Monday, August 14, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Daytime Monday 8/14

Unlike Will, I'll try not to lie. Whenever I've tried to lie, it tends to come back and bite me.

I want to let you know that while I don't respond to every comment posted, I do indeed read them all. I'm thrilled that most folks are enjoying the blog as much as they are and I'm proud of the community that's grown in the comments area. Have I told you lately that you guys and gals rock? You do! I will be answering some questions posed in a separate entry, but I do read them all.

Here are the events from today so far in that Big Brother House of a Sulking Gay Black Man and Frat Boys:

  • For the first time in weeks, Danielle actually got up before 7:30. Of course, no one else did.
  • Well after 9:00 AM when others were starting to get up, she told Erika that she had been up since 5:30 because of George's snoring. [Editor's note: She has not!]
  • Mike told Erika and Danielle that he thinks George is just George, no big schemer or player. Both women said he played checkers well and that's a sign he uses strategy. [Editor's note: I think chess would be more telling. Or, better yet for the house, RISK!]
  • Near 10:00 AM, BB announced that the POV Ceremony would begin in two hours. [Editor's note: Okay, that would be noon. Let's keep track!]
  • Danielle thinks that if an America's Choice contest were held now, S6 wouldn't win anything. She thinks the contenders would be Will, Mike or Chicken George.
  • Danielle and George both think Woogie will make it to the end.
  • James complained to George, Erika and Mike Boogie that he hated the way Howie and Janelle celebrated upon winning HOH or Veto... or winning. [Editor's note: I think he hates them winning anything, too!]
  • Mike said Erika wouldn't put up a Chill Town if she won HOH. [Editor's note: And he should know!]
  • Woogie worked on Janelle to put Marcellas in Danielle's place on the block... again.
  • Will said Danielle told Erika not to knock him out of the POV Comp and they would save her.
  • Mike Boogie told Howie and others that Erika is probably laughing at him in the Diary Room, but he'll have the last laugh. [Editor's note: @@ Have to roll the eyes, have to!]
  • About 15 minutes AFTER the POV Ceremony was to begin, Janelle broke down and said she'd put Marcellas on the block.
  • Mike Boogie reported to Danielle that they succeeded in convincing Janelle to put up Marcellas.
  • Janelle told Marcellas and told him he's NOT going home. [Editor's note: SHE won't vote him out. She can't vote. But, dollars to doughnuts, I bet he'll be voted out over Erika unless the Coup d'Etat affects the eviction nominations.]
  • Mike still thinks he's won the Coup d'Etat and so do the others. He still has no clue what the "secret power" is.
  • Marcellas is not a happy camper. Not that he usually is this season, more more not happy than usual.
  • Mike wants to spread paranoia about the "secret power." [Editor's note: Remember, Mike... with great power comes great responsibility.]
  • Finally, at about 1 PM their time, the POV Ceremony was held and... Marcellas sure is on the block with Erika.
  • Marcellas claimed it was "the alpha-males ganging up and picking on the [homosexual]."
  • George is shocked that he'll be around another week. He was fully expecting to be nominated. Janelle told him when she won HOH that she wasn't going to nominate him, but would most likely put him on the block if the Veto was used.
  • Janelle keeps telling Marcellas he's safe because she thinks he is. He knows he's not safe.
  • James thinks Erika never broke her ribs (in the slop trough food comp.)
  • When Danielle asked James what he wants to do, he said "Chicken George is as stupid as Howie and annoys me, but I want Marcellas out."
  • Mike Boogie worked on Danielle for the Marcellas oust.
  • George went to see Janelle in the HOH room to thank her for not nominating him. He told her, "Maybe some day in the future, you'll need me. I'll be there for you. I remember." [Editor's note: And, so he does.]
  • Marcellas approached George looking for a vote to stay. George was nice, but didn't commit.
  • Woogie decided it might be best not to mention "the secret power" at all to scare people.
  • Erika asked George if she still had his vote to stay and he told her they'd talk later. [Editor's note: When they want him for something, they're all his best friends, eh?]
  • George got a giggle out of his newly-found popularity. Talking to himself, he said, "They're all asking ME for a vote!"
  • George told Erika and Danielle he'd vote for Erika to stay. [Editor's note: He's always been a bit closer to her than Marcellas. Not unexpected.]
  • Danielle and Janelle want BB to give the HG alcohol for the evening. "It makes for better television!"
  • Will wondered why there's been no America's Choice yet this season.

And, there you are... updated!

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony

Danielle used the veto to save herself. Janelle put Marcellas on the block in her place. Good. She left George alone.

