Showing posts with label Power of Veto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power of Veto. Show all posts

Saturday, October 14, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Saturday, Power of Veto Comps - Oct. 14


Sometimes the pawn goes home.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Discombobulated Donkeys:

  • Wait! Did I just call them jackasses? How rude of me!
  • Wait! What's with the "Power of Veto CompS" in the title?
  • Yep. That's the twist -- two separate POV comps, two separate POV winners.
  • Well, maybe one person could win both. Although, from what they've been saying it sounds like the winner of the first comp will sit out the second one.
  • Everybody plays in the first veto comp.
  • Not sure on the second one.
  • So, with the two comps and the probable veto player pick for the second one (maybe), the feeds are down for most of the day.
  • I won't be posting this entry until I have the results.
  • But first ... a bit from before the feeds went down.
  • The feeds went down around 2:45PM ET, enough time for a bit of drama for the mamas.
  • Blue is SURE that either America or Cory won HOH and put her on the block.
  • She's made the rounds asking Matt and Jag to save her with the veto if one of them wins it.
  • They nodded their heads.
  • Blue told Matt and Cirie that she's a better competitor than Felicia.
  • Um, well. No. Felicia did win an HOH even if it was a crap shoot one.
  • Blue hasn't won a comp yet.
  • Jag has told just about everybody except the nominees and Cirie he won the secret HOH.
  • Way to go, Jag!
  • Why can't ANYONE this season other than Cirie keep their mouths shut?
  • Meanwhile, although Jag is dead-set on targeting her, Blue had been super loyal to him.
  • She wants to target Cory.
  • Matt is getting a bit better at being devious. He told Felicia that he's worried that either he or Jag will go on the block if the veto is used.
  • Jag told Bowie he would throw the veto to her if it's the both of them at the end.
  • Like she would want that! She didn't want her HOH and tried to throw it.
  • That will just make her throw it well before the end.
  • 9:40PM ET, the feeds return. 
  • Matt, Cirie, America and Cory seen, none wearing the veto necklace.
  • It sounds like the first comp was physical, perhaps standing or swinging on ropes.
  • I THINK Matt started to say to Cory that Jag ... but the feeds immediately cut.
  • I'm not even sure both comps were played.
  • Still waiting for the feeds to re-return.
  • They're back. Neither Blue nor Bowie Jane wearing the necklace. The POV necklace is next to Blue's bed, though.
  • Jag's arm or shoulder is sore.
  • Cory made some comment that they're screwed now.
  • Oh my, could the first POV be won by BLUE?
  • Bowie Jane said to Blue and Jag that they both looked like they were never going to fall.
  • So, it's one or the other.
  • Sidenote: They use Wonder bread in the BB House. It helps a body grow 12 ways, y'know.
  • Blue won the first POV comp. I think it was the first one. I may be wrong.
  • UPDATE: Jag won the other veto comp.
  • Felicia has some sort of punishment locked in the Comic Room for 24 hours with a tent around her toilet.
  • Laters.
She finally put the necklace on.

And Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

Matt's getting a bit better at lying.

Why don't you get a bullhorn and announce it?

Is SURE that Cory or America is HOH!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

BB25: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Oct. 12


Good evening! Tonight, we will get the conclusion of the big cliffhanger we were left with on Wednesday night. Will Jag save either Cirie or Felicia with the veto? And, if he does ... who will Bowie Jane put on the block to replace the person coming down? Oh, the suspense! (Shh ... live feed watchers. I know we already know but it's a secret until it airs!)

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will constantly be updating, refreshing this page will give you the latest happenings. As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

But first ... let's get that blog pool posted. Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Cory - Sharon N, Nickelpeed, Indiana Jane, deaflady
Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
America - Andi, Joanne Victoria, Willie J, Caela
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC, Skyriverblue
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Cameron- Cheryl in NC, JonMD 1267, CherylNY, Tilde
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Blue - monty924, Judi Sweeney, Jennifer, Don

Hamster watchers ready? 

Julie is casual again tonight.

Sitting through the Previously On ...

Day 72. Julie tells us that Jag and Matt have been working all week to get Cameron on the block. Tonight's evicted is the first member of the jury.

To the action. Cameron has bad feelings about this one, he tells us. He tries talking to Jag. He thinks himself and Blue going after Cory/America would be best. He doesn't think he's convincing Jag.

To the veto meeting. Jag uses the veto to save Felicia. Bowie Jane nominates Cameron. He tells Bowie Jane that this move shows her character and he hopes she can live with that. Whoa, Cameron is really bitter about it. Hey, he was already evicted before and wouldn't even be in the house without a twist. He knew it would happen.

Cameron decides to turn everyone against Matt and Jag. He starts with talking to Blue. He tells her she will be next to jury next week. She is not buying what he's selling. Then he talks to Cory, telling him he needs to get Blue and Felicia aboard. Cory doesn't trust Matt and Jag but is not willing to throw his own game away for Cameron.

