Saturday, August 22, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds Power of Veto Update - August 22


Unfortunately, I remain a bit under the weather still. My apologies.

As for the house happenings, things have gone pretty much as one would expect -- it remains Kaysar and Janelle targeted by the world.

The veto players were Bayleigh, Memphis and Cody in addition to Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar.

The feeds were blocked for the comp and it's been hard to pick up for sure who won. It seems to be Tyler. Wait. Now I'm thinking it might have been Cody. I wish someone was wearing the necklace!

Yes. CODY won the Power of Veto.


Sharon N said...

Doubt Cody will use the POV. They all see Janelle as a bigger threat than Kaysar, so it will probably be her going home.

NicoleF is scared poopless that Janelle will tell Cody about her pregame shenanigans. She's trying to cover her butt by saying Janelle will be telling lies.

Judi Sweeney said...

Ugh..... there goes my pool girl... but I actually really like Janelle

Terry is a Texan! said...

If she goes at least it was good to see her again

CherryPie said...

Well guess we're stuck with Memphis another week. I just have a terrible taste in my mouth about him. I guess everyone has someone they don't favor and mine is Memphis.

Auntie Leigh said...

It seems like every bounce this season has gone against Kayser and Janelle.

Beachbound Gmom said...

Memphis got way too full of himself! He’s no ALL-STAR by any means! #teamkaysar