
Another HOH comp was held. Jerry is the new HOH. Keesha didn't even get the room for the night.
No, I'm not kidding. More details later.
As an added note: My full review/recap of last night's show is up over on TV Squad. I took 'em to task for the "red-headed cabbage patch kid" edit! Now I really have to nap. I want to thank everybody who kept the show post updated last night. Y'all rock!
Second added note: No brouhahas in comments please! I will end up removing any nastiness and right now I'm too tired to do it.
Hey!! I'm first!!!
And just as I was planning on heading to bed. : O
They should have at least waited until tomorrow so she could have slept in the room one night.
Now who do you suppose Jerry is going to put up? Might it be Dan and Memphis?
One of the things Memphis said to Jerry when we "eavedropped" (sp) on the houseguests, something to the effect "It's a whole new game now, there are no teams." He was sort of right, if Jerry hadn't won HOH, but Jerry is still after the one team that is left.
Oh My... who goes out next???
pdx granny... thanks for taking care of our friend Laurie. Can you imagine if she had been in a strange city alone. You guys were destined to meet, so you would be there for her when she needed someone. God is Good!
Keesha has already slept in the HOH room. No tears for her, besides it was an HoH unearned.
Meaning she got 3x the amount of time more than Jerry got to answer the second tie-breaker question
no I can"t let it go yet.
Well now, this should be interesting....
Hey anon...take your pissy attitude and stop watch somewhere where its wanted. It's surely not here....sign a name so I can tell you off face to face. Oh I bet you are just to chicken sh_t to sign a name.
Sorry friends...just had to get that off my chest.
Laurie, glad you had Miss Angel pdxgranny to be able to help. Hurry and heal.
EileenM, congrats on becoming a citizen of the USA. Hope its dual like Craig F's. Vote wisely, vote often!
As for Cka being HOH, well the heavens must have taken a potty break while that comp was happening. Can't wait to see it, edits and all...lol.
I do think he will put up "the boys" with Keesha as back-up if one wins the POV. I don't think he'll even consider putting the cook(Renny) up, he likes to eat!
Here's hoping Jackie, Laurie, Joyn and everyone else feels better this week.
I thought this was a friendly place to openly exchange opinions,so not sorry that I seem to have a differing one from you Mrs. Whiggins.
I think this is the best case scenario. I'm on team Renny. Chances are, CKA will be putting up Memphis and Dan and that means Renny is safe for another week and she gets rid of one of the biggest threats to keeping her out of the F2...Memphis. I don't think either she or K will keep Memphis over Dan. It all depends on who wins the POV. Still Even if either Dan or Memphis win that I don't think CKA will put up Renny; he'll most likely put up K and there is no way that Renny is going to vote for someone over K. And, if there is a tie, CKA would never vote for one of the boys over K....Which means K and R have a very good chance of making F4. Yay!
This way, CKa can go next week. Then Renny, will make F3 and possibly win the HOH ensuring her going F2. I got it all planned out. LOL. Now if only the BB gods are listening
This a friendly posting place, however even on the previous thread you were anything but friendly. G'night & sweet dreams
It was rather funny to see Ollie continue to look through the hay thinking there were no vetos in his pile. He's always sure of a conspiracy!
I am sorry to see Jerry win but I hope Dan wins veto. I am not counting on the girls to vote out Memphis. I won't be too sad to see Memphis go as he has done nothing for the alliance. At least Jerry should be out next week since he can't play for HOH.
i rewatched the ollie freak out on youtube and at no time did he call Memphis a red-headed cabbage patch kid. although I did hear it on tonight's show. Obviously, bb edited it in to make Ollie look better and not embarass his family. He called Memphis a name, probably the fa..t one under his breath and when Memphis called him out on it, he started with the sucking comments.
Oh noooooo! If anyone but Dan wins this game, it's outragous. Renny & Jerry are just floaters & don't deserve squat. Dan has been the best BB player ever!
Anonymous said:
I know this is yesterday's story now, but wasn't it wrong of Julie to let the houseguests know there would be another eviction before the night was over? That information should have waited until after the first vote. Once again showing favortism to the group of four.
