Friday, August 27, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - August 27


Somebunnies are on the block

Tiffany made her nominations today. Xavier is automatically the third nominee as he took that punishment to win the veto last week. Tiffany nominated Kyland and SarahBeth with SB as the target. If SarahBeth wins veto and saves herself, Alyssa will be the renom. Not surprising at all.

Of course, the High Rolllers could change things. That should be later today.

BB23: Derek X Extended Interview Video

 Here it is!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

BB23: Test Post

 I'm testing to see if I will be able to post Derek X's extended interview tomorrow. If this works, I will. If this works, here's Britini's extended interview from last week. Let's see!

BB23: Live Eviction and HOH Comp Show Blog Party - Aug. 26


Good evening! Tonight the second jury member will be sent packing and the Cookout will continue to be full strength. I suppose, if I were in the house, I would feel the need to get Derek X out while I had a chance. Think about it. Who would you rather be with in the final two? Claire or Derek X? Which one would you have a better chance to win against? You know the answer and I fear that is what we will see tonight. 

But first -- Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool (she rocks like that, y'know). Here's where we stand going into the show tonight:

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Derek Xiao - Auntie Leigh, Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, SueGee,T town Chic
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Alyssa Lopez - CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Sarah Beth Steagall - Andi, Brenda, Tilde, TS14Fan
Claire Rehfuss - KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc

Jury: Britini D'Angelo


Julie is wearing black slacks and an off the shoulders matching black top tonight. And, we're sitting out the Previously On segment as I type this.

Day 51 and history stands poised to repeat itself as a person is in danger for not taking a chance -- paraphrasing Julie. "Who's running the Cookout?" Xavier thinks Derek X has been the biggest threat all along. Claire thinks so, too. SarahBeth is pleased that he should go. Tiffany thinks keeping him would be best.

Claire and Derek X are sad that they're together on the block. Tiffany, Azan and Alyssa talk ... should they keep Derek? Hannah listens to Xavier as he tries to convince everyone that Derek X must go. He thinks he has Azah back on track with his reasoning. He tries for Tiffany. Kyland tells Tiffany that Derek X must go. She thinks he's angry because he knows she and Derek X have thought of SarahBeth as a target.

Tiffany tells Xavier she understands but whatever they want to do. He feels reassured with that. She tells us that she is only telling Kyland and Xavier what they want to hear and she wants to flip the vote. She goes to Hannah talking about how the Cookout considered Kyland needs to go first and how the guys think they are carrying the women. That is her reasoning why they need to keep Derek X.

Everyone is called to gather in the living room. Xavier's Strategy Shutdown starts. He won't be released until freed to vote by Julie. While he checks out his new digs, Tiffany is trying to get a fire under Derek's butt to gather votes. He thinks he has Tiffany, Hannah and Kyland. Um. Kyland has been working with SarahBeth to get him on the block! She thinks he can get Azah. He needs four votes. 

His pitch to Azah is decent, leveling the playing field for her, Tiffany and Hannah. He cries. She consoles. She seems to be considering keeping him. 

Of course, this could all be editing to make it sound like he actually has a chance to stay.

To the living room for the vote, all hamsters are dressed up:
Claire - Shout outs, love all, HG such a pleasure so far, individual game if I am an asset keep me. Love to stay.
Derek X - Shout outs, HG in BB deflection points within the game. Another deflection point, will take biggest threat "her" out and be a shield.

The votes to evict:
Alyssa - Derek X
Hannah - Claire
To commercial ...
Kyland - Claire
Derek F - evotes Derek X
Tiffany - Derek X!!!
Azah - Derek X
Xavier - Derek X

With the exception of Tiffany's and Kyland's vote swaps, no surprises. Derek X is going to jury. He gives Tiffany a ring. The interview is skimped on, goodbye messages will be on the extended interview online tomorrow. Another American Red Cross charity donation promotion.

