Saturday, August 19, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Saturday 8/19

A house without a Howie just isn't a home. Or something to that effect. The Jedi has left the building and the whole house is more somber. It's really affecting Janelle, but the whole atmosphere seems a bit off.

From what the houseguests have said (it wasn't shown on the feeds), Howie left very badly - upset and shouting. Anyone who is into the show knows that Howie tends to act on the adolescent level at times. Yes, I like him, but he can be a lot more like a 12-year-old boy than a 30-something man. He often reacts with his gut instead of his head. I'm going to stand up and say that I do think it's better right now that it's Janelle left in the house, not Howie. I feel that if Janelle had been evicted, we'd be seeing Howie's "Hurricane Howie" rage. Since the cards were stacked against them for this week, it's best he's out of the situation.

Don't get me wrong. I'm saddened that he's out of the house - I often got a kick out of watching him and think he has a good heart (despite his antics). But, Will has it right. It is a game. Someone has to go every week. I never seriously thought Howie could win the game, so it's good he lasted this long. I wonder how well he's getting along with Marcellas in sequester?

Onto the report... what's happened overnight in that Big Brother House of Tears, Fears and Shattered Dreams?
  • Mike Boogie thinks that Janelle is acting like "a spoiled brat" over Howie's eviction. [Editor's note: I think that all of the events may be overwhelming her - Howie gone, the feeling of being alone in the house, the others cheering when she lost HOH... she may be a spoiled brat, but I think her behavior now is, if not justified, understandable.]
  • James is talking about Howie with an air of superiority - as he's so much of a better player and Howie shouldn't have been on All Stars. He credits himself with calming Howie down last season. [Editor's note: @@ - Can I have an eyeroll?]
  • Chicken George told Janelle that he didn't want to see her go out because she always stepped up her gameplay and deserved to be in the house.
  • From what Will said, they did their goodbye messages to Howie AFTER he was already gone unlike the live show where they film for both nominees. Erika told him that she enjoyed being a Jedi with him and will miss him talking about her "boobies."
  • When George asked Janelle about Howie outside of the house, she said she does hang out with him some, but with rules for him. "No light sabers." "No inappropriate comments about women."
  • Big Brother gave the houseguests bottles of wine.
  • Will said the house seems so empty because Howie was loud and large enough for three people.
  • While the HG drank wine and talked in the backyard, Janelle looked like she was quietly weeping on and off. She's really not in good shape.
  • Danielle and James sat around critiquing the S6 strategy, both last season and more specifically this season.
  • James once again reiterated how betrayed he was by S6 both seasons.
  • Danielle wished Howie hadn't gone out "like that" and said she really enjoyed him - he always cracked her up.
  • Janelle got drunk and James told her that she should be handling the situation better.
  • Janelle kept muttering how much she hates Erika and mentioned thoughts of suicide. [Editor's note: I think that alcohol and the events are fueling that talk. I feel BB should not have given her alcohol in light of how upset she is over Howie's eviction and what she perceives as her plight (alone and she thinks everyone hates her in the house).]
  • Janelle thinks she has a fever. James told her she should talk to Dr. Zachary (I'm not sure whether that's the show shrink or the medical doctor). She told him she already saw her.
  • Janelle talked about going for a DOR - a voluntary exit from the show.
  • To give James credit, he tried to peptalk Janelle, telling her what a good player she is and such.
  • Even Danielle and Erika tried to console Janelle who was openly sobbing once again.
  • Will really tried to help her. He told her that if he gets an America's Choice prize, he wants her to have it. He told her all about how worthy she is. When she said, "Stop trying to make me laugh when I'm suicidal." -- he told her not to even joke about suicide. All of a sudden, he turned into the actual Dr. Will - not an evil Dr. Will. He got her talking about anything and everything that would get her mind off of her funk. I think he does seriously care about her. No, not like a girlfriend care, but he seems genuinely concerned for her welfare. I think his approach goes above the gameplay with his reaction to her depression right now.
  • Off in the other room, Mike Boogie and Erika were laughing about Howie's departure. Mike said he should have gotten into a fistfight with Howie on the way out. [Editor's note: Big talk.]
  • When Janelle went out for a cigarette, Will told James and Danielle about what she was going through and he seems to think her depression is due to a mix of things including Howie's eviction and the fact she feels so alone.
  • Will, James and Danielle discussed nominations. Will said he doesn't know what Mike plans. He'd like Erika and Janelle, if POV is won, George on the block.
  • James told Danielle that Janelle is so upset because she "singlehandedly destroyed S6." [Editor's note: @@ A lot destroyed S6 this year - Janelle's actions going with her heart more than her head, Kaysar's indecision, James' betrayal and um... Howie being too Howie-ish at times. It wasn't all Janelle, in my opinion. Will said they didn't have time to regroup coming into All Stars too close to the end of their own season and I think that played into it, too.]
  • Will spent more time with Janelle trying to lighten the mood and get her mind off her situation.
  • Janelle said, "I just want to go to sequester now and get my $30,000."
  • Janelle kept giving Will reasons she should leave. He kept telling her reasons she should stay.
  • James told Danielle he plans on winning HOH. Of course.
  • When Janelle and Will said they would vote for George in the finals, Danielle said she wouldn't because he never would tell her his strategy.
  • Janelle admitted that Howie was one of the "dumbest players" in the game. He didn't strategize and reacted more than thinking ahead.
  • Danielle wants George gone NOW.
  • Danielle wanted to go smoke where it wouldn't be on the feeds. Aha, a closet smoker!
  • Janelle told Will she didn't plan to get rid of James when he mentioned James had to go. [Editor's note: Earth to Janelle! James is NOT on your side! Wake up already!]
  • Finally all headed to their restless dreams. No Howie wandering about getting ice cream at 4 in the morning, no Howie looking at the Memory Wall in the wee hours. Sigh. I didn't think he'd make it to the end, but it's still kind of sad.