Huh? What am I missing here? I don't understand why that shows favoritism to the group of four?
i don't think it showed favoritism. No matter what, Michelle was going out first. Then, everyone had an equal chance of playing for HOH. I think it was fair. I also think it was fair when k took a little more time to answer the question than J did. He could have taken his time abot answering it too.He even talked about taking his time and not getting excited last night with Ollie. And by the way, how many times, did Ollie change his answer during the HOH comp and Julie didn't tell him he had to stick with his vote. I know of at least two. Maybe he was listening and when someone was brushing against the wall next to him he would stay there and if there was no one there, he would change his vote.
I'm sorry that sounds kind like a conspiracy theory. LOL.
I also think Dan is playing a good game but then so is Renny. She's just playing her cards a little closer to her vest than he is. Dan and Renny for F2.
We just meant that if anyone had been willing to switch up their vote (we know highly unlikely)then knowing that another eviction was on the way would nix that idea as a group of four and a half is (mostly) stronger than one and a half .... never know quite which side Jerry is on. We just think it should have been announced after the vote.It is nice to get other impressions of the event.
Thanks, Anon. Guess I just don't think it would have made much difference when they announced the double eviction. I don't remember at all when they would announce it in previous seasons.
Dan and Memphis are trying to make a deal with J to put up Renny but I don't think it's going to work mainly because of last week and Dan's HOH. Jerry didn't trust him then and he sure isn't going to trust him now. And he never trusted Memphis, I think it's not because of anything Memphis actually did but because he reminds him of one of his son-in-laws.
Good Morning all and Happy Happy Friday! Leaving work today at noon no matter what and putting my brain on 3 day weekend mode.
Now we all know that big J is not the apple of this granny's eye, but after last night's stupendously successful evictions it's sort of anti-climactic to me. This is one of those times when two out three definitely ain't bad!
Laurie, I hope you were able to get some rest last night. I, too, am so glad that your new-found friend was close by so she could comfort you and let us all know you needed some good thoughts and prayers.
Coffee's ready; have a great day everybody! Drive carefully and buckle up - lots of folks will be hitting the roads. I'll be hitting the couch :>)
LOL! I saw your header, Jackie, started to scroll down, saw the pic of Jerry, and said to myself "You're kidding!!?!!"
I'm guessing you anticipated my response, eh? I got a good chuckle from that.
At least this will get interesting for a bit. I can't wait to watch last night's show. I had to record it being in NJ.
I was also thinking a Dan/Renny F2 would be fun.
I thought that's what BB had planned I had recalled all star seasons.
I actually felt Jerry would be HOH but also knew Ollie and Mitchell would be evicted.
Season ends Sept 15?? This is only reason why I felt BB was pull a " shocker " although not really.
Didn't yesterdays reminded you guys of either 2005 or 2006 season?
I could see Dan as Will, except Will couldn't hit red button against Erica, it's flipped, This HOH is lack for a better word just as useless as Keeshea's..
I'll FF My thoughts, after I wake up, but it's probably a hint I better fill up all gas tanks, fill up my 5 gallon water bottles.
OOps..the above is from me, Nancy, RyzandShyn (RiseandShine)
Since the competition to get to final 2 is always physical I think Jerry should put up Memphis and Dan to give himself a better shot. I don't like DirtyJerry at all, but if he's smart he'll put up Dan and Memphis. Keesha already proved that she doesn't remember things from the past so he can easily beat her in those questions about things that have happened all season and he should keep her.
Absolutely priceless! Jerry is HOH? Okay I take it back this week just might be exciting. The alliance will start to turn on each other! Talk about a roller coaster ride!
Dan i'm sure does not want to enter sequester next. The only person in there who doesn't hate him is Libra. He needs the POV and he needs it badly.
Memphis is working out an F3 and F3 deal with Jerry. Jerry's plan is to put Dan and Rennie up with Dan as the target. This sucks. That would be awful if Jerry got rid of Dan when Jerry was so disgusting to Dan. Dan simply has to win the POV or I will be devastated. A Jerry and Memphis F2 would make me want to vomit. It want the F3 to be Dan, Rennie and Keesha. Jerry and Memphis floated through this game and they are both losers.