Julie tells us the HG had a short time to study videos on the Memory Wall in prep for the comp.

To the HOH comp in the backyard. They are in booths. Comp is called BB NFTs. Seven questions, wrong answers eliminated. Can win extra BB Bucks, after eliminated get envelopes containing up to 100 to be opened in High Rollers room.

1. Xavier, Azah and Claire out
2. Derek F and Kyland out
3. All right

BB Bucks vote text 97979 w/HG name

BB23: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 26


Xavier displays hand sanitizer in his solitary room

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Louts:

  • Once again, nothing really exciting to report.
  • During a feeds block they were shown videos, presumably something to do with the HOH comp tonight.
  • So, a lot of time was spent studying, going over what they saw and memorizing.
  • Azah got all ticked off because she came up with using Froot Loops to study with and the others stole her idea.
  • Horrors!
  • Apparently she doesn't know or doesn't remember that the same thing has been done with Skittles and such in the past.
  • But she is beyond angry about it.
  • Xavier got his solitary confinement room until the show after the videos but before the studying.
  • He gave a tour of the room. I don't know. It seemed odd. It seemed like something they told him to do for content like the final three reminiscing.
  • Sigh. Things are looking very dismal for fan favorite Derek X.
  • He still thinks he has three votes. He would need four. He probably has two.
  • Tiffany had said that once Xavier is tucked away from all, she would go into gear campaigning for Derek X and flipping the vote.
  • I'm not seeing it.
  • I'm seeing her hanging out, chatting and studying.
  • Unless she plans to do her mojo today before the show, it just ain't there.
  • Hannah and Tiffany will probably vote for Derek X to stay. Him staying would be better for both of their games than Claire staying.
  • Xavier, Kyland and Derek F are in no way going to switch to save Derek X. They all consider him the last big threat and the women easy to knock out one by one.
  • Kyland might have a plan to be in the final two with SarahBeth knowing a Cookout member would win against her.
  • As it stands, if he is against another Cookout member at the end, enough are angry with him that he would probably lose.
  • I guess we'll see what happens tonight!

Azah upset that her Froot Loops
strategy mapping idea was stolen.

He may get to the final two but ...

I thought you were going to go into
 a Save Derek X fury bomb!

Tell me again why he is popular.

Coming in she talked of all the
cute outfits she would make.

It would take a miracle for him to stay.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party


Good evening! Tonight's show, among other things, will feature the Power of Veto comp. It should be a doozy! Of course, since this is a show post, remember ... it's a NO SPOILER ZONE. I also ask that you respect your fellow commenters. While the hamsters have put themselves in the public eye, knocking fellow show fans for whom they might like on the show is out of bounds. 

All that said, I will be live-blogging, updating this post with the major happenings, as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section. Come join the party!

Sitting through "Previously on" as I tend to do. We pick up the action with Xavier as the renom purely by luck, bad luck in this case. Alyssa feels horrible. Xavier had hoped not to be nominated all season. He feels secure but thinks he needs to win the veto.

Derek X thinks he can trust SarahBeth. Oy, I believe he's a bit too trusting. Alyssa cries to Xavier. Claire meets up with SB, tells us Claire is not her target, but doesn't think it's time to let Claire in on that. She does say she doesn't want her to go home this week. Claire figures out that the target is Derek X. Oh noes! She warns Derek X.

They bring Tiffany, who is aligned with both of them, in on it. Tiff tells us that she doesn't want Derek to go and the Cookout would vote him out if he's on the block.

Alyssa talks to SarahBeth. SB tells her she never wanted Claire to go home and hopes to put Derek X on the block after veto. Alyssa is thrilled because Derek X has been her personal target since he sent Christian packing.

Derek X goes to HOH to talk to SarahBeth. He asks her if it's okay for him to play for veto if Claire picks him for HG Choice. He tries to get information. She tells him she doesn't know what she will do if someone comes off the block. He tells us he thinks his game is on the line.