Friday, August 18, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday Evening After Eviction 8/18

<--- Will and Erika discussing how it was to leave the house after their seasons.

It's been 24 hours of stunning developments with temperatures running high both in the house and on the Internet. I don't think any of us could have predicted the latest turn of events.

Here's what's happened this evening in that Big Brother House Without a Jedi:
  • After the feeds returned, even James seemed a bit bereft - "I've never been in the house without Howie here."
  • Janelle was crying and saying she hates Danielle, Erika and Chicken George.
  • After James consoled her, Will came along. Janelle told him that she thinks everyone hates her because they all cheered when she lost the HOH game. Will said that was the wrong thing to do. He told her that people fear her as a strong player. He also said that he's embarrassed and would understand her hating him for backstabbing her by voting out Howie. [Editor's note: The more you watch Will, the more you see that he thinks ahead and always says what people want to hear. He also sounds so sincere that it's scary. It is kind of amazing.]
  • Ohhh! He told her not to let James fool her. Good. Then he told her he wants to get Mike Boogie (new HOH) to put up Danielle and James.
  • They discussed how bad Howie took both the nomination and the eviction. According to Will, he "imploded."
  • At the end of their talk, he apologized once again and said he was sorry she felt so bad. "I'm feeling better now, Will." [Editor's note: Do you think I can have Will negotiate a raise for me at my workplace?]
  • Meanwhile, James and Danielle blame Janelle for every eviction which has taken place this season.
  • Will told Janelle that James voted for Howie to stay just for the possible jury vote. [Editor's note: Aha! He did vote for him! I guess the vote was 2 - 4.]
  • Will thinks he has no chance of winning. [Editor's note: I think if anyone should win for people manipulation skills, he should. If he gets to the final two, he just may.]
  • James thinks he'll be backdoored within two weeks. [Editor's note: Cool!]
  • Apparently Howie really lit into Chicken George at the eviction... and just about everyone else. He just lost it.
  • Although she felt better for a bit, Janelle cried again claiming she'll never be happy again. She's to the point of being almost physically ill from working herself up so much.
  • While she was upset, James kept asking her if Will said anything to her. Looking for clues? Great timing there, James.
  • Mike's HOH room tour got the quietest crowd ever. He kept saying that he didn't know the people in the pictures and wondered if Jonah (production staff) was playing a trick on him. At the mention of Jonah, we got flames. They think the pictures are of Howie's family. Now, that's a quite the error, huh?
  • Will got Janelle out of her hiding spot and tried to get her to mingle with others and check out the HOH room.
  • Janelle said Will voted Howie out because he called out all the alliances in the house.
  • Both Will (especially) and Mike Boogie defended Janelle's behavior to Danielle and Erika. For once, the guys seem to be showing some compassion. [Editor's note: Are pigs flying over Hoboken?]

