Well, this is it. The feeds have been blocked all day since the wake-up call at the BB10 house. And here we are at the season finale. As the show airs this post will be constantly updated -- typos and all. You know you're welcome in comments and I know how much you love a party! I hope you don't mind the spoiler in the Zoetawny graphic. Yes, Ted the spider won the season, but let's watch the show anyway!
71 days and we're ready to crown a winner. And we recap it all -- including Dan as the AP for the week. Alliance changes. The beginning of the Renegades. All of the evicted and how the alliances worked -- ho-hum. We're almost up to Jerry getting gone. I want new stuff!
Finally, we're down to Memphis and Dan. So, let's recap the action in clips again!
Ohhh, Julie has a slinky black dress on. And Dan and Memphis have sport coats on.
Jerry goes to jury -- it got heated when they realized they all got played. Keesha wants arrogant Memphis. Ollie wants Dan because he mocked them. Libra would like to see Jerry because he wasn't the gingerly old man we thought. They talk about Jerry floating his way through. Everyone is just quite. Michelle says the two evil people are in the house. She thinks Memphis and Dan allied. Jerry said they played them all. Jerry tells them he put Keesha up instead of Memphis because he had a deal. Renny lit into Jerry.
Renny thinks Memphis is insensitive and conniving. Keesha thinks Dan's best move was getting everyone to like him. Michelle is still mad about the roulette. April thinks it was embarrassing and mocking. Keesha really isn't mad at Dan and Renny said that you have to get into Dan's head. Libra has it down -- both are culpable, but this isn't a game of trust. They're now talking about who played the best game deserves to win.
Michelle's trip -- Jerry finds out. He's stunned. Keesha is really pushing for a Dan win. Jerry thinks Memphis let Dan do all the dirty work. Jerry definitely thinks Memphis had a better strategy. Keesha thinks Memphis used her. April thinks Memphis played better than Dan. Renny cannot give someone a half million for not winning anything. Michelle is tossing between going with someone who did have blood on their hands or someone who didn't.
Jury questioning -- could they handle the truth?
Libra - Father Dan - most strategic move and why -- backdooring Michelle.
April to Memphis - Why should I vote for you? We got separated in the start, straight shooter.
Michelle to Dan - Jury House Roulette - why chose Michelle to go on trip, me backdoored alliance's idea? Dan - Make amends with the trip. Original backdoor plan was mine, had to get alliance support. To Memphis - We were in an alliance that only benefited you -- you didn't win any HOH, etc. -- Memphis - you were a hard competitor, backdoor not first to jump aboard, was hard.
Ollie to Dan -- the deal, why did you put Monica's name in -- Dan: Knew you were an emotional player, had to do it whether shameful or not.
Renny to Memphis -- One thing you did for me in the game. Memphis is lost for an answer, gave you the least of myself, didn't connive you.
Keesha to Memphis - Why me? Why Jerry over me? Remorse? - The hardest move I had to make in the house, from game standpoint, I had to do it, only way I could get to this point.
Jerry -- Arrogance when winning comp, respect any jurors? Dan - The moves I made weren't meant to be disrespectful. To Memphis, alliance with me to end, who would you have picked -- me or Dan? Memphis avoids an answer again, never had to pull the trigger. Dan throws him under the bus about throwing the final HOH.
Memphis tells them all he tried to make a business plan to the end, asset to YOUR game, only threw two HOHs, played straight-forward, if I'm better player, vote for me.
Dan the Orator -- reminisces, how am I going to win, sounding like Coach Dan, everything I did, I did for a reason. Wanted Ollie and April to dislike him, vote for the better player.
Now the jury has food for thought.
Jury comes to live show stage. Keesha looks like a slob with jeans while Renny is all gussied up. Even Jerry has business casual on.
Checking in on the F2 - Dan? It was tough, heck of an experience, intense. Memphis? Kind of like being on a firing squad.
Keys for the winner, can make one final statement to both.
1. Libra - Contrary to popular belifef, not easy, just go crazy, best man win.
2. April - Congrats, thank you for all the experiences we shared, appreciated it.
3. Michelle - Crazy ride, congrats
4. Ollie - Wassup? Unforgetable summer, congrats and good luck.
5. Renny - Hello, as a business woman, decision was easy to make, important people don't take little things for granted, in this game it's good to get in touch with the human spiritand THAT IS WHY I'M VOTING FOR THIS PERSON.
