss *ss gone!
Great descriptions, flipflops!
I just (finally) watched the intro videos that the houseguests made before the show.
GUESS WHAT??? Dan is not a poor schoolteacher! Well, he *is*, but he ALSO has a computer consulting business, and he makes very good $$ (he said so himself - but planned to not tell the BB hamsters so they'd feel sorry for him)
Guess it's working!
I just now got finished watching the show on Tivo. OMG, I can see what all of you have been talking about with CKA. What a jerk! My opinion of Memphis went up slightly, though, when he thought they were out of line for their comments about Dan's religion.
I'm on the let's get rid of CKA & April bandwagon!
Like the rest of you, Dan & Rennie are the only ones I am pulling for right now. But I really think Brian may have been right & Memphis may go to the end. He is sitting back & letting those loud-mouthed females pick each other off.
Tami said...
Col Kiss Ass is such a hypocrite. The first week when he backstabbed Brian, he didn't wear his Marine stuff, but then he scoffs at Dan because he didn't wear his cross to the eviction.
CKA must be kicked out soon, he is a loud-mouth ****jerk. He is the ultimate flip-flopper and does not add anything to the house.
The only two people that I like in the house are Memphis and Dan. The rest are idiots.
8/10/2008 9:28 PM
Girl do I ever agree with you
I wonder how this filthy mouth breat touching dirty old man will fair when he himself goes back to church ...he already stated that he will have to stay away for awhile...hmm playing a whole game kissing every hoh's butt
that was supposed to be breast sorry
Ughhhhhhhhh I cant stand April saying she is playing with her heart must be a black one ...they planned to backstab their team and was beat to the punch....Jerry is a big joke who gives the Marines a bad name ....well no he dosent he makes his self look ridiculous talking about Dan hiding behind his cross and yet he did the same with the marines..he has already said he wont be able to go back to church for awhile cussing and touching breast WOWWWWWWW as Michelle says ... I hope they both (him along side of April who is a two headed snake ) get evicted off the Island soon<<
OMG, I can't take this anymore! I'm watching BBAD, and Michelle is not only delusional, she's spreading it to everyone else!
And frikken April, here's a quote out of her nasty mouth, about Dan: "I'm Catholic! I know the rules! And Dan is a disgrace to my religion!"
WTF???? Dan is behaving in a "less" Catholic manner than April???? OMG -- since when did BLOW JOBS and PREMARITAL SEX become "the Catholic way" April you ugly hypocrite bitch????
And Jerry said he "HATES" (yes, hates) Dan.
And yet, they all sit around convinced that Dan is America's Player, acknowleding that he'd have to do what America says. And they all keep saying that Dan is the weirdo, the freak in the house.
I swear, these people all live in... some fantasy crazy land. It's like watching residents of a psychiatric ward, I'm telling you.
Listening to Michelle retell a story (and she does this ALOT, retell stories) is just like watching the game telephone, where by the 3rd or 4th round, the story has completely changed. Now I understand the banner thing, she really does believe what's she keeps telling them. She's got a really bizarre problem with keeping hold of reality. She drifts into her fantasy land and then returns and can't distinguish one from the other.
She's sitting in a tub with April, with the Lecher watching (I never understood the BB houseguests propensity for taking baths together - not couples, that I get) - but anyway, Michelle is fixated on her new idea that Dan and Libra are in cahoots, that they came into the house together. This is all from Michelle's head, and yet with each retelling, she's trying to make it sound like everyone else also thinks this (because maybe they nodded their heads when she told them) -- she's really demonstrating how unreliable a witness she is (banner, hello?)
Not once does it seem to occur to Michelle that Dan, who knows Libra is probably leaving to go to the JURY (hello?) JURY house, and that since he's pretty much ignored her the whole time, he's got precious little time to befriend her for her ultimate vote... but no, Michelle has woven this grand conspiracy between Dan and Libra, mostly based on one word the Renny thinks she heard, but couldn't even remember (collaborate? corroborate? it's still not clear, but no matter to Michelle, she's got her story)
Wow. Just wow.
I have lost all respect for Jerry, and I was rooting early on for Peepaw.
ICAM - Jerry has gone mad! His comments regarding Dan being Judas certainly laughable, his voice is annoying, time for Jerry to head back to his make believe playboy mansion!
I hope Dan isn't evicted before little dirty-minded double crosser Jerry.
Have a great Monday to all keep today will be a great day! Thank - You ((((( Jackie ))))) Great updates
He told her he was told he'd be on the block. I love his smiles to the camera after people leave.
Hahaha -- We laughed, Darn I hope Dan doesn't get hacked over because of Jerry.
I'd like to see Memphis, Dan, Ollie, Renny even Mitchell stick together, although Mitchell's comments regarding Dan's faith annoyed me, it's a tough call, Ollie needs to start thinking with his proper head, his chances of getting further will be hampered by April,
right now I can't stomach Keesha, Jerry, April, Libra, they're Most annoying, I actually preferred Jesse over any of those four, heck I'd stick Jesse back in the house just to annoy them.
Formerly anon said:
It's like watching residents of a psychiatric ward, I'm telling you.
8/11/2008 5:24 AM
As I watched these loonies last night I thought a group of convicted felons in solitary confinement would behave better than this bunch.
They really ought to change the name of this show to "Holier Than Thou" - it so much more aptly describes what happens to every single person who goes in there.
