Sunday, August 13, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Evening and Overnight Into Sunday 8/13

Since flying a banner plane over the house has been an exercise in futility since the big banner plane second season, we'll just have to settle for a Zoetawny graphics banner plane. Oh, it can fly about the blog and Big Brother won't make the houseguests go inside and draw the shades. Maybe it can send telepathic messages through the Internet and Janelle may wake up! She trusts those who would be all too quick to "throw her under the bus" as they're putting it this season.

I can't help but wonder about the poor bus driver of this Bus o' Death with all these houseguests getting thrown under his vehicle harum-scarum. He'll probably need to take an early retirement. "Every time I drive my route in Studio City, I'm hitting pedestrians! I don't know where they're coming from; it's like they're falling from the sky! Or, like a giant force just throws them under my bus! I have to quit! I can't take it anymore!"

What? You came here to read about last night's events in the house? You didn't come here to listen to me ramble on about silliness. Eep! Onto the happenings from that Big Brother House of Shomances On Exhibition:

  • Howie irked Erika by talking about her previous boyfriends from BB - Robert (her ex on Ex-Factor season) and Josh (season 1). Josh was in the BB Seance on last week's live show. "No more ex-boyfriends, please Big Brother," Erika shouted.
  • George prepared about every steak west of the Rockies for dinner, planning a huge BB BBQ.
  • BB gave them alcohol, so they imbibed like the predictable little hamsters they are.
  • Danielle and Erika discussed the possibility that Janelle might be willing to have a truce, but Erika thinks not. I think not, too.
  • James said, "Both sides have a retard, Howie and Chicken George." [Editor's note: And some folks wonder why I don't like James, eh? That's an example of his mean ways.]
  • Danielle got drunk, James wanted her to stay away from the others so she wouldn't pull a "Mike Boogie" referring to the night he got drunk and made everyone angry.
  • James, Erika, Marcellas and Danielle spent a long time trashing Janelle. [Editor's note: It's as if they have a quota of time they must spend every day doing so - it's always the same old trashtalking and slamming, nothing new or exciting.]
  • Danielle tried to figure out a way to get Howie because she feels that he makes Janelle strong.
  • Will told James that they have to get rid of Janelle because "she's flirting with me and putting a huge target on me." [Editor's note: Sure, Will.]
  • Erika decided that they (floaters) were evil, they're the villains, woohoo!
  • After George cooked for them all, James said, "He's so [bleeping] annoying. Can we throw him on the grill and eat walrus tomorrow?" [Editor's note: See. He's just plain mean. I understand playing the game, but there's a cruelness in his words. George has done nothing to him.]
  • Erika is a loud and brazen drunk. Not pretty. She was yelling for them to come and get her because she's on the block.
  • Janelle said that she actually liked April - that she (A) just "fell in with the wrong crowd." [Editor's note: I've also heard Howie mention that he's seen and talked to April since last season. Out of the house does seem to be a different reality.]
  • Woogie says they want to go on The Amazing Race and win twice as much.
  • Will told Danielle not to worry, they took care of POV for her and will take care of this, too. I assume he means they'll work to make sure she's not evicted. But they also have an Erika connection (Mike), so I would guess the pawn (George?) will be their target. Dang, I hope that Janelle changes her mind and puts up James or Marcellas!
  • Danielle suggested sacrificing Erika now and Will said okay. [Editor's note: But do we believe him? I don't!]
  • Janelle got drunk. [Editor's note: Oh, why do these fools just keep on drinking that alcohol? Maybe I'm just old, but I know that alcohol isn't conducive to thinking or planning. It's better to be the one NOT drunk and pick up on what the others do or say.]
  • Audio from Erika in the Diary Room came through the feeds. She was offering to flash the BB person for more wine and he said not to do so. [Editor's note: @@ - yes, I didn't break my eyerolling... yet.]
  • Erika and Janelle, drunk in the hot tub, tried to convince Will to take off his shorts. He declined.
  • Both Erika and Janelle were more than flirting with Will - he actually looked a bit panicked. It's a hoot when Will doesn't quite know how to cope with a situation. And, in this case, it was two drunk women almost ready to molest him.
  • "But... but... I'm dating someone!" cried Will.
  • The girls try to drag Will with them in the dark HOH room. Mike got all into it and started to take off his shorts, but Erika told him not to. They wanted Will! Will kept coming out of the shower stall as if to show he still had his shorts on and would not be seduced by two crazy drunken women. Finally BB made them turn the lights back on.
  • Uh-oh. There is now whipped cream and um... body licking. [Editor's note: Covering my eyes.] Janelle wants Will to lick whipped cream off of her, Erika licked the cream off Mike. [Hiding my eyes again.]
  • They're all egging Will on - they want him to kiss Janelle.
  • Will tried to get out of it... "But I'm a bad kisser! You don't want me to kiss you!"
  • Finally they gave up, leaving Will alone in the shower.
  • He then told Janelle that "This is one of life's awkward moments. You just don't know what to say."
  • He told Erika to go to the Diary Room to do "damage control." He seems really embarrassed.
  • Erika and Mike Boogie snuggled and kissed again. It's very apparent that they do indeed have a pre-show relationship.
  • James thinks he's been nice all season. [Editor's note: @@]
  • Will, Howie and Janelle call their alliance "The Perfect Storm." [Editor's note: I think the whole house should name their alliance as the Sub-Alliances or something.]
  • Will pried James for information and played into what James wants by saying they had to get Janelle out because she's too smart. [Editor's note: That's what Will does best - he gets information for his own game by telling others what they want to hear and they just eat it up. Amazing.]
  • Danielle said she couldn't sleep because George was "calling hogs" - snoring - by her bed.
  • Will flirted with Janelle, for his own personal game, of course. He doesn't know what to do when it all gets turned on him. But when he controls the flirting, he's fine with it.
  • Howie asked Janelle if she has a deal to take Marcellas to the end and she told him she didn't.
  • Janelle now thinks that James is working with Danielle... again. Let's see if she changes her mind again tomorrow.
  • Howie thinks that George has never voted the way he said he would. [Editor's note: Not true. When George has given his word, he's stuck with it. He just didn't commit to others.]