Hannah warns him that if the veto is won, he will probably go up. 

Veto players pick time! SarahBeth draws Azah. Claire draws Derek F. Xavier draws Alyssa. Derek X knows his boat is probably sunk. Claire doesn't want to be on the block with Derek X and cries. 

The backyard is done up like a pirate treasure hunt. It's setting up huge dominoes. They have to knock down three punishments on the way to a win. There are also prizes. Alyssa goes first. Next up is Derek F. He doesn't care about the veto; he wants a money prize. Then it's Azah up -- she wants to win to take Xavier off the block. Then SarahBeth. She is tempted by the $10,000 prize but feels she needs to go for the veto. She goes for a path with Strategy Shutdown, BB Bankrupt and Solo, same as Alyssa. Xavier takes a similar path but goes for the 3rd nominee punishment. Claire goes for a route similar to Alyssa and SB.

Results -- One person went for prizes instead of veto walking away with $7500 and $100 BB Bucks. They all KNOW who did it without being told -- Derek F. With a time of 3.05 Xavier wins the veto -- BB Bankruptcy, Strategy Shutdown, 3rd nominee punishments. 

Claire cries, sure she will be sitting next to Derek X on Thursday. Derek X, sure he will go up and be the target, tries to console her. Tiffany comes along and tries to console her.

The show returns after commercial with an American Red Cross charity drive donating time by preparing emergency kits.

Derek X feels that he will certainly be backdoored. Tiffany tells him that it would be best to try to get Hannah on the block. Tiff tells us Claire is her girl but Derek X is best for her game because he's strong in comps. She thinks that Claire couldn't stay with Hannah on, but of Derek X/Claire, he would go.

Derek X tries to talk to SarahBeth, telling her she isn't the one who has to take the shot at him. He pushes the Hannah agenda and promises weeks of safety. He acts like Hannah would surely go home over Claire. He tells us that he thinks Claire would go but, at this point he will say anything.

Time for the veto meeting. Xavier saves himself (would be foolish not to do so no matter how safe he feels). SB puts Derek X in his place. She says if she doesn't take this shot it would show reckless over-confidence on her part.

SB actually thinks she can win the show. Claire is upset because she likes him so much. Hannah is upset because he's good for her game. Derek himself feels that he let us down. I fear the writing is on the wall for him.

BB23: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 25


Kyland and Derek F with their pillows

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Skunks:

  • I actually don't have much of an update for you.
  • Derek X keeps talking with people trying to campaign to stay and, while they're not doing as much of a snow job on him as they did Christian, he is quite sure he will be going.
  • He thinks he has Tiffany, Hannah and one more for sure to keep him, but needs one more.
  • Little does he know he probably does not have them.
  • He actually might have Tiffany's vote to try to keep him. She mentioned to others that she would like to throw him a sympathy vote.
  • That is ... unless her proposed plan comes to fruition.
  • While they had the yard and Xavier yesterday, today they have neither.
  • Xavier is to be on his solitary confinement punishment for winning the veto.
  • Tiffany has said she will crank up the campaigning to keep Derek X full force once Xavier cannot steer people away from it.
  • The other person on the block, Claire, was also in Tiffany's camp and actually still is. But since both her and Derek X are the nominees, Tiffany thinks that Derek X would be better for her own personal game as he wins comps. She honestly seems to really like both of them.
  • Tiffany is leery that Kyland is going to try to sneak SarahBeth through to the end.
  • She might be right.
  • In the Cookout there is a bit of unrest going on.
  • The women are getting the idea that the men feel they carry all the weight in comps.
  • True when it comes to Kyland mostly and Xavier to a lesser extent. Derek F is deadweight when it comes to winning comps.
  • Unfortunately, Derek F might be the only one who can afford to compete in the High Rollers Room Coin of Destiny this week. Hopefully, he's guess tails when it's heads or vice versa. 
  • Interesting -- Kyland told Azah he controls this HOH so she needs to vote with what he wants.
  • Oh my.
  • I mean, we saw it. 
  • But for him to come out and say it?
  • Wake up, SaraBeth!
  • Of course, Kyland probably would want to sit in a final two with her. The Cookout jury majority would vote him for the win. If he sits with another Cookout member, he's caused enough issues that he just might lose.
  • Kyland seems to be all but making a mockery out of Derek X's pleas and plight. He's telling him that he will ask SarahBeth if he can give him a sympathy vote.
  • Sigh.

