Tuesday, July 25, 2006

'Big Brother: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Late Night/Overnight Into 7/25

Big Brother has a plan -- take a Chicken George, an angry Jase, a defensive James, a bunch of drunks, and one sober Muslim, shake 'em up and set 'em loose on each other. Heck, BB may as well just put the puppet strings on them as the alcohol does its thing.

But, wait... we have the original Puppet Master (Will) in the house. Who's manipulating whom? Right now, it's a bit hard to tell.

Here are the evening and overnight happenings from that Big Brother House of Ever Lovin' Fun and Adventure:

  • I'm starting off with a personal opinion. (Hey, I can do it, right?) No matter what else you can say about Chicken George, he hasn't a mean bone in his body. Even when he says he's mad, you can tell it will blow over before he blows up. He's not a plotter and a schemer, but just a plodder plodding his way through the house.
  • Jase, on the other hand, is still sure he has been backdoored despite how many times he's told otherwise. He's upset, bitter and nasty. He thinks Chilltown manipulated him.
  • Jase confronted James about being backdoored by him... again. I could smell the testosterone from here.
  • Will complained about the food... again.
  • Marcellas told Jase he was playing it all wrong and should calm down. Jase didn't like Marcellas giving him advice. Snap, snap, meow.
  • Many houseguests, including Marcellas, told Jase he has to take responsibility for his own behavior in the house and that is why he's on the block.
  • Several of the now somewhat inebriated HG got together reenacting the POV Ceremony. Apparently, George was the announcer. When he spoke about the veto, he went on about getting a second chance and being appreciative. Will spoke about hating them all because he hated himself. Jase went on about being a corporate man with a family. We'll see how much of the enactment is on the spot tonight.
  • Kaysar refused to take part when asked to play George. He said he doesn't like making fun of others.
  • I have to admit that Mike Boogie did George pretty well.
  • They got ahold of whipped cream and did some spraying and licking. @@
  • Newest exposure of a pre-show alliance? Mike Boogie and Erika talked about their alliance. Dang! Is there anyone other than Chicken George not involved in a pre-season alliance?
  • Janelle told Erika that Mike is cuter than Josh (season 1, Erika's ex-boyfriend). [Editor's note - @@ - the eyeroll...I say not!]
  • Erika told Mike she won't be voting Will out. She said she won POV that week to save both Mike and Will.
  • Now James is talking how many votes they need to save JASE. Hey, what happened to WILL being the one to stay?
  • Jase thinks Mike and Will had a precise plan prior to entering the house and he's working on everyone to get the votes to stay.
  • Jase thinks that Will is here to win the game and that he's playing them all with his complaining that he wants to go home. [Editor's note: Gee, Jase, y'think? About time someone thought that way!]
  • Jase told James that if he remains in the house, he will not target Janelle or the S6 Players... or Danielle or Diane. [Editor's note: Um... that leaves Marcellas, George and Chilltown (or what's left of CT - Boogie).]
  • S6 is in a dilemma between Will and Jase. They think Will is indeed playing the game, but Jase has already lied to them. He jumped ship on alliances twice this season so far. Can he be trusted? They think not.
  • Danielle and James had a talk about what a hardcore player Janelle is and that she will do anything to win. They both think Kaysar only sees the good in people he likes.
  • They managed to overflow the upstairs bathtub and damage the ceiling below.
  • Mike told Janelle that if he wins HOH, one of them (S6) and Kaysar is going up and Kaysar would be staying. He implied the someone would be her or Marcellas.
  • Janelle dared him to do it.
  • Away from her, Mike trashtalked Janelle (with lots of bad language!) to anyone who'd listen.
  • Janelle told Marcellas that Mike was trying to sabotage their relationship.
  • If Janelle planned on riling up Mike, it worked. He ranted and raved for a long, long time about her. [Editor's note: He's not a nice man. This guy has a meaner streak than Jase when he gets going! He even threatened violence.]
  • Meanwhile... Will, Kaysar and Erika were discussing politics and work ethic. [Editor's note: Well, that's boring... back to Raving Boogie...!]
  • Janelle regarding Mike: "I said I was going after floaters. I lied. I'm going after HIM."
  • Mike, on the other hand, was just getting disgusting with both his mouth and his behavior. He urinated in a bottle and said he was going to pour it on Janelle.
  • Kaysar thinks Danielle is working James to sway him to keeping Jase. Janelle and Kaysar think it would be smarter for them to keep Will.
  • They're snuggled in their beds and soon the antics will start up all over again.

Monday, July 24, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Since POV Ceremony 7/24

As pictured in my screen cap in my last entry, Jase will sit in the nomination chair alongside Will on Thursday night.

