A house without a Howie just isn't a home. Or something to that effect. The Jedi has left the building and the whole house is more somber. It's really affecting Janelle, but the whole atmosphere seems a bit off.
From what the houseguests have said (it wasn't shown on the feeds), Howie left very badly - upset and shouting. Anyone who is into the show knows that Howie tends to act on the adolescent level at times. Yes, I like him, but he can be a lot more like a 12-year-old boy than a 30-something man. He often reacts with his gut instead of his head. I'm going to stand up and say that I do think it's better right now that it's Janelle left in the house, not Howie. I feel that if Janelle had been evicted, we'd be seeing Howie's "Hurricane Howie" rage. Since the cards were stacked against them for this week, it's best he's out of the situation.
Don't get me wrong. I'm saddened that he's out of the house - I often got a kick out of watching him and think he has a good heart (despite his antics). But, Will has it right. It is a game. Someone has to go every week. I never seriously thought Howie could win the game, so it's good he lasted this long. I wonder how well he's getting along with Marcellas in sequester?
Onto the report... what's happened overnight in that Big Brother House of Tears, Fears and Shattered Dreams?
- Mike Boogie thinks that Janelle is acting like "a spoiled brat" over Howie's eviction. [Editor's note: I think that all of the events may be overwhelming her - Howie gone, the feeling of being alone in the house, the others cheering when she lost HOH... she may be a spoiled brat, but I think her behavior now is, if not justified, understandable.]
- James is talking about Howie with an air of superiority - as he's so much of a better player and Howie shouldn't have been on All Stars. He credits himself with calming Howie down last season. [Editor's note: @@ - Can I have an eyeroll?]
- Chicken George told Janelle that he didn't want to see her go out because she always stepped up her gameplay and deserved to be in the house.
- From what Will said, they did their goodbye messages to Howie AFTER he was already gone unlike the live show where they film for both nominees. Erika told him that she enjoyed being a Jedi with him and will miss him talking about her "boobies."
- When George asked Janelle about Howie outside of the house, she said she does hang out with him some, but with rules for him. "No light sabers." "No inappropriate comments about women."
- Big Brother gave the houseguests bottles of wine.
- Will said the house seems so empty because Howie was loud and large enough for three people.
- While the HG drank wine and talked in the backyard, Janelle looked like she was quietly weeping on and off. She's really not in good shape.
- Danielle and James sat around critiquing the S6 strategy, both last season and more specifically this season.
- James once again reiterated how betrayed he was by S6 both seasons.
- Danielle wished Howie hadn't gone out "like that" and said she really enjoyed him - he always cracked her up.
- Janelle got drunk and James told her that she should be handling the situation better.
- Janelle kept muttering how much she hates Erika and mentioned thoughts of suicide. [Editor's note: I think that alcohol and the events are fueling that talk. I feel BB should not have given her alcohol in light of how upset she is over Howie's eviction and what she perceives as her plight (alone and she thinks everyone hates her in the house).]
- Janelle thinks she has a fever. James told her she should talk to Dr. Zachary (I'm not sure whether that's the show shrink or the medical doctor). She told him she already saw her.
- Janelle talked about going for a DOR - a voluntary exit from the show.
- To give James credit, he tried to peptalk Janelle, telling her what a good player she is and such.
- Even Danielle and Erika tried to console Janelle who was openly sobbing once again.
- Will really tried to help her. He told her that if he gets an America's Choice prize, he wants her to have it. He told her all about how worthy she is. When she said, "Stop trying to make me laugh when I'm suicidal." -- he told her not to even joke about suicide. All of a sudden, he turned into the actual Dr. Will - not an evil Dr. Will. He got her talking about anything and everything that would get her mind off of her funk. I think he does seriously care about her. No, not like a girlfriend care, but he seems genuinely concerned for her welfare. I think his approach goes above the gameplay with his reaction to her depression right now.
- Off in the other room, Mike Boogie and Erika were laughing about Howie's departure. Mike said he should have gotten into a fistfight with Howie on the way out. [Editor's note: Big talk.]
- When Janelle went out for a cigarette, Will told James and Danielle about what she was going through and he seems to think her depression is due to a mix of things including Howie's eviction and the fact she feels so alone.
- Will, James and Danielle discussed nominations. Will said he doesn't know what Mike plans. He'd like Erika and Janelle, if POV is won, George on the block.
- James told Danielle that Janelle is so upset because she "singlehandedly destroyed S6." [Editor's note: @@ A lot destroyed S6 this year - Janelle's actions going with her heart more than her head, Kaysar's indecision, James' betrayal and um... Howie being too Howie-ish at times. It wasn't all Janelle, in my opinion. Will said they didn't have time to regroup coming into All Stars too close to the end of their own season and I think that played into it, too.]
- Will spent more time with Janelle trying to lighten the mood and get her mind off her situation.
- Janelle said, "I just want to go to sequester now and get my $30,000."
- Janelle kept giving Will reasons she should leave. He kept telling her reasons she should stay.
- James told Danielle he plans on winning HOH. Of course.
- When Janelle and Will said they would vote for George in the finals, Danielle said she wouldn't because he never would tell her his strategy.
- Janelle admitted that Howie was one of the "dumbest players" in the game. He didn't strategize and reacted more than thinking ahead.
- Danielle wants George gone NOW.
- Danielle wanted to go smoke where it wouldn't be on the feeds. Aha, a closet smoker!
- Janelle told Will she didn't plan to get rid of James when he mentioned James had to go. [Editor's note: Earth to Janelle! James is NOT on your side! Wake up already!]
- Finally all headed to their restless dreams. No Howie wandering about getting ice cream at 4 in the morning, no Howie looking at the Memory Wall in the wee hours. Sigh. I didn't think he'd make it to the end, but it's still kind of sad.