Saturday, August 12, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Saturday 8/12

<--- Thanks to the anonymous commenter who said, "When James sleeps, he dreams he's Will" - Zoetawny made up a graphic!

Again, some answers to comments questions will start this off -
1. No, I don't want to be on the show. I would be horrible at it!
2. Yes, the BB houseguests receive a weekly stipend for the time they are sequestered prior to the show, in the house and for the time they're sequestered for the jury. That's always been the case. In the past, the stipend has been $750 a week. This year for the big stars (cough), it's increased so that supposedly their net weekly pay is $2,000. That would put it near $4,000 a week. That's why folks like Diane and Marcellas (perhaps Howie) really want to make it to sequester -- to receive that amount without really working. The winner still receives a half million and second place is still $50,000.

Onto the events of the day from that Big Brother House of Revolving Door Power:
  • Danielle and James were the first awake, just before 10 AM their time. They tried to figure the votes and decided that Danielle would probably be voted out unless they can get POV.
  • A bit before 10 AM, BB announced that the Veto Competition would start in 90 minutes. [Editor's note: Let's time BB!]
  • Will complained that a 30 minute wake-up warning would work perfectly fine - they needn't be awakened so early. [Editor's note: @@ Ten o'clock is not early!]
  • Will told BB via the cameras that if he's not chosen to play for Veto, they better find him something to do. After all, they woke him up early. [Editor's note: @@]
  • Erika, Danielle, James, Marcellas and Will are the Veto Players. Marcellas told Erika he'd save her if he wins.
  • Marcellas and Janelle had a huge verbal brouhaha (I just like to say "brouhaha" whenever I can, humor me). He screamed at her that everyone knew the HOH Comp was rigged for her to win and on and on. And on. He told her he's never said anything bad about her. [@@ - BOLD eyeroll] Janelle went back at him that he didn't play the veto to help her. He claimed that their alliance (his and Janelle's) is all he has and they were to go to the end together. He also told her that Danielle has James in her pocket. [Editor's note: Hey, Mister... I got a snake in my pocket. Wanna hear it hiss?] Then he told her James has a deal with Woogie, too! [Editor's note: Listen to him this once, Janelle.]
  • They hug and say they love each other. [@@]
  • At about 1:15 PM PDT, the feeds blocked for the POV Comp which BB slated for 11:30 AM. See! I told you!
  • Danielle won Veto and Janelle's mad at James for somehow protecting Danielle in the Veto.
  • James told Janelle she's in his alliance and he wouldn't lie to her. [@@ If I keep rolling my eyes, I'm going to get a headache.]
  • James accused Janelle of lying to him and giving other people information before telling him. Howie tried to calm both down.
  • Meanwhile, Marcellas is telling Erika and Danielle that James is in cahoots with Woogie.
  • It seems April, Jack and Scott were part of the Veto Comp.
  • Janelle had warned George last night that he may be put on the block if the Veto saves a nominee. It seems they're still leaning that way. They counted the votes they'd have to evict Erika.
  • Janelle mentioned that Erika seemed happy that Danielle won Veto - was she (Erika) stupid? -- Janelle asked that, not me.