Derek in his usual pose

She needs to realize Xavier won't save her

Xavier wets himself (I couldn't resist!)

Sorry she is limited to Cookout,
but it's a done deal

Keeps trying but knows it will be in vain

Monday, August 23, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds POV Update - August 23


Well, Xavier ...?

This isn't a lengthy report. Nothing really lengthy worthy has been happening. Obviously, a short worthy event happened. The veto meeting was today. 

As expected, Xavier saved himself. You really can't blame the guy. Even if you know you're safe, never not use the veto you won to take yourself off the block. If you don't use it ... well, just remember Marcellas.

Also as expected, SarahBeth put Derek X up as the renom. It's a shame he didn't try for the High Rollers this week. 

BB23: Live Feeds into Monday - August 23


He seemed to start out trustworthy

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Backstabbing Badgers:
  • Ho-hum, it was a Sunday yesterday. No comps, no official meetings.
  • Today will be the veto meeting.
  • Although he would be safe with the Cookout behind him, Xavier is sure to remove himself from the block with the veto he won.
  • Technically, he was never really nominated by the HOH and was only nominated due to the spin of a wheel.
  • In the veto he did get punishments for the win, though. He lost his BB Bucks and must spend Wednesday night in solitary getting released just before the vote. He also has to the the third nominee for two weeks. If he wins HOH next week, he's third the week after. If he wins veto and saves himself as third, he won't be replaced.
  • Derek F got $7.500 and extra BB Bucks in the veto comp.
  • I'm not sure of anything anyone else got. 
  • Hannah has gone to SarahBeth more than once offering to go up as a pawn so she doesn't nominate Derek X in Xavier's place.
  • Derek X has more than once told SarahBeth that he was never after her and she should talk to Kyland -- Kyland has always trusted him and he trusts Kyland.
  • Um. We know how that goes.
  • Meanwhile, Kyland kept steering SarahBeth to put up Derek X in Xavier's place. After all, Derek X is the most dangerous to both their games.
  • Yup.
  • That's how things are going.
  • They did get the backyard and a late booze delivery.
  • And, the house separated with both a boys night and girls night.
  • Then they merged for a hamsters night.
  • A good time was had by all.
  • Well, I did notice Derek X looking sad every now and then.
  • As he probably should.

Will she ever win a comp?

Fearing his talk with SarahBeth is futile

Little does she know, she cannot trust Kyland

Bucket hat of the day

Are things looking up for Claire this week?

Azah in her usual position

Apparently has a fan base

Sunday, August 22, 2021

BB23: High Rollers, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 22


Good evening! I'm preparing this ahead and I'm not sure if the show will even air here as the television has been All Henri All the Time All Day. Yes, there has been a ton of rain and it's still raining here in NJ just outside NYC. But, unlike Sandy which was all about the wind, Henri is about the rain. I personally haven't been affected as I haven't had to go out and don't even live on the ground floor.

Anyway ... hopefully, as the show airs I will be updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

And, YES! They stopped the storm coverage and the show is ON! Sitting through "Previously on..."

We pick up the action after the HOH. SarahBeth brags to the Diary Room about her HOH win. The edit has Derek F happy about still being there (although he knew he was a pawn) and happier about the kiss from Kyland. People, other than Kyland, are a bit worried about the nominations SB will make. He tells us he has to steer her away from Cookout members without saying such.

