Showing posts with label eviction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eviction. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction, HOH Comp Start Show Blog Party - August 11


Good evening! Tonight should hold no real surprises, but you know you never really know. I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there.

Rumors have it and it is about time for a wall endurance HOH comp. If they do have an endurance comp and it plays out on the live feeds, I will have a separate post with updates on it. If not on the feeds, I just can't help out! 

Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we currently stand going into tonight's show --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie has a melon shade summer dress tonight. She just better not twirl in that skirt! Previously on tells us all we already know. Tonight is the last evictee pre-jury.

Julie tells us it's Day 37 and that the Festie Bestie twist ends tonight. She says it's been a house divided and one side has been in the dark ... until now.

Kyle tells Daniel he won't throw him under the bus. Daniel tells us that he and Alyssa have figured out that there's an alliance he calls The Sorry Six. Now he believes that Kyle is in the alliance, so he will campaign against him.

Now Indy is hiding some of Michael's hard cider. Indy and Alyssa are tipsy. Kyle tells us he's back to riding with the Leftovers as Alyssa went all crazy about Monte going. He won't be able to protect her and try to get her into the Leftovers. Daniel thinks that Alyssa and Joseph are just afraid to really play the game.

Daniel is willing to sabotage the Kyle/Alyssa showmance by throwing him under the bus. He thinks he has these votes: Jasmine, Joseph, Terrance and Indy ... needs one more. Of course, he doesn't realize how tied to the Leftovers Joseph really is. He knows Joseph is in that alliance but thinks they're tight and he will "listen to logic." He's trying to convince Alyssa to vote out Kyle now.

To the living room for the vote --

Daniel - Please vote to evict me to be with Nicole, this is a circus and you're a bunch of clowns. Michael has won five comps! Keep me and I'll do your dirty work. There's an alliance! It will be boring without me.

Kyle - Shout outs, can benefit everybody's game, love ya.

The votes to evict:
Monte - Daniel
Brittany - Daniel
Turner - Daniel
To commercial ...
Alyssa - Daniel
Taylor - Daniel
Indy - Daniel
Jasmine - Daniel
Joseph - Daniel
Terrance - Kyle

Daniel knew the second Julie said eight to one. The only person he hugged was Terrance. He practically ran out. He thinks no one except Michael know the game.

Julie calls them to the living room again. She tells them the Festie Bestie twist is over. All have now, at least, made it to jury. She tells them another BB Classic Comp awaits them and tells them to go to the yard.

It is indeed the wall -- look for my next post if you want to follow it after the show ends. They are on a flat earth and the comp is called Conspiracy Fest.

Julie tells us she will let us in on a big secret twist that will "launch two simultaneous games at once." Okaaay.

Two hours next Thursday, house will split into two groups without interaction. There will be a double eviction the next week.

All still up as the show ends. OOPS. Spoke too soon. Jasmine fell down. What a shocker! Tune into my next post for updates on the comp.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - August 4


Good evening! I hope everybody is weathering the weather these days. I so do not like the heat! Bring on autumn!

Tonight we will see the live eviction show and perhaps the start of the HoH comp. They seem to like to put that off and sometimes show it on the Sunday show. So, I can't promise HoH!

Before we get going, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here we stand:

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

I'm not sure I really like Julie's pink summery one-piece pants thing she's wearing tonight. I think it makes her look heavier. Oh, well. Let's sit through Previously On.

It's Day 30. Julie recaps the recap for us. Daniel tells us that he hasn't trusted Monte since the Ameerah vote and, because Monte wanted to keep the noms the same, he had to use the veto. So, he put his only real ally on the block. He honestly thinks they have the votes to send Taylor packing and not Nicole.

Alyssa thinks it was Kyle who saved her off the block. She doesn't realize it was really Daniel. Taylor is really upset because she was told she wouldn't be going on the block this week even though she would be safe.

Daniel talks to Alyssa/Indy saying how he saved them because he loves them and they need to save Nicole. Nicole is certain she has the votes to stay. She seems to think by telling Indy, Alyssa and Jasmine that she was a cop for ten years they will be sure to keep her.

Daniel tells us that people make the mistake of getting too comfortable in the game ... as he and Nicole are calling the others clowns and are sure she will stay.

The obligatory showmance segment ... Kyle and Alyssa. She's "in love." 