6. Kessha - Love you both like little brothers
7. Jerry - I do have a lot of respect for both of you, decision on kindness, will explain later.
The first four evictees will join in after commercial and share info now that the votes are locked in.
Brian, Angie, Steven, and Jessie. Brian predicted Memphis would go far, what does he have to say to jury? Both never attacked a person, it was a game. Ollie -- temper tantrum - personal reaction, surprised. Michelle first reaction to losing Hawaii, personal reaction to Libra, you guys attacking Keesha's physical appearance, the two played right.
To Steven - Whose behavior surprised you the most? Jerry. The way he treated Dan was disappointing, Judas comment. The treatment, horrible things said. Jerry brings up the bringing religion in it. A little off color, but had effect,
Julie, the conspiracy, no plant, one week AP -- The nominations Jessie. The hug. Michelle is going on with I knew it, I said it.
Jessie to Dan -- Moreso to America, thank you for keeping me on your mind, obviously entertaining, I got back to be a gorilla.
Julie tells them America has been voting for favorite juror, later on.
The winners -- Keys --
Libra - Dan
April - Dan
Michelle - Dan
Ollie - Dan
DAN WINS! The votes were unanimous for Dan.
The favorite juror - close between top two. Second place, Jerry. Keesha got it.
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»LOL! Go Ted!!!!
Ok, so who do we see in the audience?
I saw Beau
Perfect finale graphic, Zoetawny! Ted's really packing on the pounds!
Recap, recap, recap...
Jackie, can you turn off WV or will the trolls come out?
Who's the dork in the front row?!
And here we are...
Plaidchick, so glad you're hear with that classic avatar!
We had some of the best avatars EVER this season!
Did that dork in the front row look kinda like Dan? I thought maybe it was his brother?
Michelle: "A LEA-TOD??!!!"
wow, the boys are in sportcoats!
What the freak is April wearing? It's Pleather Barbie!
Awww don't the boys look nice..
Clementine said...
Plaidchick, so glad you're hear with that classic avatar!
OMG April the dominatrix!!! Can't wait until they're out'd
Well, I've had the "Dan's a Plant" for weeks now, because I was tired of them all assuming he's a plant.. well aren't they in for a surprise
ahh, the last time we are going to have to hear Jerry's voice. Pass the champagne!
Speaking of voices, as much as I've liked Renny, her yelling voice isn't that great either,lol
The Jury hasent ever had an argument that we ever saw.
Noone ever realizes that its a GAME!
GO, RENNY! Give it to him, the mean old cuss!
Plaid -- I know I've been gone a few days but I haven't seen you post for awhile before that. DId you go on vacation?
Clementine said...
What the freak is April wearing? It's Pleather Barbie!
Go Libra
Go Ollie
A little truth and gamesmanship from them
You know, I really didn't think it would get this ugly. I'm disappointed in Keesha and Renny for being that bitter.
Sydney said...
Plaid -- I know I've been gone a few days but I haven't seen you post for awhile before that. DId you go on vacation?
Yes we went out of town over Labor Day weekend to Lake Tahoe, got back here and getting back into my crazy routine was crazy. And I got burned out on BB-- first time too, but watched the shows late at night. I posted over on your blog.. glad to hear you guys are OK
That's right Dan and Memphis played all of ya'll
I think its going in his favor but we all know how BB edits...lol
The thing that bothers me is that Keesha is so down on Memphis, which I understand because she feels betrayed, but she loves Dan because he was nice that last day to her... and HE was totally playing her then.
She is smart, but on this one she'd totally missing the boat.
Bunky is so cute!@!!
Dan was clearly the better player, even though he flubbed a couple times.
ok, and James is kinda cute too...lol
I thought I'd come home to find out who won and instead the game is on for you Easterners right now. Guess it was 9 pm after all, eh? Good to know.
Awesome graphic, Zoetawny. Ted is the perfect winner of the whole shebang.
ooooh, thanks for the margarita. Just what I need right now. *settling back for the show*
Sydney said...