Azah is crying over Britini. If not for the Cookout, she would have been her final two choice. Tiffany is not happy with the SarahBeth win. After all, she's been trying to get SB on the block!

Derek F is tired of losing. Um. Well. It actually could have been predicted in a physical comp when you consider the competition. Xavier feels safe with SarahBeth as HOH. Derek X is pretty sure SB will go after him as he nominated her.

The High Rollers comp available is the Chopping Block Roulette. The winner saves someone off the block and spins the roulette wheel to name the re-nomination. Pure chance!

Derek F tries to mend fences with Tiffany. She says they aren't on two different pages, they're reading two different books. I like that! She is NOT making this easy for him! Heh.

Kyland and SB talk. She tells him that she trusts Claire and Tiffany, but isn't sure about Alyssa, Xavier or Derek X. Of course, he feels he has to try to sway her away from nominating Xavier. She wants the Chopping Block Roulette used this week. 

She talks to the others one-on-one. Alyssa agrees and actually wants to play but lets SarahBeth think she's playing it for her. Claire cannot afford it as she spent last week. Derek X says he's willing but would prefer to save for next week's Coin of Destiny. Derek F won't be playing as he doesn't want SB to know he got the $100 BB Bucks last week.

Derek X wonders to Claire and Tiffany about who Azah might be working with. It turns out he was just trying for a reaction from Tiffany. He thinks Xavier is working with Tiffany and it seems to be dawning on him about the Cookout. Meanwhile, Azah is really worried about SarahBeth while Derek F is just given to fate.

SarahBeth tells Kyland that everyone is after them. She mentions Alyssa. Kyland tells us the biggest threat to the Cookout is Derek X. He steers her away from Xavier. Kyland suggests Derek X on the block but she thinks he would be a backdoor. She wants to set up the initial nominations so she can get him. Two pawns on the block. She's thinking Xavier and Claire.

Time for the Nominations. SarahBeth nominates Derek F, then Claire. She says it's because it's a complicated week, not personal, respects both as players and friends. She tells us neither is her target, but she wants Derek X. Tiffany doesn't want Claire to go just yet but has no BB Bucks to take a chance to save her. Hannah tells Derek X that she doesn't think he's a target. But she doesn't want two Cookout members up.

High Rollers is open -- Claire $100 but cannot afford to play / Azah $50 cannot afford / Hannah $75 saves for next week / Xavier $75 saves / SarahBeth $50 cannot afford / Tiffany $50 Cannot afford / Alyssa $75 plays game of balance and skill standing on a disk rolling a ball around the edge judged by laps around - she got 19 / Kyland $50 cannot afford / Derek F $100 saves it / (Kyland tells Derek X he shouldn't play) Derek X $100 saves it for Coin of Destiny. (Sigh)

Only the winner's name is revealed -- Alyssa (only one who played, but they don't know that). She takes Derek F down. She does not want to land on Xavier with the roulette wheel. She spins the wheel ... Xavier is on the block with Claire! Alyssa feels terrible that she put her best ally on the block. She had no clue about the Cookout and isn't a part of it.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Veto Bulletin - August 24


The feeds were blocked this morning (their time, I call it afternoon here!) for the veto players pick.

Just to remind you -- HOH SarahBethKy nominated Claire and Derek F with a backdoor possibility of Derek X. Alyssa won the High Rollers and removed Derek F from the block, then spun the roulette wheel. It landed on Xavier. So, it's Claire and Xavier on the block.

Playing for veto along with SarahBeth, Claire and Xavier are Alyssa, Azah and Derek F.

After way too many hours of blocked feeds, Xavier won the veto.

Goodbye Derek X?