Since the Leftovers are worried about a tie vote, they need to keep their alliance under cover.

Nicole talks to Monte. She lies and tells Monte what he wants to hear as she no longer trusts him. Monte tells us he doesn't trust Nicole and will go to Jasmine, Alyssa and Indy that she (Nicole) will target them. He tells Jasmine. She runs to the other two after telling us in the DR that she didn't want to be "on the other side of the house" again. Indy speaks up against Taylor and how she was supposed to leave the first week.

To the living room for the live vote --

Nicole - Loves her mother, loyalty and integrity, I will play with humility and grace and the right person will win the game

Taylor - Shoutouts. Points out her closest ally put Nicole in the game. Loves all.

The votes to evict:

Joseph - Nicole
Terrance - Nicole
Michael - Nicole
Indy - Nicole
Commercial break.
Jasmine - Nicole
Daniel - Taylor
Turner - Nicole
Kyle - Nicole
Alyssa - Nicole
Brittany - Nicole
Michael is the only one who didn't do shout-outs!

Nicole looked like she knew she was gone the second Julie said nine to one. Heh. A bitter Daniel tells them all that they all can't split the check and they need to play for themselves.

Nicole says Taylor's speech was amazing and comical. Nicole claimed that she (Nicole) was playing her alliance's game. She handles the interview well.

Gather in the living room -- time for Taylor to choose a Festie Bestie duo or trio to join. She chooses Indy and Alyssa. Hmm.

No HOH start. It will probably play out tonight with the feeds blocked.

In the live feeds end of show peek, Daniel is alone pacing, saying he should pack his bags and how much he doesn't want to live with these people.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 28


Get your snacks and beverages ready! We should be in for a wild ride with this episode tonight!

We have the veto meeting tonight before the live eviction. The veto meeting is not live. Before we go any further ... Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here is the latest:

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Ameerah    - Jennifer S, Joanne Victoria, Jackie
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Julie is dressed all summery and tells us an unlikely group has gathered together and we might be in for an epic blindside. Oh, but then it went to "Previously on ..." Then Julie gives us the history of the Leftovers.

Time for the (taped) veto meeting. As expected, Michael/Brittany save themselves. Turner names Terrance/Ameerah as the renoms. He says they don't talk game. The one target the house had would not be best for my game and I'm not going to join the dogpile. I've heard people talk.

Turner tells us that the bullying of Taylor stops today. Ameerah is surprised she's on the block and wonder who Turner might have on his side to give him the nerve to do that. Nicole thinks Turner tried to turn the house upside-down. Indy cries and she's not even on the block.

Terrance tells his buddies he wants Ameerah to stay over him. Michael tells us that they're keeping him here, whether he likes it or not. Monte is acting like he's surprised to Ameerah.

Julie tells us that the Leftovers need to keep up on their acting skills if they want to blindside Ameerah. Nicole buys into it and is crying to Terrance because he won't be there anymore. Heh. Turner tells Terrance he will be there and not to tell anyone.

To the living room live --

Ameerah - Shout outs, time of her life, enjoy playing game, ally, keep me.

Terrance - Shout outs, HG you know I love you, Turner respect the move. What if?

The votes to evict:
Alyssa - Terrance
Indy - Terrance
Monte - Ameerah
Nicole - Terrance
Commercial break ...
Jasmine - Terrance
Brittany - Ameerah
Taylor - Ameerah
Kyle - Ameerah
Michael - Ameerah
Daniel - Ameerah (sympathy vote)
Joseph - Ameerah

By a vote of 7 to 4 Ameerah, you are evicted. Nicole and Alyssa with dropped open jaws. Ameerah a bit teary says, "You guys got me." Turner is trying to stifle a giggle as Nicole hangs on him. Ameerah tells Julie that she got voted out because she was such a threat. Julie tells Ameerah about the Leftovers. She looks confused and says she's shocked.

Julie has to tell Terrance what is going to happen now that his Bestie is gone. He can have more than one Bestie. He can choose which set of Besties he wants to join. He decides to join Monty/Joseph. Three will play veto, three can also be nominated but only one goes home.

The HOH comp is based on the upcoming movie, The Invitation. We get a clip. If you want to compete, you need to find an invitation -- 1500 envelopes will rain down, first eight to find a red invitation will compete, four will not.

