Friday, August 11, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations 8/11

After a really long period of blocked feeds with blaring bad music, the nominations are in. Erika and Danielle are on the block, not an unexpected move.

A full report on the various happenings of the evening will be posted a bit later. The feeds have been back for a while, but no one really confirmed it both noms until a few minutes ago.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday 8/11 Daytime

Wowsers! I've been too busy reading all the comments to post an entry! Well, maybe not that busy, but you blog readers are great! It's neat to read everyone's opinion - keep it up! It would be boring if we all cheered on the same houseguest, wouldn't it?

Did you know I don't care for James? I'm sure I've cleverly concealed my feelings.

Um... maybe not, eh?

I can't be the one to call whether the re-do of the HOH competition was fair or not. We all saw it malfunction, so that's not the issue. And, though I didn't want Erika to be HOH, I do feel sorry for her. If I were in her shoes, I'd be crying more than she has been.

Here are the events from the daytime hours in that Big Brother House of Overturns Sans Coup d'Etat:
  • BB had the hamsters up before 8 AM their time. Backyard lockdown. Oy.
  • Marcellas told Danielle he won't be hanging out in the HOH room because he's just a bleepin' floater. When he said something about Erika having a good lawsuit, the feeds went to flame/clouds.
  • Woogie (Mike/Will) discussed how they'll use hand signals to let each other know if they got the Coup d'Etat. [Editor's note: So, does Danielle have it? Or is she bluffing? Or is it something in Marcellas' mind that she has it?]
  • When Marcellas told James that he, Danielle and Erika won't vote for Janelle to win if they go on the block, James said it was shades of the Nerd Herd (S6). [Editor's note: Okay, I give him credit for that. He's right. The voting should be on who played the best game, not who likes whom.]
  • At 11 AM PT, BB opened the doors to the house to start off the food comp.
  • The comp was a Slop Cook-Off. The HG had to prepare a dish which includes BB Slop as one ingredient. Dishes included Slop Waffles, Slop Mexican, Slop Cupcakes, Slop Pancakes, SlopCakes (like crab cakes), Slop 'n Garlic Pasta and more.
  • Nicole, Jun and Marvin from previous seasons were the judges. Remember, Nicole was Will's nemesis in his season. I can still see him running that radio-controlled car into her over and over again - "I can't figure out how to work this!" THUMP! "Will, quit it!"
  • After some banter - the judges were on the plasma screen - the feeds were blocked for a bit. When they came back, the judges were gone.
  • Will's Slop Cupcakes got the second-highest score. Oh, he can bake!
  • Howie told Janie he may go Hurricane on Erika. [Editor's note: Don't, Howie. Just don't. Right now Erika has a good reason to be upset.]
  • Janelle told Mike Boogie that James has to be in their alliance. [Editor's note: Janelle, Janelle... where is your mind? Sheesh! Stop trusting James. Stop trusting Will and Mike, too... but really stop trusting James!] She really wants Danielle evicted.
  • She says the floaters will go with Danielle first, George last on the list.
  • James and Woogie said that if they can, with the POV they want to backdoor Marcellas. [Editor's note: I can think of some really obvious gay comebacks here, but I'll restrain myself.]
  • The Nominations are today. Busy day for the hamsters!
  • George thinks he'll be nominated with Danielle.
  • When Danielle and George talked, he thought her DNA answer for the Coup d'Etat (Dolly/sheep/cloned/Do Not Assume season) was right.

That's where we stand at the time of posting. Once I know the noms, I'll get the information out to you. Thank you everyone for really getting into discussion in the comments. Cool beans!

[The spirit of Nakomis must have visited my computer.]


It looks like the only slop day may be Wednesday from what they're saying. Once I can gather more, I'll post it in the next regular update late tonight.

And folks... please try to be respectful about others. I love all the discussion, but I don't want fisticuffs in the comments, please!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds NEWS Update - Overnight Into 8/11

Stop the presses!

Rescind last night's Head of House!

Don't vote for Marcellas as Prom Queen!

All that you knew could have changed on a re-do!

Has someone already guessed the Coup d'Etat?

For the first time I've ever seen on the show, the network recognized that there were technical difficulties affecting the outcome of the HOH Competition. They re-did the comp last night after the live show and Erika is NO longer HOH. From CBS - "Due to technical malfunctions of the buzz-in device" - CBS, a second HOH game was played Thursday night. Janelle won and is HOH.

Here's the rough skinny on the events from the Big Brother House of Malfunctioning Buzzers:

