Thursday, August 07, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/07 Live Eviction Show

Unfortunately, I'm not watching the show at its normal time tonight. Here in the NYC area, it won't air until 2:15 AM (ET). So, this is where YOU come in! If you're watching the show at a non-vampire time of the evening, please tell everyone what's happening in the comments section. Spelling and grammar aren't important nor should you worry about someone else reporting on the same segments -- each person's take tends to be unique and they're fun to read! Remember to refresh the comments page for the latest.

Graphic arteest Zoetawny made us a rather um ... rude Michelle image which is indeed what I suspect we'll see from her if Jessie goes tonight!

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Hamster watchers ready? Let the show begin!


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Erica said...

AMF-what is going on on the feeds? Do tell...

joy n said...

Mom2mybees: BOOGIE? Say it isn't so!

Erica said...

Two pages of comments...has that ever happened before Jackie?

Tessa said...

Thanks mom 2 my bees. I have to leave for work at 8:30. I just wanted to see if they told Jessie about AP.

Erica said...

Yep, boogie...bleh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day with tonight's HOH competition.

IMNSHO, Libra won HOH, not Michelle.

The caller said that the slop would make them stronger hogs/pigs NOT stronger competitors/players.


Jackie S. said...

The Early Show segment is never before 8 AM ET, but I've seen it show up in either half-hour before.

Jackie S. said...

Mom 2 - We've had nearly 300 comments on occasion before, but this second page must be a new Blogger thing since that last happened.

joy n said...

I almost forgot! Zoetawny, great graphic. You've caught the "real" Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Jessie is gone Michelle is hoh

~~Silk said...

Somebody please tell Jesse that "deviant" and "devious" have different connotations.

Erica said...

ROFL Silk.

Tessa said...

Bunky is one of the houseguests coming back to play.

Laurie said...

Whoo hooo!! Shout outs to all of you posted a fantastic play by play for us. You all ROCK!

I am so glad Jessie is out and I'm even glad that Michele got HOH. Nobody "deserves" HOH but she did stay awake and paid attention to those wakeups last night. Good for her. Plus, that gal could use some time away from the screamers.

I can't wait to read about how things go down now. April was seriously DISRESPECTED and people are going to hear about that! If I were Ollie, I'd go sleep in the hammock tonight.

Thanks again everyone who posted tonight. You all are fantastic and funny and great fans!

Off to make a new avitar now. We don't have Jessie to hit around anymore.

Tessa said...

They just showed a commercial with all the pics who would be coming back.

joy n said...

Somebody needs to tell Jessie a lot of things.........he's not the brightest bulb, ya know?

Laurie said...

Silk, I wonder how he would know if she was deviant!

Tessa said...

Don't ya'll know, Jessie da man.'s probably all the same in his book.

monty924 said...

Love your descriptions mom 2 my bees. :)

2. Bunkie
3. Amy
4. Jun

This looks like fun for sure. I think Libra and Keesha are definitely on the block next week and through a little Renny in there. I'm only concerned about Renny. I like her!

Anonymous said...

Someone who's watching the feeds, can you tell us what's going on? Someone said all hell broke loose. What's happening?

Tessa said...

According to Jokers there is alot of screaming and yelling and using foul language. Michele said they changed to order of houseguest to vote and she knew Jessie was going.

Tessa said...

Michele is saying Libra is going down. Calling her the B word over and over. Michele Ollie and April are bashing her as a mother as well. It sounds pretty vicious.

Erica said...

Ok, so
1. Chicken George
2. Bunky
3. Amy
4. Jun
5. Jase
6. Janelle
7. Jen
8. Boogie
9. Matt
10. Brian

Gayle said...

The house is visibly divided. Michelle, Jerry, April and Ollie are in one room listening to Michelle plot her revenge. While Memphis is participating in the conversation with Libra, Keesha, Renny and Dan in another room.

PlaidChick said...

OMG Storms coming, my head is pounding... sorry I got cut off at the end, but geee WOW SHOCK (not) Michelle is HOH.

