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I must win. I'm such a sickly waif. |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Targets and Tangents:
- When I last left you, people were throwing all kinds of shade at Kevin.
- Yet, that's not who they want out this week.
- If he can't step his game up, he will be a target soon.
- But the consensus of the main players is that Matt should go.
- Kevin would actually prefer Raven out at this point. He tries not to be in the same room with her. Apparently just her voice has the chalk on a blackboard effect on his ears. He visibly cringes when she shrieks.
- So do I.
- Alex told Jason she honestly blacked out on her vote in the eviction and she was the second vote for Matt to go instead of Mark.
- Hmm.
- I kind of doubt it. But they do get all wound up for their private moment with Julie Chen. If memory serves, she stumbled over her words trying to get shout-outs out.
- Then again, she might have just realized lying will get her nowhere and it's not such a big deal anyway.
- Kevin had a long talk with the camera (us and his family). He thinks he's doing pretty good so far -- after all, he hasn't been on the block.
- Yet.
- I worry that his first time on the block will be his last time on the block.
- Raven isn't only getting on Kevin's nerves, but Alex is on her case more and more daily.
- I told you that Alex and Jason complained about Raven's cooking before. Well, now Alex is saying that Raven cooks way too much and they're spoiling food.
- Hey, the cereal isn't getting stale with Matt around!
- There is a controversy whether Kevin jumped or fell in the comp.
- I was watching and it seemed accidental.
- But I could be wrong.
- Apparently Kevin said something to Jason about his wrist giving out due to weakness from a surgery.
- Hmm.
- Raven has been trying to get in Josh's favor and, gullible lad he is, he was believing she honestly likes him.
- Um, no.
- Christmas set him straight on that one. She told him that Raven is just using him and he shouldn't be listening to her.
- She's probably right on that count.
- The Tree of Temptation reappeared.
- No one took the bait.
- There are more bad things they could get than good things.
- I believe the tree only has one more showing in the house before it's gone to seed.
- In the end, Jason did the right thing -- that is, what I wanted him to do -- he nominated Matt and Raven for eviction.
- I'd be fine with either leaving.
- If one of them wins veto, the other will probably go.
- I think both of them have worn out their welcome in the house.
- We'll see who wins veto tomorrow ...
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True love is popping his pimples. EW! |
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Paul is not his target. Not yet, anyway. |
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Kevin talks to us. Or his family. Or both. |
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Ohh! Fisticuffs. All in jest, though. |
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I'm nominated! I get more DR sessions! |
Not only does Raven cook too much, but basically cooks the same 3 things... and none of them are fond of her cooking anyway.
Gads, I hope nothing happens that causes Kevin to be evicted.
Best case... neither Matt or Ravin win Veto and they are left OTB together.
Maybe we can Delorean this week and have a double eviction and both go out the door. Raven is to me just such a waste of a slot for a cast member as well as my pool boy Matt maybe separately they would have brought something to the show/game, but they will at this point go down as just trivia for the die hard BB fan.
Thanks Jackie! I agree... I have a feeling if Kevin ever gets put on the block, he's going home! Matt and Raven must suspect neither one of them are pawns... the line has been drawn!
Paul and Jason are talking about throwing Veto to Kevin because they know he won't use it. Unfortunately, Kevin hasn't shown he's actually capable of winning a comp, and if Raven or Matt wins, Kevin will definitely go up. These people are so easily influenced, and it doesn't help that Kevin is odd-man-out. :(
Well, at least Jason kept his promise. I am so hoping neither Matt or Raven win the Veto. See, nobody wants to lose jury votes. If they throw it to Kevin, it's blood on his hands. I'm afraid if someone else wins the veto, they'll feel like they have to take one of them down and put Kevin up to save votes.
JonMD1267 Matt's my pool pick too and I've never cared for him. I am curious how he will react when he finds out how shady Raven and her family have been all these years. As someone who has had a lot of health issues and chronic pain due to bone cancer at a young age, I gave Raven the benefit of the doubt in the beginning. There are a lot of us out there who suffer from chronic debilitating health problems but look healthy. It's extremely frustrating on the days I use my handicapped parking permit and get mean mugged because of how I look. It s a frustrating position to be in. Because of that, I believed her in the beginning. Did I feel she was exaggerating to benefit herself in the game? Yes. However, after listening to her for a few weeks I seriously started to doubt what she was saying. Once I started doing a little research and finding out how much this family has lied, stole, begged, and pleaded for handouts I was beyond disgusted. It's these types of people that make my life harder. They should be ashamed of themselves and I hope, once she's back in the real world, that her and her family get what's coming to them and are held accountable for their actions.