The comp prequel to comp starts and then the show ends. I'll catch you up with what happens on the feeds. If it plays out on the live feeds, I'll make a post covering it.

Jasmine has an invitation. Terrance, Brittany ... then it cuts away.  

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Not Live Eviction, HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - July 24

 Good evening! I hope everyone is holding up okay with this ridiculous heat across the country. Now, in real life the Power of Veto comp is done and over with. However, due to the schedule change, we will see the taped live eviction, the HOH comp, the Besties twist and the nominations all in a two-hour show.

Please don't post any spoilers in the comments area before they air on the show. I hate to remove comments. It's bad enough that Blogger keeps sending some comments to its spam folder and I have to retrieve them during commercials!

I will be live-blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there! Bring icy cold beer, please!

Previously On ... and all that. Will Pooch face his demise in the game tonight?

Julie tells us that Pooch and Taylor both think they are pawns, only one is. Pooch says it's the petty girls who want Taylor out and he doesn't know why.

Kyle and Alyssa are flirting on the edge of a showmance. You can tell from this segment that they want to push the showmance factor -- they think it brings up the ratings.

The guys notice all the girls (or most of them) are up in the HOH room. Joseph tells Monte and Kyle that he thinks they are going to vote out Pooch. Joseph doesn't know about the plan, but Monte and Kyle do.

Alyssa tells Kyle about the all girls alliance that Paloma started on the first day.

Julie tells us a blindside seems certain for tonight, but who will be blindsided with the house dividing along gender lines? Ameerah tells Monte that Taylor is trying to backdoor him. She tells him that Pooch is more dangerous to her own game. But Monte isn't sure that's best for his game. Ameerah gets Nicole to confront Monte saying Pooch will go after both of the girls.  

Nicole thinks the females this season are the strongest ever cast on the show. Um, well.

To the living room (as if it's live) --

Pooch - Grateful to be here. I'm already winning. Loyal. Love all y'all. (He rambles and isn't taking it seriously.)

Taylor - Love y'all. If you choose to keep me, I can be an asset to your game.

The votes to evict:

Turner - Pooch
Alyssa - Pooch
Ameerah - Pooch
Joseph - Pooch
To commercial break ...
Daniel - Pooch
Nicole - Pooch
Kyle - Pooch
Monte - Pooch
Michael - Pooch
Brittany - Pooch
Indy - Pooch
Terrance - Pooch

It's unanimous -- Pooch gets the doggy door out! Fake hugs all around.

Julie reminds him he volunteered and pawns often go home. He's shocked that it was 12 to 0. Julie tells him the five-woman alliance siezed the opportunity to vote him out when they could.

Julie calls all to the living room to unveil the new twist. The only way to enjoy a festival with a friend -- you will be playing with a Festie Bestie. By the time the HOH is over, you will have one. If you win HOH, your Bestie is safe, too. Nomination will be one set of Besties. PoV is played with Besties, too. On eviction night, only one bestie is evicted. She will tell what happens to the other best on eviction night.

HOH comp time. Get Lit is the comp. Rounds, hold down button on giant lighter, sit down when music stops. When eliminated, strategic or personal decision. First person eliminated can join Jasmine or have someone else choose. There are giant lighters suspended for them to hang onto. The lighters are moving back and forth. It's a bit like a twisted game of musical chairs although they each have their own chair.

Julie leaves as the hamsters compete. Terrance out first. He doesn't want to be Jasmine's Bestie. He gets his own table. Round two - Brittany out, also takes an empty table. Round three - Joseph out, chooses an empty table. Michael throws it so he can sit with Brittany in Round Four. Round Five - Taylor out, chooses an empty table.

It's up to Round Six. Monte out, chooses to be Festie Bestie with Joseph. Round Seven -- Nicole out, chooses Taylor as her Festie Bestie -- tells us she knows that if they go on the block, she would be safe. Round Eight starts. Indy out, chooses empty table. Round Nine -- Daniel throws it to take the last empty table. Round Ten -- Kyle out, chooses Daniel.

Round Eleven -- Alyssa out, chooses Indy. Round Twelve -- It's Ameerah versus Turner.