  • Mike Boogie told Janelle and Howie that Erika and Danielle thought Janelle shouldn't compete in the HOH re-do as she got her question wrong.
  • Both Erika and Danielle were extremely upset about the comp re-do.
  • Janelle put on a pair of jeans she hasn't worn yet in the house only to find a fortune cookie which read "You have the attitude of a winner." An omen of things to come?
  • Janelle and Howie really went at studying hard and heavy for the comp.
  • Julie Chen hosted the new comp live on the feeds, now she'll be groggy for the Kaysar interview on The Early Show.
  • The comp got down between Mike Boogie and Janelle and... Janelle is the new HOH! Upon winning, she shouted out "This one's for you, Kaysar!"
  • Danielle isn't too happy, told Janelle she must have the BB Angel on her shoulder.
  • Mike told Janelle he threw the comp to her, but other HG are saying it's the best Chill Town has ever done in a comp.
  • James, Janelle's new best friend in his own mind, went to Janelle and told her he wants Marcellas out. Janelle told him no. [Editor's note: I hope she has a mind of her own again and realizes James is not her ally! Put him on the block, Janelle!]
  • Janelle wants Danielle out.
  • Danielle and Erika think the re-do was totally unfair. Now, had they won, they'd be singing a different tune. Howie's button DID malfunction on the live show. It needed to be re-done! They want to walk out.
  • Howie suggested that Janelle make a deal with Danielle and she said "no deals." Good girl.
  • I think Danielle may be in shock. She's just repeating, "I'm done. I'm completely done."
  • There will be a food comp today (Friday).
  • George ate pizza for his last meal as his week's slop pass will expire. Poor guy. He is looking slim and trim (for George, that is).
  • Mike Boogie told Erika he didn't have the heart to tell Kaysar he was voting to evict him, but he didn't want to be against him at the end. Kaysar was too well-liked to be against anyone at the end.
  • James told Mike that Janelle will nominate only girls. [Editor's note: That would be the only two in the house - Erika and Danielle. I think Danielle will be one of her nominations. Erika maybe.]
  • Erika fussed.
  • Danielle fussed.
  • Marcellas fussed.
  • Janelle did not fuss.
  • Janelle told Howie she doesn't think she'll last much longer. Howie told her as long as she's in a comp, she has an advantage. They both think that Danielle has the Coup d'Etat.
  • Janelle wished she had her Pink Palace back, but no... this one was a bit more impromptu.
  • Janelle doesn't seem to want to nominated Marcellas, but told Howie that "Marcellas is dead to me."
  • Unfortunately, Janelle doesn't seem to realize that James turned on her and, on the whole, any S6... but especially her. [Editor's note: @@ Roll those eyes! Wake up, Janie and smell the snake!] Janelle thinks if she can get Danielle out, James will be locked into the alliance.
  • Erika went on a crying jag saying she was going to sue, so we got flame/clouds.
  • Will pushed for a Marcellas nom, but when Danielle was proposed, he said okay. [Editor's note: As long as it's not Chill Town, Woogie doesn't care!]
  • James ran to Danielle telling her Janelle wants her gone. [Editor's note: Duh, James! Danielle is a very smart woman. She already knew.]

That's where we stand at the time I post this. The comp was redone, Janelle is the new HOH and Erika's win was thrown out due to technical difficulties. We all saw that Howie's buzzer didn't work and I think we know it had to be redone no matter whose side we like. Was it fair that Janelle was in there? I think so, but your mileage may vary.

I haven't seen any definite confirmation of the Coup d'Etat, but the others all think Danielle has it (though they don't know what IT is). The answer was something to do with Dolly and the cloned sheep Dolly. I was SO off-base thinking "ewe."

I still want to vote for George for Prom King.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - The Live Eviction Show 8/10, Aftermath and More

Hmmm... just saw an ad for Sunday's show - they're showing BB Slop and said special guest judges choose the winner on Sunday. Hmmm...

Oh, well. I want to touch on the show a bit, though this won't be a full recap. First, I thought Danielle looked very nice tonight, as did Janelle. Erika needs to get off the Slop (and she will as HOH) - she's way too thin. George is George. He was funny with the outfit and the fake pipe. I remember Will had trouble getting BB to give them tape to make it.

Here's what I thought...

Call me corny, but I liked the segment with Woogie Mamas. They both seemed to be tickled. Will was a cute kid. Mike has said on the feeds that he got picked on a lot. Unfortunately, weight on a child tends to draw bullies. As much as I don't like Mike, I'm glad he slimmed down and overcame a not-so-hot childhood.

I enjoyed the pre-HOH seance. After watching the clues in the house that the houseguests didn't pick up on, it was great fun to see Holly with the missing Devil Duckie, Bunky with his namesake tarantula. But the absolute best was the chicken with George's chicken necklace! Perfect! That said, Bunky and Josh have both gained weight. Thankfully, Holly didn't talk much. And even Eric seemed to be a good sport about things.

James wasn't thinking. He knew the vote was set. He wasted his Nullify. But, it's bad for him, not for me.

Kaysar got evicted on his birthday. [Sniffle] I feel bad for him and I'll miss him, but he really isn't a match for the game.

Whoa, Julie Chen! She laid out the ugliness that is James for Kaysar to see! Excellent! I'm glad she did it, but it's ugly. Very ugly.

Then there was the HOH Comp. Howie definitely pushed the button long before he re-pushed it at Julie's request and then lost his chance at HOH. Mike pushed his and the light didn't light, but he didn't get eliminated. Howie is seething on the feeds. They blocked for a long time and I think it's due to them complaining about the equipment not functioning right. That and getting the sheep out of the house.

We seem to have a movement going in comments to vote Marcellas as Prom Queen and George as Prom King. Who's in?

The Coup d'Etat is a phrase. We know it's probably ewe, not sheep. It's part of a phrase related to the show. We have "Big Brother is watching EWE" as a possibility. I was thinking along the lines of "EWE can expect the unexpected." As clues are picked up, I'll get them to you the best I can.

The houseguests think the Coup d'Etat will result in a double eviction this week.

As I post this, Will and Howie are complaining about the slop and the comp. Mike is worrying that he called the ewe a goat on live television. They don't seem to be thinking about the clue at all. The ewe seems to have been removed during the feeds blockage.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Coup d'Etat Announced 8/10

First - America can vote a HG Prom King or Queen and it might affect the winner in the next HOH.

Coup d'Etat - Overthrow HOH and turn over nominations on the spot Only the person who wins it knows what it is and remains a secret. Clues to a well-known phrase over the next few days, first to tell Diary Room gets it. They run for clue. It's a sheep or.. an ewe. They think a lamb. I say sheep.

I say I'll post this.

<-- Screen cap added after feeds returned. No, the ewe sheep lamb isn't green. Odd lighting.