Although, I think that it's fascinating to study human behavior like this. For example, we tend to dispise most the behaviors in others that we also dispise in ourselves -- which explains Jerry's violent reaction to Dan. April and Ollie are fixated on betrayal, because they were just about to do the same thing to their alliance. Michelle is seeing a bizarre conspiracy in Dan/Libra because she herself is guilty of a conspiracy re the banner. April notices Dan always looking in the mirrors because she does the same thing.
None of them could understand why Dan would not wear the leotard like they all did ... but I think we all know why! He's the only one who does not seem given to exhibitionism (and the only one who should be, lol!)
Does anyone recall that when Jerry went back on his word to Brian he took off his Marine hat , shirt etc.??? What a loser!! He did the same thing as Dan. Can't stand Jerr. Hope he goes soon!!!! Go DAN!!
I really would like to see Dan and Renny in the end, then there would be two houseguests that I actually liked. I have never done more talking back to my tv than when Michelle, April and Jerry were trashing Dan. HAVE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE EVER WATCHED THIS SHOW BEFORE???? DON'T THEY GET THAT LYING IS PART OF THE GAME? OOOH, Jerry, you forgot about taking off your Marine insignia and clothes, didn't you? Hypocrite.
Formerly anon,I cracked up over your assessment of April with her "I'm Catholic, I know the rules." BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Off-Topic: The U.S. men's 4 X 100 freestyle relay team rocked last night!!
Good morning all. I just got caught up on all the weekend posts. I actually missed the show last night. I was watching a movie and couldn't drum up enough interest to turn to BB. Most of the time its more interesting just to read about it, LOL.
It took me a while, but I think I'm going to jump on the Dan bandwagon. Why you ask? He's pretty much the only one of those people I can stand to look at or listen to. I have disliked many, many HGs over the years, but I don't believe I have ever disliked this many of them in 1 season. They are the biggest bunch of hypocritical, hangers on that I have ever seen. No one has an ounce of loyalty to anyone else for more than 5 minutes - unless, of course, you're HOH, then you get a week of devoted worship.
Jerry certainly turned out to be the polar opposite of what I was hoping he would be. I thought he would be the kindly, wise, father figure that could have a positive influence on the other HGs. He has sadly turned out to be the worst influence in the house. Michelle needs serious therapy for her self esteem issues and is totally wasting her HOH week as far as going further in the game goes. Keesha is, imo, the biggest hypocrite in the game. She blamed Angie for doing the same thing she did. She's calling Libra and April every name in the book behind their backs and then she's their best friend the next minute. Renny to me is just a Keesha disciple and will follow Keesha's lead in everything. Memphis talks about winning comps all the time, but I have yet to see him do so (with, of course, the exception of winning the car at the very beginning and there was no skill involved in that, he just kicked everybody else out until he was last man standing). April talks out of both sides of her mouth and will stab anyone in the back, including Ollie - believe me, that time will come. Ollie is such a non-entity that I have nothing to say about him, which is pretty sad in itself. I don't find Libra to be any more objectionable than any of the others, and I do think she's taking the fall for many things that were not her doing, but she is just as guilty as the rest for being hypocritical and catty. Which leaves me with Dan, who at least can still make me smile and I can look at him without wanting to throw up.
Whew, glad I got that off my chest. Sorry for the rant.
I think being stuck in a house with so many people and little to no contact with the outside world must get the best of people. It seems most nominations end up being somewhat personal rather than strategy. I wonder if the best players in the house might not be those from big families with lots of siblings who shared a room with more than one.
I know never having to had share a room, except in college, this set up would certainly drive me to things I would not normally do.
RBennie, it's not too late to get on the Dan wagon. It's a very fun place to be! He actually seems like a funny guy and has no place with all of these other houseguests...you are spot on.
Witt :)
I DVR the show cause I wanted to see all the past players....we had company....somehow my husband did something wierd and I only saw the lousy first 16 minutes of recap.....so sad!!!
That's the one thing I regret about missing the show last night, I would have loved to see the Buxom Blonde. I would have made more of an effort to watch if I had remembered she was going to be there. What is that stuff called that you can take to help improve your memory - I forget, LOL.
After watching 2 episodes of BB9 I quit watching it all together. It was too sick for me.
If Jerry and April aren't evicted soon I may give up on BB10. I have enough stress going in my own life and I don't need or want to spend my time hearing these 2 jackasses going off.
Although I am a big Dan fan what I really would love to see is Memphis win HOH and have him place Jerry and April on the block.
After some of Memphis' comments about April last night I don't think he would mind putting her up.
Certainly after Jerry's attack on Memphis calling him a Womanizer and after seeing Jerry attack Dan's religou beliefs I think Memphis would be willing to put Jerry up. That would be sweet!
If Dan, Renny and Memphis go I would rather watch the Weather Channel instead of BB10.
I am not interested in watching mentally ill people play in a game show.
Where do the BB casting staff find these people??? Go Dan! You're a cutie-pie, let me just open your mind a bit to all the fun gay guys who can be part of your fan-base!
I still want to know why Memphis is wearing those onions around his neck!
Lynn1, I think they ask them on their questionaire what prescriptions they take. If any of them are pyschotic or bi-polar medications, they are on the show!
Jackie's review of last night's BB is up.
Jackie, do you know anything about Memphis' onions? Did I miss something?
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