I saw Jerry get in Keesha and Memphis' face saying something like that was OURS US 4... Ohhh shut up!!

I can't stand that alliance because of I don't like April, Ollie or Michelle. Jerry is on my last nerve. Keesha and Libra stir it up, but you gotta give Keesha props for turning it upside down and getting JessME out even though Dan is going to take the fall...

monty924 said...

This is going to be a battle Royale this week. I hope Dan stays safe through it. Hopefully Michelle will put up Keesha and Dan with a hope to backdoor Libra. Dan wins veto or Keesha and BAM up goes Libra and Dan and Keesha are safe. It's definitely those 3 the more I think about it. I think Renny will be safe in this week.

One can hope!

PlaidChick said...

Per the feeds...

"April says Dan is a disgrace to HER relgion (she's Catholic) "

I have no comment...

Michelle: "I hope Dan loses his job"


PlaidChick said...


You know what is interesting is that Libra voiced out, I want JessMe gone, but Keesha went after Dan-- not knowing he was AP. Ollie and April said last week Jessie should go, but they got out Steven instead. How quickly they all forget.

I know everyone doesn't care for Libra, but Keesha is going to skate through because they all want Libra gone

Anonymous said...

i guess in this situation you can expect a lot of vicious and unreasonable attacks...especially on things like religion, etc.

but i do think it's funny that APRIL would talk about what a bad Catholic Dan is...i mean...i am sure she made her priest really proud when she had sex with Ollie all over hte house.

susan in KC

Terry is a Texan! said...

well just let me say to all of you YAHOOOO! you did great reporting, very very proud of you...
Laurie is right, it was like reading a somewhat quirky novel!!!!
Im glad Jessme is can we vote????

Petals said...

Why are some of the HGs so very angry with Dan? Did I miss something? What'd he do to disgrace his religion and lose his job?

Anonymous said...

Michelle and Dan are talking now... She is not yelling at him or anything she is just asking why... little fyi

monty924 said...

Just checking back on the blog. I had to look up the "After the Live Show Fight" since I missed going back to the feeds for about and hour after the show.

Ollie is walking around like a peacock, and he pulled out the green unitard a while ago. Not sure what he's going to do with that one tonight, lol.

Quirkydude has already uploaded the fight to youtube in case you want to watch. I now officially HATE Jerry/The Cornell ( i know that's not right, lol). I was feeling a little sorry for him but no more. He's an old pr*ck. I respect his service but I don't respect him. Better, I disrespect him. ;)

Fight link:

You're right Plaidchick. Keesha has more blood on her hands but I'm afraid Jerry will whip Michelle into a hate on Dan frenzie. Ollie would back that one up and by proxy so will April.

I want Libra to go bye-bye this next week and if all goes well, she will. One of them will have to go and she's my least fav of the lot. GO DAN AND RENNY!!!

monty924 said...

Petals, he told both sides he was voting their way. Poor Dan... that wasn't smart but he was in a no win situation. Sigh!

pepsip said...

Mom 2 my bees-
The season 2 player is Bunky, season 3 is Amy and I think season 4 is Lisa but that one might be wrong as I couldn't see her face that well . The Asian who won the one season was Jun, but I don't think that was her.

Susan in MA said...

I'll be real disappointed in Memphis if he kisses Michelle's ass; he seems to be doing this already.

Sydney said...

monty -- it's not gold lame, it's chartrusey greenish yellowish lame! Don't you know that color makes lame hipper? NOT

Oh Julie Julie Julie, just give me one week to change all this!

I thought Dan was totally spoofing himself with almost saying Mrs. Chen again... I thought he thought he was being funny. He clearly realized last week she corrected him, may have even spoken to the DR about it, and this time decided to pretend to almost slip up again and caught himself... siad I'll meetyo halfway with Miss Julie. That's elementary schoolteacher talk. Why does it have to be MISS Julie and not Julie. I think he feels just calling her Julie doesn't show her the proper respect.

He's young,
and Catholic
and teaches little kids.

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