Big Brother 10: 8/07 Live Eviction Show
Unfortunately, I'm not watching the show at its normal time tonight. Here in the NYC area, it won't air until 2:15 AM (ET). So, this is where YOU come in! If you're watching the show at a non-vampire time of the evening, please tell everyone what's happening in the comments section. Spelling and grammar aren't important nor should you worry about someone else reporting on the same segments -- each person's take tends to be unique and they're fun to read! Remember to refresh the comments page for the latest.
Graphic arteest Zoetawny made us a rather um ... rude Michelle image which is indeed what I suspect we'll see from her if Jessie goes tonight!

Hamster watchers ready? Let the show begin!
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Here we go...RECAPS!!!
Let the good times roll!
where are you guys that can type and watch???
I cannot multi-task. heehee
I do not care for Julie's outfit!
still recaps.....its all about dan...doing our bidding
still recapping ..jerry not using vetoo
I didn't think they still made gold lame (sp>)
It's day 31.
Julie is talking about Dan and America's Player. More recaps from the veto meeting. Guess what? Jerry didn't use it.
Jessie thinks he is safe. April was happy with the outcome of the veto meeting and she still wants Memphis out.
Memphis says there is no alliance anymore and he is starting from square one again.
talking about alliances...keeshe wants a change memphis says its time to start alliances all over again
Recaps going on right now....
April has promised Jessie he is safe, but does he?
It's all about Dan since he's AP, and it ends tonight when he casts our vote.
Recap: Jerry doesn't use Veto
Jessie: I know I'm not going anywhere: SWEET BEANS
April felt good about the meeting and Jerry keeping the noms the same
Memphis says there is no alliance anymore, time to start over at square one
Libra and Keesha are talking, they want Jessie gone, he adds nothing to the house, does nothing but eat and sleep
libra and keesha...jessie has to go all hs does is eat and sleep
Keesha and Libra are talking and hope Arpil will change her mind. Libra says that all Jessie does is eat and sleep. Blah, blah, blah. Same conversation, different day.
Keesha doesn't like April cause she is fake and Keesha sees through it.
keesha has something caught in her teeth...eeewwwww
keesha doesn't trust april can see her lying thru her teeth
Libra tells April, Jessie will put her up, Keesha says April is fake, April tells the girls Memphis strong and she wants him gone, eventhough 2 people in April's alliance will be targeted
Libra says to April that when she tries to communicate with her that April just gets upset. They try to tell her to get rid of Jessie, not Memphis.
Keesha is now talking to Memphis and crying about it.
libra not too happy with april...thinks she wants her and keesha to do her dirty work
keesha and libra counting votes to get rid of jessie behind aprils back they are not sure about dan
Keesha says that they need 4 votes to keep him in.
Dan tells Keesha that she is the only one he trusts.
Libra and Keesha talking again. They aren't going to vote the way that Aprils wants.
Keesha, Libra, Dan, Renny would vote for Jessie to leave...says Keesha.
That's what we're counting on LIBRA! :P
keesha goes outside and asks memphis to come talk to her. take him in the bedroom with libra....telling him they will keep him if he keeps them safe. they have to find out about dan
Dan feels like Keesha is the only one he can take to.
Still talk about Keesha not going to roll over and do what the HOH wants, Libra and Keesha are trying to figure out where Dan stands.
They're now showing that they have Dan on Libra and Keesh'a side. Dan is dancing
Keesha is gathering up Memphis and Dan to go talk with her and Libra.
They are all swearing that they won't tell anyone.
Libra and Keesha got Dan's word and they are jumping up and down triumphantly.
keesha and libra hugging / laughing..can't wait to see aprils face
jerry supporting april telling april they have to have dans vote cause he owes them
keesha and libra hugging / laughing..can't wait to see aprils face
jerry supporting april telling april they have to have dans vote cause he owes them
April and Jerry are talking and April says it will get ugly.
Jerry is going to go talk to Dan cause Jerry says that Dan knows that Jerry saved him by bringing him into the alliance.
jerry telling dan he has to vote memphis and stay loyal with him ollie and april dan not making commitment..but telling jerry "ok" now
Now we're going to see April's side talk to Dan, and now Jerry is talking to Dan, Dan is playing stupid to Jerry. Jerry says Dan needs to stay loyal to he, Ollie and April. They agreed to support the HOH and they shouldn't break that.