A full report of today's events will be posted soon. Please stop back!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Monday 8/14

Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Boozers, Smoozers and Smoochers:

  • Boogie wants Janelle and Will to take over the Red Room.
  • They played Spin the Bottle in the hot tub. Erika, in particular, enjoyed kissing Mike.
  • In the game, she gave Janelle a quick kiss (more of a peck), too.
  • This was all wine-fueled. Of course.
  • Howie got to kiss Will. [Editor's note: I bet he was happy! Howie, not Will.]
  • Marcellas told James that he wouldn't put up him (James) or Janelle if he got HOH next week.
  • Danielle talked Howie into taking off his shorts in the hot tub. [Editor's note: Hiding my eyes.]
  • Mike Boogie mentioned to James that it will look bad that he's fooling around with the person they're all voting off this week.
  • Janelle told Danielle she doesn't cut deals. Danielle told her she (D) has no alliance. [Editor's note: @@]
  • Will told Janelle to get crazy and put James on the block.
  • Janelle told Howie that she thinks putting up CHicken George may be best. [Editor's note: No! No!]
  • James pushed Janelle more to put George on the block.

Still no real decision from the buxom blonde.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into The Night 8/13

Well, well, well... has the Coup d'Etat been won? If so, will its power be used for Good or Evil? After all, that's the theme this season -- Good vs. Evil. But, as the days go on, it's getting a bit harder to tell who's on what side.

But, that's Big Brother for you. If it were predictable, we wouldn't get so addicted. The shake-ups this season keep us hooked no matter for whom we cheer.

Here are the late afternoon and evening happenings from that Big Brother House of Wisftful Whiners and a Devil Doc:
  • James told Danielle he'd "bury the %#&$ and dance on her grave" - about Janelle. Then he added, "Except she'd have to be recycled because everything's so fake."
  • Erika told Danielle that if the Coup d'Etat phrase is "you reap what you sow" she'll argue it because she never heard it. [Editor's note: Remember, that wasn't the guess she made in the Diary Room on the show and they only get one shot at it. Although several discussed that saying when seeing the needle and thread (huge as they were), the guesses we saw on TV were made before the spool clue.]
  • Howie wanted Danielle to tell him what L.O.D. (Legion of Doom) means. She told him Love One Day as in Love One Day at a Time. [Editor's note: Well, she was put on the spot! I'm sure she would have been more creative had she received some warning he was going to push for the meaning!]
  • James and Mike Boogie once again talked about dumping Janelle the first chance they can get.
  • Howie got in his taunting mode, but not to the full hurricane. He told Erika, Chicken George, Danielle and Marcellas that they were the "True Four" in an alliance. Marcellas got very irked with him. Erika and Danielle were obviously a bit ticked. George just started singing "We All Live In The Big Brother House" to the tune of "Yellow Submarine" and then said "and one gets thrown out each week."
  • From a discussion Mike Boogie and Janelle had, it seems that BB has clarified the rules of the Coup d'Etat for the house and emphasized it's a common saying that could be applied to Big Brother. That was part of the instructions all along, but the houseguests (like us) were a bit confused.
  • Janelle told Will that Marcellas tried to make a deal with her to put up George or Mike this week and make a truce with Danielle and Erika. She says she didn't buy it.
  • Marcellas thinks that the only ones in the game who are clean are Danielle, Erika and himself. [Editor's note: @@ Gotta roll the eyes. Gotta.]
  • Erika and Janelle talked about how innocent the shower escapade from last night was. [Editor's note: @@!]
  • Will did a shout out to a friend asking him to call Erin (his girlfriend) to tell her nothing happened in the shower. Mike told him that he didn't know if they controlled it anymore. [Editor's note: The show? The game? Themselves?]
  • Howie and James started in once again on Janelle to put Marcellas on the block.
  • The third clue apparently showed up at the house - the Grim Reaper (who must've pointed at Danielle because she freaked out about it). Mike Boogie rang the bell for the Coup D'Etat and reported back all excited, sure he's won. [Editor's note: Keep in mind that BB said they won't tell the winner that he/she won until Thursday, so he's going on gut feeling. Although, the Grim Reaper did cinch the Ewe Reap What You Sew, to spell it according to the clues. He's probably right if he's the first one in with that.]
  • Erika and Danielle are really angry with themselves for guessing after the first clue.
  • Janelle told Marcellas that "the others" want him put up as a pawn. He's upset. He says that if he's put up, he'll be voted out. [Editor's note: And, he's probably very right.]
  • Danielle and Marcellas think that Janelle told Marcellas her strategy for extra votes on the jury. [Editor's note: Hmmm... that starts after the 5th week, right?]
  • Marcellas thinks that Woogie getting the Coup d'Etat is the worst imaginable scenario.
  • Will buttered up Janelle a bit more with his Will-ful Ways... trying to talk her into putting Marcellas on the block. [Editor's note: He always has a motive, but he sweet-talks his way to his point, all around it and back to the point again.]
  • Mike Boogie worked the Put Marcellas Up bit with Janelle, too. He isn't as good at shmoozing as Will is, though.
  • Mike Boogie offered James a job at one of his restaurants.