Even if Julie hadn't told them that it was a double eviction week, they would have figured it out as soon as they voted so early in the show. On normal Thursday nights the vote is at the end of the hour. These HG's were expecting a double eviction night and would have figured it out without Julie's help.
"Jerry's plan is to put Dan and Rennie up with Dan as the target. This sucks. That would be awful if Jerry got rid of Dan when Jerry was so disgusting to Dan. Dan simply has to win the POV or I will be devastated." -anon 9:15
Then Memphis wins veto, take Dan off and Kessha has to go up with Renny. Pretty much leaves Dan in the final two with Memphis, who he can beat.
I hope this is taken for what it's worth:
Sometimes my mom's computer prevents her from posting as her name, therefore she becomes an "anon". She forgets to add a sign-off name.
I have no ill feelings for any anon right now. Sorry for any sniping in the room. IMO, nothing that has been exchanged on this particular post has been inflammatory or offensive. That said...
ROCK ON! Dan is still my man!
Jerry as HOH! My eyes and my ears! What a revolting developement this is.
I am a Renny and Dan fan. I would hate to see both of them on the block. I personally am a bigger fan of Renny simply because she is a hometown girl.
I would be OK with Memphis or Keesha going up in her place and for either of them to leave.
I have doubts that Jerry would put Keesha up. Even as badly as he talked about her I think as disgusting as this sounds he has the hots for her and likes to have a little eye candy around ( his perception not mine).
Laurie, I hope you are feeling OK today. I know you are hurting but I hope with the RX and some rest you will be able to rejoin us soon.
Jackie, try to take it easy over this long weekend. I know you have been super busy with working to strengthen your knee, going for blood tests and keeping us up to date on the fast pace activities in the BB house over the past week.
Donna AL , I have one of those hotel rooms in the Birmingham area reserved from Sunday through Wed night.I really don't look forward to a 300 + miles 6 hour drive but I am not staying in LA to see what happens with Gustav.
The only way I am staying at home is if old Gus goes to Tx or FL. My house is in one of the high ground areas and we are only 13 ft above sea level. With the potential of wave action in our direction from Lake Ponchatrain I am not willing to play "Hurricane Roulette" a la Dan.
Oh my, Jerry is HOH! It will be of no surprise who he will be putting up, unless there can be some sort of boy scout pack. I'm a thinking Jerry like the girls scouts better.
Should Jerry put up both guys, Dan will win POV and take himself off the block. One of the gals goes up against Memphis. That will leave Dan and one of the gals to vote. They can both vote the same or one vote for each and leave it a tie breaker for Jerry to evict Memphis. If Dan and one of the gals is smart, they would let Jerry choose with the tie breaker, because Jerry is going to send home Memphis over the other one sitting next to him. It will free Dan, Keesha or Renny from voting out one of their own because they got Jerry to do their work for them.
IF and I say IF it is played out this way, then we still may see Keesha, Renny and Dan as the final three...as long as next week Jerry does not win POV.
Ollie was the the winner of being BB biggest "sore loser." JMO, Ollie and Michelle played the game this week way too personal. It ended up costing both of them the game.
Sorry for the long post. I will go back to lurking again. I enjoy reading everyone's take on things.
Okay, feel free to throw things, but.... I think Keesha's time is UP. She's totally floated, bringing nothing of any interest to the game at ALL.
Patty your plan works regardless of who Jerry puts up and regardless of who wins POV.
Let each voting Hg vote for one or the other but not the same and Jerry has to be the tie breaker/Bad guy. I like it!
Petals if Keesha goes up I won't be throwing anything. I would do the happy dance.
My best case scenerio is for Memphis and Keesha to go up, for the POV not to be used,for Dan to vote to evict Keesha and Renny to vote to evict Memphis, making Jerry choose between Memphis and Keesha to leave. In my fantaasy world that would be sweet!
Petals - Now, let's be fair. Keesha orchestrated the Jessie eviction and managed to keep the heat off of herself until WAY after the fact. She also got Angie out of the house. Now, her reasons may have been personal but Angie had the potential to be a very strong player so getting her out in the beginning was VERY smart on her part.