  • Woogie is trying to do damage control and have anyone but Chill Town on the block. They claim no one would vote for George to leave. [Editor's note: They would vote him out in a second to save Erika!]
  • Woogie are still pushing the Marcellas angle, too.
  • Will said Erika had to see the show's shrink due to losing the HOH on a technicality.
  • Howie told Janelle that if they put up Marcellas while their target is Erika, if it doesn't work, they get rid of Marcellas. He doesn't want to "lose George in an accident."
  • Danielle, meanwhile, is trying to figure out how to save Erika.
  • Will shmoozed Janelle once again. He can get her every time, can't he?
  • Marcellas told Danielle all about his fight with Janelle. [@@!!]
  • Danielle told Mike and James that Marcellas told her all about his fight with Janelle. [@@!!!!]
  • Will promised Janelle he'll try hard and not throw HOH comps from now on. [@@]
  • Will told James that Janelle doesn't want to be in the finals with George. [Editor's note: Who would? George is about the only person in the house who treats all with respect and doesn't lie or scheme.]
  • Ohhh... a new clue in the backyard for the Coup d'Etat! The new clue is a huge spool of rope/thread (sort of like cable spools) and a needle. Okay, combine that with the ewe or sheep. HG are coming up with "Ewe reap what you sew." "Wolf in sheep's clothing." (As are many commenters.)
  • Janelle told Chicken George that she's going to put him up as a pawn. ARGH. That ARGH is me. Sigh. So is the sigh.
  • Will told Janelle to put him (Will) up... again.
  • Will and Janelle hope they'll get a date for an America's Choice vote.
  • Erika told Marcellas that she has a feeling they'll put up Mike Boogie in Danielle's place.

My eyes hurt. I rolled them too much. Wah. I want to see the BB Blog Shrink!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - POV Winner 8/12

I apologize for getting this posted a bit late, but...

Danielle won the Power of Veto.

A full report on the day will be posted a bit later.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Late Night/Overnight Into Saturday 8/12

Good morning fellow Big Brother Hamster-Watchers! It's a gorgeous day here in the East. I can't help but wonder what kind of day is in store for our favorite and not-so-favorite houseguests, can you?

A few things before I dive into the report --
Congratulations on going for the two-week free trial of the feeds, Blog Reader Penny! You said in comments that you're only getting advertisements. Here's an easy way to kick-start to the right address for the cams - go to this Jokers Updates page - it's their technical advice board. Across the top are hyperlinks for the cameras at varying bandwiths. Also, if you refresh the page, they have lots of tech tips. Make sure you're logged into your Real account when you try to access the feeds.

An anonymous commenter gave me one of the best lines ever. "In his sleep, James dreams of being Will." Perfect! I love it!

Many comments are tying the Coup d'Etat in with the Prom King or Queen. I'm a bit fuzzy on both concepts as it's not something I see on the feeds. But I don't think they have anything to do with each other. The Coup d'Etat is strictly the houseguests following clues in the house while the Prom King or Queen is more along the lines of an America's Choice thing with the viewers involved.

Since the houseguests do shout-outs, so can I. Nyah! Here's a shout-out to Deidre Woollard covering Big Brother recaps over at TV Squad! You rock!

