Will it work? Right now, it's not looking too good. I'll get more to the point after I get what's happened through the evening hours all written up.
Here are the happenings from the Big Brother House of Inconsistent Inconsistencies:
- Howie confronted James about betraying S6. James said they did it to themselves by going with Chill Town and that Howie hasn't done anything this season but talk.
- James told Janelle and Howie that Woogie are backdooring Marcellas.
- James ran back to Woogie to report his conversation. He told them that they said Chill Town doesn't trust him. "Perfect!," says Mike.
- Then James went to the Floaters and bragged about how he told off Janelle and Howie.
- Chicken George apparently hasn't committed his vote. He told Woogie he's thinking of asking Marcellas for his slop pass in exchange for his vote.
- James told Erika that Danielle cannot drink tonight. [Editor's note: But no one's the boss of Danielle. She shouldn't drink, but she ended up doing so.]
- Marcellas told Mike that if he stays and gets HOH, he'll go after Howie and Janelle.
- Mike told Janelle that he thinks Marcellas is going to target him and S6 - they should all (CT and S6) have a meeting in the HOH Room later.
- Will started working his Will ways to turn Janelle's lead to vote out Marcellas instead of Erika. Oh, he can talk and dance those circles around her, can't he? He turns her right around and it becomes a Marcellas Bashfest.
- Over at the Legend of Doom, Danielle wants Janelle to believe she's been betrayed by Chill Town.
- Will talked to Danielle and told her that it's going to be very bad if James doesn't vote out Marcellas.
- Erika complained more about the re-do of the HOH with the floaters.
- Janelle was sticking to her guns about voting Erika out, but they all kept working on her. [Editor's note: She should have Gullible tattooed across her forehead this season. She's oblivious to the fact that everyone in the house except Howie and Chicken George are working her for their own benefit. Oh, add Marcellas to those two. He sees what's going on, but right now is powerless to stop it. Danielle has been shmoozing him, so he thinks she's the only one on his side.]
- For the longest time, Janelle was telling both CT and S6 that she'd be "pissed" if Marcellas was voted out because that would mean everyone betrayed her. [Editor's note: Precisely why Woogie's tactic is to turn Janelle around. Then they have the best of both worlds. Janelle's not mad at them and Marcellas out/Erika remains.]
- The meeting went on forever, it seemed. Finally she agreed to to talk to Erika.
- Mike went running to get Erika and prep her for what she should say to Janelle - promise to go after Danielle and not S6, etc.
- I found it interesting that when Mike was scheming with
Erika about what she should say to Janelle, this screen cap (right) shows Erika at the Fraudulent wall.
- In the end, after what seemed like forever, Janelle made a deal with Erika - she will be saved this week, but she must target Danielle if she wins HOH.
- So, Will did it again. He is the PupperMaster and proves it at every turn.
- He stayed shmoozing with Janelle for time on end while Danielle works her own magic with Marcellas to make him think she's his only friend. However, she's in the thick of it with Woogie and wants Marcellas to go instead of Erika.
There's where we stand right now. The houseguests have been told that votes will be taped tomorrow. They assume it's because the Coup d'Etat on the live show Thursday will take a lot of time, but really have no clue. They also have no idea that there's a Prom King/Queen vote going on.