Monday, September 25, 2023

BB25: Zombie Feeds into Monday Morning - Sept. 25


Selective shaving

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boredom:
  • Boredom.
  • Same old conversations over and over again.
  • And again.
  • Blue/Jared and Cory/America still showmancing and creeping me out.
  • Cirie has heard much of the bad Jared has done but still has that motherly love going on.
  • Cameron is still set on doing the final puzzle to be resurrected on Thursday's show.
  • That's it.
  • Have some screen caps ...

Scarier than the "zombies."

Party hats are out again.

Bowie Jane still smiles.

Cameron is sure he will be resurrected.

Doesn't know how bad Jared really is.

Blue puts on Cam's piggie suit.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie....this week is killing me I think u are bored as I am. Hopefully we'll get some action soon

Sharon N said...

BB Showmances remind me of a daytime As the World (Stomach) Turns soap.

These people seem to forget they're trying to win $750K. Their chances would improve with good/close alliances instead of romper-room sexcapades... all while their families are watching the feeds. It's all just so gross.

Of all the BB showmance couples I remember, Jeff & Jordan are the only pair that didn't get icky on national TV.

Anonymous said...

Tyler and Angela kept it clean too. Dr_Celine

Sharon N said...

Dr Celine,
Thank you! Don't know why I didn't think of Tyler/Angela too.
Refreshing when couples care enough to keep it clean while still playing the game.
Wish they all did, but alas...

Petals said...

Someone on Twitter made the comment that Blue was a great representative of "confident, Asian women".
And 2 nights ago, she put on a pig costume to let him things...for 2 minutes (after he told cameras to shut off, which they did)

Jackie S. said...

And that is why we are more mature than Twitter. However, those kind of details I never cover on the blog. I don't do porn.

Lili said...

This week of BB feels kind of jump the shark-y to me. A double eviction that in fact wasn't. Zombies that are anything but. And all of this empty hype on the back of this weird dead zone of non HOH, no Veto. It's like BB just threw their hands up in the air and said, let's just skip a week. Maybe nobody will notice? 🤷🏻‍♀️

We noticed BB. How could we not? There isn't anything else on TV except for news shows, and stuff on Netflix we've already seen.

Why not do one of those food comps they used to do back in the olden times? Or one of those weird shopping spree episodes. It would be funny to see who could put the most clothes on their backs....Blue or America. And just what Miss Felicia would cook for the week if in the house food comp they won nothing except melons and dairy for the week.


Sharon N said...

Well, BB did make a "several baskets of goodies" delivery "From Feeds" (aka CBS) today. Those goodies lasted approx 20-40 minutes and then they were right back to the normal doing nothing.

The yard shutdown this morning, so Production must be setting up the comps for Cam/Jared and the next HOH.

On another note: Depending on who wins the next HOH, Cory is in serious trouble.
He seems to think he'd be better off if it's Cam reentering the game. Both Cam and Jared are letting Cory think he's "probably" safe. He's not. Even Felicia has remarked that Cam wants Cory gone next... because wants the opportunity to have America all to himself in the Jury house. Just as I start to finally like him a little... Barf.