Jerry and Dan are talking. Dan is acting dumb to the whole other talk that he had with Libra/Keesha/Memphis.
Jerry says to support the HOH, and Dab is shaking his head in agreement.
jerry telling jessie its ok..its done..they have the four votes...
dan talking outlous in hammok to "us?" saying these people crazy
Dan talking to America... America you better make the right decision, I gave you an 18 second hug.
Next: Dan's team cheer's him on and the live eviction
Jerry reassures Jessie that he is safe and that they have the votes.
Dan is looking shifty in the hammock and says that everyone is crazy.
He doesn't want to have to lie but knows it is over because of America's player.
He says that he is in trouble no matter who America picks.
He says that he gave Jessie and 18 second hug, so for us to make the right decision and hook him up.
Julie says that Dan's football team will be chearing him on next.
WHEW!!!! jackie.......i am learning GREAT respecr for you!!
HAHAH!!!..I just checked in and saw that horrible picture of Michelle. Oh man, I cant wait till Julie announces Jesse is gone people are going to freak.
-Jamie Mae-
Shew...fingers hurt already!
And we're back.
Giants are playing Detroit tonight....and Detroit TV is showing Big Brother!!! Presumably Michigan residents are ticked but then again they have to watch the Lions all season and that would make you irritable too.
here we go again
dans family and football coach.. dans teaM dans teaM
TEAM watching bb....clapping as he is hugging jessie...laughing
Dan's sister is beautiful!
dans sistewr thinks him being thinks he should not have accepted makes him a target
Dan's talking about his team and Ollie looks bored.
Team is watching Dan's speeches to the girls. They think it is cool to see him on TV. They are all backing him.
They all cheer when his key gets pulled. YAY, he is safe.
They laugh that he has to hug Jessie.
Dan's sister...She was shocked that America picked him. Mom isn't happy about it because it draws suspicion to him.
these football player boys are goofy lookin. I wonder if they will show Monica.
-Jamie Mae-
Team weighs in on Dan's game
They're showing him pep talk during HOH
Guys going crazy when he's safe, these kids are too funny, you know they gather around and watch
They're showing Dan's sister, she was shocked in he taking the AP, his Mom said he shouldn't of taken the AP
Talk that there is something not right about Dan
Sister is BEAUTIFUL!
Talking to the HG's.. Renny is dressed in hot pink sequence, ready for a party with a Boa
football delayed there showing it due to weather
living room talking to houseguests
julie: michele, have you come to love leotard? had pathetic birthday..screaming, etc..have you forgotten it? K: no not forgotten
living room talking to houseguests
julie: michele, have you come to love leotard? had pathetic birthday..screaming, etc..have you forgotten it? K: no not forgotten
Julie is talking to HGs.
Michelle have you embraced unitard? Love it and hate it.
What has this week been like picking between Jessie and Memphis...just have to keep going. had an unforgetable 30 bday. Is all forgotten now? Nope, not all, Keesha says.
Libra, gone a month without hearinf from family, why did you chose vaca after letter from home? Husband would have killed her and it wasn't a hard decision for her to make. Between her hubbyt and mother, kids are in good hands and support her.
libra took hawaii trip cause her husband would killed her if she didn't
Libra talking about vacation, and the drop dead looks from Rotweiler are priceless, Libra said between her mom and husband taking care of her kids she knows they're fine
libra took hawaii trip cause her husband would killed her if she didn't
Who did America choose to evict and who will be going home? Stay with us...
LMAO. If looks could kill, Libra would be a goner. Michelle doesn't hold anything back, and CBS caught it all on tape. Love it. :)
You guys are doing fantastic! I'm sitting here goofing off watching So You Think You Can Dance and refreshing the comments. It's like a vacation! Thank you so much!
Did we all catch the eye rolls from Michelle? Is she a reader of this blog??
julies outfit......tight gold lame shiny skirt ....brown (?) top
And we're back.
Jackie you can watch it football is delayed due to weather here in NY< NJ
It just started storming here, so everyone cross your fingers that my satellite will keep the show on.
julie talking to april in hoh room asking her where she thinks her alliance is now...april thinks they are all safe but feels disrespected
ding ding ding.... there's another disrespect. Get a new word hamsters. Geesh.
awkward talking to memphis knowing he knows hes going home....april says her and ollie have great relationship he is her savior
Talking to April in HOH room...