JJJOOOOONNNNNN, where the hell have you been lately? :)))
....can't believe the whole thing. @@ Paul is actually laying out his entire game to Jason (seasons 18 and 19). Unreal, it sounds like Jason is swallowing the whole thing and being one of the cool-kids.
I'm hoping Jason is blowing smoke at Paul. It also sounds like Jason doesn't really like Kevin and talks like he barely tolerates him. :(
Hey, I will trade you my pool pick, Raven, for Matt. LOL Well, since they are both just about as bad as the other just in different ways, maybe not. I am 100% sure I don't have to worry about winning the blog pool this year. Even if Raven was dragged to the end, she would be nothing but a goat to take to ensure a win.
I saw Paul going from one group to the other tonight trying to make sure they don't talk to each other. He knows if they get together and compare notes now, he is toast.
I would rather Raven go over Matt. Not that he contributes more to the party, especially with his cereal eating quest. @@. She just annoys me more. I so wish that Ramses could have lasted longer over these two! Honestly, for Matt to pout about the HoH competition?? Step it up, Matt, and don't depend on your BB girlfriend to save you. Ugh.
How is it Josh is still there? Let's face it, this cast really sucks. I like Kevin and I like Jason. I had high hopes for Christmas, but she's a disappointment and it has nothing to do with her injury.
Do these sheeple think that Paul is going to have anything to do with them once they leave the BB house? So delusional.
Agree TBC! There are no true BB fans remaining in the game - just the recruits, who were told told watch BB18 (Paul's season), among others.
Mmmmmmmoooooonnnntttyyyyy. Lol work and home doing me in. I'm mentally dunzzzzz lol. I'm with everyone in spirit though always. Raven for the win lol I'm kkkkiiidddiiinnngggg please see you guys soon!!! Thank you Jackie, you are a mental health gift with your wit and take on things !!!
Oh no Sharon N! I didn't know that Jason doesn't really like Kevin. :(. The cast must just shakes things off when they get home after seeing what the people they thought they were friends with were really saying about them.
I wonder how many players would have changed their votes after they wtached the show and see the DRs.
I don't really know what Jason thinks of Kevin. The way he was talking to Paul, it didn't sound good, BUT as I said, he could be blowing smoke at Paul.
IF Jason is just "going along" with the bashing of Kevin, then I forgive him & would love him to advance. If not, and he really means to evict Kev, then BAD JASON. lol
Are Kevin and Jason still walking the yard in the mornings?
I was thinking, one of the reasons everyone is so bored with the recent casts is bc no one campaigns to stay. They get nom'd, they're told(!) they're going home, and they suck it up for the week. It makes for an extremely boring feed week, and absolutely no excitement or surprise on the shows. It's also why we can say Paul is the only one even remotely "playing". I do not understand.
It used to be that they would make deals, scheme, etc to get the house, or at least the HOH to consider the other nom. Now, production has to come up with tricks to make the show worth watching. And the result is that we all think prod is interfering, but in reality, the HGs aren't making an effort to play.
Good perspective!
They still walk and work out when the yard is open
Thanks, Monty. Personally, I think those a telling moments.
I can't imagine walking and talking with someone you really don't care for. Maybe Jason is trying to make it seem like they are still friends. I suspect he is just going along with the crowd to appease "Paul's Camp".
So agree... miss those days
Don't forget that Jason seem easily swayed. He might truly like Kevin when he's with him, then truly not like Kevin when others are talking about him. I do think Jason is a genuinely nice guy but he seem very naive, especially with this type of game.
Jason is just a good guy. Its casting that is responsible for all the goof balls they have inside the house for the Paul Show. Jason is having fun and doing the best of most. Thankfully he has Alex. Say what you will about all of these house guests. Its CBS and Production/Casting that you should blame about this horrible season.
T-Town Chick,
That's exactly how Jason seems to me too... nice guy, but naive and easily swayed.