George did indeed save his own butt with the POV. Jase was put up in his place.

Here are the events from the House of Falling Cards:

  • The house is in a somber mood. Jase apparently acted out, threw a fire extinguisher, called Marcellas out and more when nominated.
  • Will, Mike and Jase tried to figure out the least damage they could do to get a penalty nomination.
  • Janelle told Marcellas it was just an emotional outburst Jase had taken out on him. Marcellas is shaking and quivering... and mad.
  • Danielle sweet-talked Jase and made it sound like she's the most compassionate and considerate woman in the world. [Editor's note: Work it, Danielle!]
  • Jase feels he was backdoored even though Danielle and Mike both tried to explain a backdoor is a planned event and this wasn't planned.
  • One of the tarantulas is molting and shedding its skin. [Editor's note: Well, I think that's important!]
  • James fussed and moaned about being put in the position to take the heat. [Editor's note: Well, you wanted HOH, right?]
  • Jase wants to go home. Will wants to go home. Mike says he's in an alliance with Both Want To Leave.
  • Jase knows the plan was to save Will when it was Will and George. He's sure he's the target and wants to give up playing.
  • George tried to calm Jase down and pep talk him a bit, but when Jase asked him if he'd vote for him to stay, he wouldn't commit.
  • Mike is trying to work (or slime) his way into the S6 alliance, but they don't trust him. They didn't tell him that, of course.
  • Jase and Kaysar talked and claimed mutual respect. Jase told him if he stayed, he'd target the floaters. [Editor's note: It's beginning to sound like a mantra -- ohhhmmm, targetthefloaters, ohhhmmm.]
  • Both Jase and Kaysar said their mothers told them not to get involved with Dr. Will.
  • Jase told Kaysar that Janelle should go from S6... and he could take her place! [@@]
  • Jase asked Erika for her vote and she refused to commit.
  • Kaysar told George he now has respect for him and knows he's there to play the game. [@@ - at Kaysar now. I mean, I like the guy okay, but...! There's no reason to treat George like he's stupid. He's odd. He's goofy. He's out of his element. But I don't think he's dumb. Should he be treated like some sort of puppy dog?]
  • As he complimented him, Kaysar also pried George for info. James and Kaysar try to take George into their web. George played along, but is he really?
  • James doesn't think George is evil anymore. So, maybe it was an honest attempt to reach out to him. But... he is a floater.
  • James, Kaysar, Erika and Marcellas talked about how violent and scary Jase was when nominated. Erika said she felt safe because he wouldn't go after a woman. Earlier, George had asked Kaysar and James if Jase really did it or did he do it for TV. Me? I think a mix of both.
  • Jase trashtalked Will to Diane and Danielle in an effort to get their votes.
  • Jase also did a shout-out to his mother telling her she was right.
  • Jase feels totally betrayed by James because they had a deal.
  • Jase thinks that Will manipulated all of the events and sucked him into Chilltown just so he would be a target.
  • Things have calmed down now to the point where the houseguests keep singing Cumbaya. For some odd reason, the feeds aren't blocking on that song. They should. It's creeping me out.


'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - POV Ceremony Confirmed

<--- The feeds came back on to Will and Jase sitting in the nomination chairs. Marcellas confirmed it. Jase is on the block with Will. It's a somber house. I'll update a bit later this evening once they give me fodder to write up!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony

The new nomination in lieu of Chicken George is... Mike Boogie... no, Jase...

Okay, the feeds were blocked a while and just returned and as I type this, it's still not certain. So, I'll keep blabbing along here until one of the houseguests slips up and definitely names the new nomination.

So, here I am typing. It sounds like Jase could actually be up on the block from what James is saying. He's worried that the floaters are going to come after them. Whoever it is, they told him. Hmmm... the talk is not to split Chilltown, but get the floaters against them (Chilltown). The talk is of sending Jase home, so it seems that's the case.

Ah, now James is saying that Jase voided the deal in the first place.

I'm going to go with the nominees are: Jase and Will, with the target being Jase.

If I'm wrong, I'll retract if I hear different. But they're talking the certain votes to remove Jase, so I'll go with it.

Update added 4:20 PM ET -- It seems the POV Ceremony has not taken place. We had extended flame/clouds and the talk above. Apparently, James told Mike Boogie that he was putting up Jase. However, the actual ceremony might be going on now. I'll say I predict Jase at this time, but it's not done and over with until the Chicken sings. Or something like that. I'll keep you updated.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Up All Night Sun-Mon

<--- A bald Chicken George, now looking more than ever the part of a janitor, thinks about 101 Things You Can Do With Slop. He now realizes the move he made to win the Power of Veto isn't going to be easy. Meanwhile, Danielle's been helpful to him by encouraging him to go on. And, then there's Howie... "Oh, Georgie! You can do it, Georgie! You're a Jedi!"