A segment about Matt and the whispers in the house. He can't read lips in groups. This actually happened on the live feeds maybe two weeks ago. He was in tears and Jag consoled him.

A filler segment about Cam's manfan crush on Kevin Costner. He tells Cory and Felicia about it. 

Cory talks to Jag and they both think Blue would be the next one to target. Cory wants Blue out as she has been after him for weeks now. Cory knows that Matt and Jag want Blue to do their dirty work.

Cirie is sitting pretty now. Cam decides to help Cirie and set up Matt and Jag for defeat. He volunteers to set her up with Cory, America and Blue. Cirie actually sees what he's saying. Cirie talks to Blue about her talk with Cam about Matt/Jag bulldozing their way through the game. She tries to get Blue to cut down on targeting Cory so much.

Are they EVER going to get to the eviction?

Jag tells us his final five would be himself, Matt, Cirie, Felicia and Bowie Jane. He talks to Cirie. Cirie is in the hammock with Cory now. She thinks she and Felicia will be perpetual pawns. Now she wants Cory to confide in her about going after Matt/Jag ... while Cirie sneaks her way to the end.

Finally, to the living room.
Cirie - Julie looks exquisite, shout outs to family, HG extraordinary days in the house.
Cameron - Also exquisite praise, family shout outs, if you keep me I will be loyal to all of you, won't vote anyone out, will throw all comps. Cory, thank you.

Exquisite is the word for tonight. They are all saying it to Julie tonight.

The votes to evict:
Matt - Cameron
Blue - Cameron
Felicia - Cameron
Jag - Cameron
America - Cameron
Cory - Cameron 

He knew it was coming. He hugs all. He tells Julie he screwed up. He feels most betrayed by himself. He says Cirie told him that he doesn't always have to tell people what someone else told you. 

Julie tells us that (after commercial) BB Comic Week crashes the house and takes everyone by surprise.

Unleashing super powers into the game. BB Power of Invisibility shields the HOH, then MultiPlicity confuses the Power of Veto. Something crashed in the HOH room and Julie tells them to all go up there. 

This is what crashed into the HOH room.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Oct. 10


Good evening! Make sure you have your beverages and snacks nearby. I hope everyone remembers this Tuesday night change! 

We have Felicia and Cirie on the block. Will someone win the veto and actually use it to save one of the nominees? Tonight, we are scheduled to have the ZingBot appearance. As I said before, not a fan of it. I often have issues understanding what is being said with that weird ZingBot voice -- how is Matt going to understand?!?! Plus, I just find it mean. It could be just me.

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'll be updating regularly -- please refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

As my norm, I'm sitting out the Previously on segment.

We pick up the action at the end of the nominations ceremony. Bowie Jane tells us that Cirie is her target. Cirie tells us she wanted to go longer not on the block and needs to win her first time playing for veto. Felicia tells MR. B that she needs to win a veto.

Cory suggests a Cam backdoor to Jag and Bowie Jane. He is sure that Cameron will win again and target him. Bowie Jane tells us that Cameron never did anything to her and her noms are made. Jag also thinks that Cameron needs to go.

Bowie Jane talks to Cameron. She goes and tells him about Cory suggesting he get backdoored. Cam tells her she needs to backdoor Cory. She doesn't want the blood on her hands, nor problems with America. She thinks Cory and Cam should just go after each other and leave her out of it.

Jag tells Matt he needs to talk to Bowie Jane about targeting Cameron.

Time to pick veto players! Bowie Jane draws Matt. Cirie draws Jag. Felicia draws America. Oh my, Cameron is NOT drawn for veto!

Jag and Cam talk. Cam is all suspicious that Mecole's warning about Cory, America and Bowie Jane being in an alliance were true. He's building up the scenario and wants Cory out as a backdoor. Jag tells us he will use all the stuff Cam is saying about Bowie Jane.

Jag goes to Bowie Jane telling her how Cameron doesn't trust her. Now she's suspicious of him!

Uh-oh. The ScrambleVerse globe is lighting and it's ZingBot. It's ZingBot9<3<3<3. It claims it's nice because of the ScrambleVerse. Head to the backyard for the veto comp.

It's OTEV. OTEV is the Zinging Robot and gives out the zings. America robbing the cradle. Bigger wrinkles to this game multiverse twist or Felicia. Jag your gameplay reminds me of a sportscar, not a Jaguar but Aston Moron, Lame Bhorginhi. Blue fashion insult. (I'm not getting all of these.) Bowie Jane - Scary white teeth that terrify people, pigtails. Mecole - me-bored to six week me-coma, so under the radar forgot evicted. Matt - Cardboard Josh, similar intelligence. Cirie - You're alone, can finally lose well on an island. Cameron - Lt. Loser to Major BLEEP Tool. Song about Cory set to America the Beautiful, tiny man, can't kiss, etc.