Okay, onto the late night and overnight events in the Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters, Big Boys and One Buxom Blonde:
  • Will thinks Marcellas is a bitter and angry person - he expected to be a "star." [Editor's note: Y'think? All I know is that he's really changed a lot since his season. When he pouted in his season, he was actually entertaining. Now? He just comes across as nasty and vindictive. Sigh.]
  • Erika told Marcellas that she doesn't know what to believe when James talks. James told her that Danielle is the target, but she thinks she is.
  • Marcellas told Erika he thinks she (Erika) is the target. [Editor's note: I believe the target is Danielle because she's the more dangerous of the two to Janelle, but both are threats.]
  • Janelle has gained weight (according to Marcellas and Erika) while in the house. Erika, already thin, has lost weight.
  • Marcellas told Erika that he's scared that Janelle would backdoor him if he won and used the POV.
  • Marcellas has bought into the James Act. He thinks that James wants Danielle out because she put him (James) on the block last week. [Editor's note: Marcellas! You and Janelle! Wake up! His acting isn't that good... open your eyes! He tells lies! He's in cahoots with Danielle! Argh!]
  • BB confirmed the dead fly wasn't a clue after the HG talked about it for hours.
  • Erika thinks Janelle isn't a smart player, but "makes good TV."
  • When Erika told Howie the comps were "mean" this year, he told her it was a battle between Good and Evil. She then asked, "Who's good?" A nagging question indeed.
  • Danielle wondered if the clue had anything to do with the Friendsheep from last season - a nickname for Maggie and Company. [Editor's note: So... she hasn't got the Coup d'Etat? I dunno.]
  • Chicken George talked about his wife and family. He met her when he was 17 years-old and married her a year later.
  • The Legion of Doom still exists even though they fell on their faces in the POV Comp. At least, Danielle still believes in them.
  • The shomance is heating up between Erika and Mike Boogie. They flirted and kissed in the hot tub. Now, is it more than a shomance? Is it a pre-season romance? Hmmm... Will tells us it is, but can he be believed?
  • The HG don't know how POV will work with Janelle unable to compete. Will she be able to draw a player? They'll find out sometime today.
  • Janelle thinks that information leaked to Danielle is coming from Chill Town when it's really James. [Editor's note: Have I asked Janelle to WAKE UP lately?]
  • Erika and Mike smooched and spooned in the Red Room. Ohhh!
  • Will worked his ways more with Janelle. Dang, she's so gullible this season.

And that's where we are. Stay tuned!

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Friday Evening 8/11

Does Danielle really have the Coup d'Etat? Or is she bluffing? No other clues other than the sheep/ewe in the living room have surfaced. Was it guessed on that one clue? I don't think so. I think even if it had been guessed, BB would continue on with clues. This was supposed to go on for the week, so I'm holding out judgment on it for now.

Since the feeds were blocked so long for the nominations, this report will be a bit short and sweet. Well, short, anyway. It's BB All Stars; I can't promise sweet! Here are the evening's happenings from that Big Brother House of Slop Waffles and Other Gastronomical Goodies:

  • Before the nomination ceremony, Janelle told George she wouldn't be nominating him. However, if someone wins POV and removes one of her noms, she may end up putting him up. But she doesn't want to. George said he understood.
  • Apparently in the nomination ceremony, Janelle told Erika, "I like you as a person, but I despise the way you play the game." [Editor's note: Well, that was a step up from telling Mike Boogie "I'm nominating you because I dislike you."]
  • James and Marcellas once again talked about how Janelle wants all the girls out of the game, except herself of course.
  • George cooked dinner for Howie, nice guy that he is. I think George should be Prom King. I really do.
  • Will talked with Janelle about how Marcellas and some of the others (Erika, Danielle) think the game is rigged for her. She said it isn't - if it were, she wouldn't be studying so hard and trying to win comps.
  • Woogie are still pushing the "Marcellas Gotta Go" card. [Editor's note: That's a move I don't understand. Janelle says he backstabbed her and he's dead to her. Marcellas says he now hates her and wants her gone. Why didn't she put him on the block and why isn't she even entertaining the thought of backdooring him? Could it be a secret alliance and all an act? I could be way off-base, but Janelle tends to go after people she perceives as threats. Marcellas has been very vocal about wanting her out. Why is he not considered a threat? Hmmm...]
  • The current houseguests thought the returning houseguests (food comp judges Jun, Nicole and Marvin) were rude.
  • Will claimed that this year's show twist is: This show sucks!
  • Will sweet-talked Janelle and continues to work his mojo. He and Mike are sitting pretty in the safe and clear for another week unless the Coup d'Etat sinks 'em. Houseguests still have no idea what the Coup d'Etat does or means.
  • Danielle and Erika pretended to be interviewed about being nominated. I think Danielle is stressing a lot more than she's showing about this. She has on her game-face.
  • Janelle told Will that James would be trustworthy as part of their Final Five - her, Will, Mike, Howie and... James. [Editor's note: Anyone out there have a clue we can ship to a certain house in California? @@ at Janelle! Wake up!] Out of that bunch, the only one who would be loyal to her would be Howie.

Graphic by Zoetawny.