Friday, August 13, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - August 13


After a fairly lengthy live feeds blocking with those adorable adoptable little critters, the critters in the BB house returned.

And, the nominations are in.

Claire and Derek F. 

I'd be happy about the second one there as, to me, he's a waste of space in the house. I also don't care for his demeanor at all. Except for his occasional thoughtful consoling someone, he can get outright nasty. Unfortunately, he's sure to be the pawn this week.


Petals said...

Claire can win Veto! But then Ky would renom Brit or Aly.
I guess this is close as we've come to a "shake up"

Jackie S. said...

I'm hoping Derek F does something to get half the house mad at him, including Cookout members.

Jackie S. said...

I'd rather Alyssa go than Claire. I'm sick of people getting into showmances and ruining their game or the game of their "partner."

Sara Welty said...

Do you think Derek F wants to be nominated? Then he can go to the jury house and "lounge around" all he wants without comps or cameras.

Petals said...

TY Jackie. I really didn't know my name was visible. LOL

Petals said...

Big D offered to be a pawn.
He is in it to win it, make no mistake.

Petals said...

so now is kittencam. Are they doing the Casino Vote reveal? All my votes went to DEREK X baby! LOL

Auntie Leigh said...

Not so sure Derek F is a "pawn".

Anonymous said...

Hey Petals how much did they charge per text?

Petals said...

Anon - not sure. I have unlimited txts with my cell plan.