Okay, it starts. Typical OTEV. A Crapbook of the Most Pathetic Losers of BB25. Each round one loser who has been evicted, retrieve, up the flowing water hill, kneel, one less place to kneel each time. We get the DR blurbs from those who have to win.

1. Photos of 2nd and 3rd evicted. Cirie has the wrong answers - Reilly and Kirsten, should be Reilly and Hisam. She goes back while Felicia and Bowie Jane are still searching. She makes it up last and is eliminated first.

2. Photos of loser who finished last in the Kicking Butt comp. Kirsten is the right answer. America drops her photo by the ramp and Felicia takes her place. America is out.

3. Loser who had to wear a piggy costume for the week ... Izzy only because Cam is still in the game. Felicia last up.

4. Loser eliminated 1st in the Pressure Cooker. Jared is the answer. Matt up last, eliminated.

5. Losers who were evicted with 8 votes to evict. It's down to Jag and Bowie Jane. Izzy and Red are the answers. 


Cirie thinks her game life is in the hands of a LameBorghini. She doesn't think Jag will use it so that either Cory or Cameron will be backdoored. Little does she know that that is exactly Jag's intention.

Bowie Jane is approached to Cameron because he is having weird feelings. She tells him that it sounds like Jag wants to use the veto. He doesn't want to be on the block. He pushes the Cory renom idea. Cameron tries to guilt trip her for even considering putting him on the block.

We are left on a cliffhanger. 

BB Comic Week kicks off on Thursday.

Monday, October 09, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Monday Morning, POV Meeting - Oct. 9


Cirie! America and I are officially

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the HOH from Down Under:

  • All is in motion.
  • Jag will be using the veto later during the Veto Meeting.
  • As per Cirie's offer, he will save Felicia. Cirie volunteered saying that this way Felicia won't have to pack again and it will be less stressful for her.
  • Bowie Jane will replace Felicia with Cameron.
  • Cameron and Cirie will be on the block and Cameron will probably be unanimously voted out. (Like he already was!)
  • Now, if nobody tells Cam, all should go smoothly.
  • Yeah, right. This is BB25.
  • Cameron did confront Bowie Jane and Jag asking if he was going on the block. He told them he just wanted to know, he would be the same old friendly Cameron and all. (??!!) He says that if he goes on the block, he knows he will be evicted.
  • Y'think?
  • Sure enough, while Bowie Jane, Jag, and Matt are celebrating upstairs, out in the hammock America is talking to Cameron.
  • And telling all.
  • Every alliance, every word she's heard, that Jag is using the veto, that Cam will be the renom.
  • Cameron definitely gets upset that his fellow Fugitive is betraying him.
  • But then he goes on to tell America everything about his own game.
  • Not that she will get it all right on a retell to Cory, mind you.
  • But as Blue said to him, "You got voted out unanimously for how you were playing the game. So, you come back in and play the same way again."
  • Meanwhile, America and Cory are now officially named as boyfriend and girlfriend. I guess I underestimated the depths of their endying love for each other.
  • It's Monday morning and Cameron is once again talking to America. She seems to be the only one who will sit and listen to him.
  • He's telling her that he personally saved Bowie Jane and was there for her when she was in tears and this is the thanks he gets.
  • Cameron told America that he went to Bowie Jane about Jag using the veto and what she will do. He said she just said it's up to Jag whether he wants to use the veto or not (and avoided what she will do).
  • Meanwhile, in the house everyone else is gathered in the kitchen. Bowie Jane says to all what a bad game player Cameron is.
  • Cameron went from friendly non-game talk with Matt directly to: "How long have you known about the backdoor plan?"
  • Oh my.
  • He goes on to Matt about how hurt he is by Bowie Jane.
  • He is putting Matt on a mighty guilt trip. He's really putting Matt on the spot. He tells him that he gave Jag and Bowie a chance last night and they let him down.
  • Cameron thinks the move was intentional all along.
  • Matt tells him it wasn't.
  • It actually wasn't. Bowie wanted Cirie out. They pretty much assumed Cameron would play for veto and win it.
  • Technically, it isn't even really a backdoor because it was not planned.
  • The pieces fell in place once Jag won the veto.
  • Cory went to quick work making a sandwich and had just started to eat and Cam accused him of knowing what's going on when ... adoptable pets and the loud music started. 
  • Veto meeting in progress. 2:05PM ET.
  • Feeds returned at 3:36PM ET.
  • It went as planned. Cameron is up in place of Felicia.
  • Blue tells Matt that Cameron is just being dramatic. She doesn't think he will pitch to stay.

That's a back brace, silly Jag!

Let's party!

America tells all to Cameron
who tells all he knows to her.

So, this is really happening?

Felicia must have the record for Bible reading.

Saturday, October 07, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Spoilers - Oct. 7



Veto players were picked this morning. Apparently no one got Houseguest Choice and it was all random picks.

In addition to Bowie Jane, Felicia and Cirie, we had Jag, Matt and America.