The thing that bothers me is that Keesha is so down on Memphis, which I understand because she feels betrayed, but she loves Dan because he was nice that last day to her... and HE was totally playing her then.
I guess we'll see what kind of questions she asks them. But Jerry summed it up "Are we all that gullable" Why yes, you are.
during a commercial....can I ask ya'all, for a craft show, would you buy Pumpkin poop or Ghost poop...lol
lol jb
Michelle, Renny, Jerry (and Keesha for her laugh) -- I think they cast on voices
Dang Ike. I still ain't got no power. At least I got Jackie doing the play-by-play. And some good color comments by you guys. Go Dan. I am new and post as anon because I can't setup a google account on this phone and don't know which buttons to push. I'm Richard from just outside Houston.
the guys look good...
i didn't realize renny hated memphis so much...she was really really harsh...
lol @ pleather barbie
Julie's got big hair.
She does look pretty though!
Ghost Poop....what is it? =) I'd buy that over Pumpkin Poop!
Lisa from VA
Melissa said...
during a commercial....can I ask ya'all, for a craft show, would you buy Pumpkin poop or Ghost poop...lol
Ghost poop, it's invisible!!
Bimmer LIbra had to be away from her kids ALL these weeks, being the first on the jury.
OOH Dan has to slip in that he likes Michelle to get that vote
I'm getting worried that Dan may not win. There is too much jealousy of Dan...
Uh...Is Julie goin' to the prom?
Well worded April
Pumpkin poop is candy corn
and ghost poop is mini marshmallows...there are cute poems that go with them
I love the way CBS makes you THINK one person is going to be shown the door -- or win the game -- and then you find out they aren't the one after all.
I too think Keesha is a wee bit bitter. However, she shouldn't have been so trusting of Memphis. Renny kept trying to tell her.
Who brought the champagne? Yummy!
Blogger PlaidChick said...
Melissa said...
during a commercial....can I ask ya'all, for a craft show, would you buy Pumpkin poop or Ghost poop...lol
Ghost poop, it's invisible!!
LMAO!!!!!!! Thats to funny!
Michelle -- hair half straight, half fuzzy. She is loving outing Dan about the trip though... and he is I'm sure prepared for that.
Memphis already knew about Dan taking Michelle on the trip, right? Oh, BB editors!
Thanks for taking off the WV, Jackie!
Wooo -- outing the memphis alliance
What is with the music in the background?!?!?!?
I had to mute it to make sure it wasent in the baby monitor!
Dammit - Memphis may be sitting on Dan's coattails while he rides his new vintage car in to the sunset with the big prize.
Who knew Michele would indeed end up rocking in this crucial moment??!?!?!
melissa... i know what ghost poop and reindeer poop is.what the heck is punkin poop?
Ollie's playing the moral card!
And Dan is playing the BS card!
God, that faux-hawk. Grrrrr
love the Dan face
Lovin' the reaction shots. Good editing!
what is all the poop? I don't know any of the poops... later, someone please send me the poop code.
Don't forget about Snowman poop!!
I don't like candy corns, so I'm glad I picked the ghost poop
Personal question from Keesha
I have to say I think Memphis's answer is genuine
OOOH! The R word comes back again!
Id Dan shouting in his answers? let's take a poll
Jerry says he respected Dan. oy veyski
Ahhhh...Memphis admitted he never even really PLAYED!
Hehehehe...good point on the last one there Dan!
Renny's got the WALL up for Memphis's speech. She ain't buyin it.
And there goes Memphis under the bus
Blogger Sydney said...
Id Dan shouting in his answers? let's take a poll
I vote YES!
Syd, Are you scared Memphis may edge-out Dan? I am...
Fingers crossed for Dan the MAN!
I'll be very surprised if they don't pick Dan.
Memphis hasn't a prayer. His speech doesn't ring of sincerity at all
Dan is going to make his well rehearsed coaching/teacher speech
PLus, Dan is a TEACHER! He contributes to children, families & society. Dan is a bartender... come on!
ooh threw Memphis under the bus
April is mad b/c she wanted to seduce Dan and he wouldn't touch her with Jerry's ****! Sour grapes.
can hardly stand waiting!!!
come on give it to Dan!
what the hell is michelle wearing?
WOW!!!!! Renny is stunning!