With that said, Jason has occasionally shown he has a good gut-instinct. Unfortunately, as soon as he voices his opinion to Alex, she 'strongly' disagrees and ultimately changes his mind.
I have a feeling he's going to look back at all those times Alex shut him down and regret listening to her. Sigh.....
Alex has helped Jason a lot in this game, however, i agree many times Jason's instincts are spot on and Alex shuts him down. That is so frustrating! I think Alex is very strategic but Jason has better intuition about people.
Jason did tell Alex to check her ego last night and said people are getting annoyed by her so hopefully she listens. Alex and Jason are in a tough spot because they are the stongest duo left. Even if they do realize they will be targeted because of that, they really don't have any options but to win every week. The others are too tight w Paul and Paul has done an impressive job of keeping everyone seperated.
I think that this ruined season all comes down to one person, Paul. Yes, most of them are recruits, but if Paul was not there they would have had to find their own way through the game instead of just following Paul's plans. We probably would not have had all the hate on one person or couple each week and I don't think there ever would have been a group that made up the majority of the house.
I think production can see it, but hindsight is 20/20. To late to do anything about it. I bet we never see a season again with only one vet allowed in the house to play. An experiment gone horribly wrong. The safety of 3 weeks at the beginning only compounded the mistake by giving Paul free reign without worry of eviction.
I was hoping that we would start to see some neurons rub together in the house guests now that the big group is starting to eat their own, but alas, there is nothing but empty heads in there. They are all just gleefully walking off the cliff to their doom without so much as a whimper of protest or effort to change their fate. SMH
Completely & totally agree with you David @5:16. Paul absolutely ruined the season for me. I stopped watching a couple of weeks ago. First time I've ever quit on a BB season.
I still do 'lurk' on here to see what you all are commenting on, but that's it.
Very well put David. I am sure everyone agree's with you.
Long veto comp. Please ANYONE but Matt or Raven!
I don't want to see Kevin go OTB as replacement.
Ceemurph... actually Cody and Mark tried campaigning before each were evicted! Every time the little hamsters ran to Paul sharing the info... especially Jason. Each got called out whenever they shared with Jason what they said. It's hard to negotiate and make deals with people who have proven by their past actions that they will run directly to the "great" Paul and tell all.
None of the HOH''s with the weekly power are reaching out or are hinting that they are serious about making any BIG surprising moves! That is why it is boring to me! They all play like they want to take Paul to the final 2... in their little heads they really think they can beat him out of $500,000 again... FRUSTRATING that they are so naive. Ugh....
Hey David! Absolutely agree 100%!!
Hi Ed!! We are about to begin College Football season... I was thinking of you.
You nailed it David.... perfectly said!
Production should have NEVER given anyone (much less Paul) 3 weeks of safety. As a result of any Temptation Punishment, 1 week of safety would have been plenty.
Production KNEW Paul's caliber of gaming, so additionally giving him those "friendship" bracelets gave him that much extra to build on his 3 weeks of safety. It went way beyond anything that could have been considered 'fair' for the greenhorns.
It's ridiculous to blame Paul for the poor season. He's trying to win 500,000,not 'Hi,I'm a vet and I'm here to help you win 500,000'. It's not his fault that Cody had no social game,walled himself and Jessica off from the rest of the house causing them to become instant pariahs . It's not his fault that the rest of the cast are mainly recruits that are clueless about how to play. I think he's done an amazing job to keep himself off the block and throw shade at everyone else.
T-Town Chick,Sharon,Agree totally about Jason. He's a go along to get get along but not particularly bright. I think he likes Kevin and just went along with Paul as to not rock the boat.
I haven't been watching much lately as it's become boring. I thought it might change but Paul keeps planting seeds to set up future evictees like he's done to Kevin. Ratings have been down the last week. I hope that continues.
Sharon,You nailed it. Without help from production Paul quite possibly would have been gone the week Cody tried to put him up. He's either got to have some sort of deal with CBS or a hell of an agent.
CBS/BB/Agrodner they all have set up Paul to trademark "friendship" and his new "gumpy" he tries to inflict over and over. Watch him show up on some CBS show. That would be torture.
I hope the ratings take a HUGE DIVE....to force them to get a new casting department.
I'm not blaming Paul for a poor season... I'm completely blaming production... who ever came up with that 3 weeks of safety... and poor choice of hamsters!
