Saturday, August 05, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Saturday in the House 8/05

It's been a day of sleeping late (surprise, surprise); a day of strategizing; a day of temptations. Oh, what a day it's been.

Without further ado, here are the important happenings from that Big Brother House of Who's On First:
  • At around 10 AM their time, BB announced that the POV Competition would be begin in 2 hours. [Editor's note: Never set your watch by BB... these things almost always are delayed.]
  • Mike Boogie mentioned that the comp is supposed to be about temptation. [Editor's note: That fits with Julie's hint about the upcoming week.]
  • Danielle played her HOH CD loud enough for the feeds to pick it up. An apt song, perhaps more suited for Thursday night - Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust."
  • James thanked Danielle for her kindnesses towards him. As he left the room, she said, "See you next week!" Then she added, "If you're still here."
  • James for the 875th time told Kaysar that Janelle was only looking out for herself with her nominations last week. [Editor's note: C'mon, James. Give it a break. We know. Kaysar knows. The world knows.]
  • Janelle told Marcellas that she chose him to play for Veto because he's the only one who said he'd try to win it for her.
  • Starting about 12:15 their time, the feeds were blocked for nearly four hours.
  • When they returned, Janelle was wearing the Power of Veto necklace. Aha!
  • It sounds like everyone who competed won something. James won a phone call that he doesn't seem thrilled about. Will won a trip.
  • They also seem to have lost something as they talk about having to take cold showers (hot water privileges removed?) and sleeping on cots.
  • Oh, I'm all confused once again. Never mind me. I'll sort it out.
  • They went to a backyard lockdown after the POV Comp feed block. It must be long... they have a Port-a-Potty out there. Hmmm...
  • Boogie wants to campaign to have Danielle put up Marcellas. [Editor's note: I liked Marcellas in his season, but he's WAY too negative this time 'round. I wouldn't mind a Marcellas/James nomination. I'd prefer James goes as I feel he's always too intense, too serious, too bitter, too controlling. I don't find him any fun to watch.]
  • Okay, a new thing. Danielle has to go into solitary confinement for 24 hours. That's odd.
  • Boogie is happy that Janelle will target Danielle and Marcellas now that she's staying. [Editor's note: It's pretty definite she will not pull a Marcellas and she will indeed save herself with the Veto.]
  • Um... now I hear that Janelle somehow put the whole house on slop for the week in the comp. Interesting. I wonder if George's pass will remain good. I would think it should. So, he'd be the only one eating? Karma, baby!
  • Will and Boogie talked about how they threw POV and said something about it being James' fault for the $5,000. Say what? Have I mentioned how confusing these houseguests are lately?
  • Mike Boogie can't play for Veto next week. But, on the other hand, it sounds like he won a plasma television.
  • James took a margarita party? I dunno. I'm just getting bits and pieces here. So...
  • James fussed that he wanted to go home. [Editor's note: Go. Just go.]
  • Will told Mike to turn up the showmance with Erika and he'll do the same with Janelle. [Editor's note: Aha!]
  • When James complained to Kaysar that the competition wasn't really a competition, it was more of a contest and he was frustrated, Kaysar told him it was all about good and evil. [Editor's note: That, of course, is the theme for the season. The problem is that it's hard to tell who's good and who's evil. And, most of the time, the evil is more entertaining!]
  • Marcellas won't complain about giving George the BB Slop pass anymore - he won a slop pass for the rest of the season. Or, at least until he's evicted!
  • Danielle told Will and James that she won't put up Howie and she's reluctant to put up Marcellas. Then, after they left, she whispered to herself, "I have to put up Kaysar." [Editor's note: Hmmm... if Kaysar and James are on the block, I think James would be evicted. That would be okay with me.]
  • Marcellas told James he would put up George next week if he got HOH. [Editor's note: Oh, Marcellas! How come you fussed about Janelle not putting up Chill Town? How come you said you'd put up Janelle? And, now you say GEORGE? Feh!]
  • Eek! The lockdown ended... the HOH room has a cot in it and the exercise room is Danielle's solitary confinement room. Yipes.
  • James fussed. James whined. Then he fussed some more. At least he's rotating it a bit. Complaining that the competitions were no good. Complaining that Janelle put them on slop. Complaining that the show's no good. [Editor's note: Such a bundle of joy.]
  • Ah, but Will and Mike are also complaining that the gym equipment is gone. But, Will has a trip and Mike has a plasma TV (not in the house, of course). They said James was foolish to spend his points on a margarita party and a call, whatever that means.
  • Apparently, the houseguests had tried some sort of uprising against BB and weren't going to go with the comp, but as James brought it up FLAME/CLOUDS!
  • Howie still has the baggie of Kaysar's hair! Kaysar has told him to throw that out several times - he doesn't want Howie to sell it on Ebay.
  • Danielle came out of solitary to get her robe and Bible. She was crying and mumbling, "idiots." Hmmm...
  • Erika told Marcellas that James is dangerous and cannot be trusted.