Friday, August 20, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds, Nominations, High Rollers Friday - Aug. 20


I won't listen to Kyland, talks all night to Kyland.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Gambling Gophers:

  • It's Friday. Between nominations and the High Rollers twist, we had a lot of blocked live feeds.
  • As could be predicted, Kyland had a lot of influence on SarahBeth's HOH ... even though she claimed he wouldn't.
  • The nominations were as I mentioned she was planning in my last update -- Derek F and Claire.
  • Both of them would basically be pawns as it's really a backdoor plan with Derek X as the target.
  • SarahBeth had promised Claire that she would take her off if she wins veto.
  • Then, the High Rolllers Room opened.
  • This week cost $125, so it's likely some could not afford it.
  • The winner of the game removes someone from the block and then it's up to the spin of a roulette wheel who will be the renom.
  • Alyssa won that, took Derek F off the block.
  • Say what?
  • You heard me. She took Derek F off the block.
  • The spin of the roulette wheel and it's ... Xavier.
  • So, it's Xavier and Claire on the block.
  • We all know Xavier has the Cookout voting block behind him.
  • Claire does not know (although she has suspected) about the Cookout, thinks she might actually have a chance if the nominations remain the same.
  • She doesn't.
  • Nope, no chance. The only way a Cookout member will go home is if two are on the block at the same time.
  • Claire is also aware and has warned Derek X that this is probably a scheme to backdoor him this week.
  • The only way both Derek X and Claire can make it through the week is if Derek X wins veto and takes Claire off the block. 
  • If Claire wins veto and saves herself or anyone else wins and saves her (or Xavier), Derek X will go up.
  • Since SarahBethKyland is unsure that Derek X would be evicted if he were to sit next to Claire, they would want him sitting next to Xavier.
  • Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall anyway.
  • No way will a non-Cookout member win the show this season even if one makes it to the final two.
  • The likelihood of two non-Cookout members in the final two is just about nil.
  • The jury will have five Cookout votes if only one of them make it to the final two.
  • Veto plays out tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

Things not looking up for our hero

Can't actually think she can win against Xavier!

BB23: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - August 20


Who wants to see my HOH room?
 Like they have a choice.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wistful Wombats:

  • Okay, we have the first female HOH of the season.
  • Finally.
  • Or, do we? Will it end up being Kyland's third HOH?
  • At the start of the night after the live show ended, it didn't seem that way.
  • But, now come almost morning there at the house, it does.
  • Sigh.
  • SarahBeth had fussed about all the one-on-one meetings this season.
  • She doesn't know as much a pain they are for the live feeders! Some just drone on and on while we wait for one little tidbit to make the wait worthwhile!
  • She claimed she didn't want to invest too much into things until they have the results of the High Rollers Room as this week the power is that a nominee can be replaced.
  • So, she would have to have three nominees in mind not even considering any backdoor option.
  • Yet she had one-on-ones.
  • @@
  • Her talk with Tiffany was a bit interesting. All of a sudden it's like Tiffany hasn't been targeting her for weeks.
  • Oh, wait. But now Tiffany, Claire and SarahBeth have the Jackpot Alliance. 
  • At least Claire hasn't tried for weeks to get SarahBeth on the block!
  • Although, given that alliance, those two should be safe this week.
  • Unfortunately, in talks, Derek X's name kept coming up. 
  • Kyland wants her to nominate Alyssa with him as a pawn.
  • Hmm.
  • With a non-Cookout HOH the Cookout members have the numbers set for voting this week.
  • Any Cookout member on the block with a "non" will be safe.
  • Both nominees would have to be Cookout for any other result.
  • I don't see that happening.
  • Things will hinge a bit on the High Rollers results later today.
  • I can only hope that Derek X spends his bucks and wins that if he wants to stay.
  • In other news, Tiffany told Azah that she spent all her BB Bucks (50) last week and wouldn't be able to afford today's bet.
  • The HoH room reveal was like oh so many others. Her letter from home was from her girlfriend Shelly.
  • Yes, Kyland. She does indeed have a girlfriend.
  • Laters!