Woo HOo Look at Renny. She looks prettier than all the other girls.
Yay!!!! Just made it here to see the jury. Who will win?
Renny looks beautiful tonight! :)
Pass the snacks.
Syd - wardrobe opinion, please. You are the expert...
My vote:
April: dumbest.
Ollie: lacks potential of ever growing up.
Renny: $25,000
Renny is loving the attention!
How sweet.. Ollie and April match..
Awww Renny!!!!
Bad choice of top Michelle
And lok at Renny, like the prom queen -- all about the fans. Albglinka, what do you think????
keesha's got the BOD doesn't she? She really didn't show it off much in the house, refreshing! That said, I think she'd accept an offer from Playboy. DIdn't she say she wanted that in the beginning of the show while tanning with the girls?
Everybody please remember! If you go on Big Brother, and you get evicted, and you are on the jury...
Don't be bitter!! It's very unattractive. I think April and Libra came off as the most mature ones there. Ugh.
Monty - I've been too transfixed to hog your delicious meatballs...they are safe on the bar, next to the un-opened Stoly. I'm too nervous to drink. But the DOm is chilling for DAN!
Petals - wardrobe of anyone special?
Who dressed the jury?
Best to worse
And what is it with JC hair...haha
Renny did look great.
Do you think when they pack they bring a FINALE nite outfit? Who thinks to bring all that?
Of course April liked Memphis' speech better. Memphis is a bartender, he ooo's and goo's over his customers and BS's them for a bigger tip..
Dan's speech was smart, recap of how he played the game just for anyone who missed it the first time around
Renny looks great on the live show in the black dress, but the pink dress (from jury deliberations) was not flattering.
Syd, well you nailed Michelle already. But what do you make of an underdressed Keesha...?A little too casual, considering?
dan is certainly a charismatic speaker isn't he?
but memphis did seem genuine..tho the "i didn't bs" line over and over agin may be a bit too much
Melissa said...
Do you think when they pack they bring a FINALE nite outfit? Who thinks to bring all that?
I would of, I had 3 suitcases for 6nights!
I'll drink a glass of DOM if my boy wins it all, lol.
Hi RIchard -- I remember you posted from your phone last time. I'm in Houston. Last two shows were preempted in our area by non stop news coverage of Ike anyway, so you didn't miss seeing it on TV
I want to go back and read what I missed, but I'll wait, lol.
Anyone know how to make a sciatic nerve stop screaming aka hurting?
Libra had to vote for Dan
I think Libra voted for Dan.
April -- no idea who she hates more, and she is always so polite.... what does that mean?
Did Libra say "Country to popular belief", lol
Poor Michelle - aging lounge singer attire.
Gee -- Dan has to slip in a little buttering up of Michelle
April didnt cover her key to much did she?
Ollie, LOSE THE CAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan keeps trying to get those compliments in
He's shameless. They already have the key in the bag Dan
HIGH 5, Renny!!!!!!!!!
Renny, slam on Memphis! "as a business woman"
Ironic that Dan is more of a people-person.
Renny takes 10 minutes to vote, and no one cuts her off... That's respect for your elders!
DAN is her VOTE
GO RENNYROO!!!! Dan all the way.
Blogger PlaidChick said...
Anyone know how to make a sciatic nerve stop screaming aka hurting?
Have someone or yourself rub the sole of your foot...the big toe side...underneath with your thumb. You will feel it in the nerve if you get the right spot
Classy statement of Keesha. Dan slips ANOTHER comment in.
It's making me dislike him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE HIM STOP!
Pelvic rocks on a floor helps and ice
Okay who's going to reveal the be-bopping in the pink room on national tv?
What did Dan say to/about Keesha? I missed it!
Lisa from VA
I feel more confident for Dan after those speeches. But not opening the Dom just yet...
Plaid -- or, you can have someone hit you with a sledgehammer and it will totally distract you (I've had my share of that kind of pain, so I understand how bad it can be!)
I don't think Dan can stop the blatent suck-upary! It's part of his charm :)
Remember when soemone called out Erika for being skanky with Boogie.
I say we all meet up in New Orleans and go to Renny's salon!
Melissa said...
Blogger PlaidChick said...