From about the time just after the veto players pick, Cameron knew it may be all over for him. Despite his schmoozing, he knows that chances are if he doesn't win HOH or Veto, he will be backdoored. Although Bowie Jane will be resistant, she will listen when everyone BUT Cameron pushes for it.

The comp was OTEV. They're all wet and happy. It seems that Matt, America and Cirie did NOT win. I'm not seeing the veto necklace on anyone yet. It sounds like Bowie Jane might have won. I haven't seen her yet. Cirie apparently did horribly and feels bad about it.

Hmm. Felicia just told Cirie that Bowie Jane threw the comp and has been underplaying all along (which I've actually been saying as well). Still not sure who won. Jag maybe? 

Yes, confirmed. JAG won the veto.

Cameron is already up being a bug in Bowie Jane's ear about what she will do if the veto is used and how she is close with Jag, he should do what she wants and keep noms the same.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Oct. 3


Good evening! Make sure you have your beverages and snacks nearby. I hope everyone remembers this Tuesday night change! We have Felicia and Mecole on the block. Will someone win the veto and actually use it to save one of the nominees?

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'll be updating regularly -- please refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Sitting out the Previously On segment.

We pick up the action after the nominations. Cam tells us he really wants Felicia out and Mecole would be likely to take her off the block if she wins veto. Cam doesn't want Felicia in the jury house.

Felicia tells us that Cam can win comps but he's not good with people. She thinks she is the other way around. Mecole is worried about her own safety as a pawn. 

Eek. There are ghostly figures in the windows. We could have used them during the absolutely dead week. The apparitions are little girls. Oh, great. We're into America loving for Cory to be nerdy over history. Give me a break. They must really need the filler material.

Felicia talks to Cameron. He tells us he has nothing to hold back. Cam tells her he doesn't see them working together down the road and doesn't want her in the jury house. She throws intel that Cory approached her about a final four with America, Mecole and Felicia. She tells us Cory instigates a lot of the gossip.

Cam tells us that he knows Cory is a dangerous player. But he wants Felicia out. He tells her that her "conversating" is more dangerous than Cory's game.

Blue wants Cory targeted rather than Felicia but doesn't want to spoil her newfound working with Cam.

Time to pick veto players! Cam draws Houseguest's Choice -- Matt. Mecole also gets Houseguest's Choice and chooses Blue. Felicia draws America.

Whoa! Already time for veto. Jag says they will find out why they were visited by two possessed girls last night. They get a promo trailer for the new Exorcist movie. The veto winner will choose three people to join him/her for a private screening of the movie.

It's in the ScaryVerse. Only way to save girls are to find word clues on the walls, perform a ritual to complete the exorcism. Fastest time wins. Blue is up first, finds hair. Then has to look for candle. Then wind chime. Walking, crawling through dark, through a "sewer." Pendant is the next word. She saves the girls. Next up is Mecole.

Mecole completes the ritual.

America is up next. She is definitely having troubles. Then Matt. Felicia ... this should be interesting! Hmm ... better than I thought she would do. Uh-oh, she returned to the hair clue room by mistake. She went out the front door by mistake and is disqualified. Cameron is up next. Seems to be doing well.

Top three times. 3rd - 9:15 Blue. 2nd - 8:22 Mecole. 1st - 7:59 CAMERON (of course). Now he has all the power.

Blue is telling Cory it was fun. Cory tells her he wants to target Cameron when he actually wants to target Blue. She knows he's lying. She wants Cory out, so she runs to Cam to tell him. She thinks he should use the veto and put Cory on the block. He is thinking of it.

BTW - She calls all male and female "girl" just like Jared called all "bro." Maybe I'm old but, as the kids would say ... I find that hella annoying!

Cameron calls them to gather in the living room. He chooses Blue, Jag and Matt to join him at the screening of the movie. They have all kinds of snacks. Blue overdoes the screaming reactions a bit. They all have positive reactions to the scary movie.

Cam talks to Jag and Matt, telling them that Blue told him that Cory was coming after him next week. He has changed his mind, wants to put Cory up next to Mecole. Jag disagrees. After all he, Matt, Cory and America have an alliance. Cam thinks that Jag might be working with Cory.

Time for the veto meeting. Mecole says he won it, would accept his decision. Felicia says she's honest and throws Cory under the bus, saying he approached them about the final four, not the other way around.

Ohh ... and they leave a cliffhanger! Thursday at 9PM ET/PT.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Winner Bulletin - Sept. 30


The feeds were blocked FOREVER for the comp! In addition to Cameron, Mecole and Felicia, chosen to play were Matt, America and Blue. Cirie is now holding the record for most veto comps not played.

The veto comp itself is supposedly tying in with the release of the new Exorcist movie. Last night while the feeds were blocked, "ghosts" appeared in the windows. Of course, they couldn't do that with the week of absolutely nothing last week, huh?