Ameerah picks Terrance. So, Turner gets (stuck with) Jasmine. Turner tells us he would love to have Ameerah or Nicole on the block. Brittany doesn't want to lose Michael. Turner thinks being Festie Bestie with Jasmine might give him an in with the girls that he doesn't now have. Nicole SAYS she wants to work with Taylor plus if they go on the block, Taylor is a bigger target.

Who wants to see my HOH room? Nobody, I say! Okay, they all go and he cries through a letter from his girlfriend.

Everybody has to go to the living room for the Have Not choosing. Only one Festie Bestie couple has to be Have Nots. Turner turns the task over to Jasmine. Indy and Alyssa are chosen -- they are the only couple that neither has been a Have Not yet.

Indy is rubbing people wrong, notably Terrance. Heck, just let her sulk for a bit about Have Not. 

Nicole says they should put up Michael and Brittany and backdoor Taylor. She thinks an advantage will come her way if she remains after Bestie Taylor is backdoored.

Turner has decided either Nicole/Taylor or Michael/Brittany. He talks to the women. Hmm. Nicole is acting like Taylor is her actual best friend! But he is more concerned talking to Brittany, she doesn't let on anything actual about gameplay. He tells Michael he trusts him more than Brittany. Michael is worried that they will go on the block.

Nomination Ceremony time. Turner nominates Festie Besties Michael and Brittany, because they don't talk a lot of game with him.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Eviction, HoH Results Bulletin - July 21


The live feeds will run through until we see the "live" taped eviction on Sunday evening. The feeds returned tonight at about 11:40PM ET.

Although no one has mentioned it that I caught, Pooch is missing and Taylor is there. So, the Pooch out the doggy door did indeed go down.

They had the HOH comp. I'm not sure what it was as it was blocked to the feeds. But I'm rather shocked who won ...

Turner. Turner won HOH.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Updated Schedule Change for Eviction Show


Due to CBS’s live coverage of the House Select Committee’s Public Hearings, this Thursday’s live eviction episode of Big Brother is moving. They announced it would air Friday. Forget that. 

It will now air as a special two-hour episode this Sunday, July 24th from 8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT. 

I'm sure it won't be live.

I will post a live feeds update later tonight. There hasn't been a heck of a lot going on.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Season Finale Blog Party



Good evening! Here we are ... the season finale after several years, er, days in the house of "celebrities" most of whom might be considered that in very limited arenas. The final three aren't quite what I expected at the beginning. But, two out of the three don't surprise me at all now at the end of the season.

I haven't reported on the live feeds because it's been Todrick non-stop talking about himself and shuffling cards. There have been no spoilers coming from within the house. 

On the other hand ... unlike regular BB which has its jurors sequestered and even monitored to quell discussions of the hamsters, CBB lets them out into the world. And, to social media. LOTS of stuff has gone down on Twitter.

 Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool for the final time and here's where we stand:

Cynthia Bailey: Indiana Jane, Glenn Allen
Todrick Hall: Chrob61, Monty 924
Miesha Tate: David, Sharon N.

Teddi Mellencamp
Mirai Nagasu
Chris Kattan (self-evicted)
Chris Kirkpatrick
Shanna Moakley
Carson Kressley
Lamar Odum
Todd Bridges

I will be live-blogging the show, regularly updating this entry with the major happenings as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Are you ready?

Julie is dressed in a dress with a diagonal hem. Okay. Previously on is on ...

Into after Todd was evicted. Miesha thinks it will be Todrick and herself in the final two. Todrick confesses to Cynthia that he's BB superfan. That's actually the only reason I "knew" Todrick -- not as a celebrity, but as the guy who invited BB23 hamsters to his house. It was all over Twitter.

Todrick works on Cynthia to take him to the final two if that needs to happen.

The HOH screen shot has them in booths in a snowy scene.

Shout Out - 7 short videos former HG - three statements, one false.

1. Cynthia, Miesha each 1 point.
2. Miesha 1 point
3. Todrick, Miesha each 1 point
4. None got it
5. All wrong
6. All wrong again

No need to go on as no one can win except Miesha. Miesha is the final HOH!

To the living room and Miesha's decision.

Cynthia - Ride amazing, already feel like I won. Played with loyalty, proud of you both.

Todrick - Time of my life with you as my ride or die. You're incredible. Etc.

Miesha evicts Cynthia, no surprise there.