Anyone know how to make a sciatic nerve stop screaming aka hurting?
Have someone or yourself rub the sole of your foot...the big toe side...underneath with your thumb. You will feel it in the nerve if you get the right spot
Left or right foot?
Blogger PlaidChick said...
Melissa said...
Blogger PlaidChick said...
Anyone know how to make a sciatic nerve stop screaming aka hurting?
Have someone or yourself rub the sole of your foot...the big toe side...underneath with your thumb. You will feel it in the nerve if you get the right spot
Left or right foot?
What ever side the nerve hurts.....mine always hurt on the right so I would rub the right foot....pressure rub it with your thumb. I swear it works...lol
Lisa: I think Dan just said he wouldn't scare her tonight (after she made the comment that they were like her little brothers.)
Anonymous said...
Remember when soemone called out Erika for being skanky with Boogie.
That was Allison-- it was an awesome BB moment, thus why I would love to see a 1 hour reunion show like Survivor, Erika looked like she was going to throw up after Boogie was out'd
Petals said...
I say we all meet up in New Orleans and go to Renny's salon!
Oooo Road trip!
Melissa--- Thank you!
There he is PINHEAD!!!
I can't remember if we talked about this...
but Zach is friends with Keesha's boyfriend and supposedly "coached" her for the show.
Right on Brian..call it out, baby!
Tell it like it is baby
Woohoo! Go Brian!!!! Good points!!
This is the best ever. Go Brian for pointing out what America (or at least some of us) have been saying.
Yes, Steven. This is a great segment.
Renny is about to die
OK, how the HEK can they have a clip of what Steven was gonna say!!!!
Ohhhh MY LORDY..
:::mouth open:::
Syd - check out Aprils saggy-booby dress...!
Oh, please Jerry, give it up!!
Brian and Steven are right, the houseguests were appalling at different parts of the game!
April, Ollie and Michelle look like a bunch of fools!
SHUDDUP Michelle! It was for a week!!!
Michelle can't even appreciate this. How SAD!
Good job, Jess!!!
Why does a body lifter have THREE earrings in???!
Keesha also looks beautiful tonight... jeans or not. :)
Wow... I am chewing my nails off.
Plaid - cuz that's the way the bears like him...
I cannot wait for SATC to come out on DVD!!
Sydney Said: Why are they haing BRian come on and tell this to these people? WHo the heck is he in bed with?
He could be in bed with me if only he would ask nicely. LOL
Clem- didn't know about Zach knowing Keesha's BF
I think JessMe may have learned some humility from this experience... maybe
Petals said...
Plaid - cuz that's the way the bears like him...
Ohh I will wear my new shirt in honor of him "Bears like people too, they taste like chicken"
ok, at first I was like cool, someone from RI, my little state. I see its Michelle, figure, she cant be to bad. WELL, I am going to have to see her on all my local news channels in the next week!
OH - is ghost poop baby marshmallows? Is it like that?
i'm soooo glad brian said what america...well at least you guys...have been saying all along...
now who's gonna bring up the sex all over youtube???
PLaid, well, "bear" has another meaning, too dirty to mention here.
Petals, you know Dan has it in the bag, right?
Congrats Dan
There's a Party going on right here,
A celebration to last throughout the years,
So bring your good times and your laughter too,
We're going celebrate and party with you!!!!!!!!!!
Awww CBS threw in confetti this year!
Petals said...
PLaid, well, "bear" has another meaning, too dirty to mention here.
I got it :P
show the rest of the votes
yay dan!
Who was the audience member that jumped Memphis?
plaid - *woof* hahaha
Well, I just realized that I butchered that rendition of CELEBRATION! Who cares, lol
even though i can't watch for 3 hours i at least got to know who wins. thanks to all for a blow by blow.
Aww, Memphis hugging his girlfriend behind the stairs! That was sweet! I like him, too
awesome. My favorite ending ever on the show.
That made no sense... what???!
I'm glad Keesha won over Jerry.
I did vote for Jerry. He won't get an offer from Playboy...
I love it!!! Keesha and Dan!!!
WOW, I thought it would be between Renny and Keesha.
I'm not sad for my RennyRoo though... Keesha was my second choice. GREAT SHOW what I saw of it, and a great season.
