The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area.
Can you say recap? I knew you could. The HOH is on again, Memphis and Keesha have a friendship. Cat fights ahead. Now we have the nominations again. It should go to color momentarily. Day 25 color. Memphis isn't surprised, but doesn't like that he's nominated with Jessie as Jessie is his ally. Jessie is the pawn, but Michelle thinks the pawn usually goes home. April doesn't care that some of her alliance wants Jessie out. She promised to keep him safe.
Jessie is a bit worried as he talks to April and Ollie.
Dan's America's Player -- he has to hug Jessie for ten seconds. He's cracking up over it. He plans on telling Jessie a sob story about his girlfriend Monica. He says Jessie's actually a softy. He cries and wonders if she'll still be there for him. Jessie is actually being very nice. The hug clocked at 17 seconds. Task completed.
Time to pick players for PoV -- April gets Michelle. Jessie is happy about that. Jessie got Libra. Memphis got Jerry. Renny is the host. April is a bit worried about Jerry and Libra. HOH room meeting -- all aboard. April is worried that Memphis will get PoV. If Jerry gets a pick your nose comp, he'd do well -- April re: Jerry. Libra is getting upset because people seem to be doubting her. She's upset and leaves. She says it hurts.
April said to Ollie that Libra has an excuse for every comp she's lost. Now Keesha is upset about people telling her who she can talk to or not in the house. Jessie runs to April and Ollie about Keesha saying people are talking about her. Jessie is so proud of his stirring the pot. "It'll get ugly. Out comes the temper now," says April.
Ollie gives April some encouragement as she heads back out of HOH. Libra is saying her feelings are hurt. April claims she didn't yell at her or raise her voice. Libra said she didn't say anyone yelled at her, she just didn't deserve to be spoken to that way. Keesha is mad when April mentioned Steven. Keesha asks Michelle if she said anything to April about Mempphis.
Keesha is steaming in the kitchen. It's her birthday. Keesha can't stand April's [bleepin] guts. She confronts April. Cat fight. MEOW! April does look ganged up upon. MEOW! Libra realizes that someone (Jessie) listened through the wall and reported. April admits it was Jessie who told her. Now they're mad at Jessie.
Jerry arrives. Memphis is making fun of it and Jerry tells the girls that. Now Renny is snapping at Jerry. She doesn't like the Colonel's finger in her face. She tells Memphis that Jerry ratted him out for making fun of the cat fight.
Birthday cake. Tears, crying for the birthday girl. They try to make Keesha feel good about it. Libra is still with April. Uh-oh. Jessie realizes that they know he can hear them through the wall.
Now Libra is confronting Jessie. Conversation endeed -- you don't run me, you don't own me -- Libra to Jessie. Jessie can't get a word in. His cheeks turn red when he gets flustered. As they scream at each other, the focus to the cake and Keesha's teary face is priceless. April is just sitting there. Some birthday. They all gather in the kitchen. It's the most pathetic singing of Happy Borthday I've ever heard. They all look like they want to kill.
Libra apologizes. Jessie apologizes for "being honest." Michelle doesn't think they know what the fight is about. Keesha throws Jessie under the bus for reporting to them. The fight starts all over again. Blurred gestures galore. Arrogant and a troublemaker. He claims he was "woke up." Libra just claps. "Hey, Memphis ... every day is a new day!" Libra says. Jessie ain't sitting too pretty with the house on the whole.
PoV comp time -- They have sports jerseys and hockey sticks. Jessie is sure he'll win. The Slapshot Comp is about to begin. Shoot for center section of net. Person eliminated at the end of each round wins a prize, one is a veto. The eliminated person can keep the prize or exchange it. Player triumphant after five rounds has choice of any of the prizes including veto.
Michelle is three away from Veto. Libra two away. April 2 away. Jessie four away. Jerry three away. (Veto is in center.) Memphis didn't even hit the net. He's eliminated. He wins the PoV ... but someone will take it.
Round two -- Libra five, April one, Jessie four, Jerry three, Michelle misses the net. She gets a Hawiian holiday. She's thrilled. She keeps the vacation for herself thinking Jessie could get PoV.
April one way, Jerry three away, Jessie eight away. Libra seven away. Jessie is eliminated. He gets a Slop Surprise. He takes the veto from Memphis.
Round four -- Jerry and Libra both two away, April with seven away out. She gets $10,000 in BB gold bars -- she can transfer money to others or keep it. It's real money upon eviction. She decides to keep it. Final round -- Libra perfect score. Jerry three away. He's out. He gets a letter from home. They're going to split the ten grand three ways and takes the PoV from Jessie. Jessie gets the letter from home and looks unhappy. Libra is the slapshot champion and wins the red unitard -- used. She trades it and takes Michelle's Hawaii trip and Michelle gets the unitard. Michelle glares and cries and swears in the DR. Onto Memphis slop surprise -- he gets a one week slop pass redeemable at any time, but must choose one person to eat slop for the week. He chose Jerry for the slop. Jerry isn't surprised.