The mood in the house is pretty subdued. It seems that the majority of the house is saddened not only by Howie's eviction, but the way he went out.

I wonder how he's going to get along with Marcellas in sequester?

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin

They're back up. Unlike last year they're keeping them going (probably due to the outcry).

Howie was evicted and it appears Mike Boogie is the HOH.


Forget sleep for me, I guess. An update will be posted late tonight as I gather information.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Friday 8/18

Just when you thought you had them all figured out, you remember you must...

... expect the unexpected. Not necessarily from Big Brother, but from the darn houseguests!

Here are the day's events (and there are plenty of them) from that Big Brother House of Snakes And Other Critters With Bad Reputations:
  • Way before dawn, George took the Big Brother Rules Book to study. He's taking this all very seriously and everyone has been pulling him in every direction.
  • George told Janelle that the whole house, including James, said they wanted her out.
  • He told her he will not put her on the block and he wants to team up with them (Howie and Janelle). He didn't tell them his plans, but asked that they do one more favor for him - don't vote out Erika.
  • In one of the few funny moments since late last night, George locked himself out of the HOH room. [Editor's note: Only George, only George!]
  • George then went to Erika and told her that he's secured the votes for her to stay, but once again didn't tell her who he'd be putting on the block in James' place.
  • Erika pleaded, begged, cajoled, you name it to get George to put up Janelle or Howie. She was unbelievable! Yikes!
  • Howie comforted Janelle as she cried. He said George confirmed that James was against them.
  • One thing George didn't do (although he SAID the WHOLE house was against her) was to tell her that Woogie was pressuring him to put her on the block. [Editor's note: I think he didn't specify mainly because she was already so upset. Maybe not, I'm not sure.]
  • When Janelle asked Howie if he thought Chill Town sold her out, too... he told her no.
  • Howie thinks that the others may be lying to George for their own purposes.
  • Janelle told Howie she wants Erika out tonight and she had to lie to George. She feels terrible about lying to him.
  • Howie wants to go to Woogie and tell them they have to win HOH and nominate James. [Editor's note: Ah, Howie... I thought you were catching on. Maybe not, eh?]
  • George kept walking around muttering to himself that he was doing the right thing. [Editor's note: At this point he's the only one who knows what the thing he's doing is!]
  • Erika followed him like a puppy dog and he told her he wants to put Will on the block. [Editor's note: Really? Will Will shmooze his way with George?]
  • Erika told him that Howie and Janelle are in with Chill Town and won't vote Will out - she would go. [Editor's note: Tears! Whine! Fuss! Oh, no! Almost hysterical!]
  • George told her not to tell anyone his plans.
  • Erika told George that she thinks the "secret power" Mike has is the ability to change the nominees. [Editor's note: Well, she got that right.]
  • She kept at him for what seemed like a decade as he just wanted to relax in the HOH bathtub.
  • Danielle told Mike she thought George would put up Will. Mike said he'd work on it.
  • Erika ran to Mike Boogie and Danielle and told them that George is planning to put Will on the block. [Editor's note: So much for not telling anyone, huh?]
  • She told them not to tell George that she told them. [Editor's note: Well, that fixes it.]
  • Mike told James that George wants Will evicted.
  • Will said he's fine with being put up on the block.
  • Between flame/clouds with annoying music, Will and Mike Boogie worked their mojo on George - Will with the "it's all okay" act, both with "in your best interest in the game" and so on.