Text 21523 America Votes in case of a tie breaker starting now. Either Miesha or Todrick.

To the jury -- Carson apologizes to Shanna. Cynthia comes out as Juror 08.

To the final two and why they should win.

Miesha - Didn't prepare a lot. Planned to beast competitions. Wanted to play with integrity. Thank you.

Todrick - Game plan was to lay low. Blood on his hands each week. Cookout inspired him. Love the game. Not based on how many comps you win. Never on the block. Want to make art for my community.

The voting --

Teddi - Wizard of Oz, we can see behind the curtain
Mirai - Appreciation for competition winning
Chris - Integrity for my son
Shanna - Will never have to hear your voice again
Carson - The one who worked it harder
Lamar - Got a tattoo, going with the person who resembles that mentality
Todd - Refers to the live feeds and talking trash about people who were gone.
Cynthia - Vote for the person who helped me navigate how the show works.

Chris Kattan arrives but did not vote.

The votes -

Cynthia - Todrick
Todd - Miesha
Lamar - Miesha
Carson - Miesha
Shanna - Miesha
Chris - Miesha

MEISHA WINS! The unread votes were also for Miesha.

America's Favorite - top three were Lamar, Carson and Shanna. CARSON wins!

Congratulations blog pool winners David and Sharon N!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Live PoV, Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Feb. 14


Good evening! Ready for a romantic Valentine's Day evening cuddled with our beloved Celebrity hamsters? Yeah, right. 

Tonight, the Power of Veto comp and the eviction will both be live. So, at this time it's still Miesha and Todd on the block. But all else is murky. Will Carson still target his first target Miesha? If he does, will the votes be there for her to go? Common sense would say get her gone as she's the toughest competitor in the house. But common sense doesn't get a vote. Who will win the veto? Will it be used? Is there a backdoor plan in mind?

I guess we'll know all the answers soon!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here's where we stand:

Cynthia Bailey: Indiana Jane, Glenn Allen
Todd Bridges: Donna in Alabama, Jackie
Todrick Hall: Chrob61, Monty 924
Carson Kressley: Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Shanna Moakley: SueGee, Caela
Lamar Odum: Jennasmom, Marthalight
Miesha Tate: David, Sharon N.

Teddi Mellencamp
Mirai Nagasu
Chris Kattan (self-evicted)
Chris Kirkpatrick

I'll be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Let's get this show going! 

Previously on and blah-blah-blah. Carson is actually believing the Todrick's Twisted Tales. He doesn't seem to realize that he will still be a huge target no matter what.

Julie is in red and black tonight. It's Day 20. Julie says that Miesha is still running the game from her nomination chair with a little help from her friend. All will depend on Shanna NOT winning the veto.

Cynthia and Shanna talk. Cynthia doesn't seem to be too convinced. I'm really at a loss why she and Carson think the same people who have been trying to evict them are the ones to go with. Carson tells Cynthia that he's confused.

Miesha already has a plan to oust Carson next week. Believe it or not, it sounds like Todrick has more scruples than she does.

Filler segment on Lamar's love and ex-marriage.

Carson tells us he trusts Miesha. I wish we could shout FOOL at him loud enough to hear us. He offers to take someone down and evict Shanna if they keep Cynthia safe next week. He tells Cynthia they are on the path to the Final Four.

PoV time! Random draw has Todrick, Lamar and Cynthia playing. Shanna isn't even going to get a chance. Sigh. They have to build a chocolate puzzle. TODRICK wins the Power of Veto!

Veto Meeting ... Todrick saves TODD?!?!?! Carson still replaces the nom with Shanna.

To the live vote --
Miesha - Not surprised. Shanna is here because she's shady.
Shanna - Kind words to CBS and family. Doesn't bother asking to stay.

The votes to evict:
Todd - Shanna
Cynthia - Shanna
Lamar - Shanna
Todrick - Shanna

As expected.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

BB23: Season Finale Blog Party

The Final Three,
no group goodbye to the live feeds!

We're finally here at the season finale! Woot! Woot! Tonight they will air the taped Part Two of the final HOH comp and Part Three will play out live on the show. The winner of Part One will compete in Part Three against the winner of Part Two.

Have I confused you yet? Xavier won the first part. That means that the second part will be Azah and Derek competing. Whichever one wins that will go up against Xavier in Part Three. The winner of Part Three chooses which one is evicted and which one goes to the final two with him or her.

