So far, the really big news was the food competition. I covered that here and here.
In other food comp news:
- Erika is okay. She either bruised or possibly fractured a rib or two. She's back in the house after getting medical treatment (or lack thereof, as the houseguests claim).
- The BB Slop is some sort of protein drink concoction. They actually seem to like it, possibly more than PB&J.
In other goings-on within The House of Odd Bedfellows and Snorers:
- Editor's opinion: Will and Mike are right. Howie is getting too full of himself and cocky. Power seems to go to his head and bring out a very different Howie. He thinks if someone else like Kaysar wins, he can just up and win the next week, etc.
- Like last year, BB announced how many laps in the pool it takes to swim a mile (440). Last year, it seemed like a clue. Who knows this year? Maybe it's a slow clue.
- Marcellas thinks Danielle kept in touch with other BB houseguests thinking solely of a BB: All-Stars season down the road. [Editor's note: Dang, now he even sees ulterior motives in friendships! When it comes to Danielle, Marcellas thinks every move she makes is a scheme, and with him as a target.]
- Will acted up again. This time he was spinning on the table like it was a lazy Susan. Nakomis was his partner in crime. He kept it up and shouted, "NO!" when BB told him to quit. "Stop that NOW!"
- The houseguests fussed and moaned about the overalls for the food comp, but half of them have now added them to their wardrobes.
- George cheated in the food comp - stuck his hand in.
- Will feels horrible because he's the one who hurt Erika in the food comp.
- Nominations are today. [Of course, I'll update!]
- Mike's birthday is Sunday.
- Mike and Will tried to convince Kaysar they want in with whatever nominations he makes. They think a "floater" should be evicted. They pointed out that they voted with the house on Alison, but then mentioned a lack of communication. Kaysar seemed to believe them. [Editor's note: Oh, no! Kaysar, don't let yourself get Jenned again!]
- Janelle later questioned their motives in a talk with Kaysar.
- James thinks George shouldn't be in the house. At all.
- Kaysar hasn't even told the S6 Players who he's nominating. He said he hasn't decided.
- James tried prying him for information, but no go.
- James thinks that if Mike is evicted, Will would be isolated and no threat. [Editor's note: He thinks Mike's actually running the Evil Dr. Boogie Show.]
- Kaysar thinks James wants Mike out because Mike's a threat to James. Heh.
- They were singing and the cameras cut out and now flamecloud trivia (with bad music) has been going on for quite a while. Nomination ceremony? Hmmm... I doubt it, but maybe. It's too long for a singing block.
More when I know it!
Graphics by Zoetawny. Have I said she rocks lately? She does!