Wednesday, August 04, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 4


Hello fellow hamster watchers! I'd call us voyeurs but that sounds too creeper-like. Tonight is the Power of Veto comp as well as the PoV meeting during which the veto is used ... or not. We have Whitney and Hannah on the block with Hannah as the pawn. Will it be a case of the pawn going home this week? Will Whitney win the Power of Veto and save herself?

Well, we might know some of the answers from the live feeds. However, since this is a show post, it's in the No Spoilers Zone. Please, let the folks who just watch the shows enjoy this! Merci. 

I will be live-blogging the show with all the major events as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! Bring snacks!

How many times can I yawn through the "previously on" segment?

We pick up the action as the Nominations Ceremony comes to an end. Christian justifies his noms to us. Whitney has no idea why she is nominated. Hannah is not thrilled but is pretty sure she is the pawn. Derek X doesn't want to lose a teammate for his own game. Xavier is hoping that Whitney will be the target, not Hannah. Christian tells them that his own target would be Whitney. SarahBeth is not happy but is willing to stop pushing for a Hannah exit.

On a side note: The strange faces Hannah makes are distracting.

Xavier considers Whitney a friend even though he wants to stay loyal to the Cookout alliance and give her the boot. Xavier tells Whitney he heard she said his name as a possible target with the Kings (his team). She denies it.

Whitney head to HOH to confront Christian. He tells her that her name was indeed brought up. We see an older clip of Derek F saying that.

A segment on Christian doing flips in the backyard. He is impressive. Britini thinks his abilities will put him on the nomination list.

Whitney is giving Xavier a too sexy massage. Azah tells us maybe she's petty but finds it disturbing. You're not petty, Azah. Xavier tells us that he's Operation Nomance after Azah comes to talk to him about it. 

Whitney then approaches Derek X who tells her he had no clue what the noms were going to be. He tells us he wants both Hannah and Whitney safe. He feels he would have to win the veto. (But how could he guarantee the person he wants would go up?) Hannah wants Derek X to win. He tells us he would have to save Hannah if he wins the veto. Alyssa tells him that Whitney is the target, Hannah the "clear pawn."

They have to clean although I have to say many other seasons have had messier hamsters.

Time to pick players for the Veto Comp. Christian draws Claire. Hannah draws Houseguest's Choice and goes for Derek X. Whitney draws Azah. Tiffany and Hannah quickly note that SarahBeth was so upset that she was not picked to play for the veto. Tiffany plants the seed to Hannah that SarahBeth needs to be targeted by her (Hannah).

Time for the veto comp! It's athletic. Volleyball nets -- They have to run back and forth playing against themselves rolling the volleyball up a ramp and running to catch it on the other side. First person to 100 points wins. Alyssa hosts. The score resets to zero and they have to start all over again if they drop a ball.

CHRISTIAN WINS THE POWER OF VETO ... despite a valiant effort by Derek X, his only real competition in the competition.

Whitney walked in and heard Derek X saying something which makes it clear that she (Whitney) is the target for eviction. Whitney thinks she can use it for ammunition to get herself off the block and get him evicted.

Whitney talks to Christian to try to convince him that Derek X should be backdoored. She thinks Derek is Christian's biggest competition. The edit of Christian in the Diary Room makes it seem like he is considering it.

Time for the veto meeting ... Christian does NOT use the veto. Hannah and Whitney remain on the block.


jo C said...

Hi jackie Hi vincent and Hi to all that folow

monty924 said...

Hey Jackie and jo C and all that follow

monty924 said...

I have beer brats, onions and peppers and of course BEER

jo C said...

yummy monty

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Jackie and Jo C and Monty

tbc said...

Hi all! I haven’t been following too much over the past few days. My 92 year-old father went into the hospital and then rehab this week. He is settled in, but he’s not doing great. If you could send some prayers my way, I would so appreciate it.

Cheryl in NC said...

Hey Jackie and everyone! Monty I will take a cold beer please!!

monty924 said...

Sara B should have made them see how bad Hannah would be for THEIR game and not be so strong about how bad she is for her game

jo C said...

you got it tbc ill put him on my prayer list

Cheryl in NC said...

Sending prayers tbc

monty924 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe in NY said...

hi folks

Good vibes, tbc

jo C said...

sarah beth looks and reminds me of my fave niece beth

monty924 said...

Of course I add your Dad to my prayers, tbc. HUGS

Hey Glenn and Cheryl... sliding your a cold one.

monty924 said...

I can't type tonight, lol

monty924 said...

Hey Joe

tbc said...

Thank you everyone!

Jackie S. said...

Prayers going out to your father and your family, tbc

CherryPie said...

Please end the teams....all the.votes are so predictable they all say whats best for my games but they have to run their ideas past each other...please people...sorry for the rant...think its time for a martini anyone else?

Glenn Allen said...

Hi TBC and Cheryl. I am praying for your Dad TBC

jo C said...

ill take one cherry please its been a rough week

Joe in NY said...

Hi, Monty

Hey, Jackie

monty924 said...

Azah's face, LOL

jo C said...

at least azah is honest

monty924 said...

Well, you came for 500K and then they upped it, Xavier

jo C said...

PLEASE PLEASE do away with teams i hate it

monty924 said...

I think I saw where Mike Bloom said the teams are done after this week

Jackie S. said...

I read early on they would only last four weeks.

CherryPie said...

Hope ur week gets better....

jo C said...

thanks cherry me too

monty924 said...

Told you Tiffany would target SB...

monty924 said...

This comp is always hard... takes endurance

monty924 said...

And it's even harder having to run back and forth going under the net

Joe in NY said...

unfortunately Sarah Beth was smart enough to figure out what was going on, but only smart enough to figure it out WHILE talking to the enemy.

Jackie S. said...

Can you imagine Derek F doing this comp? He is so lucky he wasn't picked!

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Joe.This Comp is tough.

Joe in NY said...

I think I'm cheering for Sarah Beth now...which probably means she's doomed. LOL

Joe in NY said...

Hi Glenn

Derek F could run right through the net.

monty924 said...

Joe, I'm hoping she wins HOH tomorrow night or I have a feeling she'll be gone next!

monty924 said...

Problem with SB is that she wants to play a floater game and she needs to win and get some power or she's gone

Jackie S. said...

I think only Tiffany really grasps how well SB knows the game. But, with her Cookout connections and the way she can work others, Tiffany is the only "enemy" needed to squash SB's game.

monty924 said...

Yes, Jackie!!

monty924 said...

Thanks Jackie. Everyone have a good evening and will see you all tomorrow night!

tbc said...

Thank you, Jackie for hosting and posting.

Thank you all!! See you tomorrow.

Jackie S. said...

Thank you for coming!

Cheryl in NC said...

Thanks Jackie! Goodnight all