Speaking of Paul... I'm watching BBAD (taped) and he is constantly watching himself in the mirrors as he is talking to Jason and Alex! I never paid attention to how much he watches himself!
Judi,that means Paul is really.... Raven!! :)))
The length of time this comp is taking, it has to be one of those things like the wall-puzzle or the comic thing... where it's one HG at a time.
I am not blaming Paul for being who he is, that is his game play and he has done it masterfully. He should have never been in there in my opinion. That is productions fault. He was also given advantages never heard of before, and probably never will be given to anyone again. I don't blame him for taking advantage of it, but it has ruined the season for me. I think there would have been a lot more game play if he was not there.
I think that if Paul wasn't in there, and with 3 weeks of immunity to boot, free to cause havoc with total immunity from the consequences of his actions, Cody and Jessica probably would not have walled themselves off from the rest of the house. They still had a thing against Josh and acted like jerks without consulting anyone else on their decisions, so I could be wrong on that.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. lol
Judy Sweeney, oh yes, Paul does like to look at himself in the mirrors!!! I thought it was funny when Mark was mimicking Paul the other night on the feeds, and Paul did not like it, he kept saying, "do I do that?" Everyone was laughing, Mark was spot on with the touching of the beard, smoothing his hair, plumbing the beard, looking in the mirror! LOL.
Jason won the VETO
(That will put him on Paul's radar... for sure.)
It was the Hide the Veto in the house comp. House is trashed!!
I remember this comp was like James' personal ambition...making more of a mess than anyone else. LOL
Matt/Raven didn't win. :)
Let the whining and begging begin...
Yes, Sharon. He busted an entire carton of eggs on the kitchen floor just for the hell of it. That was a freaking mess.
This really isn't the first season that someone in the house had that much power early/from the start of the game. Anyone remember S13? Trivia time:
S13, the first eight who entered the game were allowed to get to know one another and then pick a partner to play the game with. Then the six vets walked in and were already pairs. Each week the HOH had to nominate a couple rather than individual HGs. The house guest remaining after the eviction vote got a golden key and was IMMUNE from all evictions until final 10. Dani got the first golden key because Evel Dick left the game week one, so Dani had immunity for the first half of the game. I remember she was pissed and bored because she couldn't compete in comps, but she was SAFE. Porsche was the first regular eviction saved by the Golden Key so she also had safety for as long as Dani did. Porsche came in second (50K) that year for having only really played the game for the last half of the season. js
Monty... a wealth of information. No clue how you manage to find or remember all that data from past seasons!!
Raven was apparently 2nd in Veto. Maybe 'they' should rethink evicting Matt. The fact that she's done so much better in the last 2 comps, and unless Matt is just playing at being incompetent, showing any kind of proficiency should be the death knell for her.
Evicting Raven would make Kevin happy. LOL
You can't really blame Paul for playing the game. He's the only one that's really playing. They had to give him some safety when he got into the house or he would've been gone in week one since he was a vet. If Cody hadn't been in the house, I think Jessica would have done better. Christmas was on meds until recently so I don't know how she would've played. She said she was going to make a big move when she was HOH, but didn't. Nobody seems to want to take the lead. They saw what happened to Cody and decided to follow Paul because they thought they would be safe that way. Without Paul, these idiots wouldn't have been able to figure out how to play this game. Alex and Jason are the strongest couple still in the house, which means they will be the next couple on the block. IMO w/o Paul this season would have sucked even more. All were sheep going into the game and there was no strong player to lead them without Paul.
I agree, Production gave Paul too many weeks of safety. Production didn't do that in the past for BB Vets. It was too much power... plus, production shouldn't be stepping in to make sure anyone remains... to me that's part of the game... surviving inspire of complications. Without Paul the hamsters would have had to play the game (as in some past seasons) instead of looking to Paul to make their decisions for them. It's like being thrown in the water... you learn to swim for safety sake! You may be floundering and it may not be pretty at first, but it starts looking better the more your in there.
Petals @ 6:21
Oh yea Petals! Bring on some football.
For me; Go Buckeyes! & for you; Rooooollllll Tide!
Don't know if you're a Royals fan but the Indians are giving them a whoopin'. Been spending more time at the ballpark this summer, my granddaughter is a huge baseball fan.
Miss you guys @ the pool parties.
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