Good morning everyone. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. A huge thank you to our PDX Granny who got my drugs, my milkshake and yogurt (dinner and breakfast) and sat with me until I could fall asleep last night. I am so thankful for Elaine's friendship and support. I also had the support of the woman I was with when I tripped. She held my head on her lap until the ER guys got there, went to the hospital with me, called my family and stayed with me in my hotel room until PDX could get here. She's a BB watcher too, so we talked about the show a lot. We may see her here soon!
I will need a lot of dental work to fix the damage done yesterday but nothing else is damaged. It will be awhile before I can eat solid food. PDX offered to get me a banana last night. It made me laugh ... I love that gal.
Missed the show last night but maybe I can see it online later. Glad to read Michelle and Ollie are gone. I did think it was my drugs talking when I read that Jerry is new HOH. I thought I would see a "just kidding" from Jackie.
Thanks again for all the good wishes. We are such a wonderful community and I appreciate your support.
Orkie ~ I'd forgotten all about poor, doomed Angie.
I guess I just find Keesha to be boring. No charisma.
Love Dan, tho. hubba hubba
{{{Laurie}}} My banana friend. Glad you're back, you goofball.
Last night's ep was pre-empted then un-empted, then pre-empted by football, BUT: it was the best show !!!
How'd'ya feel?
Holy crap Laurie, what happened? I must have missed a comment somewhere along the way!!! Are you okay?
Good morning Petals. I feel like a truck ran over my face, actually. No pity party for me, though. I'll get past this.
I'm going to pack and then eat my yogurt and take a pain pill. PDX granny offered to take me to the airport so I don't really have to think too much.
I'm bummed that I missed the show.
Laurie, I am so happy to see you posting. I know you feel crappy. All you BB friends are rooting for you.
Laurie, glad to see you posting. Sorry to say that the drugs are not responsible for seeing that Jerry won HoH. If only that were true!
Thank God you had so much help and support while you were there. Good luck and safe trip home.
Keep us posted!
oooops, I typed my name wrong. LOL
Petals ~ Thanks for running interference for me, but I wasn't posting last night!! I was in bed pouting because the darned Chiefs knocked BB off, but we had this terrific thunderstorm and they postponed the game!!! If you hadn't called me I would have missed it, but the downside is, I only got to see the first half, then the Chiefs played followed by the Dem. Convention and David Letterman!! If it wasn't for this place, I still wouldn't know what's going on. Usually I can watch the next day on cable under "series", but they haven't put it up yet. darn darn darn I'd love to see Dan win the game because I believe he's really played. Sure Rennie is nice and all, but she hasn't really played. She cooks!!! My candidate won every year until about 3 seasons ago (whenever Jun won). RATS!!
Looks like the game of the week will be "Deal or No Deal"!!
After Dan's excapdes last week anyone who makes a deal and believes that it will be honored is a fool! Dan showed everyone this is a game and people will say or do anything to further themselves.
My guess will be that Jerry will put up Dan/Memphis with Renny as the replacement. It's been no secret that he and Renny don't get along and have "tolerated" each other. Also Renny will be a hard one to win against in the F2.
Yep, Memphis was right....there are no more alliances. It's every man for himself now.
Personally, I would like to see Keesha or Memphis go home.
Doesn't Jerry get to play in the HOH? I know at some point the outgoing HOH get to play the next one.
Laurie--I'm sooooo glad you are doing better and that PDX granny was there for you! It's a good thing your plane flight is only a few hours and you have a long weekend to recuperate.
Eileen--congrats!! That must be an awesome feeling to become a US citizen!
Jackie--enjoy your nap!
Im so thankful to PDX Granny for all her love and support of her new found friend...hey that is how real friendships are forged in steel.
How sweet was it that God provided a BB watcher to console you Laurie? That is awesome!
Cant wait till you are back in your own home today.....we missed ya!
Petals and Ork you guys grack me up!
Just gotta say....I too thought Jackie you were messing wiht us when I saw HOH was Col Creepy...
I wanted Dan and Renny finals...who knows it could still happen
I know Keesha's voice/laugh is annoying but I kind of like her. I agree with ORKmommy in that Keesha was instrumental in getting Jessie out (which I consider a good thing) and she has won HOH twice. Maybe by the skin of her teeth but she won.