Michelle goes to Jessie ... "I'm done, I'm done." She's really uspet. "What kind of mother doesn't take the letter from home." "Her kids should be taken away, Whore, slut skank" She's been nothing but made a fool out of ... DR gets her back from now on. Jessie even tells her he'll buy her a trip to Hawaii. He is being sweet to her.
April is a bit concerned even though the deal was that Jerry won't use the POV. Time for the meeting -- Jessie: I know why I'm here and respect what you do (roughly). Memphis -- I don't expect you to take me off. We've had problems from day one. Whatever you do best for your game. Jerry doesn't use the POV. Man, Michelle looks sullen.
Memphis isn't surprised that Jerry didn't use it -- he has time to secure votes. Jessie is sure he won't be voted out. April wants Memphis out even though her alliance wants Jessie out. After all, she's there to win the money, not her alliance win it.
Next AP assignment -- Dan vote to evict.
114 comments: show is pre-empted by stupid local election coverage. Thank God for you Jackie...
Good Lord-- they sped things up with the Dan and Jessie Hug....
See? Lil Jessie really has a big heart.
OMG it's the Chris Farley pep talk!
That look at the corner-cam was fun-NY!!! Dan RULES!
LOL... 17 seconds.
Now we're back to Friday...
Plaid, your pix is cracking me up...
Oh shut up, MEEbra! You bag.
YAY... Fight Night!
Ya think, Jessie? One of your naps just got you EVICTED!
I can't imagine any of these people speaking to each other outside of this house. What an odd group.
Clem - you're right. Finally, a mix from different walks of life.
Battle of the Barbies... ya JessMe should of kept his mouth shut, good for us, he didn't
Whoa her forehead totally moves now!
OMG Libra has a RICE volleyball shirt on and she's LIBRAL? HMMMMM
Poor Jessie - he is the scapegoat. Who're they gonna hate on when he's gone?
Petals said...
Poor Jessie - he is the scapegoat. Who're they gonna hate on when he's gone?
LIBRA, lol
uhoh...lookout Jessie!! THe kitten mafia is after you.
I have three letters P M S
These people are a riot! Memphis was right on!
Can we all say together that Ollie is a hiney kisser?
He certainly is a "Yes, Dear" man toward April.
I loved Dan and his grin to the camera. I honestly hope this is the only week he is AP. It will cost him if he does it any longer.
It would be interesting if CBS had a different AP next week. These no brains would really be confused. If they do I won't vote for Dan or Rennie. Rennie could use the money but I don't want her to get caught.
I couldn't last in this game. I would b-slap someone in a hurry!
Monty - I hope they turn on her. She is just so negative.
How blind are the HGs to NOT see Ollie playing ostrich up April's butt?
becky said...
Can we all say together that Ollie is a hiney kisser?
He certainly is a "Yes, Dear" man toward April.
YEAH-- he's getting a nightly BOOT-TAY Call!
He likes to slap hiney too
Oh, Libra will have her day. She's already got a target on her back from April and Ollie, and even Keesha said she would trust Renny to the end over Libra. I love it! GO RENNY
I think the one thing all the HGs have in common is that they are B-type personalities, right? Follow the leader, don't upset the herd mentality?
I do miss Dr Will and his smooooth manipulations. These people are the opposite of subtle!
Petals said...
How blind are the HGs to NOT see Ollie playing ostrich up April's butt?
Jerry knows they have hooked up, why hasn't he out'ed them more than saying "someone in the house is having sex?" Other than he sucks up to the current HOH and the kitty kitties need him
They are all too self absorbed to think about who it could me, "ME, I, do YOU think I'M STUPID?"
I'm confoozed
Did Jessie lie about what Libra said or not?
Screech screech Meebra
Again, what a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive. I love all this bickering.
As I say daily around here...
who was it who so brilliantly summarized that Libra yells over people when she's called out.
She's "dun wichu", Jessie. Good.
ROTFLMAO. The party from hell.
...Glad it's not my birthday. Geez.
That's it, they all need to be locked up.. is there Valium in their water?
Laughing my butt off at Keisha's "Happy Birthday" and is that a cake? @@
Worst B-day party EV-ER! lol
Gee, what a great b-day. What's with BB not giving them any cakes this year? First none for Renny, now that sad sack cookie thing for K. It is sweet cuz Renny made it with love though, but that's not my point
that was absolutely hilariously nuts!
ROFLMAO at Memphis and Dan....
Dan just lays on the couch pretending to read the newspaper. You know he's taking it all in.
As Dan sacks out on the couch with the Good Book... Go Dan!