  • The next thing you know... WHAM... the POV Ceremony has been held and Will is claiming to have a secret weapon... named Janelle! Howie is on the block and when he goes, Will will have Janelle on his side.
  • The Woogie theory is: If Janelle leaves, Howie will be mad. But, if Howie leaves, Janelle will run to the cover of Chill Town.
  • Apparently Howie called out all the alliances in the ceremony (which we didn't see).
  • Howie told George that he promised him he wouldn't be on the block and now he's on the block. Howie told him that if it's a tie, he should do the right thing and save him due to the broken promise.
  • George told him he couldn't do it to Janelle and there was no one left. [Editor's note: Danielle, Will, Mike...]
  • James isn't thrilled. He wanted Janelle on the block.
  • Mike told James that he was surprised George nominated Howie. They had wanted him to nominate Janelle. James wants to vote for Howie to stay. Mike told him that either way, Janelle and Erika would be out soon - LOD!
  • Danielle is just befuddled. She'd like to see George's Diary Room segments because she never knows what he's thinking.
  • James told Howie he's probably going home as his only votes are Janelle and himself (James). He said that if Chill Town was honest (@@) with their alliances, Erika would only get one vote to stay (Danielle).
  • Will and Mike told Janelle they'd vote for Howie to stay. [Editor's note: I guess we'll see about that!]
  • Janelle is going through hoops studying and practicing - she said she wants to win HOH today. That sounds like the eviction is tonight and Sunday's show will be taped.
  • Erika and Danielle are happy with the turn of events. They're sure Erika will stay.
  • Will told Danielle that James plans to vote out Erika. Danielle said, "That'll be two votes against him right there in the jury." [Editor's note: Does she honestly think James will make the Final Two and she won't?]
  • Howie packed his bag. (Sniffle)
  • Danielle told Erika that James is voting for Howie to stay.
  • George talked to Janelle. She told him she didn't care what anyone else did, she'd be voting for Howie to stay.
  • For a bit the feeds showed somethiing being set up in the backyard... the HOH comp?
  • Will told James that he should vote to evict Howie to prove he's really in their alliance. He said he had to vote to keep Howie, if nothing else than for the jury votes. [@@]
  • Will then told Mike that they need to vote for Howie to stay if James won't change his vote.
  • Will now wants Erika out, Mike wants her to stay. Will says he will keep Janelle's trust if he votes to keep Howie.
  • Woogie went to Danielle for advice. As anyone could guess, she wants them to vote out Howie. Of course.

And there you go. The feeds are down and CBS claims they'll be out until Sunday. We don't know who was voted out. We don't know the new HOH. The same thing went on last year with the double eviction. If I hear anything, of course I'll post. But it looks like I'm going to get a good night's sleep for a change! ;-)

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin

A full recap of today's events is in the works, but I have to mention a few things...

James used the veto to save himself.
George put Howie (!) on the block.
Feeds have been intermittent and it looked like they were preparing for the HOH comp when the feeds went down... most likely not to return until Sunday. They did this last year with a double eviction, too. However, there was a "slip" and we saw who went missing.

Please stop back for the day's recap to be posted within the hour and I'll update any more information I get on the feeds blackout, too.

Oh... and PLEASE don't judge other commenters here by their favorite houseguests! Everyone is entitled to have their own favorites for their own reasons. It's best to keep the comments directed at the houseguests and their actions than, "You're a jerk because you like ____!" Not only will it make it better for the commenters, but much better for me as I read a few hundred or more emails daily. Yes, I get an email for every comment. Eek, huh? Thank you!