She's not my favorite but I like her and am perfectly happy to see her go as far as she can. For once, I'm ok with any of the ones left winning the big bucks, except for Jerry because I think he's been excessively and unnecessarily nasty, vulgar, profane and well, 'nuff said. But then, I think he's an ex-marine, he's 75 and a streetfighter so that must mean he's ok. NOT. ;)
So glad to hear from you Laurie. Dental work is no fun, but I'm just glad it wasn't anything worse. It's wonderful that PDX Granny was there to help you out. Too bad she wasn't with you to say "watch your step", LOL.
{{Loneseven}}} I know you from somewhere, don't I? Birth, right? hahaha.
I was foiled this morning too, when I pulled up my DVR to find only 1/2 an episode, grrrr. Thankfully, the blog had the fully scoop, whew.
See you later Loneseven. {mommy}
Laurie - You have pain pills - good. No permanent damage, I hope.
As we discuss all the nominations this week, lets remember that two of them will go up - and the two remaining will do the voting! Of course they could make Jerry cast a tie breaker, but I feel the power really lies in those voting this week.
I'm surprised that I find myself liking Keesha too. At first she seemed to make a lot of "I'm not like that in real life" comments about her behavior during arguments, which I found disingenuous and annoying. But now I think she has a genuine concern for the other hgs (and even the backyard praying mantis), has a good grasp of the game, isn't promising things she doesn't deliver, and is quite good in competitions. I think she deserves to be where she is.
I'm in a quandary about what I would like to see Jerry do. On the one hand I want Dan on the block with Memphis. I'm sorry, but its Dan's turn to sweat a little. He wouldn't be in any danger of Renny & Kesha voting him out anyway. But if Memphis should win POV and take himself off, would Jerry put in Keesha or Renny? On the other hand, if Jerry put Memphis & Keesha on block and the POV wasn't used, it would force Dan to show his true loyalty - which I would love to see.
Rbennie - have I mentioned to you yet that every time I see your name, I think it's Rennie!
LOL Petals, its funny you should say that. I posted at the beginning of the season when I saw Rennie's name that people might get us confused and with the way she was acting in the beginning I certainly didn't want that, LOL.
Oh my, last night was the show of this season and then Jerry won HOH...how disappointing. I was really hoping for an F4 of R/K/D/M...that's out now. I hope it is Memphis that is evicted this week, then Jerry next week. I like all three but would like F@ to be Renny and Dan. I did not think I would like Dan at all by his bio but he has kept his politics and beliefs to himself. I think that is how the game should be played anyway. Your personal feelings and beliefs are just a subject for everyone to attack and make you a target.
I did not get offended or mind the anon. posting about the unfairness of how everything went last night. Anon did not attack any of the bloggers and it is just their opinion which we usually accept on this blog.
Laurie, so sorry to hear about your accident...glad PDX Granny was there to help you. She is a dear.
Lynn1...glad to hear you already have reservations here! We took in Katrina evacuees and they are very close friends now. They live up here now but have family in NO and St.Bernard, they keep us posted on what goes on there. Good luck and take care.
I just got done celebrating the foursomes win and this happens
i hate that CKA won
I was actually hoping they would have voted him out before Ollie since he seems to always skate by and he does win things!!!
Oh well sayonara Dan unless he can pull off a miracle.
I do not want the colonel in the
Renny for the win if it cant be DAN
Dan for the veto, go dan go
Thanks Jackie
I admit it, I've liked Keesha from the beginning. Do I want her to win? I'm not sure. I'd love to see Renny or Memphis win. I know, you all hate Memphis but I like him and the way he's been true to himself and stood up for others. Renny winning with Memphis in second would be my perfect season ending...
I definitly (sp) want Renny to win but I don't really care if second goes to Dan or Keesha. Keesha was my favorite in the first few weeks. I don't know why either.
Another poosibility - CKA puts up Renny and Memphis. Dan wins POV and uses it on "renegade" Memphis. Then Keesha has to go up. Dan & Memphis split votes and CKA decides.