Trusts allies much less this week.
Difficult to put anyone up for nomination.
Memphis never came up to her to save him, never approached her.
APrils thjinks he doesn't want to be there.
Ollie and her have a great relationship and he is her saviour. Her best friend in the house.
time to vote..
Jackie put onchannel 2 it's on
thanks for keeping everyone up on what's happening, nancy!
Here we go. WOOHOO!
you guys are doing GREAT!
i can't watch the show til midnight.
i love the visual details you give.
keep it up!
susan in KC
and mom2mybees :)
jessies speech happy birthday dad i want to keep playing thank you
memphis..i want you to vote for yoursedl (shades of aprils speecha)
Now it's time.
Talking to two nominees.
Jessie says Happy birthday dad, and HB to some one else. He is a competitor and wants to stay.
Memphis says, he wants everyone to vote for themselves. If he can be an asset, keep him in. Don't vote for anyone else.
Time for live vote.
Good speech Memphis, but it wasn't needed really.
Michelle: VTE Memphis
Jets game is in weather delay
Ollie: VTE Memphis
Jerry: VTE Memphis
Oh, did you know that A/O are have "deep conversations"? Is that what they call it nowdays?
satellite is out.
satellite out
Libra: VTE Jessie!!
Michelle- Memphis
OMG, it is storming bad!!!
Hail, etc.
We're at Commercial
Jackie- Are you watching BB - I can't believe that the Jets are in weather delay.
How great was that timing - as Julie said that Dan would be casting America's vote (right before they went to commercial), he gave the camera a look as if he heard exactly what she was saying.
I just did a happy dance when Libra voted to evict. HaHaHa
Cute one: after the first three votes my mom said to me, "I thought they all wanted Jessie out", LOL. She doesn't follow the show but is now that I'm watching it from her house. :)
i meant to say memphis's speech was shades of ANGIES speech (not april)
I've got football, so I'm relying on you peeps....
Lightning hit something in the yard, but we can't tell what.
Pulled 2 of my 5 bushes from the ground. Still no tv. :(
Laptop is on battery to ensure no power surges to it.
Keesha: VTE Jessie
Glad to see Libra isn't following the herd - Keesha too!
Renny: VTE Jessie
Go Rhennie!
dan.....JESSIE!! OUT
yay, it is back
DAN VTE Jessie
Votes to Evict:
Michelle- Memphis
Dan(America's Player)-Jessie
Jessie is evicted
Jessie's a goner!
buh bye Pinhead
Bye bye Jessie! Don't let the door hit that big back on your way out~~
please describe look on jessie's face....
here we go......april looks stunned!
Jessie is evicted.
By a vote of 4 to 3, Jessie you are evicted.
April looks shocked and p*ssed.
Renny said she was just beginning to like Jessie.
Susan in KC - We're winning, can you believe it??
I couldn't see who was clapping in the house.
Jessie said "it's your word, it's your word" to Dan I think.
hahahahahaha jessie leaving graciously...auduence clapping as jessie comes out
house dead quiet...michele upset walks into spa room
Michelle is mad and upset.
No one is talking, someone is clapping
Ollie doesn't know what happened
Did Michelle just give a fist hit?
Michelle is mad. Hitting her fist at the camera.
jerry shaking head
jessie not surprised says its dan....glad to be out....
petals...well i don't root for the :)
broncos fan, and we don't play til saturday. MY team doesn't interfere with my big brother habit. haha!
i want to know what jessie looked like when chen said his name.
-susan in KC
Well, I'm glad it wasn't unanimous against lil Jessie.
Jessie said he is not surprised.
Jessie and Julie-what happened?
Wasn't suprised. It was Dan. Swore up and down, kid doesn't go to church on Sunday and he is catholic...
Jessie looks upset.
Anything you regret-Nope, called out everyone for face value.
Arrogant to your face-Keesha. Was it unfair? they can think what they want.
"Dan doesen't even go to church -- he's Catholic." ROFLMAO!!! And where does he think Catholic's go?
Jessie is trashing Dan, saying he gave him his word.