Maybe none of them knows how to make a cake from scratch?
the main ingredient in the birthday was stress....and idiocy...
I don't think they give them lil ingredients, like baking powder, etc. They maybe have only basic stuff?
Uh, how could anyone completely miss the net from that distance?
I haven't read comments yet and I'm coming in late but I think April has been pretty confident and is not such a no-nothing.
I also think she and ollie are developing a relationship out of bed. They just aren't acting romantic out of it.. I assume becasuse they are trying to make ppl think they aren't sleeping together still (LOL)
And OMG -- as much as I abhorr Jessie's ego and immaturity and disrespect for elder, he has shown between his tending to MIchelle when she got off the ledge and consling Dan he's definitely got a heart. Petals, I can give you that much!
libra with that smirk when Michelle hit it. Hide your feelings girl
Yeah, Syd - I thinki that when Jessie grows up a little, he'll be a good man to someone.
Jessie's back is too big? More likely his brain is too small.
Well, that explains it. Jessie's back is too big to play this game. Those muscles are quit a handicap! Not to mention the pin-head.
i didn't realize the $ could be used to take yourself off the block!
Libra is lookin all gangsta throwing down that stick
what was that trade?
Do we believe the unitard is used?
And I think the Unitard's entertainment value expired a few seasons ago.
Oooh, no wonder Michelle was ticked off!
Michelle is PISSED!
Wow, way to make an enemy.
Gloatiing isn't so good.
I sure do dislike Meebra. grrr
why put Jerry on slop?
That was a good comp idea!
clementine said...
And I think the Unitard's entertainment value expired a few seasons ago.
Hey, Petals....
Wow....I was stressed by this fight!!!
Does that mean that Jesse is a "little person"?
DaaaAAAAmmnnnnNNN, Michelle.
Hey, Petals....
Wow....I was stressed by this fight!!!
Michelle is REALLY pissed!
Michelle is REALLY pissed!
Aw, see how sweet Jessie is? We'll miss someone actually having a heart in the house.
there you go -- Michelle's got a point. Not that the infants can write. But she could get news of them
And there Jessie goes being encouraging and supportive again. He said He'd buy her a trip to Hawaii.
Ok...Michelle is taking this a bit far. What'd she expect? She's not in the alliance group?!
Did she thing she was gonna be spared???
These are some whiny people!!!
You guys should be nicer to lil Jessie... awww.
HIs mother said he had a big heart. Just wish he would grow out of the big ego. He'd be a major triple threat in LIFE if so....
Don't you just love those phone calls right in the middle of something good. GRRRRRRRRRRR
No DVR at my mother's house so now I have to wait to watch it later.
Are they editing Jessie now? YES
ABH! Hey baby! Will you be my Jessie? hehe
Did you catch that feral cat fight?
I never answer my phone during BB. Not that anyone would call... (hint hint to ABH) hehe
Memphis sure got Jerry back for blabbing to the others about what he'd said.
It's like the majority of the time Jessie lives inside his little pinhead penthouse on top of his giant ego, but every once in a while he comes down off Muscle Mountain and is a nice guy. I think he just needs a nice girl like you, Petals!
This was easily the best episode thus far.
monty -- I just got a call and let the machine take it. Some things are sacred.. not the show, but all of you
AP is up!!!
Yeah, petals I caught the fight.
I don't know if I have enough respect in me to be the Jesse!!!
But like if you workout and not that you know how to workout and I've shown you to workout...etc...workout...etc..workout....
I never answer the phone during BB.
I think Jessie is getting the hint that the tide may be changing.
Voting for Dan to get Jessie out, of course. I still don't like him or trust him.
Jackie didn't delete me... Muuuwahhh...Thanks for letting me be disagreeable. :) Truly love to read your thoughts!
I'll take in 20 yrs. He'll be perfect then.
that's funny jb
ABH...? Are you lurking?
Syd - So you can sort of see how I am thawing on Jessie?
Yes, this ep was nuts, man! A rollercoaster, for sure.
Cakes is on!
UhOh - BB is being shown at 2:05am in NY on thursday. Jackie - What will we do????
It really was a lot of fussing and cussing tonight.
Yjey didn't seem to know what to do after singing Happy Birthday to Keesha. The poor girl had a awful but memorable birthday.
How sweet of Renny to bake her a Birthday Cookie, It's a Mom thing..LOL
Vote JESSIE and vote often !!
Do you really think Jessie is being sincere???? He knows he can't lose his one supporter. Being the one Dan choose to talk to made HIM important, special.
Is the production team trying to keep Jessie in by showing his softer side (yeah right) and making us vote on who to evict again???
Good points also Anon 10:58. I thought the editing was slanted that way, but they also had the footage of him doing it in real time to work with Hmmm... we shall see what happens this week.