Is Big Brother ever going to make these people sleep at night? This season is the worst yet in regard to the houseguests staying up until dawn! Other years, the producers enforced a lights out time. If they don't do something soon, the HG will all be sleepwalking through the competitions. Last night was a night of meetings and strategies in the Big Brother House of Boisterous Buffoons and Flittering Floaters:

  • Will and Mike had an extended meeting with James and Kaysar in the HOH room (screen cap below). They pushed for Marcellas to be put on the block... like Janelle will let that happen! Will/Mike claims they want to work with S6, not against them. They want the floaters targeted. It seemed like they were talking forever, but not really saying much. They tried prying for information on how cohesive S6 is, but Kaysar and James played the meeting fairly well. Will the push for the Marcellas boot work? Will he be the target and not another member of Chilltown? I guess we'll see.
  • Will/Mike said they would not put up Kaysar or James if they get HOH.
  • Outside of the room later, both groups said they didn't really trust the other group. Good. They shouldn't.
  • Will says he still wants to go home before sequester. If, by chance, it's him and Mike on the block, he will campaign for Mike to stay in the house.
  • Mike Boogie told Kaysar/James that Marcellas was talking about them (S6 males, not Janelle) as a threat.
  • Will said he made a deal with the producers that he'd only be on the show if Mike Boogie was on it. [Editor's note: And I'd like to see him stuck on the show with Mike Boogie gone!]
  • Mike Boogie said that he wants to join forces with the S6 Players if Will goes home this week. [Editor's note: @@ Sure, he does!]
  • When Howie stopped by the room, Will asked him if he was ready to go on the block. Howie faltered for a moment, then smiled.
  • When the meeting ended, James and Kaysar told Janelle that Chilltown wants Marcellas out. No way, she insisted.
  • Now Kaysar is changing his floater tune and saying a Chilltown must go.
  • Marcellas pushed Janelle and James to put Jase on the block, as did Danielle to a lesser extent. Erika and Diane remained true floaters, telling James that they'll abide by his choice (as long as it's not them). Erika admitted to "leaning towards Jase" but that was all she'd say.
  • Kaysar thinks Marcellas is a loose cannon in the game and seems to be not overly thrilled that Janelle is so close to him.
  • James wants to put up Mike Boogie while the floaters and Janelle make the case for Jase. James doesn't seem to be entertaining the notion of Jase going up at all. Not at all. [Editor's note: Can you say pre-show alliance? I thought you could!]
  • Meanwhile, at the pool, Jase is pretty confident thant Mike Boogie will go on the block, not himself. [Editor's note: I think I'm going to call the Jase/James alliance the SS -- Slimy Snakes!]
  • Danielle and Diane seem to be successfully playing both sides. How long before they're called out on it?
  • Marcellas tells all he knows to Danielle. [Editor's note: Once again, I feel I need to mention that Danielle is the one to watch in this game. Yeah, she screwed up the first week, but I think right now she's the smartest player in the game.]
  • Diane fussed that S6 never gets her involved in conversations. [Editor's note: Well, duh! There's a reason, Mrs. Smith!]
  • For a while, James entertained the idea of putting up Erika or Marcellas.
  • No one, not Chilltown or S6, has a grasp on Erika. That's not so good for her because neither group trusts her. They feel she's a wild card.
  • Will keeps singing so BB will yell at him (and block the feeds).
  • James is still on his "the producers rigged this game" kick.
  • At one point when Howie entered the HOH room, he was told they decided to break up the Jedi Alliance and put them both on the block. Once again, it took him a moment to get it and laugh.
  • Mike Boogie tried to sell his Evict Marcellas (or even Jase) Plan to Howie, then ran and reported back to Will.
  • S6 think they have the votes to evict Mike Boogie - their three votes, Erika and Danielle. They won't ask Marcellas because he'd just rant that he wants Jase on the block.
  • S6 keeps going back and forth between Jase and Boogie being put up in George's place. The final decision is Mike. No, wait... Jase. No, Mike. [Editor's note: I personally don't think Jase will go up as I feel there is indeed some sort of pre-show agreement or alliance with James. It's his decision at the end and he'll choose Mike Boogie, I say. If it wouldn't alienate Janelle, I think he'd put up Marcellas. But it's too early in the game to blow his cover with S6.]

All are now sleeping. The POV Meeting should be later today and the suspense will be over.