Friday, July 14, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Friday 7/14

So far, the really big news was the food competition. I covered that here and here.

In other food comp news:

  • Erika is okay. She either bruised or possibly fractured a rib or two. She's back in the house after getting medical treatment (or lack thereof, as the houseguests claim).
  • The BB Slop is some sort of protein drink concoction. They actually seem to like it, possibly more than PB&J.

In other goings-on within The House of Odd Bedfellows and Snorers:

  • Editor's opinion: Will and Mike are right. Howie is getting too full of himself and cocky. Power seems to go to his head and bring out a very different Howie. He thinks if someone else like Kaysar wins, he can just up and win the next week, etc.
  • Like last year, BB announced how many laps in the pool it takes to swim a mile (440). Last year, it seemed like a clue. Who knows this year? Maybe it's a slow clue.
  • Marcellas thinks Danielle kept in touch with other BB houseguests thinking solely of a BB: All-Stars season down the road. [Editor's note: Dang, now he even sees ulterior motives in friendships! When it comes to Danielle, Marcellas thinks every move she makes is a scheme, and with him as a target.]
  • Will acted up again. This time he was spinning on the table like it was a lazy Susan. Nakomis was his partner in crime. He kept it up and shouted, "NO!" when BB told him to quit. "Stop that NOW!"
  • The houseguests fussed and moaned about the overalls for the food comp, but half of them have now added them to their wardrobes.
  • George cheated in the food comp - stuck his hand in.
  • Will feels horrible because he's the one who hurt Erika in the food comp.
  • Nominations are today. [Of course, I'll update!]
  • Mike's birthday is Sunday.
  • Mike and Will tried to convince Kaysar they want in with whatever nominations he makes. They think a "floater" should be evicted. They pointed out that they voted with the house on Alison, but then mentioned a lack of communication. Kaysar seemed to believe them. [Editor's note: Oh, no! Kaysar, don't let yourself get Jenned again!]
  • Janelle later questioned their motives in a talk with Kaysar.
  • James thinks George shouldn't be in the house. At all.
  • Kaysar hasn't even told the S6 Players who he's nominating. He said he hasn't decided.
  • James tried prying him for information, but no go.
  • James thinks that if Mike is evicted, Will would be isolated and no threat. [Editor's note: He thinks Mike's actually running the Evil Dr. Boogie Show.]
  • Kaysar thinks James wants Mike out because Mike's a threat to James. Heh.
  • They were singing and the cameras cut out and now flamecloud trivia (with bad music) has been going on for quite a while. Nomination ceremony? Hmmm... I doubt it, but maybe. It's too long for a singing block.

More when I know it!

Graphics by Zoetawny. Have I said she rocks lately? She does!

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Food Comp Info

Erika must have hurt herself. Will just advised someone that she'll need x-rays.

Make sure to check my previous entry for screen-caps and a bit of information on the food comp.

Here's more:

  • It was rats (fake, I'm sure) they were seeking in the slop trough.
  • They divided into two teams and partnered within the teams.
  • I don't think that was Janelle in my screen shot. Erika? The cameras were once again very jerky, like in HOH last last night.
  • The partners were tied together.
  • The first team to get all their rats eats for the week.
  • The losers get the slop. [Please, Sir? May I have more?]
  • The team with Janelle lost the comp (including Marcellas?). Right now I'm not positive on the teams.

Teams update:

Losing team members: Janelle, Marcelles, Howie, James, Nakomis, and Danielle

Winning team members: Will, Diane, Erika, Mike, Jase, and George

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Food Comp/Screen Caps

The food comp is in progress. It's called "Slop 'Til You Drop."

The backyard is done up in a farm motif and the HG have to stick their heads into a slop trough (like pigs use) in search of something. I'm not sure what they're seeking, but they can't use their hands.

I'm also not sure if it's the whole house or they're divided into teams. The feeds went on briefly -- Quad Cam above, then Janelle and Mike Boogie. I'm also not sure of the punishment food.

It went to flameclouds. And, as I typed this, the feeds returned for a moment -- the comp is over. Now flameclouds again. With bad music.

An update will be posted when I know more.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into 7/14

Ah, and so it begins. With the first eviction and then a second HOH win involving an S6 houseguest, the divide betwixt our hamsters is beginning to grow.

