Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Brother 10 Season Finale Live-Blogged From the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Well, this is it. The feeds have been blocked all day since the wake-up call at the BB10 house. And here we are at the season finale. As the show airs this post will be constantly updated -- typos and all. You know you're welcome in comments and I know how much you love a party! I hope you don't mind the spoiler in the Zoetawny graphic. Yes, Ted the spider won the season, but let's watch the show anyway!

71 days and we're ready to crown a winner. And we recap it all -- including Dan as the AP for the week. Alliance changes. The beginning of the Renegades. All of the evicted and how the alliances worked -- ho-hum. We're almost up to Jerry getting gone. I want new stuff!

Finally, we're down to Memphis and Dan. So, let's recap the action in clips again!

Ohhh, Julie has a slinky black dress on. And Dan and Memphis have sport coats on.

Jerry goes to jury -- it got heated when they realized they all got played. Keesha wants arrogant Memphis. Ollie wants Dan because he mocked them. Libra would like to see Jerry because he wasn't the gingerly old man we thought. They talk about Jerry floating his way through. Everyone is just quite. Michelle says the two evil people are in the house. She thinks Memphis and Dan allied. Jerry said they played them all. Jerry tells them he put Keesha up instead of Memphis because he had a deal. Renny lit into Jerry.

Renny thinks Memphis is insensitive and conniving. Keesha thinks Dan's best move was getting everyone to like him. Michelle is still mad about the roulette. April thinks it was embarrassing and mocking. Keesha really isn't mad at Dan and Renny said that you have to get into Dan's head. Libra has it down -- both are culpable, but this isn't a game of trust. They're now talking about who played the best game deserves to win.

Michelle's trip -- Jerry finds out. He's stunned. Keesha is really pushing for a Dan win. Jerry thinks Memphis let Dan do all the dirty work. Jerry definitely thinks Memphis had a better strategy. Keesha thinks Memphis used her. April thinks Memphis played better than Dan. Renny cannot give someone a half million for not winning anything. Michelle is tossing between going with someone who did have blood on their hands or someone who didn't.

Jury questioning -- could they handle the truth?

Libra - Father Dan - most strategic move and why -- backdooring Michelle.

April to Memphis - Why should I vote for you? We got separated in the start, straight shooter.

Michelle to Dan - Jury House Roulette - why chose Michelle to go on trip, me backdoored alliance's idea? Dan - Make amends with the trip. Original backdoor plan was mine, had to get alliance support. To Memphis - We were in an alliance that only benefited you -- you didn't win any HOH, etc. -- Memphis - you were a hard competitor, backdoor not first to jump aboard, was hard.

Ollie to Dan -- the deal, why did you put Monica's name in -- Dan: Knew you were an emotional player, had to do it whether shameful or not.

Renny to Memphis -- One thing you did for me in the game. Memphis is lost for an answer, gave you the least of myself, didn't connive you.

Keesha to Memphis - Why me? Why Jerry over me? Remorse? - The hardest move I had to make in the house, from game standpoint, I had to do it, only way I could get to this point.

Jerry -- Arrogance when winning comp, respect any jurors? Dan - The moves I made weren't meant to be disrespectful. To Memphis, alliance with me to end, who would you have picked -- me or Dan? Memphis avoids an answer again, never had to pull the trigger. Dan throws him under the bus about throwing the final HOH.

Memphis tells them all he tried to make a business plan to the end, asset to YOUR game, only threw two HOHs, played straight-forward, if I'm better player, vote for me.

Dan the Orator -- reminisces, how am I going to win, sounding like Coach Dan, everything I did, I did for a reason. Wanted Ollie and April to dislike him, vote for the better player.

Now the jury has food for thought.

Jury comes to live show stage. Keesha looks like a slob with jeans while Renny is all gussied up. Even Jerry has business casual on.

Checking in on the F2 - Dan? It was tough, heck of an experience, intense. Memphis? Kind of like being on a firing squad.

Keys for the winner, can make one final statement to both.

1. Libra - Contrary to popular belifef, not easy, just go crazy, best man win.

2. April - Congrats, thank you for all the experiences we shared, appreciated it.

3. Michelle - Crazy ride, congrats

4. Ollie - Wassup? Unforgetable summer, congrats and good luck.

5. Renny - Hello, as a business woman, decision was easy to make, important people don't take little things for granted, in this game it's good to get in touch with the human spiritand THAT IS WHY I'M VOTING FOR THIS PERSON.

6. Kessha - Love you both like little brothers

7. Jerry - I do have a lot of respect for both of you, decision on kindness, will explain later.

The first four evictees will join in after commercial and share info now that the votes are locked in.

Brian, Angie, Steven, and Jessie. Brian predicted Memphis would go far, what does he have to say to jury? Both never attacked a person, it was a game. Ollie -- temper tantrum - personal reaction, surprised. Michelle first reaction to losing Hawaii, personal reaction to Libra, you guys attacking Keesha's physical appearance, the two played right.