Since this is a show post and the live feeds already know the winner of Part Two ... shhh! It's a NO SPOILER ZONE! Please don't comment on it until it airs on the show.

Lifeguard SueGee has our final three blog pool entrants in this update:

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
JURY: Britini D'Angelo, Derek Xiao, Sarah Beth Steagall, Claire 
Rehfuss, Alyssa Lopez, Tiffany Mitchell, Hannah Chaddha, Kyland Young

I will be updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Resting through the Previously On ...

Julie is once again dressed in bright red, a rather simple but stately dress. We go right into HOH Part Two. Four of a Kind Slot Machine. Answer always four HG, climb up the giant slot machine wheels to turn them to match the faces on giant slot machine. Three questions. They do the comp individually.

1. First Wild Card Winners, 2. First four to survive eviction on the block, 3. First four to use veto

Derek is complaining about his knees and whining. 

Xavier reads off the times -- Azah 13.19 -- Derek 20.22


Derek is whining again, still. Heh. Before commercial break Julie tells us someone should remind Derek that his loss puts his fate in the hands of his housemates.

Julie tells us it is not sitting well with Big D that Azah has a route to the end of the show. He tells us he carried her all through the season and is mad about Xavier/Azah cuddling. Azah tells us that Derek has hurt her feelings and doesn't respect her. He is being obnoxious to her. He tells her that he will lose next to her and won't kiss anyone's ass. Oh my.

He is now acting like it was all him "saving" her last week in the Kyland vote when she did know that came from Xavier. Heck, Kyland knew it came from Xavier. Azah tells us that she doesn't like the way he's talking to her and is reconsidering. Derek whines to Xavier, who would be the recipient of any reconsider. How dumb is that dude?

Xavier laughs to us and says Derek has done himself in.

Azah tells Derek that if she wins Part 3 she will take Xavier. He is reacting poorly and tells us again how he has carried her. @@

Jury members talking who will be next. They seem to think Azah. Claire thinks the smart move would be to take Xavier out. Kyland joins them. Tiffany guesses right that it was Derek voting but Xavier directing the move. They talk about the final three. Xavier is coming across as the best game play. Kyland mentions the thrown comps.

Azah flew under the radar. Britini speaks of her loyalty. Derek X says had friendships outside the Cookout. Claire wanted to see her make a big move. Derek -- keeps secret, Alyssa says good social, Derek says he has a cool first name. SB said he wasn't capable of winning comps. Tiffany says he couldn't but gives him credit for staying. Kyland wants the strongest player to win. Kyland thinks that Derek and Hannah were interchangeable. Ew!

Time for Part Three of the HOH comp! Booths, of course. Xavier, Azah. Houseguest Headliners. How well they know the others. Jury members, three statements about juror, decide which statement is false. Eight questions.

1. Xavier right
2. Both right
3. Both right
4. Both right
5. Both right
6. Both right
7. Both right
8. Both right


Xavier has to choose between Derek and Azah ...

Derek -- My brother, bond, together

Azah -- Appreciate and respect game, thank you for starting the Cookout, will be okay with whatever you decide.

Xavier loves them both, evicts AZAH. It will be Derek versus Xavier in the final two.

Azah talks to Julie. She is sad. She knew she tripped up on the first question. Did all she could. She tells Julie she would have indeed taken Xavier to the final two had she won. He played the best game and would be a great representative for the first African American to win BB. Her eye makeup is bugging me. She is being Azah in the interview.

Jury interrogation time!

The jurors seem to hope it was Derek F evicted. Azah shows up. Julie tells them Xavier was the last HOH.

Kyland - Xavier, what most important factors first Black winner? Play strong game, didn't get personal, never disrespected, team game play, best game play.

Britini - Big D, decisions at the hands of others name two you made. He says he founded the Cookout, and strategized it.

Alyssa - X - biggest mistake. He says he got too close to his teammates and it really crushed him.

Hannah - D - You here for fame over game. He says he wanted to be on television, help mother, you all are sitting there because of me.

Derek X - X - Strategic game move you made we don't know. Kyland eviction and threw the HOH to Derek X.

