Wednesday, August 12, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - Aug. 12


I guess it's winter in California

Did the booze delivery last night make things more interesting last night inside that Big Brother House of Alcohol Antics? Read on ...
  • Well, it might have had they been given enough to affect them. Even with Kaysar and anyone else who don't drink, there really wasn't enough to do much at all.
  • Six beers and two bottles of wine. 16 people. If two abstain, 14 people. Um. Okay.
  • Last night they Have Nots could not only have alcohol, but they could eat real food once again.
  • While we saw a lot of the cooking leading up to the feast, BB blocked the feeds while they were feeding. I don't recall them cutting out the feast like that before.
  • In other news, Memphis is getting really heated about BB leaving the lights on while he tries to sleep.
  • It does seem like the Have Nots will stay in their room until new Have Nots are named. That's the only way there are enough beds.
  • And, of course, with no showmances (yay!) this season, people aren't into sharing beds!
  • With the exception of Janelle, Kaysar and perhaps David, there seem to be little alliances popping up all over the house -- including Tyler once again over-promising to too many.
  • Memphis wants a huge alliance which undoubtedly would crash and burn rather quickly.
  • Ian is concerned because back in his own season, he always pretty much knew what was going on. This season, not so much.
  • Keesha remains the main target.
  • Cody even tried to talk Kaysar into voting her out. Now, Kaysar isn't committing to anyone about his vote. I believe he wants to keep Keesha as he thinks she will work better with him and Janelle. But if it's going to pretty much be one of those ridiculous house votes again, she won't be staying.
  • Nicole A. thinks she and Kevin might align with Janelle, Kaysar and Ian.
  • The only problem with that is that so many people have all these little side alliances going on. Even Da'vonne talked about regretting jumping into alliances so soon.
  • When will they ever learn?
  • Unless something drastic happens, the general consensus is that Keesha will go. She hasn't built relationships with many, nor does she really help out much with chores in the house.
  • Memphis and David seem to be the cleaner dudes. All the others seem to pitch in with dishes and such.
  • Laters!

Nice enough guy, but so not an "All Star"

Ian is being left out of the loop

Maybe it's not winter?

Yes, please do cover up your mouth!

1 comment:

Judi Sweeney said...

Thanks Jackie!!!!