That's where we stand as I get this posted. It looks like Mike Boogie most likely won the Coup d'Etat; Janelle hasn't made a decision regarding who to put on the block when Danielle (most likely) saves herself tomorrow with the POV and Will is still working his wonders telling everyone what they want to hear. Amazing.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Sunday 8/13 So Far

I'm surprised the houseguests aren't just a wee bit hungover today. I know I would be if I drank so much and acted a bit on the crazy side. I'd be either hungover or hiding from embarrassment. Ah, but I'd never choose to be in that house in the first place, so...!

Here are the events of the day so far from that Big Brother House of Wining While Whining:

  • They slept in until past 11 AM (PDT) and BB seemed to let them do so by not blasting them with music by 10 AM. Only Danielle was up doing housework for the "early" part of the morning. Read "early" as around 9:30 or 10.
  • Will and Danielle talked. She said she "can't" vote Chicken George out, so she'd have to vote Erika if he goes up in her place on the block. [Editor's note: Good. She's keeping her word to George. Danielle has a track record for being honest once she gives her word. She told Kaysar she was going to put him on the block and more.]
  • Will told Janelle that James is in an alliance with Danielle... again. It looks like he's trying to get her to put James on the block in place of Danielle. [Editor's note: Although, I don't think he really cares who goes in the long run, as long as it isn't a Woogie! He may be worried that Janelle is considering putting Mike on the block, so he's for the replacement to be James, George, Marcellas...]
  • Howie thinks James should go. "He [BLEEPED] us yesterday, he'll do it again!" [Editor's note: Will they trust him again tomorrow?]
  • Will told Janelle she should use the HOH Spy Screen to watch for James plotting with Danielle. All the time he's talking with her, he's acting nervous and like his only concern is her safety - he'll go along with whatever decision she makes. [Editor's note: Dang, he's so good at this. Tell them what they want to hear, be their new best friend and some are so gullible... they'll believe anything you say. After all, he's your new Best Buddy!]
  • Howie, Janelle and Will talk about making a deal with Erika with the intention of putting James on the block as the target.
  • We got flame/clouds feeds-blocking when Howie said he told the producers he didn't want to be in the house with James.
  • Then Mike Boogie steps in and convinces Janelle that they need James for the numbers. Argh!
  • Mike Boogie ran to James and Danielle to tell them that he got Janelle NOT to put James on the block. He coached James what to say when he's confronted by CT and S6. Double-argh!
  • James blatantly lied (as expected) about working with Danielle. [Editor's note: Not that I would expect him to admit it. Admitting it would be the nail in the coffin for him.] He also claimed he made an innocent error in the recent POV comp; he didn't throw it.
  • And, guess what? "I'm just a buxom blonde" Janelle bought it hook, line and sinker! Sheesh. Where is her mind this season? How can she be so blind to what's going on? :::thumping head on keyboard:::
  • Now the talk swung back to putting Marcellas on the block. [Editor's note: I could deal with that. He's not fun to watch this season and seems miserable most of the time. But, I think taking out James would be a good strategical move for Janelle. He's got secret and not-so-secret alliances going with everyone in the house and no one really trusts him.]
  • Howie told Janelle she's a pushover. He's right.
  • Janelle didn't commit to putting up Marcellas. She said she would think about it.
  • Howie and Janelle told James not to sell them out for Danielle. Janelle told him that the DR compared Danielle to Maggie. [Editor's note: Whether that's true, I don't know. I do know that I like and respect Danielle as a gameplayer in the house more than I ever did Maggie.]
  • Meanwhile, Woogie told Danielle how much they're for her and support her in the game. [Editor's note: Now, don't tell me she buys their lies, don't even go there! It's bad enough Janelle is blind, we don't need Danielle bumping into her in the dark cover that is Chill Town. Keep in mind, I think Will is indeed the best player ever in the house. But Danielle, in my opinion, was second to Will. Hmmm...]
  • James reported back to Woogie that Janelle believed everything they and he said. [Editor's note: Emphatic @@ at the Gullible!]
  • Will told Mike Boogie that if Danielle gets HOH next week, they'll have to save Janelle with the veto. [Editor's note: I think they would like the Danielle/Janelle saga to continue. Heck, it takes the target off of them. But, it also may have to do with Janelle not planning to put Mike on the block this week.]

There you go. No more new clues for the Coup d'Etat and no indication that any houseguest has won it.

Graphic by Zoetawny.