That's pretty much where we stand right now. I'm just getting bits and pieces about the Veto comp, but Janelle definitely won it. Some comments were asking about James' right to nullify an eviction vote. In my understanding, it's only good for one vote in all. Say that he and Janelle remained on the block. If the vote was 4-3 for Janelle to stay, he could use it to bring things to a tie to be decided by Danielle.

This is a very odd day amongst odd days in the house. More later!

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Winner

Janelle has won the Power of Veto.

A full report of the day's events will be posted a bit later. Please stop back!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Saturday - 8/05

Whoa! Stop the spinning house and let me off! Well, no... if anything, I'm more interested in what's going to happen this week. I've been tracking these folks and I'm still at a loss over who's with whom, who's lying when and what's going on in the other room! But, I'll tell you what I think about it all!

Here are the late night and overnight events and/or important or confusing happenings from that Big Brother House of Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Confusion:

  • When Janelle told Will that Kaysar said he wouldn't use the Veto if he played and won, Will told her he was wussing out on some sort of high moral ground or didn't want to choose. Will told her that if he (Will) won it he wouldn't use it because Mike may be put up on the block.
  • Will's working Janelle against Kaysar for some reason of his own. He told her if Kaysar didn't back her up now, he never would. He also said that if Kaysar is in the end, no one would win against him.
  • Meanwhile, Erika and Kaysar seem to be bonding more. She doesn't want him to be mad at her; he claims he isn't mad. She told him she didn't want HOH. She wasn't targeting Howie, but wanted to make sure she was safe before she went down.
  • James told Howie that Janelle is campaigning against him (which she doesn't seem to be doing at all).
  • Danielle was called to the Diary Room and was expected to have some sort of announcement from Big Brother -- so we got flame/clouds.
  • When the feeds returned, the houseguests were sitting with Janelle and James in the nominations chairs. Will was telling the others that he actually does like everyone in the house, but something must be wrong with them if they're in the house. [Editor's note: He's right. I certainly wouldn't be in that house!]
  • Okay, they picked POV partners... some rather odd choices. Janelle chose Marcellas (with whom she's feuding and he told her he wouldn't vote to save her). Danielle doesn't understand the choice and neither do I. Mike is playing for James and Will is playing for Danielle. Eep. Don't ask why, I have no clue. All I know is there must be a plan going on!
  • Danielle told Marcellas that if Boogie wins and takes Janelle off, she'll put Will on the block. She told him she won't warn Mike, she'll just do it.
  • Danielle also told Marcellas that right now she's not sure she'd pick James over Janelle. [Editor's note: I'm sure Danielle knows exactly what she's doing. I think she's just not saying.] She seems to be planting the seeds to rally against James with him, but not outright committing herself to anything.
  • Will dropped by the room where all of S6 (including James) were talking. Dead silence for a bit, but they told him to stay. I noticed James quietly got up and left as the plain ol' not game talk went on.
  • Danielle told Mike Boogie that if Janelle wins Veto and saves herself, Kaysar would go up. [Editor's note: Seeds. Planting. All over the place!]
  • Kaysar told Janelle she would (long pause) probably have his vote to stay. He seems to have fallen for James' tales of woe and betrayal by Danielle.
  • Janelle said if she goes, S6 MUST work with Chill Town to stay in the game.
  • Danielle and Kaysar talked. He told her that he wasn't surprised by her nominations and he thinks she plans ahead. She didn't confirm the planning ahead at all.
  • Danielle told him that she thought he was honorable, but something was wrong within his group. She seems to be working on him to desert S6.
  • Janelle really thinks she's going to be the one going this week. Me? I'd prefer James gone and Janelle to remain. But I don't get a vote.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday Evening 8/04

<-- Mike still isn't allowed to get his foot wet due to the stitched cut.