Jessie says he has no regrets
Only Keesha called him arogant, but he says it doesn't go with his word
"My name and arrogance should not be in the same sentence." Jessie says
jessie upset with dan...he doesn't even go to shurch on sunday and he's catholic :)
has no regrets..called everyone out for face value
wanted to go after libra
keesha was only one called him arrogant...his name and arrogant should not be used in same sentence good shape
renn..a trip
libra deviant
jessie..the man
Words to describe
Jerry- in shape
Renny- atrip the first week
Libra- Deviant I think
Jessie- the man?
Jessie doesn't want to be in the same sentence as arrogant.
first word that comes to mind:
Jerry-in good shape
Renny-was a trip the first week
Jessie-a man
Good bye messages:
April-shocked and sorry, not what she has planned, forgive her.
Michelle-everyone is liars and she will take them down personally, will miss him.
Memphis-sleeping nonstop, someone was telling you a lie
Libra-Pain in my your know what, gald to see you go
Keesha-hopes he gets lots of sleep
goodbye message
april..i'm sorry
michele..i will take everyone down
memphis..someone lying
libra...glad to see you go no love lost
No one told him he's AP, sounds like he'll be told on the early show
oooh, what did people say to jesse in their goodbye messages???
susan in KC
Oh boy... here comes the revive a hamster. I knew it. If its an America's vote, I'm voting for Angie or Steven to come back.
Jessie refers to himself as "the man" but arrogance is not a word that should describe him???? Mmmmmm, where should we go with that.
Jessie looked stunned and pale, very, very pale.
jackie...enjoy your night off..but boy do i miss you!!! :)
April and Ollie looked suprised..Michelle just looked VERY angry, so did Jerry.
-Jamie Mae-
You think that's it Plaidchick? That would be better than bringing one of them back.
Or maybe it will mean that that they all we be on the jury like S2 and S3. Who knows! Darn CBS!
We need another man in the house. Too much estrogen right now...
Jessie definetely looked a little shocked that he was out of the house. He wasn't a great interview for Julie.
What was it Dan tried to call Julie in the diary room. He stopped himself. I don't think Julie likes him much.
houseguests not much sllep cause of america....yelling and noises in middlwe of night
americas calling messages...VERY funny stuff!!
The rain delay with the Jets game allowed me to see the eviction, but now it's back to football. So I'm back to So You Think You Can Dance ... and reading the comments here.
Look tired, didn't get much sleep last night.
Screaming woke them up during the night. America is saying random things.
its like loud answering machine messages pretty funny stuff
all night long....hamsters getting ticked
So loud voices are keeping the house guest up.
HOH comp outside
Jerry yells screw you to the speaker.
Too freaking funny! Sleep deprivation torture - I love it!
Tessa, I agree about JC not liking Dan too much. He called her Mrs.Chen one too many times (which I think was am honest and respectful mistake).
Tessa - Dan has been calling her Mrs. Chen each week. She corrected him last week and he almost did it again.
I love how coming up with one word or a brief description of Jerry was a huge mental task for Jessie.
HOH is answering questions about the rude awakening.
reason for wke up calles...."rude awakening" TRUE/FALSE QUESTIOMS REGARDING LAST NIGHTS WAKE UP CALLS
everyone gets first right
second question...renny ollie out
HOH competition on no sleep - bet they'd trade HOH for a good 8 hours right now....
1st question- all right
2. Renny and Ollie out
all out cept libra and michele
Libra and Michele last ones standing
HOH+ michele
HOH+ michele
Michele HOH
Michelle wins HOH let the wild ruckus begin!!
HOH comp:
Julie "late night wake-up calls"
Tonight's comp: Rude Awakening...T/F questions about wake-ups.
1. T?F One caller woke you up to get squirrels out before they drive you nuts?...T, everyone got it right
2. This caller, reminds you that there is meat loaf in the kitchen...F, Renny, Ollie are out.
3. At the end of the drill sergeants orders, he blew a whistle...F, rang a bell, everyone eliminated but Libra and Michelle.
4. This caller told you to come and get it, slop is served to fatten you up, T...Michelle wins.
Holy crap, Michelle won HOH!
You could have guessed that was coming. She's the only one that stayed up all night to listen to them. Oh this night is going to be good. and all week, LOL
Oh my
DARN!!!!!! Keesha and Libra are going up!