I'm ready to parrrrtayyyyy
How about April right in there hugging on Keesha just like she did everytime someone won HOH! Glad I never have to see her again.
Congrats, Dan! I am very surprised at the unanimous vote!
u scared me for a second was worried that jerry was going to get it. Glad keesha got it. I would be happy with keesha or renny
One more thing I need to mention... Keesha looked very hurt when Brian outed April and Michelle for making nasty comments about her personal appearance. Glad she won the money, just for that reason.
ok ya all...Im off to bed! Its been fun!!!!
I will read all the other comments in the monring!
I'm very happy that Dan won. Keesha getting the $25,000 I didn't see that coming. I thought Jerry or Renny would get it, but I'm happy for Keesha.
Good season, not great there has been better, its kinda of a tie w/ the Winter season w/ James and etc. My favorite season are 6, 7 and 8. W/ Janelle, and then Dani and Evil Dick!
Great job on another season down Jackie, you always keep us up-to-date..Now go take a vacation. You deserve one! See you next season!
Shocked and thrilled... All voted for Dan, which in my mind makes sense, but I didn't think A&O would do it.
Thrilled that Dan won and that Keisha got the $25,000.
Shocked that Jerry came in second for AC. Obviously the votes came from people who didn't watch the feeds.
Congrats to Dan...feel a little bad for Memphis since it was a unanimous vote. Funny when he asked "Where's the love". He took it well. He knew when April voted for him, he shook hands with Dan then, cause it was obvious Dan would win.
I'm sure I'm repeating what everyone else has said cause I haven't had time to read the comments. So sorry and I'll go read them now.
On to Survivor!
so i guess in the end, the jury voted on what they thought was a good game...and dan played hard...
i really wish they had more time for after the reveal....
i would've loved to hear more from the non jury members...basically, just to see everyone else's reaction....
(yes, i'm one of those rubberneckers that likes to watch the car wreck!)
so what time is julie's segment in the morning?...i may have to get up early just for that
I cannot believe Jerry was runner up!
old fart....glad he didnt win
Jackie, thanks very much for all of the work you put into BB each season! You bring a lot of pleasure and entertainment into all of our lives.
What a good show this was! I am very happy with all of the winners. Michelle and April were outed as the two faced people they are, and Ollie for his temper tantrum. And Jerry for his sorry behavior. Great!
I wish the show had been a two hour special.
Last, but very NOT least, thank you Jackie, for keeping us updated all season! You're such a selfless person to do this, and I know it's time consuming and not all that easy! THANK YOU!
This was the best ever...I love both of the boys..They did good, and for once I was really happy Keesha won some money...You go girl...At least these jurors put aside their feelings, and went for the best GAME PLAYER....AWESOME BB10.....
I'm shocked that Jerry was even close, much less 2nd favorite. Thought Julie was about to say Renny's name for 2nd. Glad it was Keesha.
I'm beyond shock that the vote was unanimous for Dan. Guess play won out over emotion after all. But it looked like the vote may have been different if they'd heard the AP news before the vote. The top row exchanged some p***ed-off glances at each other.
Well, I'm happy that better judgements were made than I expected there would be and the deserving man won.
On to Survivor and The Amazing Race!
Survivor and TAR next!!!
I am shocked Jerry got the runner up -- and not to Renny as the winner. I voted for Keehsha but I thought Keesha would run up to Renny.
I am so glad we got to see the finale ....I live in Houston, and we have been having hurrican IKE on the TV for the last few days...It has been very depressing, and I was happy to see the AWESOME results of BB 10....and Thank you Jackie for keeping us updated...We did not get to see the last couple of episodes, but we were able to see your updates on our laptop...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
obviously, CBS editing did Jerry a GREAT big favor.....
wish America had access to the feeds or better yet, to Jackie;s blog!!!!
Jackie, you are priceless....
I have folowed your blog since your 1st knee surgery but seldom comment.
I'm like some of the others have said...I start my day by checking your latest entry.
You & Zoetawney make an awesome team..
SH in Okla.
Great season Jackie.. through knee replacement and all. BB is no fun without "yall"
hugs to everyone, will be lurking, and off to go rub my toe!