Kathy in NC
I caught part of Ollie's interview on the Early Show this morning. When Julie pointed out that his bio said he didn't curse, he explained that he feels there's a difference between using foul language and cursing. And yes, he thinks his family will be happy about his relationship with April.
I missed most of Michelle's interview, but she was lobbying to participate in BB All-Stars and for a boyfriend (she's single and ready to mingle).
Maybe being delusional is contagious.
HAHA - Loneseven asked me "what in h*** does CKA mean? Am I missing something?" I had to tell her...!
I like Memphis, he's grown on me. His calm during Ollie's tantrum was admirable, the way he kep telling Ollie to watch his mouth. I liked that.
What do we all think of the new Vice Presidential hopeful, Ms Palin?
Petals, I like that it is a woman (I think) but no opinion until I read how she stands on "things".
what does CKA stand for?
Good morning, everyone! Have been trying to keep up with reading comments, but been kind of tough keeping up with everything. We had a very close relative pass away last week. Lots of family in town, just crazy around here.
Laurie, glad to read you are okay. Hugs to all of you who have been recovering! Congrats to Eileen!
Orkmommy, I kind of like Keesha, too. Don't know why. I'm okay with any of the "four", Memphis probably the least. Jerry - well, I respect his age & his service to our country, but he disappointed me. Sometimes, I felt like he was trying to act like the younger hgs with the vulgarity and the language - and the attitude. He's old enough to know better. Just happy to know it won't be A/O winning!
Hope everyone has a good day!
yes it is def. will be Memphis and Dan
Laurie so glad to see you posting. Hope you mend fast. pdx granny your the bomb!
Like many, I couldn't believe CKA won. I too had to do a double take on the picture you posted Jackie! Not sure between Keesha and Memphis I want gone, but I definitely want it to be Rennie and Dan in the F2.
Have a great and safe weekend all. I'm off at noon.
Donna - She is pro-life. Has a kid that just enlisted, and a toddler that has Downs Syndrome.
Anon - CKA = Colonel Kiss Ass.
For his choice of VP, I say McCain swung back hard!!! It may not work, but A+ for strategy=)
anon at 12:37: I believe CKA stands for Col. Kiss Ass, a not too fond nickname for Jerry. (He used to be a higher rank, but got demoted.)
Petals--I'm all for having a female on the pres/v.pres ticket, but I want it to be someone who's qualified. I don't know much about Palin, but it sounds like she's a first-term governor, with little national exposure and less foreign relationship experience. Quite a leap from there to the vice presidency.
I think it seems liek an odd choice for McCain, who seems to value experience so much, as least when he's bashing Obama about his perceived lack thereof. Wonder what made McCain think Palin was the best person for the ticket--hope it was more than wanting to pick up some Hiliary supporters.
Even though I am not a fan of Jerry, I am kind of glad that he won HOH. It will just keep things intersting around the house. If anyone else would have won, it would have been a given that Jerry would have gone home.
Do we know what kind of HOH comp it was? I'm thinking I may have missed it trying to catch up.
Ollie thinks there's a difference between cursing and swearing? I would love to hear more about that. It goes beyond his delusions and conspiracy theories. Ollie's world must be very interesting. I don't want to visit there but I'd love to know more about it.
Ollie's difference is cursing or foul language is like the difference between sex and a girlfriend for him. @@
{{{{laurie}}}}} Soooo happy to see you! Are you home safe and sound?
Can I just say something that I've meant to mention for a while - to all of you who are able to plot out different scenarios - I am impressed! My brain doesn't go there at all and it's so ineresting to ponder the what ifs that you all put out there.
Personally, I'm content that the ones already in sequester won't win, and my fingers are double-triple-quadruple crossed that Private Potty Mouth doesn't win; the rest I'll just leave to the BB gods. I like each of the remaining 4for different reasons and won't put any holes in the wall if any one of them wins.
Home on a Friday afternoon -ahhhh, life does have its moments....
ineresting - I think I need a nap....
The fireworks in the Sequester House will be fun to watch. I wonder if the April/Ollie Follies will resume. In a smaller house with Libra's watchful eyes, I doubt they can romp like before (blech).
Ollie's only think'n 'bout ONE thing. I won't even elaborate--y'all know what I'm saying.
