Hmm … other than the Prankster, the nominations and some pranks, I'm not sure what they have to show in this episode. My guess is we'll get a lot of filler clips -- I probably won't report in full on those. They actually finished the HoH comp on the live show and the promised ZingBot won't be on until Wednesday. Any jury house or family segments are always on the live show. I guess it's a mystery.
I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!
Reminder -- this show post and comments are SPOILER FREE. Please don't comment on spoilers or refer to them in comments.
Previously on and blah, blah, blah ...
Jackson tells us that Christie remaining will help him stay in the game.
The hamster are all wondering how Prank Week is going to work. Nick hopes it will work in his favor as Holly is HoH. Christie cries to us, of course. She ruined her best friend's game and cut some deals to keep herself safe.
Cliff, the expert at soul-selling deals, gives her advice and cuts his own deal with her. He tells her to go to Holly and Jackson. She wants them to trust her that they're not her targets -- she wants Nick out. She tells them she has no one, she's willing to be a pawn and she will keep them safe. Jackson seems to buy what she's selling.
Cliff goes to Christie, telling her he wants Nicole to remain safe. So, he goes to Jackson and Holly. Jackson tells him he would like to go to the end with Cliff, and Holly. They agree to take in Nicole. A lot of this seemed to be taking place before the eviction last week.
Now they're sitting around in fear of the unknown and pranks.
Holly tells us her target is Nick -- she wants him out. She's scared the Prankster will interfere with her HOH.
The campy BB voice tells Nicole, Cliff and Jess (lowest three in the HoH_ that their punishment will be making pies and smashing in faces. They're first directed to smash them in their own faces. Then each other's face. Then it's to be done in slow motion. It goes on into the overnight hours. They're directed to wake someone up and smash a pie in his/her faces. Of course, the voice should wake them up anyway.
Now Christie is back-pedaling to Holly and is all nervous about being a pawn. That, of course, is what she used to get them to keep her in the game.
They're all called to the living room where Holly reads a card that the Prankster will be making one nomination and she'll only nominate one. They're told it's voted by America and that if the Prankster's nominee comes down, the Prankster names the renom.
Holly isn't happy because it diminishes her HOH and ruins her plans. Christie's not happy because she thinks America hates her and she won't be voted to be the Prankster.
Holly is a bit relieved that she won't have to deal with Christie being upset if she goes up as a pawn. Christie is wondering if Nick might be the Prankster.
Nick tells us that Jackson might go up by the Prankster because he's a threat in the house. Nick goes to Holly, says Christie has made him a villain and tries to convince her not to nominate him. He tells her that Christie had been going for her and Jackson, but he wasn't.
Holly is indeed worried that the Prankster might put up Jackson if for no other reason than to mess with her HoH.
Ah, a segment on Christie's eating habits -- rude, talks while eating, chomping, mouth open. Nick is right. She's absolutely disgusting.
Nick goes to the DR, reads a card and dances. Then he reads the card to us. He knows he could go on the block. He's thankful. He promises us he won't let us down. (He thinks America wanted Christie out last week.)
Christie is called to the DR. Nick tells her to let them know about the power. He tells us his plan is to keep it a secret and divert. He tells us he needs Christie to go home and his own game will be much easier.
Nicole thinks Nick won it. Nick denies it.
Holly and Jackson both think the Prankster is Nick, so it would probably be best for her to put Nick on the block. They think both Nick and Christie need to go, but it's more likely that Nick has the power out of the two.
Time for the nominations ceremony. Holly nominates one, Prankster one. In the block is the key she chose -- Nick. She says it's because all she does is nominate him, powerful player. The Prankster nominee is done like a slot machine and lands on … Christie.
Holly is fine with that because if Nick gets himself off the block, it wouldn't bother her if Christie goes home. Jackson is worried about being a renom. Christie thinks America wants her to go home (most do!) and hopes she hasn't embarrassed her family. Too late for the last.