That birthday party reminded me of some play you'd see on B'way with a drunken family (maybe Irish, they often seem to be Irish in those plays!) fighting with each other around the table as the birthday candles burn away. Usually RE:Ality TV makes me crack up but this episode made me want to slit my wrists!
I am not impressed by Jessie's "sensitivity"-- he's just sensitive when it'll get him further in the game.
I should be asleep, it's been a long day.
Are there any other dudes on this blog commenting? :-O
Well, I just voted my heart out. Typically don't vote much, but I have felt the urge because I really, really want **some-body** out of there this week. :)
He does have his sensitive moments, but they are not ringing quite true with me. Maybe too little, too late??
Good episode! I feel for Keesha with the absolute birthday from hell, but welcome to the insanity of BB.
I have completely flipped on my opinion of Renny. She made me absolutely crazy during week one, and now I really enjoy her.
April makes me crazy. I think her days may be numbered...
I'm still voting for Dan to vote Jesse out but I thought it was sweet that Jesse was so nice to Michelle when she was so down. I don't blame her for being pissed though. I would be too if someone took away my Hawaiian vacation and gave me a used unitard esp. if that person was Libra.Once Jesse is gone I'm going to start the I hate Libra club. Everyone is welcome to join.
I'm hoping that Keesha, Renny, Memphis, and Dan form a new strong alliance which will then get April, Ollie, Jerry and finally Libra out of the house. I'm also pulling for Renny and Dan. I hope both of them get to skate under the radar and make it to the end.
I do like that April is start to think for herself in that she is there to win the money for herself and not for her alliance...Oh wait, isn't that what Angie said before her eviction. So, I guess once again, April is following someone else's lead.
Kay...I agree, as soon as Jessme is outta there, I'm jumping on the get Libra... well liberated!
Oh My Goodness, albglinka! good to see you again, no, you are not the only male here...ABH graces the blog with his presence too.
Shout out to Joe in NY...
So happy to see Meb back, stay strong, you are an inspiration!
Jackie, job well done, as usual.
Michelle is coming off like an angry vindictive spoiled little bitch. "What kind of mother doesn't take the letter from home." "Her kids should be taken away, Whore, slut skank." And the answer is a mother who either wants to go off on a second honeymoon with her husband, or (almost as likely in my book) thinks it's a great way to take her kids to Hawaii with her husband. That's two adult tickets paid for leaving tickets for the kids (though the babies are probably a bit young for this sort of trip) at a much lower rate.
Speaking as a Canadian, the only one who looks as though he actually knows how to handle a hockey stick was Jerry. The rest looked like they were on a putting green.
Brett, don't read Jokers...what Manchelle wants to do to Libra's birthday cake is just digusting!! She sure is making RI proud!
On a lighter note, if I remember correctly from reading the bio's of the hamsters[ when they were released weeks ago] there will be many birthdays in the house this season. I guess AG's budget cannot handle real cakes for all the birthday hamsters.
Ms Whiggins - I considered your point about AG's budget, then tossed it. Here's why: beer & wine costs alot more than a box of Duncan Hines, yet BB has tons of it when they want to stir up the hamsters, right? Plus, Les Moonves would prolly throw alot more $$ at the show if Julie asked.
At least they changed the decor. Remember last season with Dick found the old, used skillet from his previous season? Yuck.
Mrs Whiggins ... thanks. Great to be back, even if I only loiter for a while.
dla... you crack me up! I posted pretty much the same thing you've said here on the next post before coming in here and reading this.
We do have very similar thoughts on things don't we. How's your mom?
they had giant birthday DINNERS and cakes for everyone who had a b-day in the house during all stars.
Yes ALbglinks -- We have a few that comment---maybe more that lurk. Which reminds me I was going to mention a few days ago that we have not heard from Toms' for quite awhile.
I really wasn't a fan of Jessie until last night - he was very nice to Michelle and tried to keep his cool with Libra. Libra on the other hand is WAY out of control and needs to leave. Her screaming is out of control. She must think that whoever screams the loudest wins. I hope whoever wins HOH next gets her out.
I might be in the minority on this one, but I don't blame Libra one bit for trading the unitard for the vacation. Sure a letter from home would be priceless, but she seems to be confident that her family is in good hands in the care of her mom. Why not take the vacation and use it for a family trip after the stress of this show. I know Michelle was pissed and letting off steam, but her comments were completely out of line. As far as Jessie being so considerate to Michelle, I thought that was complete desperation on his part. He can't have his only ally falling apart and threatening to leave! Same with his heart-to-heart with Dan. I'm sure he took Dan confiding in him as a sign that Dan was on his side and, of course, he played into it. With that said though, I don't think Jessie is all bad. In a few years, who knows, he might turn into the ideal man. But for now - he needs to go bye-bye.
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