Feeds back at over six hours gone. I see Blue, America, Cameron and Matt talking ... none are wearing the necklace. None are saying who won. They had to crawl through tunnels in the dark. Hmm. Neither Felicia nor Mecole are on screen, then we got blocked again. Now Felicia and Mecole are in the background in the living room, neither SEEMS to have the necklace ... then blocked again.

From what they have said NON-winners are: Blue, Mecole, Matt and America. So ... it has to be Felicia or Cameron. Again, no one is wearing the necklace. Of those two, you can guess who PROBABLY won but I don't want to post a guess!

Confirmed ... CAMERON won the Power of Veto.

Update ... 

"Lies, lies, all lies. It wasn't that dark in there. You could see. My mistake was going in the same room twice. This was my veto to win and I lost. Now I'm going home."

Thursday, September 21, 2023

BB25: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 21


Good evening! Tonight, either Cameron or America will get the boot! And then after that, two others will be on the block and one of them will get the boot! (And I'm not talking the Have Not Room door boot!)

Or will they? Seems like we're getting some rather cryptic promos and such. 

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will constantly be updating, refreshing this page will give you the latest happenings. As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

But first ... let's get that blog pool posted. Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Cory - Sharon N, Nickelpeed, Indiana Jane, deaflady
Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
America - Andi, Joanne Victoria, Willie J, Caela
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Mecole - cctru, Lili, Marthalight, MikesGirl, quixoticelf
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC, Skyriverblue
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Cameron- Cheryl in NC, JonMD 1267, CherylNY, Tilde
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Blue - monty924, Judi Sweeney, Jennifer, Don
Jared - Bizaro22, TBone, PDX Granny, Fred aka TwoBlackAces

Hamster watchers ready?

A different look on Julie tonight.

We are still getting rather cryptic bits ... will those going home tonight really leave? And whatever could leave them all terrified at the end of the show?

Mecole thinks the Jag, Matt, Cory, America group is more dangerous than Cirie for her game. Blue tells Matt she cannot target Jared. Matt is worried that Jared would target him or Jag.

The ScaryVerse globe lights red with a message for them. It's gibberish, not making sense. It's a broken message. Ohhh! I see renominate in there missing letters!

To the living room. Julie tells  them the ScaryWeek, horrifying competition, terrifying twists and a double eviction.

America - Since little girl wanted to live with lying snakes, Jag, want to stay.
Cameron - Shout outs. Love all the houseguests, no matter what happens.

The votes to evict:
Matt - Cameron
Bowie Jane - Cameron 
Cirie - Cameron and his hair
Mecole - Cameron
Jag - Cameron
Cory - Cameron
Felicia - Cameron
Blue - Cameron

It's unanimous, Cameron is out. He fakes a NO WAY reaction, hugs all. He sits with Julie. Still saying shocked jokingly. Julie tells him his game is Undead and he is now a Big Brother Zombie.

Back to Julie sans Cameron. HOH comp time. The backyard is a cemetery. Soul Mates, two at a time, face off at podium, see a soul looking for a match, three soul suitors. It sounds like the old Dating Game Show. 

Mecole chooses Bowie Jane to face off with. Bowie Jane eliminated.
Blue chooses Felicia to face off with. Felicia eliminated.
Jag chooses Cirie. Jag eliminated.
Matt chooses Cirie. Matt out.
Cory chooses Cirie. Cirie eliminated.
America chooses Blue. America eliminated.
Mecole chooses Cory. Mecole eliminated.
Cory vs. Blue. CORY IS THE NEW HOH!

Cory is torn between nominating Jared and Cirie or Jared and Blue.

Live nominations ceremony. Cory nominates Jared and Blue. Live veto comp next.

To the veto comp. Matt, Jag and Mecole are playing in addition to Cory, Blue and Jared. Monster Kill. Seach for items to kill the three creatures. Looks like the Clown Shoe comp. MATT WINS THE POV!

To the living room for the veto meeting. Matt decides to keep the noms the same.

To the living room for the second eviction:
Jared - Wonderful time, love you all, hope the people I trusted, just a game. 
Blue - What he said but cuter and better.

The votes to evict:
Matt - Jared
Bowie Jane - Jared
Cirie - Blue
Felicia - Jared
Mecole - Jared
America - Jared
Jag - Jared

Julie tells them that by a vote of 6 to 1, Jared is evicted. He handles it well. Cirie is taking it better than Blue. Cameron comes back. They are both Zombies. For the week they will be living in the house and one will be resurrecting his game. 

No HOH, no veto this week. Sunday at 10PM, Thursday at 9PM ET/PT, either Jared or Cameron will be resurrected.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 20


Good evening! Make sure you have your beverages and snacks nearby. For some reason, there is no show scheduled for next Tuesday although the Wednesday night time block goes completely Survivor and The Amazing Race. Supposedly, the BB veto show moves to Tuesdays. Remember ... the Thursday live eviction shows are now an hour earlier, 8PM ET/PT.