SB - Derek - What did you specifically contribute? Always in ear and drop facts, made sure plans happened. (Xavier is laughing at Derek)

Azah - Derek - Why do you deserve more than Xavier? Because I put in the work, thought of all in Cookout, have a heart.

Xavier is trying his best to not crack up at Derek's answers.

Final pleas ...

Derek - Said a lot tonight, came in knowing what he was going to do, formed an alliance with the other Blacks, competitor, can't say anything bad about Xavier, he deserves it as much as me.

Xavier - Played team best, never waived from Cookout, lost and won when he needed to. Won 3 HOH and 3 vetoes. On block five times. Love you all amazing summer!

The voting commences. Britini, played best overall game. Derek X, voting for me and Travis, SB - beyond honored. Claire - loves being proved wrong, don't think she will get that tonight. Alyssa - BB Couch, Tiffany - best game. Hannah - not much of a hot thing. Kyland - more important things than money in life. Azah - love you guys!

The pre-jurors appear live on screens next.

Julie mentions the Cookout. Christian, greatest alliance in BB history, not playing for themselves, history can be made. Brent surprised by Tiffany no idea so much impact and influence, master plan. Kudos to her. Derek X never suspected he was getting played. Stole Travis's hoodie.

Secrets -- Hannah's master student, all the secrets revealed except Xavier's lawyer bit. Time for Derek F to reveal father was Joe Frazier. Xavier lawyer job now. Britini discusses her autism. Kyland's tense exit ... does he regret? He talks around it.

Julie tells them that they doubled the prize money for AFP to 50 grand.

Time to crown a winner ...

Britini - X
Derek X - X
SB - X
Claire - X
Alyssa - X
What happened to the social distancing as Julie mingles with them all?

Congratulations to BB23 Blog Pool Winners -- Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals!

Julie tells us the votes were unanimous for Xavier.

Derek X and Tiffany were top two for AFP -- TIFFANY WON IT!

Definitely with the exception of Derek F in the final two, a satisfying end. Xavier deserved the win and Tiffany deserved the AFP.

Thank you all for coming along for the ride!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

BB23: Live Final Four Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 23


Welp, we're getting down to the wire. It's the final four about to become the final three tonight. We will see the Power of Veto ceremony in which Xavier can save someone ... or not. And, then whoever is NOT on the block is the sole vote and has to vote right in front of them! The power! But also the stress for that person! There is a show tomorrow night at 8PM EDT/PDT, then on Sunday as well. The season finale is next Wednesday, the 29th.

I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this entry with the latest happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

Julie is wearing a shiny red dress and ... we're into the "Previously On" segment. ah, good -- we will see Tiffany and Hannah at the Jury House.

Day 79 and Julie promises us the final three. But we knew that. We go right into Derek's big dilemma ... Azah or Kyland or even ending up on the block himself. Good. He needs the stress. He's only had the stress of laying around and failing at every comp all season. Kyland, rightfully, is very uneasy. He is right -- he's been working and having to make decisions while Derek has not all summer.

Now Derek is whining to both Azah and Xavier. Azah is nervous but she really hasn't had the risks so far in the game that Kyland has had. She offers to off Kyland if Xavier takes her off the block. Derek is worried that going back on his word will look bad on his "resume." Um. What resume is that?

Derek thinks he has done so much more in the game than Azah. Um. Really. I've watched the live feeds all summer. You did NUTHIN' Derek. I'm sorry. I just can't get over how delusional he is! Neither him nor Azah have played the game well and they only made it this far due to Xavier wanting a sure win. Once again, the show is editing him to be something other than he is.

Xavier tells us he is considering having Azah come down because she will definitely do his bidding and vote out Kyland.

Tiffany enters the Jury House. She is a bit nervous about how they will take the reasoning behind the Cookout. She shows them the HOH when Kyland wins. Then the Veto comp. Alyssa thinks Kyland wants to take Xavier to the final two. Tiffany explains Day One Cookout and how she didn't want to go after anyone of color. First it was an understanding, then the name. It was a team goal to have the first Black winner. She tells them about the duo Master Plan.

Hannah arrives. She plays the DVDs of the HOH and Veto. Tiffany has it right ... Xavier will put himself against an easy win.

To the living room ...

Xavier does not use the POV.

Azah - Thanks God, shout outs. Big D, underestimated and overlooked, true best friend, love you.