I was shocked all voted for Dan too but agree with Joy's assessment of why. I thought Jessie was quick to turn the question about being voted out around to saying I think I ought to address America -- and then he thanked them.
plaid -- sorry you are suffering from that . It's not fun!
Sydney, did KHOU pre-empt BB tonight too? Are all the other locals still showing news all the time too? It looks like I may have to buy a new computer to catch up on all the shows I'll have missed by the time I get power.
*daintily sipping the Dom*
Well, I'm shocked that the vote was unanimous. I'm glad to see they did all vote for game play. Dan was a great player and what a charmer.
I'm glad Keesha won, too. Jerry coming in second is only because of editing and folks who watching just the show.
Oh, I sipped my Dom to the point my glass is empty and the meatballs are making me thirsty. Who has the bottle?
plaidchick.....you can also lay flat on your back with you knees up on a hard surface like the floor. takes pressure off the nerve.
how nice to finally get a winner that played the game without the evil dick game play!
jackie, thank you! everyone...again, it has been fun. you guys are the nicest group of people....friends. yea, ...friends.
And one more thought...
They never revealed to the jury that Dan earned $20K for one week as AP. Bring on the bitterness!! Joyn, you're right, he would never have won if they knew that first!
All those of you who wouldn't listen and voted for Renny nearly gave it to Jerry.
I am shocked that people who ONLY watched BB10 (don't get the feeds, spoilers or blogs) couldn't see Jerry for the ass that he is/was! @@
Happy that Dan won, yet it just goes to show you never know how a/the jury will vote.
Didn't Adam win BB9? And didn't he do pretty much less than nothing ala Memphis??
Oh, and how about the look on Dan's face when Michelle mentioned her alliance with Memphis? LOL Apparently Memphis didn't tell Dan everything. ;-)
Angie was not allowed to talk, what was with that?
Julie is usually with the BB hamster in the 2nd hour of the CBS Morning News or between 8-9 E
Thanks Jackie, for another great season of BB. I've enjoyed your updates, your sense of humor, the pictures you take of the world around you, and the bites and bytes you share with us about your life.
As a regular lurker, I'd like to thank the posters for your fun insights about the show and friendly banter.
This blog makes enjoying my favorite guilty pleasure even enjoyable.
Till next year!
Sorry, had to take a break. I'm serving up the meatballs and sipping my Dom. Great season Jackie and Zoetawny, great season fellow bloggers, and great season BB10 HGs. It ranks right up there with the best for me.
I loved that Dan won 7-zip. He deserved to. Now I can't wait to watch for the youtube clips of the wrap party. They always surface sooner or later, and they are so funny to watch. Can you say BB nerd? I am one, and I admit it, lol!
Sydney, Jesse actually seemed somewhat contrite tonight. Maybe he's learned something from watching the series along with us?
Jackie, thank you for another great season of BB blogging. As others have mentioned, you went above and beyond for us this time around, in spite of the pain. You were meant to write! As much of a reality fan I have been for many years, your blog has greatly magnified my interest in them. A day doesn't go by that I don't read what you have to say and all the comments that follow. Again, I thank you.
YAY!!!!! Dan won by a landslide!!
This was the best BB ever. I hope AG listens to commenters when casting the next group of HG!!
I couldn't get reception so I watched the show as snow on the screen but at least the sound was good. It's taped at home so I will be watching it again on Sat.
Have a good night all--remember don't drink and drive(even through cyberspace)!! LOL
Syd--welcome back and hope things are getting better in Houston.
delee-- yes, why didn't Angie get to say anything?
Thanks Nana!
Hi Mamawolf, make sure to come back here and give us your opinions when you do see it.
Monty and Clem, so you watch Survivor or Tar too? I don't want to lose everybody. Laurie, you've got to watch Survivor, it's a whole different flavor for us in here. We're YEAR ROUND addicts-er--contributors!
I had to watch the show again... I missed the first half, and then it was a total mess getting April's face off my screen when Keesha won the AFJ vote. Yes, whoever said it... she ran right in there to hug her. But, I'm sure it's all good with them now that they've had some time to decompress.
I'll definitely be here for Survivor. I just this past season caught on to TAR thanks to my brother and all of you on here. Count me in. :)
Night all, and thanks for saving some of the goodies for me this time, LOL.
:) Monty
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