We have America and Cody on the block. Will someone win the veto and actually use it to save one of the nominees? Will they really try to backdoor Cameron? Ohh ... the suspense! (Please no live feeds info in comments!)

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'll be updating regularly -- please refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

As my usual, I'm sitting out the Previously On segment.

We pick up the action after the nominations ceremony. Jared tells us that he plans to backdoor Cameron. America thinks it's romantic to be put on the block with her showmance. Um. That's weird. Jared tells her that Cameron is his main target. 

Jared goes on to tell everyone that Cameron is his target.

Cory and America talk to Cameron. Cam wants one of them to pick him if they get Houseguest Choice. He will take one down and be safe himself if he plays and wins.

Jag tells Blue about Jared being in another alliance without her. He warns her that her proximity to Jared will hurt her. She goes to Jared about it. He tells her that Four Real Four Real was never a real alliance. He keeps telling her it's nothing important, not a big deal and tells her to calm down. He told her to stop raising her voice when she wasn't at all. He kept lying and being nasty to her for asking.

Mecole and Felicia talk. She thinks people are playing the both of them and they should bond. She tells Felicia that Cirie and Jared never planned to save her. Felicia is very upset with Cirie. They make a final two decision.

Jag, Matt and Blue talk, recognizing both sides of the house. Blue tells them she now realizes Jared lied to her. She will only tell him a handful of things. She will keep him as long as possible but then cut. She only really trusts Matt and Jag.

Jag tells Matt that to move forward they will have to work with Cory and America. Matt tells us he is close to Cirie, but Jag is his ride or die.

Jag talks to Cory and America. They want Cam out this week, then ... who can't play next week? They say Cameron has to get backdoored.

Veto players pick time! Jared draws Bowie Jane. Ciry draws Houseguest Choice, chooses Jag. America draws Cameron. (Not quite what really happened -- America first drew Jag, but had to redraw, then got Cameron.)

Cirie tells Jared if Cameron wins and takes America down, put her (Cirie) up and let her go. She thinks that might help Jared's game. He tells her no. He tells us he would never put his mother on the block.

Veto comp time. The olayers have footbal jerseys on. It's the ScrambleVerse. Huge feet spraying sweat, fill up helmets to run to fill up receptacle. It's a one at a time comp. America is up first.

Cory is up next. Bowie Jane next. She tells us she wants to win and slips/slides all over the place. Jag next. Jared up next. Then Cameron.

The results: Top 3. Jared 6 minutes. Cameron 5.22. Jag 4.43. JAG wins! He will surely save either Cory or America. Cam thinks he can convince Jag to keep him off the block. He tells Jag, Jared and Matt that if he goes, they would be next. He pushes for a Cory eviction. He tells them he holds true to his deals and he's a warrior.

Time for the veto meeting. Jag saves Cory. Jared puts Cameron on the block.

Monday, September 18, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 18

The Unreliables with a cast change.

You'll have to excuse the short update, please.

  • It was (of course) determined that Jag would use the veto to save either Cory or America.
  • Jag left it up to them as when Cameron went up as the renom, he would definitely be voted out.
  • Jag said if they can't decide, he will remove Cory because Cory chose him as Houseguest Choice to play the veto.
  • After imbibing wine last night, America told Jag to take Cory down.
  • Cam knew the minute that Jag won the veto that he was sunk.
  • Other than several times sitting alone looking pensive, he's been okay.
  • He said he will try to stay but will go out with dignity. I guess we will see.
  • The live feeds were blocked for the veto ceremony.
  • Cameron is on the block and it seems like it is indeed against America.

Dead man eating pizza.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Spoilers - Sept. 16


Playing for their lives.

The veto winner is at the bottom of this post. 
But, trust me, the stuff in between is good reading!

Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of We Gots Ourselves a Pressure Cooker Without a Pressure Cooker:

  • Well, the veto picks were made this morning.
  • Some of their worst nightmares came true. But, heck, the odds of people getting picked when fewer people are in the house really counts.
  • Yep, Cameron was picked to play for the veto.
  • Bowie Jane was a random draw by Jared (who would pick her anyway?) and Cory got Houseguest Choice, choosing Jag. Then America drew a chip -- Jag. She had to redraw and randomly picked Cameron. Matt will host.
  • Oh my, that kind of throws a wrench into the works, doesn't it? She had told Jag before that the only chip she didn't want to pull was Cameron.
  • Cameron told America if he wins, he will take her off the block.
  • He also told her to throw the comp to him. Yeah, like she will do that with her game on the line!
  • His plan is to then push for a Jag renom and work on everyone to get Jag out. After all, Jag was ALREADY voted out.
  • Cam knows that America doesn't want to lose Cory and he thinks Cory stands a chance to stay against Jag. 
  • Then they can work together! Like that will happen. America will cut him the first chance she gets!
  • Then there was the big Cirie/Jared talk. It came about because Blue put a bug in her ear (not literally, mind you) that since Izzy was gone people were talking about how close she (Cirie) is with Jared.
  • Cirie told Jared, for the good of his game, if Cameron wins and takes down America, put her (Cirie) up and she will go home.
  • She thinks it would save his game to show that he is not attached to her.
  • What she doesn't realize is that she sees her little boy with rose-colored glasses. Maybe it's those sunglasses she wears all the time.
  • Jared has as many people after him as there are after Cameron.
  • Both are obnoxious and arrogant plus they keep winning comps! Of course, people want BOTH of them out!
  • Cirie thinks that Jared could team up with Blue, Matt and perhaps Jag or Cory.
  • She made the offer to save his game, a game already sunk by the first chance they get to evict him whether she's there or not. She said it's purely a game move and nobody (like us) could say anything about it because she volunteered.
  • Um, no. Blue has already said that if she wins HOH she will be nominating Jared. 
  • Neither Matt nor Jag have any love for him.
  • Cirie tried Cirie-misting Jared about it, but he did tell her no.
  • Although later he told Blue (who knows she's his mother) that he was considering it.
  • Supposedly Jared has a deal for safety with Cameron if Cameron doesn't go up as a nom or a renom in the next HOH since he can't play for it.
  • But it's Big Brother. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse and the entire game is just a big spool of lies!
  • They still aren't even thinking that this week is a double eviction. They are too busy worrying about the veto comp.
  • Jared made it apparent to Bowie Jane that he doesn't think she will win. No, he didn't come out and say it to her -- he just kept telling her how he HAS to win and Cameron CANNOT win.
  • What if she wins?
  • She would probably go by Jared's wishes. She just wants to last in the house until jury.
  • Jag has agreed to Jared he would take America down if he wins.
  • Before the veto picks, yet another new "alliance" or, at least an agreement, was made. Matt, Cirie, Jag, Jared, Blue and Felicia all agreed that what's said between them stays between them. They call it "This Thing is Not a Thing."
  • Okaaay ... but they don't realize that Matt, Jag and Blue aren't really "with" the others, per se. And, what's said between them is certainly not shared with Jared, Felicia or Cirie!
  • I should make a point that this is the busiest feeds season I've seen in years. Like the casting or not, some strategy, alliance (fake or real) or scheming is going on.
  • The feeds got blocked around 2:30PM ET for the veto comp.
  • I'm just going to wait for the theme music to stop, see who won and then get this posted.
  • It could be a long wait. I don't have to watch the adoptable animals, though. I minimize the feeds on my computer with the loud theme music turned way down and do other stuff. 
  • I need to catch up on my Only Murders in the Building. If I hear the music in the background stop and voices, I'll flash on back to the live feeds to see the winner and get a screen cap.
  • Feeds have now been down almost four hours as I type this. Rumor on the street -- okay, Twitter -- is that the comp will be OTEV. We will see. Hopefully soon.
  • At almost 7PM ET, the feeds came back on.
  • Jag won by 40 seconds, Cameron came in second, Jared third.
He has the necklace!

Jared, put me up.

Frenemies or fake friends, real enemies.

The latest new "alliance."

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 13


Good evening! Make sure you have your beverages and snacks nearby. This is going to be a two-hour episode. Also, don't forget that beginning tomorrow night the Thursday live eviction shows will be starting an hour earlier at 8PM ET/PT versus its standard 9PM.

Tonight is the Veto comp episode. We have Izzy and Felicia on the block. Will someone win the veto and actually use it to save one of the nominees? Ohh ... the suspense!

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'll be updating regularly -- please refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Twiddling my thumbs through the "Previously on" segment.

We pick up the action after the nominations ceremony. A peek at the veto comp has them spinning in chairs. Cameron thinks he's all that. He is very full of himself and thinks he rules. Izzy thinks she makes him feel small. Felicia is not thrilled nor impressed with Cameron.

Felicia tells Cam that the vote was flipped to boot Red about an hour before the eviction. Cameron refers to the week as Cam's Chaos Week. Um, okay. He thinks he was left out of the boot Red conversation to spite him. Well, they didn't want him telling Red. Sheesh! He tells her she isn't the target.

Izzy talks to Cam. He tells her there is a distinction between game and personal. He tells her he wants to work with her. He thinks she believes him. She doesn't. He tells her she's not the target and that Felicia is a loose cannon. He tells her he loves Cirie. Izzy tells us that she is sure that Cam would put Cirie on the block as a renom.

America is head over heels with Cam's plans. 

Cirie talks to Cam. Love and hugs. Yep. She knows that she would be the renom and will work on it giving him hero worship. Gag. He tells us he knows she's trying to save her own butt but that she will go on the block if someone comes down.

Izzy tells Cirie that she's worried that Cirie will be the renom, if she wins the veto she will not save herself. They hug.

Now Jag talks to Cam in the HOH room. Jag tells us he still doesn't trust Cam, doesn't feel completely safe. Cam tells him he is to remain quiet. If Jag tells anyone about the deal, he will yank him on the block so quickly his head will spin.