Kyland - Shout outs. Derek - so thankful for all of you, what we have done is in my heart. Would mean the world for me ...

Derek - Loves both on a personal level, played for myself. Evicts Kyland. Kyland is not happy with Xavier. Ohh ... almost a fight as Kyland brings up the bad example he's setting for his nephew!

Julie announces doubling the prize for AFP - 50K. Vote by text 97979 houseguest name.

Tomorrow night the final three hear from their families. Sunday is Part One of the HOH. Wednesday, an hour later than usual, two hour season finale.

Thursday, September 02, 2021

BB23: Live Eviction and HOH Comp Start - Sept. 2


Good evening! I'm still not 100% here and now rather storm-ravaged on top of things. (Yes, I live in New Jersey in the NYC Greater Metro area and we got hit hard with the remnants of Ida.) I will try my best to keep up with things tonight. There is supposed to be an endurance HOH comp, so I will be covering that in a separate live feeds post after tonight's aired show.

First off ... I would like to thank JonMD1267 for providing running updates here last night during the show. Amazing work! Thank you so much!

I will be updating this entry the best I can as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

But first -- Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool (she rocks like that, y'know). Here's where we stand going into the show tonight:

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Alyssa Lopez - CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Sarah Beth Steagall - Andi, Brenda, Tilde, TS14Fan
Claire Rehfuss - KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc

Jury: Britini D'Angelo, Derek Xiao


Sitting through the "previously on" segment. Ohh, we get a bit of Britini and Derek X tonight! Oh my, Julie has a tight little black dress on! She tells us the week was crazy and had nothing to do with the game. Hmm. To me, all has to do with the game! Sure enough, the segment is about SarahBeth and Kyland on the block.

Alyssa and Claire, in front of Xavier, mention that Claire is actually the only white person left. "Is there an alliance we don't know about?" Xavier is shocked Alyssa brought it up -- Alyssa is his "person."

Bee in the backyard drama causing Hannah to fall from the hammock and hurt herself. She fell because Derek F jumped out to escape from the bee (which they call a beetle?). Sure looked like a bee to me! Then the smoke alarm is going off in the kitchen because they forgot to watch cooking food.

The Cookout randomly meets up in the bathroom wondering why no one else in the house has caught onto them. Xavier tells us he's proud of the Cookout but only one can win and that will be him.

Xavier, Kyland and Derek F think the women need to go. Xavier can actually see either them or going with Hannah and Tiffany. Kyland doesn't trust Derek F. Derek F thinks he can win with either of the guys in a final two. Tiffany schemes with Kyland to target Xavier and Derek X. Kyland isn't quite sure which one he trusts. Tiffany tells us that she plans to be in the final two with Chadda (Hannah).

Jury segment with Derek X and Britini. The Lord of the Latrine has arrived. Hugs go on, thankfully not tears. The HOH, nominations and eviction play for them. Derek tells Britini about Kyland's goodbye message about working with a group. Britini figures it out about duos, then Derek catches on.

To the living room:
SB - Reasonable tactical reasons to keep her, knows what it's like to make a decision and regret it. 
Kyland - Shout-outs. Great one on one conversations. I talk a lot. Nothing bad to say about SB.

The votes to evict:
Derek F - to evote SB
Claire - Vote only counts in a tie - SB
Alyssa - SB
Tiffany - Kyland sympathy vote
Azah - SB
Hannah - SB
Xavier - SB

No surprises for us or her. Hugs. She loves them. Yeah. Sure. She thinks she was evicted because she was a bigger threat than Kyland. Ha. She knew Tiff gave her the vote. Kyland also knew and told her. Goodbye messages -- Claire admits to being secret HOH. Azah and Kyland hint at the Cookout.

Claire will compete but has to throw the comp. So, it's the Cookout versus Alyssa. Tiffany can play. The circus -- the Flying BBeano on suspended disks on a carousel, spin, slam into Bubbles the elephant. First three out will be Have Nots. Derek F is having problems before it even starts! The elephant has bubbles coming from its "booty."

Heh. Commercial block ended and Derek is already down.

Zingbot next week, double eviction two weeks in a row.

Julie tells Derek he looks relaxed. I think he looks angry. Alyssa down? Hmm.

I have a separate post to cover this from the live feeds. See you there!