Who do you think is going up????
Libra and Keesha????
Michelle "Jessie, I;m going to get them, don't worry about it". "Jessie, that was for you"
Surprise annoucement when we return.
Julie has a surprise anouncement after the break
coming up...surprise announcement for houseguests
i bet it will be libra and dan with keesha as a back up
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!..Now we are getting exciting!!!..GO MICHELLE..hopefully Libra is next to go!!!
-Jamie Mae-
YEEAAAAHHH Magenta!! Revenge is sweet...Liberate Libra!
I'm not a Libra and Keesha fan. I don't much care for Michele either but it should be an interesting week.
I hope she doesn't go after Dan for our vote. Can he tell them he was AP now?
Jackie - I think this blog will be another record breaker.
"The week that I had... I deserve this(HOH)", Michele said.
Surprise- One houseguest from each season will return. to play in acomp
michele saying she deserves hoh feels great
memphis..feels good to be here
jerry says he loves it in the house game on
one hsuseguest from each season will be here on sunday
michele saying she deserves hoh feels great
memphis..feels good to be here
jerry says he loves it in the house game on
one hsuseguest from each season will be here on sunday
Julie: Talk with HGs...
Michelle: this is for Jessie, I can't tell you how I feel, she deserves HOH.
Memphis: It feels good to still be in house and not voted out.
Jerry: More difficult services or BB...he loves it there.
One houseguest from eavh season will return for a surprise comp.
they will be taking the houseguests on in a competition
That's a rap!!!
fading out as houseguests chat...michele talking with memphis....and out....
i know i wawn't that great..but hoped it helped!
you girls are awesome to keep everyone updated! Thanks!!!
That'll be fun to see which past HGs will come back. Cool huh?
Looks like
1. Chicken Goeorge
2. can't remember his name...bald guy with glasses
3. Can't remember her name...blond Southern chick with round face
4. Ahh...OMG, can't think of names...Chinese/American chick
5. Jase
6. Janelle
7. Boogie
8. Jen
9. guy that gnat was in love with
10. Brian
This was fun. How did we do Jackie?
I was actually able to get the computer away from my kids for the 2nd half of the show.
Thank you guys so much for the commentary.. it was greatly appreciated! I love this site, and rely on it so much, so thanks for stepping in for Jackie! :)
This is going to be an interesting week! :)
my guess is that libra and dan will be up. and the big alliance is going to sacrifice libra who can't win comps and causes fights.
susan in KC
I'm steaming mad at BB. They didn't tell Jessie about Dan being American's player. That was so unfair to the viewers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm very very disgusted with the show.
And Michelle's the HOH, poor Dan (she knows he's the swing that did Jessie in).
It's 6 pm on the west coast. I just got home and there are 184 messages to read ... Yippee! It's like coming home to a great book. I'm not even going to read the end first. Nope, I'm going to work my way down to the end.
As Julie was talking, they flashed the pics of each of those HGs in that order, so I assume they will be the ones to come back. Someone help with the names. AHHH!!!
EVERYBODY was great! We should do this more often!
Thank you, everyone. I'll be watching the entire show at 2:15 ... or recorded. But I feel like I've seen it! And, thankfully the football rain delay was at the right time to see the actual eviction!
Julie said that she had a suprise to tell Jessie tomorrow morning, so it will probably be the news of the America's Player.
Well, the highest of highs when JessMe got the boot, to the lowest of lows with M winning HOH... Not the result I was looking for.
Will probably skip most shows until next Thursday and just catch up here, as I cannot stand the thought of listening to her tirades over the next week....
"Respect!, Disrespect!, Jessie!, "I deserve it!", blah blah blah. Painful.
What half hour is Big Brother featured on the morning show?
I think it is usually near the end Tessa.
Hey Laurie! ALot has happened while you were at work.
Glad you got a break, Jax. You deserve it.
And then there were nine which means only six get to vote next week. This is going to be very interesting. Michelle will have April, Ollie and Jerry on her side most likely. It looks like she was already working on Memphis at the end of the show. Rennie may get by this time but Libra, Keesha and Dan are in trouble. Hope it is L&K that get put up.
That's why I love this show so much. Everything can change in a moment.
I am watching the feeds all hecckkkk has broken out!!!!
AMF jesse going to sequester?
susan in KC
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