See how much trouble he got into when that wasn't the only thing on his so-called mind?
Sally said... I caught part of Ollie's interview on the Early Show this morning. When Julie pointed out that his bio said he didn't curse, he explained that he feels there's a difference between using foul language and cursing. And yes, he thinks his family will be happy about his relationship with April.
I missed most of Michelle's interview, but she was lobbying to participate in BB All-Stars and for a boyfriend (she's single and ready to mingle).
Maybe being delusional is contagious.
8/29/2008 12:28 PM
Sally, I am ROFLMAO at cussing as interpreted by Ollie. That boy lives in la-la land!
As far as Michelle, after her behavior any man she meets will be running the other way!
Ollie and Michelle put the big D in Delusional. I just hope both of them steer clear of reading any posts during this season. They will commit suicide when they find out just how low America's opinion of them is.
I hope that Dan and Rennie are in the final two. I love both of them. I think Rennie would be hard to beat by anyone. Let's face it. Memphis or Jerry would be the best two to be standing next to when the votes are counted.
Dan has burned too many bridges with his game. Smart playing, but he has sowed seeds of distrust to the extent that no one will believe him.
What a great night it was. Finally, all my faves are still in the house. This has never happened before. I loved reading everybody's comments and narratives. Funny!!
My congrats to Eileen, too.
The show came on here in Santa Cruz, right after Barach's inspiring speech. It made for a great evening. Thank you, Jackie...oh but Jackie, did the show really dummy up that "red-headed cabbage-patch" quote? It is kind of a sissy insult.
Does anyone know if Julie asked Michelle about her prediction that Dan would be sitting on the couch before the end of the hour? She was so sure Dan would be following her & it was Ollie instead!
What an idiot!
....and PS, I agree with MOST of you about F4 etc. I love watching Dan and hearing his DR comments. I had not expected to like him from his bio. Also, I agree with Anne about all the scenarios you guys come up with. Over my head and fun to read.
I am kind of figuring out that Laurie had a bad fall and somehow one of us bloggees came to the rescue. How amazing. How can I read more about this interesting adventure? Anybody? And PSS, I am jealous of Petals Mom. I wish my daughter was a BB fan and bloggee of Jackie's. Bye4now
AuntieLeigh, go back and read the previous posts... it's all there. If you don't want to read everyone's responses, just read pdxgranny posts and terryinca posts. They explain what happened.
Auntie Leigh - I'll be your "blog daughter"! My mom used to watch BB and we would call each other at every commercial, but she dropped out this season! She also followed Jackie (that's how I found her!) I miss that so much!
Orkmommy -
I have a photo somewhere of one of my red bell peppers that looks a lot like your tomato, only it had legs! I'm not smart enough to know how to put it on here. Heck, I can't even figure out how to get my name on the top of the comments!
Cursing = "God damn you" or "Jesus! that hurt!" or perhaps even "Go to hell" (in other words, religious references)
Foul language = "fuck you! and suck my dick you faggot"
(are we allowed to post those words? sorry if not, but hey, we're all adults aren't we? - and they are being used for educational purposes only)
I'm guessing that's what Ollie thinks the distinction is (curse vs. foul language)
Ollie actually said, "There's a difference between swearing and using "dirty words." He said he didn't swear, he just used some dirty words. And he laughed sheepishly as he said it. Doesn't that jerk realize yet that we all heard, "You F****n F****t" and "S**k my D**k" repeatedly? Those are disgusting things to say, no matter what you want to call them. I hope the audience shows him their displeasure on the finale by booing him off the stage. He's a total pig and his parents better wake up and smell the coffee or this will not be the last time they're embarassed by him. And what Jerry, Ollie and Michelle have said about Keesha should get them booed off, too. Mostly, I hope they have forever squashed any chance of furthering their 15 minutes. Good riddance to some nasty human beings.
Now I have a blog-daughter. It is Orkmommy/Teresa. Hope I can find a way to contact you. Meanwhile, isn't the show just the best year yet? I just hope that nothing happens to Dan. I want to go read all the other stuff from everybody now but thanks again for volunteering to be my blog-daughter. I think my own girls who are about your age, a little older actually, are going to be jealous. Good.
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