Not like she was targeting SarahBeth
recently or anything.

Should be safe this week. Should be.

Did you see Kyland kiss me? Did you see it?

A coupling, not so much a showmance ... yet.

Is Tiffany throwing him under the bus

Is she stringing him along or under his thumb?

Thursday, August 19, 2021

BB23: Live Eviction and HOH Show Blog Party - Aug. 19


Good evening! We last left the show with a cliffhanger. So, we should, after the inevitable "previously on" segment, find out whether either or both vetoes were used and if the nominations changed from Claire and Derek F or not. Shh ... no spoilers here. Yes, many of us know what happened but ...!

I will be live-blogging, regularly updating this entry with the major events, as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

But first ... Lifeguard SueGee has kindly updated the blog pool. Is your hamster still running in the wheel?

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Britini D'Angelo - CherryPie, Donna in Alabama, Jlaf, Sharon C
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Derek Xiao - Auntie Leigh, Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, SueGee,T town Chic
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Alyssa Lopez - CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Sarah Beth Steagall - Andi, Brenda, Tilde, TS14Fan
Claire Rehfuss - KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc


On with the show! Yikes! Julie is wearing an absolutely boxy black dress. It has no shape! We'll sit through the Previously On.

Julie tells us chaos erupted just before the veto meeting. Will Britini's plea change Kyland's mind. The veto meeting. Kyland saves Claire. He puts Britini up as the renom. Alyssa does not use her Power of Veto.

Derek F is upset that he's on the block with Britini. He tells us he cannot campaign against her. Kyland thinks the Cookout will have enough votes to save Derek F and send Britini packing. Not unexpectedly, Britini is acting out -- crying, angry. She's crying in front of Derek F and she doesn't know that he knows he's just a pawn. Azah says it breaks her heart.

Tiffany and Claire talk about how Derek F is just going to skate by until the end. Ah, they are thinking about flipping the vote? Tiffany tells us it just can't happen because he is part of the Cookout. Meanwhile, Derek X is telling Hannah they should flip and get Derek F out. Of course, Hannah is part of the Cookout and, even though she likes the idea, knows it just can't happen. Claire and Derek X go to Tiffany. Now she's thinking that if they keep it up they themselves might have to go sooner rather than later.

Julie tells us that the Cookout knows they must win HOH or risk being exposed. Well, duh. Tiffany tells Xavier about Claire and Derek X. Sigh. Xavier says he will need to gun hard for the HOH. Xavier and Kyland talk about getting Derek X to feel he's safe and winning HOH this week might not be in his best interest. Xavier tries to talk Derek X into throwing the comp. Claire tells Derek X that it probably means he will be backdoored.

To the living room --

Britini -- Another rap. Into a real speech, individual game, love Julie Chen
Derek -- A gazillion shout-outs. Stresses his cooking and cleaning.

The votes to evict:
Xavier - Britini
Hannah - Britini
Claire - Britini
Derek X - Britini
Azah - Big D (Derek)
Tiffany - Britini
SarahBeth - Britini
Alyssa - Britini

Yet another house vote. I HATE THAT. Byebye Brit. First to jury. She hugs and loves them all. In the house scenes right after she leaves, Azah is in tears with Derek X consoling her and Derek F gets a big kiss on the mouth from Kyland. Britini handles the interview well. She believes it when several had told her they couldn't win next to her in a final two. She will eventually find out it's all lies.

HOH time. Dash to Dinner. Balance beam court, some wider than others, on the clock, 45 seconds to get to restaurant. Fastest time wins, over 45 seconds, out.

Claire first. 34.97
Alyssa 27.06 but eliminated because she fell and hit the ground
Derek F 34.6, but eliminated same as above
SarahBeth 21.03, Claire out
Azah over 21.03, stopped
Hannah same as Azah
Tiffany eliminated
Derek X Almost, but out
Xavier eliminated


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