Here's what happened during the overnight hours:
  • Will and Mike must have said a half dozen times how much Howie changed with "power." "It's like he's a different person. He was funny and a clown, now he's nasty and gloating." Yep, that's Howie!
  • Kaysar, Janelle and Howie wonder why, if James is "with" them, he doesn't hang out with them. He claims he does. They don't really trust James, not at all.
  • The HOH bedroom was completely redone for Kaysar. I wanted to take a screen cap for you, but it was like the cameraman was drunk -- spinning around, focusing in and out on the HG, etc.
  • Mike Boogie quote: "The Nerd Herd is going to seem like Sesame Street."
  • Will and Mike worked on Erika to align her with the Non-S6 Alliance.
  • Howie is still pushing for a Nakomis nomination.
  • Howie said any information given to Jase goes right back to Will and Mike.
  • The core group of S6 players noticed the "floaters" weren't coming around the HOH room after the initial new room excitement.
  • Janelle wondered more about the rumored Mr. And Mrs. Smith alliance and Nakomis involvement with it. (A set-up alliance pre-show with Alison, Jase and Diane.)
  • Kaysar wants to make Jase feel safe, not necessarily be safe.
  • Kaysar thinks Nakomis thinks three or four moves ahead in her strategy.
  • Janelle wants to make a deal with Nakomis.
  • Off with The Others, Will is claiming that if they lose the food comp, he'll eat anyway just to get a penalty nomination since "I'm going to go home anyway."
  • Kaysar said the Marcellas needs to be public about his alliance with S6 Players if he's going to reap the benefits of it.
  • Kaysar pointed out that unless the Smith Alliance is real, if Nakomis goes home, Diane will be playing solo.
  • Janelle and Kaysar discussed the pros and cons of nominating Nakomis and Diane.
  • Kaysar told Erika he wasn't trying to win HOH, but did.
  • They think George is cooking and cleaning to stay in the house.
  • Kaysar's music for HOH is Norah Jones. They had to tell Howie who she is.
  • Jase thinks he was nervous and sounded dumb in his Julie Chen live show interview.
  • Nakomis told Janelle she threw Alison a sympathy vote and that she thought she would be the only one.
  • There's a new HOH bedroom rule this season that people can't sleep on the floor in there. Thanks, Maggie and Co.!
  • The S6 Players tried to come up with a new name for their alliance.
  • Howie thinks Jase is 100% in with the new Chilltown, but Janelle doesn't think so.
  • Marcellas thinks he'll be targeted before Janelle and that the Others actually want to keep the Big Players in the game.
  • Marcellas said the Internet audience will like them because they stay up late and give them something to write about. [Editor's note: Who? What? Writers on the Internet? What a novel idea!]
  • They're fussing that BB will make them get up early, but Marcellas and Co. are still up as I post this report. @@

More later today!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - After The Show 7/13

<---Janelle and Jase in the backyard a little while ago.

The feeds came back about ten minutes after the live show finished here on the East Coast. Someone asked in a comment earlier why Nakomis left such a surly goodbye message for Alison and I'll address that here. Nakomis voted for Alison to stay. When she made the deal with her, she warned her to keep quiet or she'd blow it. She didn't and she did. So, in Nakomis' mind, Alison's eviction is her own darn fault.

To the feeds:
  • Janelle thinks Alison called her "fat" on the show. She's upset. [Editor's note: Janelle herself has talked about how much weight she gained last season.]
  • Danielle said Alison called her last season when Janelle was voted off. She and Nakomis think Alison was jealous of Janelle.
  • Howie and Will think the show must have great coverage of them following each other around. Both like air time.
  • Howie told Kaysar that if he puts Will on the block, he should be up there with him because everyone obviously thinks Will is smarter than he is. And, if he isn't smarter than Will, he shouldn't be in the house. [Editor's note: @@ Just an eyeroll, Howie, just an eyeroll.]
  • Jase says the house isn't as exciting this time around.
  • Howie, Kaysar, James and Janelle were talking about the upcoming food comp. When Diane entered the room, they all went "Shh." [Editor's note: Will they be making Diane the new April?]
  • Howie warned Kaysar not to tell any "secrets" to Jase.
  • Janelle told Howie and Kaysar that Julie asked her if she trusted her alliance. I didn't see her mentioning that to James! ;-)
  • Nakomis and Diane think James is loyal to S6.
  • Howie went odd for a bit (well, more odd) and screamed "Will loves Howie!" for several minutes.
  • Jase told Janelle that Diane doesn't like her.
  • Diane said the voice in the DR was mean to her when refusing to give them alcohol tonight. "No alcohol on live show nights! No alcohol on Thursday nights!" Since the show is at 5 PM for them, the only thought is the food comp the next day.
  • Will's sure he will be nominated.
  • James wants Nakmis and George nominated while Howie wants Nakomis gone.
  • The houseguests aren't sure if the Sunday show (instead of Saturday) will change the day for nominations. They know the food comp is tomorrow (Friday), but wonder if the noms may be done on Saturday.

That's it for now. Kind of mellow, yet quietly strategic.