I should note that while he is making some decent moves, the way he treats people and threatens them is endearing him to no one. Well, no one other than America so far.

Jag and Matt decide to be The Minutemen. Matt thinks it would be best the noms remain the same. He's worried that Jag would be the renom.

Cam and Jared in HOH room. Jared tells us he doesn't trust Cam at all. Well, duh. Cam thinks Jared can work with him and Jared had no idea that Red would be evicted. Cam tells us Cirie is his renom plan. He goes through his "steps" with Jared. His third step is to let both Izzy and Felicia think they are pawns. He won't tell Jared step 4, but Jared has it figured out -- his mother on the block.

Veto players picking time. Cameron draws ... Matt. Felicia draws Jared. (She thinks of him as her son in the house. Heh.) Izzy gets Houseguest Choice and chooses Jag.

Matt checks with Jared about what to do with the veto. Jared says to keep it the same as he thinks Cirie would go.

Izzy and Cirie are having a heart to heart talk. Izzy doesn't feel confident about anything. She thinks she's short, fat and ugly. Cirie tells her she had the same feeling that she couldn't do anything when she first went on Survivor. She's really touched by Izzy. Cirie says they are two hot messes. Izzy trusts her and is also touched.

Time for the veto comp, but all have to go to the living room for a Buddy Games show promo with Josh Duhamel. Blue tells them Josh is in the backyard. Cam would love to be on that show.

The backyard is set up like the new show. Matt has Hollywood hopes. Josh tells them the comp is in a series of rounds. 30 seconds spinning in chair, shooting 3 balls skeeball style  spinning each time in between, lowest score eliminated. It's a prize swap comp.

Felicia up first. 70 score. Jared needs to beat the 70. Jared got 30. Cam up next. Cam got 65. Izzy up next. She got 15. Matt up next. He got 142! Jag up now. He got 102. Izzy eliminated. She got the veto but she knows it won't last.

Second round. Jared 184. Cameron 26. Matt 122. Jag 91. Felicia fell. Got 27. Cameron eliminated. His "prize" is Piggy Pals choose a buddy build pig pen with 2000 scoops of dirt within two hours or can't play veto. He takes the veto and gives Izzy the Piggy Pals.

Round three. Matt up first, gets 63. Jag up next, gets 77. Jared up next, gets 150. Felicia gets 47 and collapses. She is all sweaty. She "wins" a European Vacation" - a trip for two. She trades it for the veto.

Round four -- Jag first, got 76. Jared next, got 74. Matt next, gets 116. Jared out. Gets Kayak Companions, buddy of your choosing, 48 hours. He takes the veto from Felicia.

Final round -- Matt up first. 139. Jag up. He gets 96. Jag receives $5,000. Keeps it.  Matt wins Duhamel-a-Maniac, hang out with Josh all week taking selfies galore. Matt thinks it's real. Jag doesn't think it is.

Izzy picks Cameron to be her Piggy Pal. Felicia picks Cirie to be her kayak pal. Jared keeps the veto. Felicia thinks Jared will save her. Josh bids adieu to all.

Cirie and Felicia have to go get their kayak. They have life vests, helmets and a kayak for two. They also have paddles. If they dock, they can get out but have to kayak going anywhere in the house. It's fun watching them maneuver the kayak.

Matt gets his punishment. He has a cardboard Josh, red plaid shirt and hat, camper vest and a Polaroid camera. He's having fun with it. All of the photos have to be on a shrine to Josh.

Cam talks to Jared in the HOH room. Cam asks him if he wants to play chill or blow this apart. He tells him he wants to put Cirie next to Izzy. He still wants Izzy out though. He thinks Cirie will have no one if Izzy goes. Jared tells us he will try to sway him. What if they put Jag next to Izzy? Cam senses that Jared doesn't want Cirie going up. But, of course, he doesn't know WHY Jared feels that way.

Time for Izzy and Cameron to get their Piggy Pals punishment. They have to do the 2,000 scoops of soil and they are already hot and sweaty. Cardboard Josh has to have his photo taken with pigs and kayaks. Then they all had to put the gas masks on, then a photo of all the houseguests in masks.

Houseguests are in bed. America wants Cory to kiss her. Even under the covers. He tells us his Mom is watching the live feeds. He doesn't want to go beyond cuddling. Then the kiss and dramatic music accompanying it comes. 

Back to the pigs in the backyard. It's 3:05AM. She decides to talk him to death. 6:32AM. They finish the tasks. They have to add water and roll around in the dirt. The costumes are good for the week.

Jared can't talk to Cirie alone. He talks to both kayakers and tells them it's backdoor plan if he uses the veto. Felicia tells us she NEEDS Jared to save her and is upset that he might not use it to save Cirie.

Time for the veto meeting. Jared does NOT use the veto. Izzy and Felicia remain on the block.

Tomorrow night it's the wall HOH comp.