To Steven - Whose behavior surprised you the most? Jerry. The way he treated Dan was disappointing, Judas comment. The treatment, horrible things said. Jerry brings up the bringing religion in it. A little off color, but had effect,

Julie, the conspiracy, no plant, one week AP -- The nominations Jessie. The hug. Michelle is going on with I knew it, I said it.

Jessie to Dan -- Moreso to America, thank you for keeping me on your mind, obviously entertaining, I got back to be a gorilla.

Julie tells them America has been voting for favorite juror, later on.

The winners -- Keys --
Libra - Dan
April - Dan
Michelle - Dan
Ollie - Dan

DAN WINS! The votes were unanimous for Dan.

The favorite juror - close between top two. Second place, Jerry. Keesha got it.


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Anonymous said...

OMG that was great. The outfits the HG's wore for the finale were shocking and cheap. Only Renny and Ollie looked good. Loved the way they rocked the little runway. :-)

ps. loved the graphic and thanks for letting the anons back in Jackie!

Anonymous said...

Ah well another BB season put to bed. I love Survivor but I really love Africa. Yay!

AlbGlinka said...

The show just ended here in California-- YAHOOOOO for Dan! He so clearly dominated, and I'm glad the jury realized it with their votes. Great show.

--AlbGlinka, who IS a Bear, for anyone who is wondering! ;-)

oh, btw, Fashion news for Sydney: Ollie is into the Polo Ralph Lauren look-- my store sold that orange and white striped polo he had on in the jury house. Just in case ANYONE was wondering!

I thought Keesha looked hot; I didn't mind the jeans. Jeans are a multi-billion dollar business, so I thought she looked fashionable.

I liked the April Pleather-Barbie comment Clementine made, lol!

Gray is deadly on Jerry, I'd put him in some nice shades of blue...

Lord, I should go to bed!

PDX Granny said...

Great show! I loved watching Renny come out and greet her people! I may be wrong, but I think she got the loudest applause of all the jury. That's why my jaw dropped to the floor when Julie said the votes were close and CKA came in 2nd. I would have bet a pickle that it would have been Renny & Keesha coming in 1st & 2nd.

As soon as I heard April voted for Dan, I knew he had won. . . just like Memphis.

Good season! Many thanks to you Jackie, as well as all the commenters who make this such a great place to hang out.

See ya all for Survivor - YOU TOO LAURIE!!!

BYW, I came away from the PTA meeting ALMOST unscathed. I managed to only volunteer for the Book Fair, Gift & Craft Night and the Family Date Night. . . . . so far! :)

Anonymous said...

To rbennie and others who disagreed: Sorry to say "I told you so" that good gameplay usually tips the vote. But I did—a couple of weeks ago.

Lars said...

Ted got bigger!

Yeah WTG Dan!!

Good for Keesha.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Eller

meb said...

I forgot to ask last night... Did anyone else see Matt and ? (BB9winner... I can't believe I can't remember his name) sitting together and then Zack was sitting down closer to the front. I saw some others too but can't remember their names either.

I thought it funny too that Renny thought she had all the time in the world to use... first coming in and stopping to touch everybody, and then her speech that was forgettable. I love Renny, so not picking on her. Just an observation.

Jackie... I take the time to also thank you for all you do for us here. It's been great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jackie! It's been another fun season! We're still at Disney World so I've depended on all of you to keep track as best I could on what was happening.

Zoetawny, thanks for all the great graphics!

Sydney, I am going to email you about conditions in Houston. We are heading back into Texas on Saturday a.m.

Hope to "see" all of you for Survivor & TAR. We're off to the beach for a couple of days (Destin). Need to unwind from the theme parks! Our 4 yr old princess sure had fun, but Mom & Dad are tired!


Anonymous said...

i watched the early show segment this morning with julie, dan and memphis....
just thought i'd give you all the highlights...

dan said he couldn't have made it to the end without memphis...memphis agreed

they said they both didn't lose their cool and that's why they made it to the end

julie asked dan what he was gonna buy and he said a gift for monica's finger

and when they both were asked what they missed the most, they both pointed in opposite directions, to their respective girlfriends...
it was really quite cute

thanks for another great season, jackie...


Jackie S. said...

Albglinka - You're a bear in San Francisco? Doesn't the fur get warm?

In an online look about for old school mates, I found out that a person (who never came out during school days) is also a bear in SF. Small world, I guess. Hmmm ... if I go to SF I can hang out with bears!

pepsip said...

Sightings at the finale-Zach, Matt and Adam from BB9, Jen and Nick (together) from BB8, Erika from all stars, Bunky, and I think Beau. I always enjoy seeing which "old" houseguests show up.
Way to go Dan.

Finally, thank you Jackie for all of your work in setting up this blog. I'll be joining you for Survivor and TAR. Now get some much needed rest and relaxation before the madness of Survivor and TAR starts.

joy n said...

The look on Michelle's face when Keesha was announced as the winner of America's favorite juror was absolute shock. Priceless!

Zoetawny, outstanding graphics this season. You just get better and better. As mentioned earlier, Jackie and you together make a great team. How lucky are we to have the both of you.

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