Ah, but it gives me a reason to mention things I wish the houseguests didn't have! The hot tub. Exercise equipment. If you don't have the live feeds, it's almost impossible to imagine the noise they make drowning out some really neat backstabbing... er... conversations. Yeah, no knives involved. Well, not since Season 2, anyway.

I guess you want to know what's happened since the nomination ceremony in the Big Brother House of Acrimony:
  • If he has any confidence in Danielle's objective to remove Janelle and not him, James didn't show it... fussing, immediately heading to the S6 group to complain, yelling at the cameramen behind the walls and so on. He is NOT a happy camper even if his safety was guaranteed. He did NOT want to be nominated for any reason. If he's acting , it's good. I think most of it is an act, but I think he's a bit worried, too. He had pleaded with Danielle not to do it.
  • In her nomination speech, Danielle said something to the effect of "I'm not here to do your dirty work and I'm not going to stand around to be picked off while you decide what you want to do."
  • Danielle told Erika she moved Marcellas' key more towards the end just to make him worry.
  • Danielle is still going on and on about Janelle referring to her as a "weak player."
  • Marcellas has now latched onto Danielle. That's odd. She's not blonde.
  • Marcellas is worried that Janelle will want him to play for POV for her. [Editor's note: @@ Needs an eyeroll. He's not the strongest player she could choose and she doesn't really trust him as of late.] The houseguests seem to think they'll get to choose POV players this week, but I don't know if they have concrete news or if it's in their minds like someone returning.]
  • Kaysar told Janelle that if he wins HOH next week, he plans to nominate Danielle and Marcellas, with Marcellas the target.
  • Mike told Janelle and Howie that they've been good to them the last few weeks and if they want them to play for the Veto, just let them know. They'll do anything they want.
  • James asked Erika if his acting was good. She thinks it is.
  • Janelle fussed that no one wants to hang out with her now. She believes that James thinks it's all her fault for not putting up Will.
  • Marcellas told her nuh-uh when she asked if she had his vote.
  • Janelle told Will that even if she goes, Howie and Kaysar will work with them.
  • Kaysar told Janelle he doesn't know what he'd do or who he'd save if he won the Veto. [Editor's note: I think he might save Janelle or leave the noms as they stand. I doubt he'd save James.]
  • Kaysar also told her Howie wouldn't use it if he won it. They don't want to play favorites. [Editor's note: Hmmm... I have no clue what's going on there. I would think Howie would indeed use it to save Janelle.]
  • The S6 Players are all acting like James is still a member of their alliance, even moreso than a week ago. I don't know if it's strategy or what since they've often said how much they distrust him.
  • Will talked to Danielle for a long time. At one point he said, "I told them I was just trying to make a show here..." - FLAME/CLOUDS! They're talking like an alliance and best of friends, but I don't think either applies. She mainly talked about Janelle has to go.
  • Will told Danielle that Marcellas should assume he wanted to save Janelle and he was setting the stage so if she stays, she goes after him (Marcellas). Danielle told him that Marcellas only wanted to go against Janelle because he thought she was in with Chill Town. [Editor's note: Dang, have they thought this all three moves ahead while I'm thinking one? It sounds a bit like Danielle and Will actually want James out, Janelle to stay and Marcellas to go. Oh, no. My head hurts now.]
  • Danielle thinks Kaysar threw the HOH Comp. I barely caught him falling and it went to flame/clouds, so I can't say.
  • Will told Mike, in front of Danielle, he's committed to folks in this order: Mike, Danielle, James. He said no one would ever think James because they act like they don't like each other. [Editor's note: I said my head hurts. It hurts more now.]

The more I listen, the more confused I get. I honestly think that Danielle and Will are playing out their own personal schemes in the house. At this point I could see them being the final two.

Friday, August 04, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations 8/04

Danielle nominated James and Janelle, her original choices shortly after winning HOH. Kaysar was right - she had already decided.

I'll be posting a late night report after they do report-worthy stuff!